Places to see in ( Nuremberg - Germany ) Johannisfriedhof Nurnberg
Places to see in ( Nuremberg - Germany ) Johannisfriedhof Nurnberg
The Johannisfriedhof is a cemetery in Nuremberg with historical and artistically valuable bronze epitaphs as well as historically significant lying tombstones ( tombstones ) and burial places of famous Nuremberg from four centuries. Because of the many rose bushes he is also called Rosenfriedhof . Due to the historical sights , the Johannisfriedhof is a destination within the framework of a cemetery tourism and a station within the historic mile of Nuremberg . The epitaphs were in theBavarian State Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage added.
The cemetery is located west of the Nuremberg city wall in St. Johannis , which was incorporated in 1825. In the middle of the cemetery is the 13th-century St. Johannis Church . On the eastern edge is the round Holzschuher chapel (1513-1515), which Hans Beheim is attributed to the Elder .
The former cemetery of the old settlement Johannis was in the 10./11. Century created. Germ cell for the later Johannisfriedhof was 1234 a Siechkobel (leper house) for leprosy patients . Around 1395, the plague cemetery was consecrated there with the Stephanus chapel (the later Holzschuherkapelle).
In Nuremberg, the deceased were buried in the cemeteries in the Middle Ages, which surrounded the two parish churches of St. Sebald and St. Lawrence . During the great plague epidemics of the late Middle Ages , in 1518, the Council prohibited any burial in these old cemeteries within the city walls. For the parish of St. Lawrence the Rochusfriedhof was newly created near the Spittlertor . The deceased Sebalder citizens were buried in the Johannisfriedhof, which existed since the 13th century. There was the leprosy cemetery behind the church and since 1518 also the plague cemetery. 1644 took place under the pastor Wolfgang Jacob Dümleran extension of the cemetery.
From the city to the cemetery leads the Nuremberg Way of the Cross with seven stations, which were created in 1506-1508 by Adam Kraft . Since the 20th century, only copies of these works have been on the Way of the Cross. The original stations are in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum , the crucifixion group in the Heilig-Geist-Spital and the entombment in the Holzschuherkapelle.
( Nuremberg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Nuremberg . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Nuremberg - Germany
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Nürnberger Rochusfriedhof vor 500 Jahren geweiht | BR24
Vor 500 Jahren wurde der Nürnberger Rochusfriedhof geweiht. Nürnberg war in den Jahren zuvor von einer heftigen Pest-Epidemie heimgesucht worden. Die Stadt hatte daraufhin beschlossen, den Friedhof anzulegen.
Bayerischer Rundfunk:
Autor: Gisela Staiger
Der Nürnberger Rochusfriedhof
Wie auch der Johannisfriedhof ist der Rochusfriedhof im Stadtteil Gostenhof einer der mittelalterlichen Friedhöfe Nürnbergs. Auf diesem Friedhof liegt Martin Behaim begraben, Nürnbergs großer Seefahrer und Erfinder des Globus, ein Zeitgenosse Christopher Kolumbus.
Johannis-Friedhof in Nürnberg: UNESCO-Kulturerbe | Stationen | BR
#Friedhof #Epitaphienkunst #UNESCO-Kulturerbe
Epitaphien sind auf Grabsteinen angebrachte Relieftafeln. Die so gestalteten Gräber findet man auf dem Johannisfriedhof in Nürnberg in großer Zahl. Thomas Haydn trägt dazu bei, dass diesen Kunstschätzen wieder Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird und dass die Nürnberger Epitaphienkunst 2018 in das immaterielle Kulturerbe der UNESCO aufgenommen wurde.
BR Mediathek:
Autor: Iris Tsakiridis
Die Friedhöfe St. Johannis & St. Rochus in Nürnberg
Friedhöfe haben für mich nichts Abschreckendes an sich. Vor allem in größeren Städten sind viele dieser Begräbnisstätten parkähnlich angelegt, und bilden in mitten der Stadt grüne Oasen der Ruhe.Die alten Nürnberger Friedhöfe St. Johannis und St. Rochus entfalten auf mich eine ganz besondere Wirkung, und sind auch kulturgeschichtlich sehr bedeutsam. Vor Allem der St. Johannisfriedhof ist weltbekannt, und ein beliebtes Touristenziel. Liegen hier doch so berühmte Söhne der Stadt wie Albrecht Dürer, Hans Sachs, oder Veit Stoß.Neben dem einheitlich genormten Gräberfeld mit den künstlerisch gestalteten Bronzeepitaphien die von unzähligen Rosenbüschen gesäumt werden, ist aber auch der neueren Teil des Friedhofs mit vielen aufwändig gestalteten Grabstatuen sehenswert - ebenso wie die mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Kirchen und Kapellen.
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Der Johannisfriedhof in Nürnberg
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Beautiful Cemetery in Europe
Free video about St. John's Cemetery. This free video was created for you by and can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of as the original author of this St. John's Cemetery video.
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The St. John's Cemetery is a world famous cemetery in Nuremberg with historical, artistically valuable Bronzeepitaphien designed, culturally and historically situated significant (standardized) grave stones and grave Insert famous Nuremberg from four centuries. Because of the many rose bushes he is also called Rose Cemetery. Due to the historical sights of St. John's Cemetery is a world famous tourist destination in the context of a cemetery tourism and a station within the Historical Mile of Nuremberg.
The cemetery is located west of Nuremberg city wall in St. Johannis, which was incorporated in 1825. In the midst of the cemetery is originally from the 13th century St. John's church. On the eastern edge is the round wood Schuher -Kapelle (1513-1515), the Beheim Hans the Elder attributed. The former cemetery of the old settlement locust was about the 10th / 11th Century created. Nucleus of the later St. John's Cemetery was 1234 Siechkobel (Aussätzigenhaus) for lepers. For 1395 there the plague cemetery was consecrated with Stephen Chapel (later Holzschuherkapelle).
At Nuremberg, the dead, the two parishes were buried in the Middle Ages in the cemeteries, St. Sebald and St. Lorenz surrounded them. During the great plague of the late Middle Ages, the Council said in 1518 but any funeral on these old cemeteries within the city walls. For the Parish of St. Lawrence was near the Spittlertor Rochusfriedhof created. The Sebalder citizens were buried in the St. John's Cemetery, which existed since the 13th century. There was the Leprösenfriedhof behind the church since 1518 and also the cemetery.
From the city to the cemetery leads Nuremberg Way of the Cross with seven stages: 1506-1508 by Adam Kraft created. Today at the crossroads only copies of these works are situated. The original stations are located in the Germanic National Museum in Nuremberg, the Crucifixion in the Holy Spirit hospital and burial in the Holzschuherkapelle.
The St. John's Cemetery is in the 13th century in the former north-western suburb of St. Locust at the former St. John Siechkobel emerged around - the oldest surviving dating from the year 1238. Later, the area has grown together with an adjacent plague cemetery and several expansion areas. In the 16th century, when the Council officially banned burials within the city walls, the St. John's Cemetery burial place for the dead of Sebalder half of the city was, whereas the Rochusfriedhof Lorenzer state.
In the Middle Ages it shifted the funeral in the area of the church building. Man leaning based on the Germanic-Celtic tradition burial as well as cremation from a pagan. In many religions, the cemetery is a sacred place. In Christianity it is traditionally consecrated by the responsible minister. This ritual meaning of the cemetery has produced a number of taboos, moral obligations and laws. A cemeteries Catholics are called also campossantos, since in Pisa, when in compliance with hygiene authority ordered to close the cemetery, which was built in the thirteenth century within the city, the ground was covered with a layer of land, which the Pisan galleys had brought from the holy places of Jerusalem.
Then, by donating some powerful cemetery in which were built were erected altars and chapels for funeral ceremonies and devotions however observed civil laws prohibiting buried in town. One of the oldest still in use in the Netherlands are other cemeteries Moscowa in Arnhem and Cemetery and Old Oak Dunes in The Hague. The Hague cemetery is already in the 14th century named as parish cemetery in documents.
By extension, the cemetery is any public and sacred ground where, after a ceremony, we bury the dead of the same human group or individual graves lignagières where their memory is generally marked by a monument, symbols or inscriptions. General Cemetery term eventually encompass the field of funeral and cemetery. A cemetery or graveyard is where lie the bodies of the dead. Depending on the culture of the place, the bodies can be left in a coffin or simply can be enclosed in cloth or animal fat. Then be buried underground, placed in a vault or other grave. The word comes from the Greek cemetery koimetérion meaning bedroom, since according to Christian belief, the cemetery we went to sleep until the time of the resurrection.
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The graveyard is famous for its many roses and is also known as Rosenfriedhof, meaning Rose Cemetery. Many important citizens, including painter Albrecht Dürer and sculptor Adam Kraft, are buried here. There has been a cemetery on the site since the thirteenth century. The church was built in the fourteenth century and happily survived the bombing raids during World War II. Bronze tablets on the uniform headstones are engraved with epitaphs and coats of arms.
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