Best Attractions and Places to See in Kitaibaraki, Japan
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List of Best Things to do in Kitaibaraki, Japan
Tenshin Memorial Museum of Art Ibaraki Rokkakudo Cape Izura Park Izura Beach Hanazono Shrine Yo-Soro Kosokotai Shrine Nakoso no seki Iwaki City Nakoso Literature Historical Hall Hananuki Valley
【ドローン空撮 4K】『六角堂と天心邸 五浦海岸の絶景』茨城 観光名所 [The Rokkakudo and Tenshin residence,Sightseeing spots in Japan]
The Rokkakudo and Tenshin residence is famous and popular sightseeing spots in Japan. It is the view of Rokkakudo(Hexagon house) and Tenshin residence on Itsuura Coast in Kitaibaraki city Ibaraki Prefecture. A wave of splashes crumbles and scatters on the stone protruding into the blue-green sea, and the hexagonal red house shines beautifully and creates a spectacular view. Hexagon house was created by Okakura Tenshin in the Meiji era. Together with Yokoyama Taikan and Hishida Syunsou, he created numerous masterpieces remaining in the history of modern art in Japan and built the cornerstone of Japanese painting in this place. It is 4K video of Drone shooting. Music:original music
【台風26号】茨城県北茨城市磯原町旧磯原地区における高潮災害Storm surge disaster in Japan
2013/10/16 台風26号による高潮の状況です。
結論から言いますと12:30時頃が高潮のピークでした。 ピーク時は屋内での作業に忙殺されており撮影できませんでした。 We've put the English subtitles by annotations, you must enable annotation. October 16, 2013. It is the state of the storm surge caused by Typhoon No. 26.
12:30 o'clock was the peak of the storm surge. It was not possible to shoot busy working with indoor peak.
大津港駅から歩いて岡倉天心の六角堂へ the Rokkakudo of Okakura Tenshin
A great international person associated with Fukui, Tenshin Okakura. This time, I will introduce his achievements and the highlights of his special exhibitionwhich was held at Fukui Fine Arts Museum.
Tenshin Okakura prevented discarding precious Japanese arts and appealed Japanese culture to the world during the Meiji Period when Japan had been westernized.
From the TV program [PR for Fukui], broadcasted on October 27th, 2013. It is reprinted with permission from Fukui Prefecture. (Subtitled by GEN)
One hundred years after the death of Tenshin Okakura, director Katsuya Matsumura pays tribute to this legendary artistic leader. Born in 1863, Okakura Tenshin became a well-known government official and an artistic leader. He was also a man of international perspective; he published The Book of Tea in English and introduced Japanese and other East Asian cultures and art to westerners. TENSHIN follows the great Tenshin Okakura as he establishes himself as a trailblazer in the art world who ultimately lead to the development and preservation of modern Japanese art in the Meiji era (a period during which dramatic westernization took place). Featuring standout performances from international stars, Shido Nakamura (Letters From Iwo Jima, Red Cliff) and Naoto Takenaka (Shall We Dance?, Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai) TENSHIN takes a close examination into the inspiring and sometimes volatile life of who most consider, the father of Japanese modern art.
Ceremony for Tenshin Okakura (2/2) by S-VA-HA
「Ceremony for Tenshin Okakura」concept text
Buddhist sutra recitation and Buddhist chanting were not only religious acts but also the traditional art. Japanese Tea ceremony was not only traditional art but also religious acts that were basic to Buddhism and Taoism. But, These traditional arts repeated on only traditional forms that could not connected the contemporary art. Izura Rokkakudo designed by Tenshin(Kakuzo)Okakura were not only thatched hut to traced Buddhist temple but also tea ceremony room , he layered some traditional forms to expression the new architectural space. Tenshin(Kakuzo)Okakura was not conservative traditionalist.
“In religion the Future is behind us. In art the Present is the eternal.” This text was written in “Book of Tea” by Kakuzo (Tenshin)Okakura and the proposition that were thrust for us.
Contemporary Buddhist Art unit S-VA-HA tried to connecting between the mind of Kakuzo(Tenshin)Okakura to Contemporary art. Our Performance layered traditional forms with the avan-garde expression that constructed by TETTA done tea offering to the portrait of Kakuzo(Tenshin )Okakura and Butoh as Nyoirin Bodhi -sattva with the gorgeous five colors robe and make herself up, Shugyo Kawakami and Yukihisa Hirabayashi were Buddhist priests of Japanese Shingon sect as well as artist chanting the Buddhist sutra and reading the“ Book of tea” written by Kakuzo”Tenshin” Okakura in Japanese text and original text in English.
Musical composition by John Cage has beauty of the quietness or expression of Minimal art were influenced by “ZEN Buddhism” and “ZEN Buddhism” got a chance to reconsideration in relation with contemporary art in 20th century, but our unprecedented performance was difficult from those art that influenced by Zen Buddhism. Our performance was answer for the mind of Kakuzo(Tenshin)Okakura that performance constructed cultural layer as traditional forms with the avan-garde expression as an unprecedented art, we did our performance in Izura Rokkakudo ,it was special place that designed by Kakuzo(Tenshin)Okakura and disappeared by tsunami of The East Japan Earthquake ,but after 2 years ,it was rebuild as like as Meiji era days.
Text by Yukihisa HIRABAYASHI(Busshist priest / Artist / S-VA-HA)