Navegando por el Rio Ebro (Riu Ebre, Benifallet????)
Riu Ebre Autofähre Miravet
Ausflug an den Riu Ebre Spanien
Lo Riu Ebre en 4K - Vista de Dron
Recorregut del Riu Ebre a Catalunya, travessant les poblacions següents (per ordre): Riba-Roja d'Ebre, Flix, Ascó, Vinebre, Garcia, Móra la Nova, Móra d'Ebre, Benissanet, Ginestar, Miravet, Benifallet, Tivenys, Xerta, Aldover, Tortosa, Amposta, Deltebre i Sant Jaume d'Enveja.
Kayak Miravet Benifallet Riu Ebre Juliol 2017
Benifallet Riu Ebre ???? Nice Town????
kayak de Miravet a Benifallet 17 master DRON
descens amb kayak del riu Ebre de Miravet a Benifallet, video amb dron editat per amb ParcDeltaventur
Pas de Barca de Miravet (Tarragona-Spain).avi
Pas de Barca que creua l'Ebre. Situat al devant del poble de Miravet, dominat pel seu castell Templer.
Dels pocs transbordadors o pot ser l'unic que ens queda ja, que es mou única i exclusivament utiltzant l'energia de la pròpia corrent de l'aigua del riu Ebre. Penjat d'una curriola a una sirga que va de banda a banda del riu, es desplaça tot movent els dos timons dels que disposa la plataforma de doble casc tipus catamarà.
Kayaking on the Ebro River in Catalonia - Kayak Miravet to Benifallet
Kayaking on the Ebro River in Catalonia, all downstream of course! Paddling between the scenic castle at Miravet and Benifallet along the Ebro river was a lovely experience, and also just one of a number of outdoor activities I tried during my time in Catalonia.
Leaving from Miravet, the impressive castle was on the right as we headed down towards Benifallet. The Ebro river is popular with anglers who fish for catfish, and also wildlife watchers. There are plenty of birds here of all types! If you would like to find out more about outdoor activities along the Ebre River, check out this blog post -
Riu Ebre maig de 2008, 2000m3/s
Video des de l'embarcador de Ginestar, los banquets estàn inundats xeic
Canoa-Kayak: Ruta Miravet - Benifallet
Disfruta de esta maravillosa ruta en Kayak. Des de el pueblo templario de Miravet hasta Benifallet, pasando por el espectacular congosto del río Ebro. Naturaleza salvaje en estado puro!
Miravet a 4K
Volando sobre el río Ebro a la altura de Miravet
Miravet y el rio Ebro
Miravet y el rio Ebro
Beautiful village of Miravet
Exploring the River Ebro in Catalonia. Then spotted this stunning old village with a striking castle on top of the village. Did a quick tour and I was just in love with the view. I walked inside the village going up to the castle is not a bad idea after all. And we airbnb in El Pinell de Brai with our lovely host and her beautiful home. Enjoy watching this video!! Subscribe if you enjoy it! Thanks a lot guys!! Happy travelling to all!!!
Navegando por el Rio Ebro ( Riu Ebre , Benifallet )
El rio Ebro ( Ebre en catalán ) es el rio más caudaloso de España. Por ello en su parte final que transcurre por la provincia de Tarragona es navegable. El tramo que vemos en el video es el que transcurre por el término municipal de Benifallet , comarca del Baix Ebre. Navegar por un rio caudaloso relativamente cerca de su desembocadura es muy relajante ya que el agua fluye harmoniosamente y tranquila sin olas. Son imágenes relajantes ideales para ver repetidas veces. Relax en estado puro. Gracias por comentar y compartir.
BLOG ECOVIVENCIAS,Ecologia y Vida Sana
[SlowTV] Miravet (Catalonia)
Albada a Miravet amb vistes al castell i al riu Ebre / Sunrise at Miravet with views of the castle and the Ebre river.
Terme municipal / Municipality: Miravet, Tarragona.
Localització / Location: 41.040765, 0.599850
Boats of Velta Ebre in Spain
a ferry that crosses cars from one side of the bank to the other. A couple of clips on that ship and also focusing on a tourist mini ship that takes people around the delta to see wildlife. In Velta Ebre, Spain. Summer 2009.
Thanks for commenting!
Miravet Spain
Michiel en de rivier
Kayak Aventura a l'Ebre. Miravet Benifallet
Aventura amb kayak a l'Ebre. Visita, i
Vive en primera persona un descenso del Ebro en kayak. facil y seguro, experiencias y emociones que no debes perderte. Con toda la familia o amigos.
The Ebro (Ebre) River: Flix to the Mediterranean Sea by kayak
Not ready for another bleak winter, two kayakers from Ohio head to sunny Spain in search of some serious Mediterráneamente. Arriving in Catalonia, the two paddle down the Ebro River from the town of Flix to the Mediterranean Sea. A river journey of four days with overnight stops in the towns of Miravet, Tortosa, and Deltebre, their route covered a varied and incredibly beautiful landscape. With their journey completed, these two tired and happy kayakers give maximum kudos to the guys at Rogles Aventura in Flix for providing everything necessary for their successful river/sea adventure.