Kaymaklı Underground City, Cappadocia, Turkey
Kaymaklı Underground City (Cappadocian Greek: Μαλακοπή) is contained within the citadel of Kaymaklı in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. First opened to tourists in 1964, the village is about 19 km from Nevşehir, on the Nevşehir-Niğde road. The ancient name was Enegup. The houses in the village are constructed around the nearly one hundred tunnels of the underground city. The tunnels are still used today as storage areas, stables, and cellars. The underground city at Kaymaklı differs from Derinkuyu in terms of its structure and layout. The tunnels are lower, narrower, and more steeply inclined. Of the four floors open to tourists, each space is organized around ventilation shafts. This makes the design of each room or open space dependent on the availability of ventilation.
A stable is located on the first floor. The small size of the stable could indicate that other stables exist in the sections not yet opened. To the left of the stable is a passage with a millstone door. The door leads into a church. To the right of the stables are rooms, possibly living spaces.
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Kaymakli - Anatolia Centrală din Turcia - Cappadocia - 05_09_2019
Orașul subteran Kaymakli se află în cetatea Kaymakli din regiunea Anatoliei Centrale din Turcia. Primul deschis pentru turiști în 1964, satul se află la aproximativ 19 km de Nevșehir, pe drumul Nevșehir-Niğde.
Orașul subteran Kaymakli este construit sub dealul cunoscut sub numele de Cetatea Kaymakli și a fost deschis vizitatorilor în 1964. Oamenii satului Kaymakli (Enegup în limba greacă) și-au construit casele în jurul a aproape o sută de tuneluri ale orașului subteran. Locuitorii regiunii folosesc în continuare cele mai convenabile locuri din tuneluri ca pivnițe, spații de depozitare și grajduri, pe care le accesează prin curțile lor. Orașul subteran Kaymakli are pasaje joase, înguste și înclinate. În timp ce orașul subteran este format din 8 etaje sub pământ, doar 4 dintre acestea sunt deschise publicului de astăzi, în care spațiile sunt organizate în jurul puțurilor de ventilație.
Datorită rocii vulcanice moi, oamenii Kaymaklı au construit acest splendid oraș subteran în jurul caselor lor din motive de securitate. De asemenea, se găsesc tunele speciale, secrete conectate la orașul subteran și la acele case. Ori de câte ori s-au întâmplat atacuri, aceștia puteau utiliza temporar aceste tuneluri private pentru a trece capodopera subterană pentru a se proteja.
The underground city Kaymakli is located in the Kaymakli fortress in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. First opened to tourists in 1964, the village is approximately 19 km from Nevsehir, on the Nevşehir-Niğde road.
Kaymakli Underground City is built under the hill known as Kaymakli Fortress and was opened to visitors in 1964. The people of Kaymakli Village (Greek Enegup) built their homes around nearly one hundred underground tunnels. The inhabitants of the region continue to use the most convenient places in the tunnels as cellars, storage spaces and stables, which they access through their courtyards. The underground city of Kaymakli has low, narrow and inclined passages. While the underground city consists of 8 floors below the ground, only 4 of them are open to the public today, in which the spaces are organized around the ventilation wells.
Due to the soft volcanic rocks, the Kaymaklı people built this splendid underground city around their homes for security reasons. There are also special tunnels, secrets connected to the underground city and those houses. Whenever attacks occurred, they could temporarily use these private tunnels to cross the underground masterpiece to protect themselves.
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Nevşehir'e Turist Çeken Gezilecek Yerler Detaylı | My Trip To Nevsehir Tourist Attractions
Bu videoyu sonuna kadar izlediğinizde en az bir Nevşehirli kadar bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz Nevşehir'e en çok turist çeken turistik mekanları gezilecek ve görülecek yerleri detaylı bir bilgiyle videoya aldık ... başlıcaları kapadokya balon gezisi göreme ürgüp üçhisar derinkuyu yeraltı şehri özkonak yeraltı şehri paşabağlar zelve vadisi üçhisar kalesi ve daha bir çok yer vb ... umarım bu Nevşehir'e Turist Çeken Efsane Yerler Detaylı video beğenirsiniz ... iyi seyirler ...
Nevşehir Gezip Görülecek Yerler Listesi
1-Kaymaklı Yeraltı Şehri
Kaymaklı Yeraltı Şehri: Sekiz katlı olan bu devasa güzelliğe sahip olan yeraltı şehri önerilen yerler arasında ilk sıralardadır. Oldukça derin olmasına rağmen havalandırma sistemi çok başarılı bir şekilde inşa edilmiştir.
2- Zelve Vadisi
Zelve Vadisi: Sizi en çok etkileyecek Vadilerden biri olmaya adaydır. Zelve Vadisine giderken rahat kıyafetler giymeyi unutmayın. Çünkü tırmanışlarınız kolay olmayabilir.
3- Özkonak Yeraltı Şehri:
Muazzam Dizaynı ile en çok ilgi çeken yeraltı şehridir diyebiliriz. Temizlik bakımından çalışmaları sürsede, Geniş alanlara yayılıp birbirlerine bağlanan bir çok tünel olması bir o kadar keyifli.
4- Nevşehir müzesi:
Osmanlı tarihinden kalma eserler gibi bir çok esere ev sahipliği yapmakta. Size önerimiz Nevşehir gezinizde müze ziyaretlerinizi sona saklayıp aklınızda yer etmesini sağlamanızdır. Görsel Avanos Atölye ve Yeraltı Müzesinden alıntıdır. Bu atölyeye uğrayıp kendiniz Çanak Çömlek hazırlayabilirsiniz.
5- Avanos Çömlekleri:
Ürgüp, Göreme gibi Kapadokya’nın üç turistik merkezinden biri olan Avanos’un orta yerinden akan nice bilinmeyene sırdaş Kızılırmak, tüflü kızıl toprağını asırlardır bir hediye gibi geçtiği yerlere bırakırken, aslında bir sanatın doğmasına da vesile olmuş. Bu kırmızı toprak ve mil karışımıyla elde edilen seramik hamuruna Avanoslu sanatçıların el emeği göz nuru değmiş ve dünyada Nevşehir Avanos çömlekleri denilince akla gelen bir yer haline getirmiş.
6- Hacı Bektaş Veli Müzesi:
Hakkında bilgi edinmiş olmasanız bile ismine aşina olduğumuz Hacı Bektaş Veli, Sadece bizim değil tüm dünya tarafından da ün sahibidir. Göze hitap açısından da muhteşem görünüme sahiptir.
7- Göreme Açık Hava Müzesi:
Bir vadi oluşturan alanda, kaya blokların içinde kiliseler, şapeller, yemekhaneler ve oturma mekanları oyulmuştur. Göreme Açık hava Müzesi 6 Aralık 1985 tarihinden bu yana doğal ve kültürel varlık olarak UNESCO’nun Dünya Mirası listesinde yer almaktadır.
8- Mahzen Şarapevi: Ürgüp’ün Turizmcilikten sonra en büyük geçim kaynaklarından biri üzüm ve üzümcülüğe dayalı şarapçılık. Gezerken her sokak başında bir mahzen eviyle karşılaşıyorsunuz. Tatmadan dönmeyin.
9- Kapadokya Balon Gezisi:
Geleneksel olarak düzenlenen Kapadokya balon gezisi sayesinde günü birlik muhteşem ve bir o kadar heyecanlı bir gün geçirebilirsiniz.
10- Temenni Tepesi:
Ürgüp ilçesinin merkezinde bulunuyor. Deniz seviyesinden yaklaşık 1.140 metre yükseklikte olan tepe, Ürgüp şehir merkezinden yaklaşık 80 metre yükseklikte, Ürgüp’ün neredeyse her tarafından görülebilen kaya oluşumu. Güney, batı ve doğuya bakan yamaçları yaklaşık 30 metrelik kaya duvarı olan Temenni Tepesi’nin altındaki seyir balkonuna çıkan yaklaşık 80-100 metrelik bir kaya oyma tünel bulunuyor
11- Uçhisar Kalesi:
Kapadokya’nın en yüksek yerleşimi olan noktada yer alan Uçhisar Kalesi, bölgenin en güzel panoramik seyir noktası sayılır. Kale içerisinde bulunan odalar birbirine merdivenler, tüneller ve koridorlarla bağlanmış. Çok katlı olan kalenin bazı bölümleri çökmüş, tüm odalara ulaşılamıyor.
12- Paşabağlar:
Vadi yamaçlarından akan sel sularının ve rüzgârın da şiddetli etkisiyle tüflü yapıların aşınması sonucunda meydana gelen bu oluşumlar konik gövdelere sahipler. Tepe kısımları itibariyle bir çatıyı ya da bir mantarı anımsatan bu yapıtların üst kısımlarında bulunan kaya bloklarının çapları 1 metre ile 15 metre arasında değişiyor.
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Kaymakli Underground City/ Cappadocia Tour Part-2
Kaymakli Underground City (Turkish: Kaymaklı; Cappadocian Greek: Ανακού) is contained within the citadel of Kaymakli in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey.[1] First opened to tourists in 1964, the village is about 19 km from Nevşehir, on the Niğde road.
The ancient name was Enegup. Caves may have first been built in the soft volcanic rock by the Phrygians, an Indo-European people, in the 8th–7th centuries B.C., according to the Turkish Department of Culture.-The houses in the village are constructed around the nearly one hundred tunnels of the underground city. The tunnels are still used today as storage areas, stables, and cellars. The underground city at Kaymakli differs from Derinkuyu in terms of its structure and layout. The tunnels are lower, narrower, and more steeply inclined. Of the four floors open to tourists, each space is organized around ventilation shafts. This makes the design of each room or open space dependent on the availability of ventilation.
A view showing several floors at once.
A stable is located on the first floor. The small size of the stable could indicate that other stables exist in the sections not yet opened. To the left of the stable is a passage with a millstone door. The door leads into a church. To the right of the stables are rooms, possibly living spaces.
Located on the second floor is a church with a nave and two apses. Located in front of the apses is a baptismal font, and on the sides along the walls are seating platforms. Names of people contained in graves here coincide with those located next to the church, which supports the idea that these graves belonged to religious people. The church level also contains some living spaces.
A remarkable block formation of andesite (a volcanic rock) with several holes, used in Kaymakli for cold copper processing.
The third floor contains the most important areas of the underground compound: storage places, wine or oil presses, and kitchens. The level also contains a remarkable block of andesite with relief textures. Recently it was shown that this stone was used for cold-forming copper.[12] The stone was hewn from an andesite layer within the complex. In order for it to be used in metallurgy, fifty-seven holes were carved into the stone. The technique was to put copper into each of the holes (about 10 centimetres (3.9 in) in diameter) and then to hammer the ore into place. The copper was probably mined between Aksaray and Nevsehir. This mine was also used by Asilikhoyuk, the oldest settlement within the Cappadocia Region.
The high number of storage rooms and areas for earthenware jars on the fourth floor indicates some economic stability. Kaymakli is one of the largest underground settlements in the region. The large area reserved for storage in such a limited area appears to indicate the need to support a large population underground. Currently only a fraction of the complex is open to the public.
Özay Onur give interview to Aljazeera Channel
Profesyonel Turist Rehberi Özay Onur'un El Cezire kanalında Kapadokya tanıtımı
Underground ceramic museum in Avanos
The Cappadocia Underground Ceramic Museum (Güray Museum) is considered the world’s first rock-carved underground ceramic museum and is a highly popular spot in the Avanos district in the central Anatolian province of Nevşehir.
Established after five years of work by the Güray ceramic factory, one of the oldest ceramic factories in the region, the museum has been displaying nearly 500 pieces since April last year. The museum is located on an area of 1,500 square meters and is 15 meters underground. It also serves for meetings and cultural organizations.
The owner of the museum, Güray Tüysüz, said he had a dream 20 years ago to open the museum and realized his dream after collecting ceramic pieces throughout the years. He said his family has been producing ceramics and pots for five generations in Avanos.
“The museum project had been a dream of 20 years. I could hardly gather the pieces. In the last five years of the project, we carved the rock under our factory and finished the building. This is a first in the world, as an underground rock-carved museum. We show what has been done in Anatolia for ceramic production since the early ages,” he said.
The museum consists of three sections. The first section displays historical artifacts from the first age. The second section displays pieces from more recent centuries under the name “modern age.” The life and works of Turkey’s world famous ceramic artists, some of whom are still alive, are on display in this section. The third section includes a hall, where artists can organize exhibitions, a café and a library.
Güray said they opened the museum to visitors last April and the official opening would take place this year.
“Our museum will be a private one, affiliated with the Culture and Tourism Ministry. It will be visited as a museum in the morning hours and will host meetings, seminars, music concerts and private dinners in the evening hours. Artists will be able to open exhibitions here,” he said.
My 2014 BMW R1200GS ADV - Katharsis në Shqipëri 2014 - Butrint / Shqipëria (Albania)
Buthrotum (Albanian: Butrint; Latin: Buthrōtum; from Ancient Greek: Βουθρωτόν, Bouthrōtón) was an ancient Greek and later Roman city in Epirus.
In modern times it is an archeological site in Sarandë District, Albania, some 14 kilometres south of Sarandë and close to the Greek border. It was known in antiquity as Βουθρωτόν (Bouthrōton) or (Βουθρώτιος) Bouthrōtios in Ancient Greek and Buthrotum in Latin.
It is located on a hill overlooking the Vivari Channel and part of the Butrint National Park. Inhabited since prehistoric times, Buthrotum was a city of the Greek tribe of the Chaonians, later a Roman colony and a bishopric.
It entered into decline in Late Antiquity, before being abandoned during the Middle Ages after a major earthquake flooded most of the city.
Bouthroton was originally a town within the region of Epirus. It was one of the major centres of the Greek tribe of the Chaonians, with close contacts to the Corinthian colony of Corcyra (modern Corfu). According to the Roman writer Virgil its legendary founder was the seer Helenus, a son of the king Priam of Troy, who had married Andromache and moved West after the fall of Troy.
The Greek historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus, as does the Latin poet Virgil, wrote that Aeneas visited Bouthroton after his own escape from the destruction of Troy.
The earliest archaeological evidence of settled occupation dates to between 10th and 8th centuries BC, although some claim that there is earlier evidence of habitation in the 12th century BC. Excavation at Bouthroton has yielded Proto-Corinthian pottery of the 7th century and then Corinthian and Attic pottery of the 6th century, however there are no indications of a prehistoric settlement.
The original settlement probably sold food to Corfu and had a fort and sanctuary. Bouthroton was in a strategically important position due its access to the Straits of Corfu. By the 4th century BC it had grown in importance and included a theatre, a sanctuary to Asclepius and an agora.
Around 380 BC, the settlement was fortified with a new 870 metres long wall, with five gates, enclosing an area of four hectares.
In 228 BC Buthrotum became a Roman protectorate alongside Corfu and Romans increasingly dominated Buthrotum after 167 BC.
In the next century, it became a part of a province of Macedonia. In 44 BC, Caesar designated Buthrotum as a colony to reward soldiers that had fought on his side against Pompey. The local landholder Titus Pomponius Atticus objected to his correspondent Cicero who lobbied against the plan in the Senate. As a result, Buthrotum received only small numbers of colonists.
In 31 BC, Emperor Augustus fresh from his victory over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the battle of Actium renewed the plan to make Buthrotum a veterans' colony. New residents expanded the city and the construction included an aqueduct, a Roman bath, houses, a forum complex, and a nymphaeum. During that era the size of the town was doubled.
In the 3rd century AD, an earthquake destroyed a large part of the town, levelling buildings in the suburbs on the Vrina Plain and in the forum of the city centre. Excavations have revealed that city had already been in decline. However, the settlement survived into the late antique era, becoming a major port in the province of Old Epirus. The town of late antiquity included the grand Triconch Palace, the house of a major local notable that was built around 425.
Remains of the 6th-century baptistery
In the early 6th century, Buthrotum became the seat of a bishop and new construction included a large baptistry, one of the largest such Paleochristian buildings of its type, and a basilica. The walls of the city were extensively rebuilt, most probably at the end of the 5th century, perhaps by Emperor Anastasius. The Ostrogoths under Indulf raided the Ionian coast in 550 and may have attacked Buthrotum. Evidence from the excavations shows that importation of commodities, wine and oil from the Eastern Mediterranean continued into the early years of the 7th century when the early Byzantine Empire lost these provinces. In this, it follows the historical pattern seen in other Balkan cities, with the 6th to 7th century being a watershed for the transformation of the Roman world into the Early Middle Ages.
By the 7th century, following the model of classical cities throughout the Mediterranean, Buthrotum had shrunk to a much smaller fortified post and with the collapse of Roman power was briefly controlled by First Bulgarian Empire before being regained by the Byzantine Empire in the 9th century.
Berrin Yıldız Murat Sarıkaya Fark Yaratanlar
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Haftanın Fark Yaratanları; Kapadokya'da Açtıkları Kültür Müzesi ile Bölge Kalkınmasına ve Kültürel Tanıtıma Katkı Sağlayan Berrin Yıldız Ve Murat Sarıkaya
Sabancı Vakfı'nın katkılarıyla hayata geçen ''Fark Yaratanlar'' programının 3 Ocak 2010 tarihindeki konuğu, Nevşehir'de açtığı Kültür Müzesi ile Kapadokya kültürünün tanıtımına ve kalkınmasına katkı sağlayarak ekonomik gelişme alanında fark yaratan Berrin Yıldız ve Murat Sarıkaya.
This Week's Changemaker; Berrin Yıldız and Murat Sarikaya Promote Cultural Tourism in Cappadocia
On 3 January 2010 Sabanci Foundation's Turkey's Changemakers program hosts Berrin Yildiz and Murat Sarikaya who contribute to the cultural and regional development of Capadocia in Turkey through the ''Culture Museum''.
Turkey's Changemakers - Fark Yaratanlar Berrin Yıldız Murat Sarıkaya (S01-E14)
Turkey - Dozens Detained And Sought Over Alleged Terror Links
Facebook & Twittah
Turkish authorities have carried out nationwide dawn raids resulting in the detention of some 57 former employees of Borsa Istanbul, the country’s main stock exchange.
In total, 102 arrest warrants were issued, meaning 45 suspects are still being sought, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu agency reports.
They are reportedly accused of having links to Fetullah Gulen, the US-based cleric alleged to have orchestrated the failed coup attempt in July, 2016. The Turkish government has listed his FETO group a terrorist organisation. Police detain dozens of former bourse staff over Gülen links pic.twitter.com/SnJ4U6ZKuF— Hürriyet Daily News (@HDNER) May 12, 2017
Around 150,000 people are under investigation over the failed putsch, 49,000 of whom have been remanded in custody pending trial. Twelve columnists and executives from the Cumhuriyet opposition newspaper are among those currently being held on suspicion of terrorism.Newspaper chief detained
In a separate incident, authorities have detained the editor-in-chief of the online version of Cumhuriyet, according to Doğan agency.
“I am being held in custody,” Oğuz Güven tweeted, but gave no further explanation regarding his situation.
Gözaltına alınıyorum— oğuz güven (@oguzguven_) May 12, 2017
Anadolu reports the arrest is in connection with an article on the death of Denizli Chief Public Prosecutor, Mustafa Alper. He and his driver, Muzaffer Akşehirli, were killed when a truck crashed into their car.
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Turkey’s Changemakers - Season 01 - Episode 14 - Berrin Yıldız ve Murat Sarıkaya
This Week's Changemaker; Berrin Yıldız and Murat Sarikaya Promote Cultural Tourism in Cappadocia
On 3 January 2010 Sabanci Foundation's Turkey's Changemakers program hosts Berrin Yildiz and Murat Sarikaya who contribute to the cultural and regional development of Capadocia in Turkey through the ''Culture Museum''.
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İÇERDE & ÇUKUR (En İyi Türk Dizisi)
İçerde & Çukur dizilerini karşılaştırıyoruz. Bir tarafta Yamaç Koçovalı (Aras Bulut İynemli) , diğer tarafta Sarp Yılmaz (Çağatay Ulusoy) . Sence hangisi daha iyi, tarafını seç !
DoDo TiVi'de; bu hafta İçerde & Çukur dizilerinin karşılaştırma videosunu sunuyoruz sizlere. İki dizinin de konusunu, oyuncularını, rollerini açıklayıp hangisinin daha iyi olduğunu size bırakıyoruz. İçerde, ABD yapımı Köstebek filminden uyarlanan, yapımcılığını Kerem Çatay'ın üstlendiği, yönetmenliğini Uluç Bayraktar'ın yaptığı, başrollerini Çağatay Ulusoy ve Aras Bulut İynemli'nin paylaştığı Türk televizyon dizisi. Konusu; Polis Akademisi'nde okuyan Sarp ve Mert, kardeş olduklarından habersiz birbirlerine rakip olurlar. Sarp, Kaçakçılık ve Organize Suçlar Şube Müdürü Yusuf tarafından Polis Akademisi'nden mezun olmasına bir hafta kala polislikten atılır. Mezuniyet günü Yusuf'a silah çeken Sarp böylece daha önce hiç bilmediği yepyeni bir hayata adım atar. Bu yeni ve karanlık dünyada Sarp'ın en yakın düşmanı ise Akademi'nin diğer göz bebeği Mert'dir. Çukur, yapımcılığını Ay Yapım'ın üstlendiği, başrollerini Aras Bulut İynemli ve Dilan Çiçek Deniz'in paylaştığı Türk televizyon dizisi. Konusu; kendi hâlinde bir genç olan Yamaç Koçovalı, bir gün Sena ile tanışıp 3 gün içerisinde Paris'te evlenir. Aynı hafta abisi Kahraman Koçovalı, Vartolu'nun adamları tarafından öldürülür ve Yamaç'ın babası İdris Koçovalı felc geçirir ve yoğun bakıma kaldırılır. Yamaç'ın annesi Sultan Koçovalı, olanları Yamaç'a anlatır. Yamaç, Vartolu'dan intikam almak için evine, Çukur'a döner.
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