Rockin' HK Outfitters on The Road Less Traveled (HD)
Rockin' HK Outfitters at Chico Hot Springs & Day Spa When staying at Chico Hot Springs & Day Spa, you need to budget the time for an excursion with Rockin' HK Outfitter. There's no better way to experience the surrounding country than on horseback, and the guides here are fantastic! we went out on a one-hour morning ride with Kipp Saile, and it was a wonderful experience for the whole family. John Cragen the road less traveled
TBA at Chico Hot Springs
Acapella group TBA from Montana State University playing at Chico Hot Springs (Pray, MT) December 12, 2010
Young, famous model, at Chico Hot Springs
Famous Gangnam, Seoul model Young at Chico Hot Springs
Daredevil Jumps Off 105ft Bridge
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A daredevil performed a heart stopping leap off the top of a 105-foot-high bridge.
Brave Dylan Balog clambered on top of the iron girders - the same height as the Tower of London - in Masontown, West Virginia, USA on August 16.
The experienced bridge jumper psyches himself up before throwing one of the stones into the river below.
Having launched his other three rocks to break the surface tension and give himself a landing spot to aim for, Dylan steps out and begins to plummet.