Top 14 Things To Do In Ancona, Italy
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Here are top 14 things to do in Ancona, Italy
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Ancona Harbour - Nataliya Nazarova / shutterstock
2. Roman Amphitheatre -
3. Piazza del Plebiscito -
4. Visit Portonovo Bay - Buffy1982 / shutterstock
5. National Archaeological Museum -
6. Museo Diocesano -
7. Cattedrale di San Ciriaco - photobeginner / shutterstock
8. Mole Vanvitelliana -
9. Spiaggia del Passetto -
10. Arco di Traiano - Georgios Tsichlis / shutterstock
11. Monumento ai Caduti -
12. Parco del Cardeto -
13. Parco Publico Cittadella -
14. Enjoy a meal at the La DegOsteria restaurant -
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The fun continues in Ancona!
The first part of our Ancona series highlighted our firsthand experience in this coastal town in Italy. We were slowly gaining momentum in discovering the depths of this city, making full on with visiting some of the landmarks in Ancona during the night, having our first Italian dinner and practicing survival Italian language, eventually loving our experience.
This second and final episode of our time in Ancona features the many things we can see and do in this ancient city! We started making our routes to various centuries-old churches, old town squares, ancient Roman amphitheater, and climbing high-elevation parks to see the Adriatic sea and the whole of Ancona and whole lot more of great things!
Come join us as we show you the best of Ancona and know the reasons why you should at least consider to visit and explore this city!
Subscribe and like my channel and follow where itKENbeyouradventures leads you! And for more of my other travel videos and vlogs, don’t forget to visit my channel! Thank you very much!
Great participation in the extraordinary opening of the Roman Amphitheatre
Although it is not a good weather day, it was still a well-deserved success the Group initiative I SEDICI FORTI DI ANCONA, which with the support of the Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage and-trained guides, have been able to organize the extraordinary opening of this archaeological site, proposing a visit dedicated to the discovery of new archaeological finds of the Roman amphitheater in the area of Cardeto Park.
In the visit it was possible to learn more about the history of this amphitheater and the nearby Terme, all previously hidden by other buildings (former prison)
The participation of Anconetani who could book ahead for this great initiative has been well rewarded and no doubt has upgraded the already known historical repertoire of the Marche town.
For reservations, more than 700, have also been joined by as many people who have waited patiently for their turn.
Again, it denotes that the activities of this kind in our region are always followed and the desire to visit places of historical interest, normally closed, are taken into account by voraciously Marche audience and beyond.
Following this successful organization is already talk of special openings for this site during weekends in the coming months.
For any official news and calendars of upcoming meetings will simply visit the Group from this address: (or channel dedicated FaceBook), by registering you will be notified by e-mail of all the forthcoming activities of the group .
On the same day it was also possible to visit the old air-raid shelter of Cardeto, where, unfortunately, on 1 November 1943, even here could find no escape nearly 700 citizens who were seeking a safe shelter during one of the most grueling bombing of the town history and an opportunity to be able to make a visit and to commemorate the memories it was definitely another very welcome initiative for all visitors.
Hotel Europa *** Hotel Review 2017 HD, Ancona, Italy
Save money booking hotel Hotel Europa in Ancona, Italy
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Property Location
Located in Ancona, Hotel Europa is close to Theatre Comunale and Vanvitelli's Lazzaretto. This hotel is within close proximity of Chiesa San Francesco alle Scale and Arco Clementino.
Make yourself at home in one of the 62 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and LCD televisions. Your pillowtop bed comes with down comforters. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms wit...
Anfiteatro Romano / Roman Colosseum (séc. I) - Lucca - Itália
Ancona, Arco di Traiano The Roman triumphal Arch Trajansbogen (manortiz)
Arco Di Traiano
L’ Arco di Traiano rappresenta, unitamente all’Anfiteatro Romano, una delle testimonianze monumentali di epoca romana più importante della città.Venne eretto nel 100-116 d.C. dal Senato e dal popolo romano in onore dell’Imperatore Traiano , che a proprie spese aveva fatto ampliare il porto cittadino e da qui partì per la vittoriosa guerra contro i Daci.
Attribuito ad Apollodoro di Damasco, architetto siriano di fiducia dell’impero, l’arco è alto 14 metri e costruito completamente in marmo turco. Si eleva su un alto podio; due robusti piloni incorniciano il fornice centrale e sono ornati su entrambe le facciate da due coppie di colonne scanalate con capitelli corinzi.
Sull’architrave si innalza l’attico con l’iscrizione dedicatoria del Senato e del popolo romano in onore dell’imperatore, della moglie Plotina e della sorella Maraciana e sulla sommità dell’attico si stagliavano le loro statue, come si rileva dai cavi ancora esistenti. Le iscrizioni che ancora si leggono, i fregi e le statue erano in bronzo e se ne impadronirono i Saraceni nel 848.
Arch of Trajan
The Arch of Trajan is, together with the Roman amphitheater, one of the most important monuments from Roman times in the city. It was built in 100-116 AD By the Senate and people of Rome in honour of that Emperor after he expanded the port of the city out of his own pocket.It was from here that Trajan departed for the ultimately successful war against the Dacians. Attributed to Apollodorus of Damascus, the trusted Syrian architect of the empire, the arch is 14 meters tall and made entirely of Turkish marble. It stands on a high podium; two sturdy pillars frame the central archway and are adorned on both sides by two pairs of fluted columns with Corinthian capitals.
The attic above the lintel shows a dedicatory inscription of the senate and roman people in honour of the emperor and his wife Plotina. Their bronze statues used to be on the attic: this is proved by the cables, inscription and frieze still in place. They were stolen by the Saracen pirates in 848
Der Trajansbogen, zusammen mit dem Amphitheater, eines der bedeutsamsten römischen Denkmäler der Stadt. Es wurde 100 – 116 n.Chr gebaut vom römischen Senat und vom Volk um den Kaiser Trajan zu ehren , der auf eigene Kosten den Hafen erweitern lies und von hieraus reiste er siegreich in den Krieg gegen die Daker. Zurückzuführen auf Apollodor von Damaskus, vertrauter sirianischer Architekt des Reiches, der Bogen ist 14 Meter hoch gebaut und vollständig aus türkischem Marmor. Es erhebt sich auf einem hohen Sockel, mit zwei kräftigen Säulen die auf beiden Fassaden mit kannelierten und korinthischen Kapitellen verziert sind, diese umrahmen den zentralen Torbogen.
Auf den Balken hebt sich die Plattform der Attika ab mit eingravierter Widmung vom Senat und römischen Volk in Ehren des Kaisers und seiner Frau Plotina,
auf den Gifpel ders Attika hebten sich ihre Statuen ab, wie man von den bestehenden Seilen entnehmen kann. Die Inschrift die heute noch lesbar ist, die Friesen (ein lineares, meist waagerechtes Stilelement) waren aus Bronze. Von dieser ergriffen die Sarazenen Besitz im Jahr 848.
Teatro romano de Plovdiv - Plovdiv Roman theatre - TEATRUM TRIMONTENSE - Пловдивски античен театър
Falerone (Marche, Italy) Falerius Picenus, Roman Theatre and monumental Oak (manortiz)
Gli auguri per il mio 70° compleanno sono arrivati a centinaia, e buona parte facevano riferimento al mio amore per i grandi alberi. Uno di essi, quello di Cristiana Colletti, mi ha riportato indietro nel tempo, tanto indietro, quando gli anni appoggiati sulle mie spalle non erano nemmeno la metà di quelli di ora. Era, infatti, l’autunno del 1979. Da poche settimane avevo deciso di realizzare un album di foto di grandi alberi. Per far questo, mi recai, ovviamente, a trovare per primi quelli di cui mi era nota l’esistenza, fra questi la Cerquabella di Piane di Montegiorgio, che conoscevo da quando ero ragazzo. La misurai: m. 5,60 la circonferenza del fusto, 34 metri il diametro della chioma. La celebre quercia, purtroppo, era già in condizioni molto precarie e se ne poteva prevedere una fine imminente che sarebbe arrivata 6 anni dopo. Mentre ero lì, con un mio parente toscano che mi accompagnava nel viaggio di ritorno verso Firenze, si avvicinò un vecchietto in motorino con in mano un ramoscello di circa 70 cm di lunghezza con il quale cominciò a misurare, anche lui, il fusto della pianta e, alla fine, sentenziò: “E’ più grande questa: qui ci entra 8 volte, nell’altra 7”. Mi feci subito spiegare dove fosse la quercia che era risultata ben i 7/8 di Cerquabella. Era proprio questa, accanto al Teatro Romano di Piane di Falerone. Era già, allora, una bellissima quercia. La circonferenza era di m. 4,70. Quando decisi che quell’album di foto sarebbe diventato un libro, che avrebbe avuto il titolo di “Marche, 50 alberi da salvare”, la quercia rimase a lungo compresa fra i 50; solo all’ultimo momento, soppiantata da altre più grandi, la relegai nel capitolo di alberi di secondario interesse.
Quando, 20 anni dopo, misi mano al rifacimento del libro scrivendo “Alberi Monumentali delle Marche”, la quercia aveva fatto un grande salto di qualità, diventando una delle più belle in assoluto delle Marche, fino alle misure attuali di m. 5,30 di circonferenza, 29 di altezza e 31,5 di diametro di chioma. Secondo don Alberto Cintio, che ne effettuò il carotaggio, la sua età sarebbe di 370 anni.
La quercia è un prodigioso connubio di grandezza, forza, armonia tanto che si racconta, su di essa, un aneddoto tutt’oggi inedito.
Sulle scalinate del Teatro si stavano girando alcune scene di un film che aveva, tra i protagonisti, il bravissimo, grande Gigi Proietti. Si stava approssimando l’ora di sospensione dei lavori e l’attore, disteso sui gradini ombreggiati dalla pianta, veniva sollecitato da qualcun altro della troupe affinché se ne andasse con loro. “E aspettate ‘n’attimo! – avrebbe risposto Proietti – lassateme godé ancora 5 minuti questa quercia meravigliosa (Valido Capodarca)
Quercia monumentale con un diametro di m. 5,20
Il teatro, di 50 metri di diametro, poteva ospitare circa 1600 persone, si erigeva per tre ordini, l'ultimo dei quali, purtroppo, è andato distrutto. Sopra le volte che coprivano gli ingressi principali (i paradoi) vi erano due piccoli terrazzi (chiamati tribune) che ospitavano da un lato il Pretore e dall'altro le vestali. Lungo il perimetro esterno dell'anfiteatro è possibile notare i fusti di 22 colonne che, come le gradinate, a loro tempo erano rivestite in marmo.
Il teatro si trova immerso nella campagna Picena, circondato da ulivi e vigneti, in una atmosfera molto calma e serena. Una maestosa quercia secolare domina la struttura rendendo ancora più suggestivo il paesaggio.
L'area archeologica comprende inoltre le cisterne romane (si trovano lungo la strada interna a poche centinaia di metri dal teatro) e i resti dell'anfiteatro, purtroppo inglobato dall'edilizia privata e dall'incuria del tempo. Molti dei numerosi reperti archeologici trovati nella zona hanno lasciato Falerone per Musei più blasonati, tra cui il Louvre di Parigi, che ospita le statue di Venere e Perseo. Interessanti reperti si trovano però ancore in città nel Museo Civico Antiquarum.
Il teatro durante l'estate ospita una prestigiosa stagione teatrale
Genga (Costa Victoria Excursion)
(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...)
Cruzeiro Costa Victoria - 24 a 31 Outubro de 2009
Portos Escala: Veneza, Ancona, Santorini, Mykonos, Pireus/Atenas, Corfu, Dubrovnik, Veneza
25/10/2009 - Ancona (Itália)
GENGA - Torre Medievale di Genga, L'Abbazzia di San Vittore e Museo Spelo Paleontologico ed Archeologico
Disposta em anfiteatro nas colinas que circundam o porto, Ancona surge na enseada formada pelo Monte Conero a oeste. O porto é o maior da costa do Mar Adriático. A cidade é hoje formada por duas partes bem distintas: o antigo centro histórico e monumental, com suas ruas medievais sobre a colina Guasco em cujo cume surgia a acrópoles grega, enquanto hoje aí se encontra a catedral românica de S. Ciriaco, e uma parte moderna de ruas retilíneas que se formou a partir do século XVIII. Da cidade romana, cujos limites não são claramente identificáveis, restam as ruínas do anfiteatro e o arco de Trajano, obra romana com quatro colunas de ordem coríntia, que surge nas encostas do Monte Guasco.
Música: Instrumental
Costa Victoria Cruise - 24 to 31 October 2009
Ports: Venice - Ancona - Santorini - Mykonos - Piraeus/Athens - Corfu - Dubrovnik - Venice
25/10/2009 - Ancona (Italy)
GENGA - Torre Medievale di Genga, L'Abbazzia di San Vittore e Museo Spelo Paleontologico ed Archeologico
Ancona sits on the hills that surround the port like an amphitheatre, rising up in the bay formed by Monte Conero to the west. The port is the largest on the Adriatic Coast. The city is today divided into two distinct areas: the old historical and monumental part, with its maze of medieval streets and the Guasco hill behind it where the Greek acropolis once sat, and where today the Romanesque church of St Cyriacus can be found, and a modern part with straight roads that was begun in the 18th century. It is difficult to say with precision how the old Roman city would have looked, but the largest remains are the amphitheatre and Trajan's arch, a Roman work flanked by four Corinthian columns at the foot of Mount Guasco.
The city centre is a great place for shopping, especially in Corso Mazzini, Corso Garibaldi, Piazza Roma and Piazza Cavour. The Passetto is where people head for the beach and the sea and offers splendid views. In the port the ancient walls and ports, Trajan's Arch, Clemente's Arch and the Mole Vanvitelliana or Lazzaretto can be found. In the Cittadella public park on top of Astagno hill part of the walls of the ancient citadel can still be seen.
The cuisine of the region's capital includes a good part of the Marche region's cuisine. Highlights are the seafood dishes: sole, either fried, barbecued or in white wine, fried squid and prawns, sea bream and bass cooked simply without sauce or grilled, Ancona style dried cod, breaded mantis shrimps and mussels, date shell soup, stewed cuttlefish, sardines hot from the grill, octopus cooked in sauce and the famous fish soup. Dishes for meat lovers include vincisgrassi (pasta baked in a rich sauce), tripe, minestra col grasso, porchetta, lamb, rabbit or chicken in potacchio. Among the desserts the beccute (little sweet tarts of bread made from cornflour, pine nuts and sultanas) ciambellone (a large type of doughnut) stand out in particular. Monte Conero and Castelli di Jesi are the two closest DOC wine regions to Ancona, producing Verdicchio, Vernaccia, Vinsanto, Rosso Piceno and Bianco Piceno, and Rosso del Conero.
From ceramics to fabrics, from pipes to hats: the Marche region jealously guards its craft traditions, which also include wickerwork, accordions, and wrought copper and iron. Ancona has 20 km of varied coastline. The city beach, the Passetto, with its distinctive grottoes and beach facilities is famous for its white rock and its typical Ancona feel. Proceeding south along the Conero's panoramic route you come across the beaches of the Trave, a strip of land that cuts through the clear waters, and of Mezzavalle an arc of stony white beach. On reaching the slopes of Conero you come across the breathtaking bay of Portonovo. In the northern part of the city, around Palombina, you will find a sandy shore.
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Gubbio, Italy #1 Roman Theater
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#Italy #Davidsbeenhere
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My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Gubbio, Italy #1 Roman Theater
The Top Ten Monumental Triumphal Arches
The Top Ten Monumental Triumphal Arches
10-Arch of Caracalla (Volubilis),Volubilis,Morocco
09-Gateway of India,Maharashtra,India
08-Arc de Triomf,Barcelona,Spain
07-Arcade du Cinquantenaire,Brussels,Belgium
05-Arcul de Triumf,Bucharest,Romania
04-Arch of Trajan (Timgad),Batna,Algeria
03-Arch of Hadrian,Jerash,Jordan
02-Arch of Constantine,Rome,Italy
01-Arc de Triomphe,Paris,France
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Summit Emotional Cinematic Guitar/No Copyright Music
NCM Epic Music Ender Guney
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Ancona: Panoramic View from Costa Victoria
(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...)
Cruzeiro Costa Victoria - 24 a 31 Outubro de 2009
Portos Escala: Veneza, Ancona, Santorini, Mykonos, Pireus/Atenas, Corfu, Dubrovnik, Veneza
25/10/2009 - Ancona (Itália)
Vista Panorâmica de Ancona desde o Navio
Disposta em anfiteatro nas colinas que circundam o porto, Ancona surge na enseada formada pelo Monte Conero a oeste. O porto é o maior da costa do Mar Adriático. A cidade é hoje formada por duas partes bem distintas: o antigo centro histórico e monumental, com suas ruas medievais sobre a colina Guasco em cujo cume surgia a acrópoles grega, enquanto hoje aí se encontra a catedral românica de S. Ciriaco, e uma parte moderna de ruas retilíneas que se formou a partir do século XVIII. Da cidade romana, cujos limites não são claramente identificáveis, restam as ruínas do anfiteatro e o arco de Trajano, obra romana com quatro colunas de ordem coríntia, que surge nas encostas do Monte Guasco.
Música: Instrumental
Costa Victoria Cruise - 24 to 31 October 2009
Ports: Venice - Ancona - Santorini - Mykonos - Piraeus/Athens - Corfu - Dubrovnik - Venice
25/10/2009 - Ancona (Italy)
Panoramic View from the ship
Ancona sits on the hills that surround the port like an amphitheatre, rising up in the bay formed by Monte Conero to the west. The port is the largest on the Adriatic Coast. The city is today divided into two distinct areas: the old historical and monumental part, with its maze of medieval streets and the Guasco hill behind it where the Greek acropolis once sat, and where today the Romanesque church of St Cyriacus can be found, and a modern part with straight roads that was begun in the 18th century. It is difficult to say with precision how the old Roman city would have looked, but the largest remains are the amphitheatre and Trajan's arch, a Roman work flanked by four Corinthian columns at the foot of Mount Guasco.
The city centre is a great place for shopping, especially in Corso Mazzini, Corso Garibaldi, Piazza Roma and Piazza Cavour. The Passetto is where people head for the beach and the sea and offers splendid views. In the port the ancient walls and ports, Trajan's Arch, Clemente's Arch and the Mole Vanvitelliana or Lazzaretto can be found. In the Cittadella public park on top of Astagno hill part of the walls of the ancient citadel can still be seen.
The cuisine of the region's capital includes a good part of the Marche region's cuisine. Highlights are the seafood dishes: sole, either fried, barbecued or in white wine, fried squid and prawns, sea bream and bass cooked simply without sauce or grilled, Ancona style dried cod, breaded mantis shrimps and mussels, date shell soup, stewed cuttlefish, sardines hot from the grill, octopus cooked in sauce and the famous fish soup. Dishes for meat lovers include vincisgrassi (pasta baked in a rich sauce), tripe, minestra col grasso, porchetta, lamb, rabbit or chicken in potacchio. Among the desserts the beccute (little sweet tarts of bread made from cornflour, pine nuts and sultanas) ciambellone (a large type of doughnut) stand out in particular. Monte Conero and Castelli di Jesi are the two closest DOC wine regions to Ancona, producing Verdicchio, Vernaccia, Vinsanto, Rosso Piceno and Bianco Piceno, and Rosso del Conero.
From ceramics to fabrics, from pipes to hats: the Marche region jealously guards its craft traditions, which also include wickerwork, accordions, and wrought copper and iron. Ancona has 20 km of varied coastline. The city beach, the Passetto, with its distinctive grottoes and beach facilities is famous for its white rock and its typical Ancona feel. Proceeding south along the Conero's panoramic route you come across the beaches of the Trave, a strip of land that cuts through the clear waters, and of Mezzavalle an arc of stony white beach. On reaching the slopes of Conero you come across the breathtaking bay of Portonovo. In the northern part of the city, around Palombina, you will find a sandy shore.
sonhos vividos wonderful dreams viagem travel journey tour ferias holidays vacation excursion outing camminare viaggiare conducir viajar gaan karren rýden varen reizen перемещение ταξίδι vacances διακοπές праздники días de fiesta 假日 vakantie 휴일 العطل
We spend our 3rd day in Croatia visiting the city centre of Pula, looking at all the ancient roman ruins. And on day 4 we hop on a boat and head over to one Italy's most gorgeous cities, Venice.
Part three will be coming soon and consists of our last two days in the Park Plaza Hotel Histria, so stay tuned!
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Hotel Fortuna *** Hotel Review 2017 HD, Ancona, Italy
Save money booking hotel Hotel Fortuna in Ancona, Italy
Book now
Property Location
Located in Ancona, Hotel Fortuna is convenient to Theatre Comunale and Vanvitelli's Lazzaretto. This hotel is within close proximity of Chiesa San Francesco alle Scale and Chiesa Sant’Agostino.
Make yourself at home in one of the 56 air-conditioned guestrooms. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with showers feature rainfall showerheads and complimentary toiletries...
Verona, Italy
Verona is a city in the Veneto, northern Italy, with approx. 265,000 inhabitants and one of the seven chef-lieus of the region. It is the second largest city municipality in the region and the third of North-Eastern Italy. The metropolitan area of Verona covers an area of 1,426 km2 (550.58 sq mi) and has a population of 714,274 inhabitants. It is one of the main tourist destinations in northern Italy, owing to its artistic heritage, several annual fairs, shows, and operas, such as the lyrical season in the Arena, the ancient amphitheatre built by the Romans.
The city has been awarded world heritage site status by UNESCO because of its urban structure and architecture.
The play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare was based in Verona. One of Shakespeare's early comedies was titled The Two Gentlemen of Verona.
Places to see in ( Terni - Italy )
Places to see in ( Terni - Italy )
Terni is a city in the southern portion of the Region of Umbria in central Italy. The city is the capital of the province of Terni, located in the plain of the Nera river. It is 104 kilometres northeast of Rome. It was founded as an Ancient Roman town.
During the 19th century, steel mills were introduced and led the city to have a role in the second industrial revolution in Italy. Because of its industrial importance, the city was heavily bombed during World War II by the Allies. It still remains an industrial hub and has been nicknamed The Steel City and the Italian Manchester. Terni also advertises itself as a City of Lovers, as its patron saint, Saint Valentine, was born and became a bishop here, and the remains are preserved in the basilica-sanctuary in his honour.
In the 14th century Terni issued its own constitution, and from 1353 the walls were enlarged, and new channels were opened. As with many of the Italian communes of the Late Middle Ages, it was beset by civil unrest between the partisans of the Guelphs and Ghibellines, and later between the Nobili and Banderari (Terni's borghesi). Later it joined the Papal States. In 1580 an ironwork, the Ferriera, was introduced to work the iron ore mined in Monteleone di Spoleto, starting the traditional industrial connotation of the city. In the 17th century, however, the population of Terni declined further due to plagues and famines.
The city has three important industrial hubs: the first one is the Stainless Steel Area, called AST (part of the group ThyssenKrupp) and is a wide area located in the east part of Terni. West of the town, there is a second industrial hub, known as Area Polymer, with four different chemical multinational industries. The third industrial hub is Italeaf, which controls TerniEnergia, a company listed on STAR segment of Borsa Italiana, that is active in the renewable energy sector, and promotes and develops technological star-ups in cleantech sector.
Terni is connected with the A1 motorway, the European route E45 and National Road Flaminia by the RATO, a motorway junction. Terni railway station is part of the Ancona–Orte railway, and is also a junction station for two secondary lines, the Terni–Sulmona railway (which links Terni with L'Aquila) and the Terni–Sansepolcro railway (FCU) (which serves Perugia). One of the most important national freight stations is located nearby.
Main Sights of Terni :
Roman amphitheater, once capable of 10,000 spectators, built in 32 BC.
Porta Sant'Angelo, one of the four Ancient Roman Gates to the city, much restored.
Terni Cathedral (Duomo, Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta) (17th century). Built over one of the most ancient Christian edifices of the city, it has today Baroque lines. In the interior is one organ designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The belfry is from the 18th century. The façade has two mediaeval gates: one of them has the profile of a sabot once used to measure the citizen's shoes in order to ensure that they did not exceed a fixed limit of decency.
San Francesco – 13th-century church
The Basilica of S. Valentino.
Palazzo Mazzancolli is one of the few remains of the Middle Ages past of the city.
Palazzo Gazzoli (18th century), housing the City's Gallery with works by Pierfrancesco d'Amelia, Benozzo Gozzoli, Gerolamo Troppa and Orneore Metelli.
Palazzo Spada (16th century), designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. It is the current Town Hall.
Lancia di Luce (Lance of Light), by the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro.
The Romanesque churches:
Sant'Alò (11th century).
San Martino.
San Salvatore.
Nearby, at the confluence of the Velino and Nera Rivers, is the Cascata delle Marmore, a 165-metre-high (541-foot) waterfall.
( Terni - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Terni . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Terni - Italy
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DNA'81 plays GENESIS performed at Cinema Teatro Italia Ancona April 22nd 2016
DNA'81 plays GENESIS performed at Cinema Teatro Italia Ancona April 22nd 2016 by Remo Zito, Paolo Fiorini, Franco Santecchia , Alessandro Carlini , Marcelo Colò. Thanx to: Audio Service by Gianluca Marziali , Alessandro Galassi Cimba Label. Vinyl record available on
00:00:27 Entangled
00:02:40 Squonk
00:09:00 Introduction
00:13:00 Follow you follow me
00:17:00 Supper's ready
00:26:58 Afterglow
00:31:35 Firth of fifth
00:40:18 Foreword
00:46:00 Unplugged Medley
00:53:20 Carpet Crawlers
00:59:05 abacab
01:03:12 I know what I like
01:13:58 Horizons
01:16:08 Ripples
01:21:39 Dancing with the moonlit knight
01:22:30 Cinema show
01:32:00 Drum solo
01:35:20 Watcher of the skies
01:43:20 Supper's ready Reprise
01:48:25 Dance on Volcano/Los Endos
01:57:10 Squonk Reprise
01:59:16 Encore Turn it on again
02:05:00 The lamb lies down on broadway Excerpt
02:09:50 The making of
Ancona: Departure with Costa Victoria
(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...)
Cruzeiro Costa Victoria - 24 a 31 Outubro de 2009
Portos Escala: Veneza, Ancona, Santorini, Mykonos, Pireus/Atenas, Corfu, Dubrovnik, Veneza
25/10/2009 - Ancona (Itália)
Disposta em anfiteatro nas colinas que circundam o porto, Ancona surge na enseada formada pelo Monte Conero a oeste. O porto é o maior da costa do Mar Adriático. A cidade é hoje formada por duas partes bem distintas: o antigo centro histórico e monumental, com suas ruas medievais sobre a colina Guasco em cujo cume surgia a acrópoles grega, enquanto hoje aí se encontra a catedral românica de S. Ciriaco, e uma parte moderna de ruas retilíneas que se formou a partir do século XVIII. Da cidade romana, cujos limites não são claramente identificáveis, restam as ruínas do anfiteatro e o arco de Trajano, obra romana com quatro colunas de ordem coríntia, que surge nas encostas do Monte Guasco.
Música: Instrumental
Costa Victoria Cruise - 24 to 31 October 2009
Ports: Venice - Ancona - Santorini - Mykonos - Piraeus/Athens - Corfu - Dubrovnik - Venice
25/10/2009 - Ancona (Italy)
Ancona sits on the hills that surround the port like an amphitheatre, rising up in the bay formed by Monte Conero to the west. The port is the largest on the Adriatic Coast. The city is today divided into two distinct areas: the old historical and monumental part, with its maze of medieval streets and the Guasco hill behind it where the Greek acropolis once sat, and where today the Romanesque church of St Cyriacus can be found, and a modern part with straight roads that was begun in the 18th century. It is difficult to say with precision how the old Roman city would have looked, but the largest remains are the amphitheatre and Trajan's arch, a Roman work flanked by four Corinthian columns at the foot of Mount Guasco.
The city centre is a great place for shopping, especially in Corso Mazzini, Corso Garibaldi, Piazza Roma and Piazza Cavour. The Passetto is where people head for the beach and the sea and offers splendid views. In the port the ancient walls and ports, Trajan's Arch, Clemente's Arch and the Mole Vanvitelliana or Lazzaretto can be found. In the Cittadella public park on top of Astagno hill part of the walls of the ancient citadel can still be seen.
The cuisine of the region's capital includes a good part of the Marche region's cuisine. Highlights are the seafood dishes: sole, either fried, barbecued or in white wine, fried squid and prawns, sea bream and bass cooked simply without sauce or grilled, Ancona style dried cod, breaded mantis shrimps and mussels, date shell soup, stewed cuttlefish, sardines hot from the grill, octopus cooked in sauce and the famous fish soup. Dishes for meat lovers include vincisgrassi (pasta baked in a rich sauce), tripe, minestra col grasso, porchetta, lamb, rabbit or chicken in potacchio. Among the desserts the beccute (little sweet tarts of bread made from cornflour, pine nuts and sultanas) ciambellone (a large type of doughnut) stand out in particular. Monte Conero and Castelli di Jesi are the two closest DOC wine regions to Ancona, producing Verdicchio, Vernaccia, Vinsanto, Rosso Piceno and Bianco Piceno, and Rosso del Conero.
From ceramics to fabrics, from pipes to hats: the Marche region jealously guards its craft traditions, which also include wickerwork, accordions, and wrought copper and iron. Ancona has 20 km of varied coastline. The city beach, the Passetto, with its distinctive grottoes and beach facilities is famous for its white rock and its typical Ancona feel. Proceeding south along the Conero's panoramic route you come across the beaches of the Trave, a strip of land that cuts through the clear waters, and of Mezzavalle an arc of stony white beach. On reaching the slopes of Conero you come across the breathtaking bay of Portonovo. In the northern part of the city, around Palombina, you will find a sandy shore.
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Il Volo: Live from Pompeii (Trailer)
Il Volo Live in Pompeii pays homage to the past with classics, and combines them with Il Volo’s original hits, Il Volo recorded and performed at the iconic Amphitheater of Pompeii, the oldest surviving Roman amphitheater built around 80 BC.
Places to see in ( L'Aquila - Italy )
Places to see in ( L'Aquila - Italy )
L'Aquila is a city and comune in Southern Italy, both the capital city of the Abruzzo region and of the Province of L'Aquila. As of 2013, it has a population of 70,967 inhabitants. Laid out within medieval walls on a hill in the wide valley of the Aterno river, it is surrounded by the Apennine Mountains, with the Gran Sasso d'Italia to the north-east.
L'Aquila sits upon a hillside in the middle of a narrow valley; tall snow-capped mountains of the Gran Sasso massif flank the town. A maze of narrow streets, lined with Baroque and Renaissance buildings and churches, open onto elegant piazzas. Home to the University of L'Aquila, it is a lively college town and, as such, has many cultural institutions: a repertory theatre, a symphony orchestra, a fine-arts academy, a state conservatory, a film institute. There are several ski resorts in the surrounding province (Campo Imperatore, Ovindoli, Pescasseroli, Roccaraso, Scanno).
Close to the highest of the Apennine summits, L'Aquila is positioned at an elevation of 721 metres (2,365 ft) in the Valley of the Aterno-Pescara, situated between four mountain peaks above 2,000 metres (6,600 ft). The mountains block the city off from warm humid air currents from the Mediterranean, and give rise to a climate that is cool in comparison to most of central Italy, and dry. It has been said that the city enjoys each year 11 cold months and one cool one. L'Aquila is approximately 100 kilometres (62 mi) east-northeast of Rome, with which it is connected by an autostrada through the mountains.
This period of freedom and prosperity ended in the 16th century, when Spanish viceroy Philibert van Oranje partially destroyed L'Aquila and established Spanish feudalism in its countryside. The city, separated from its roots, never developed again. Ancient privileges were revoked. L'Aquila was again destroyed by an earthquake in 1703. Successive earthquakes have repeatedly damaged the city's large cathedral, and destroyed the original dome of the Basilica of San Bernardino, designed along the lines of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. The city was also sacked two times by French troops in 1799.
L'Aquila Cathedral main church dedicated to Saint Maximus of Aveia (San Massimo), was built in the 13th century, but razed after the 1703 earthquake. Basilica of San Bernardino (1472): church has a fine Renaissance façade by Nicolò Filotesio (commonly called Cola dell'Amatrice).
Santa Maria di Collemaggio church just outside the town, has a very fine, but simple, Romanesque façade (1270–1280) in red and white marble, with three decorated portals and a rose-window above each. Santa Giusta Romanesque façade with Gothic rose window. San Silvestro: 14th-century Romanesque façade with Gothic rose window
Spanish fort (Forte Spagnolo) massive castle in the highest part of the town, erected in 1534 by the Spanish viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo. In 2016, home to the National Museum of Abruzzo.
Fontana Luminosa (Luminous Fountain): a 1930s sculpture of two women bearing large jars. Fontana delle novantanove cannelle (1272): a fountain with ninety-nine jets distributed along three walls. The source of the fountain is still unknown.
L'Aquila cemetery includes grave of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, 19th‑century German gay rights pioneer who lived in L'Aquila; every year, gay people from all over the world meet at the cemetery to honour his memory. Roman ruins of Amiternum: ruins of an Ancient Roman city. Rocca Calascio: castle used in the 1980s as the location for the movie Ladyhawke
( L'Aquila - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting L'Aquila . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in L'Aquila - Italy
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