Rhone American Military Cemetery, Draguignan, France
Video of this well looked after Military Cemetery in the south of France - wiki says The Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial is an American war cemetery in Southern France, memorializing American soldiers and mariners who died in Second World War operations in that area. The cemetery covers 5.1 hectares (12.5 acres) within the city of Draguignan. The cemetery is named for the Rhone river and its watershed, where most of those interred fought and died. The cemetery adjoins the civilian cemetery of the city of Draguignan. It was started during World War II combat operations in 1944, with the memorials, landscaping, and improvements added after the war. The cemetery was built and is operated by the US government, with support from the host country of France.
Those interred died mostly in the summer of 1944 during Operation Dragoon, the Allied invasion of Southern France from the Mediterranean, which followed the Allied invasion of Normandy. This operation was designed to open a second beachhead and Allied combat zone in France, threatening the Axis units confronting the Normandy combat zone, and thus to accelerate the Allied drive into Western Europe. Those interred were mainly part of the U.S. Seventh Army, in particular the US 45th Infantry Division, the US 36th Infantry Division, and the US 3rd Infantry Division.
We shall remember them.
Rhone American Cemetery
Set in the city of Draguignan, France, 28 miles west of Cannes, the 12.5-acre Rhone Cemetery is the site of 861 graves of American War Dead, most of whom gave their lives in the liberation of southern France in 1944. The retaining wall of the chapel terrace contains the names of 294 missing. For more information, visit abmc.gov
Rhone American Cemetery, Draguignan, France, August 16, 2011
The Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial is an American war cemetery in Southern France, memorializing American soldiers and mariners who died in Second World War operations in that area. The cemetery covers 12 acres (49,000 m2) within the city of Draguignan. The cemetery is named for the Rhone river and its watershed, where most of those interred fought and died. The cemetery adjoins the civilian cemetery of the city of Draguignan. It was started during WWII combat operations in 1944, with the memorials, landscaping, and improvements added after the war. The cemetery was built and is operated by the US government, with support from the host country of France.
Rhone American Cemetery Ceremony
DRAGUIGNAN, FRANCE (Aug. 16, 2014) – U.S. military personnel join veterans and local nationals in Draguignan, France for a commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Operation Dragoon, which led to the liberation of Southern France by Allied Forces.(U.S. Air Force Video by Senior Airman Levi Rowse)
Memorial Day 2013 - Rhône American Cemetery
Participation de Mémoire de Provence 39/45 et de Forty Four Memories aux cérémonies de Memorial Day 2013, au Cimetière Militaire des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, à Draguignan. Un des 14 cimetières militaires US en Europe.
Ceci n'est qu'une courte vidéo car ayant l'honneur de faire partie du piquet d'honneur, je n'ai pas plus d'images que celles de la mise en place.
2017 Memorial Day at Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial. Draguignon, France
Memorial Day, 2017, In honor of those who gave there lives to protect our freedom.
Where: Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial. Draguignon, France
Pilot:Titto Medina
Callsign: FunkyCool
Aerial Platform: DJI Mavic Pro
Music by: Initiation
Operation Dragoon 75th Anniversary Rhone American Cemetery Memorial
Rhone American Ceremony held a memorial in honor of the 75th anniversary of Operation Dragoon August 16, 2019 in Draguignan, France.
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Credit to : Petty Officer 2nd Class Sean Castellano
- Defense Media Activity - Europe Africa
DFN:Memorial Day 2018 at Rhone American Cemetery, FRANCE, 05.27.2018
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Defense Flash News:
Memorial Day 2018 at Rhone American Cemetery
Video by Petty Officer 3rd Class Cody Hendrix
Defense Media Activity - Europe Africa
United States European Command participating in the Memorial Day 2018 Ceremony at Rhone American Cemetery. (Social Media)
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Rhone American Cemetery WWII Memorial
U.S. and French partners honored World War II veterans who fought in Operation Dragoon to liberate southern France.
Rhone American Cemetery WWII Memorial
The American Battle Monuments Commission hosted a memorial ceremony at Rhone American Cemetery for World War II veterans who fought in Operation Dragoon.
Rhone American Cemetery
While on our trip in France we went to this Cemetery and got there just before they were closing. There was a guy bringing the flags down on his own and I was worried it would not get done right so I offered to help. Guy was really nice and we stayed way past closing time looking around.
ADRS DRAGUIGNAN, Julien LAUTREC, Champion de France 2018, DN1 Junior, Programme long
us cemetery.mpg
ville de draguignan - cimetiere americain juin 1945
Rhone American Cemetary
Where Dad works in southern France.
PRIME CUT: Rhone Cemetery
The Cemetery Is Where Zombies Go To Get Buried Alive
Oktuber Fest 2010
Draguignan - 16 Agosto 2010 - Cerimonia al cimitero Americano
Durante la cerimonia al Cimitero Americano di Draguignan in Provenza (FR) due reparti di ricostruzione storica entrano inquadrati al cimitero per rendere gli onori. Come per l'ingresso c'è anche l'uscita dei due reparti. La cerimonia per intero era troppo lunga per accluderla in questo video.
*Why look for the living in a cemetery?*
*Easter Sunday*
Jesus was buried in a borrowed grave, true to form. He'd borrowed the donkey on Palm Sunday and the supper room on Holy Thursday...why change a winning formula.
The US cemetery of Draguignan