4K Rimski most Ilidza - Roman Bridge - Promo video - Ljepote Bosne i Hercegovine iz zraka
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WEB: helifilm.ba
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Old Roman Bridge Under The Snow
Took another lunch break with my drone the other day and went to the old Roman Bridge in Ilidza, right outside downtown Sarajevo. I was more focused on taking stills, but I ended up with couple of decent video clips so I decided to put them together in this short movie. Hope you like it.
Rutmap.ba - Sarajevo - Outdoor Spots, Mountains and Natural Surroundings
Sarajevo - Outdoor Spots, Mountains and Natural Surroundings,
Sarajevo, Tourism, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo360, BetaTelStudio, Bosna River Spring, Hotels Ilidza, Roman Bridge, Tree Alley, Skakavac Waterfall, Lukomir Village, Cold Creek, Puzim, Long Field, Bjelasnica, Sabici Village, Goat's Bridge.
Sarajevo - Izletišta, planinski predjeli i okolica
Sarajevo, Turizam, Bosna i Hercegovina, Sarajevo360, BetaTelStudio, Vrelo Bosne, Hoteli Ilidža, Rimski most, Velika aleja, Vodopad Skakavac, Lukomir, Studeni potok, Pužim, Dugo polje, Bjelašnica, Šabići, Kozija ćuprija
Rutmap | Interaktivna mapa
Sarajevo in 4K
This time we travel through Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 4K resolution, a beautiful city with a rich and difficult history. Follow us on this trip by watching the video Sarajevo in 4K. For this one we used about 3500 RAW pictures.
Please subscribe our channel if you want to travel with us through the most beautiful cities all over the world in 4K resolution.
Some objects and scenes which are part of this video: Streets in old town of Sarajevo called Bascarsija, Avaz Twist Tower, Cathedral „Srca Isusova“ with pope monument, Istiqlal or Indonesian mosque, renovated city hall, monument of killed childred during the siege of Sarajevo, Roman bridge, Velika Aleja Ilidza, Academy of Fine Arts, Panoramic View from Bijela Tabija.
Filmed and Edited by Amir Kulaglic using: Canon Mark III for Timelapse with Emotimo TB3 and Rhino Slider.
All 4K videos are available for licensing, contact me here: citiesin4k@gmail.com
Music licensed by Audiojungle
Inilah 8 jembatan tua abad 16 dan 17 di Bosnia Herzegovina
Bosnia memiliki banyak jembatan tua abad 16 - 17 yang memiliki nilai sejarah dan menjadi daya tarik wisatawan kala mengunjungi Bosnia Herzegovina.
Paling tidak ada 8 jembatan tua yang dapat dinikmati bagi penggemar sejarah. Begitu juga bagi arsitek mendapati majunya teknik jembatan kala itu seperti di Mostar jembatan sepanjang 20 m tanpa tiang penyangga hanya di topang dgn lengkung setengah lingkaran konstruksinya.
Baik ini satu persatu jembatan tua dimaksud :
1. Roman Bridge atau Rimski Most di Ilidza
Jembatan Romawi dgn bahasa Bosnia disebut Rimski Most dibangun sekitar 1530 an atau pada abad 16 yg masih kokoh berdiri diatas sungai bosna tidak jauh dari mata air bosna atau Vrelo Bosne.
Jembatan Romawi ini diketahui terkait desain umumnya bentuk jembatan Romawi dan unsur batu batuannya yang digunakan untuk konstruksinya.
2. Kriva Cuprija atau Crooked bridge Mostar
Jembatan ini dibuat tahun 1558 sebuah jembatan tanpa tiang yang digunakan sebagai jembatan percobaan sebelum jembatan Mostar yg lebih besar di bangun pada tahun 1566.
Walau kecil jembatan ini strategis kala itu sebagai penghubung wilayah antara sungai radobolja di kota tua mostar. Namun seiring banyak jalan baru di Mostar, jalur ini jarang dilewati dan jembatan Kriva dilupakan.
3. Goat's bridge di Sarajevo
Ada satu lagi jembatan yang letaknya di lembah sungai miljacka yakni goat's bridge yang dibangun pada abad 16. Tidak ada catatan yg jelas kapan persisnya jembatan ini di bangun, hanya catatan keberadaan jembatan ini tercatat pd tahun 1771. Jembatan ini dibangun pada masa Mehmet pasha sokolovic yang dibuat sebagai sarana logistik pembangunan benteng putih bijela tabija.
4. The old stone bridge Konjic
Menilik tahunnya jembatan ini dibangun pada tahun 1682/83 atas perintah Sultan Mehmet IV Turki Usmani dan di laksanakan pembangunannya oleh Haseci Ali-aga. Konstruksi jembatan berupa 6 tiang penyangga dan panjang antar tiang sekitar 6.72 m sampai 13.56. Di tengah jembatan terdapat prasasti kapan dan siapa pendirinya.
5. Seher Cehaja Bridge - Sarajevo
Jembatan ini adalah salah satu dari 13 jembatan yang dibangun pada masa Turki Usmani dengan bentuk klasik umumnya jembatan batu pada masa itu. Jembatan ini berada di mulut Vijecnica atau City hall dan memegang peran penting pada masa itu. Jembatan ini menurut catatan dibangun pada 1585-1586
6. Latin bridge Sarajevo
Latin bridge masih merupakan peninggalan Turki Usmani memiliki arti sejarah penting sebagai pemicu perang dunia pertama saat Gustav Princivo membunuh pangeran Austro Hungaria Frans ferdinand dan istrinya kala melintas di jembatan ini.
Jembatan latin dibangun oleh Husein tahun 1541 pada masa Turki Usmani dan sempat rusak terkena banjir pada tahun 1791 dan pada tahun 1798 seorang pedagang kaya Abdulah Briga mendonasi kan uangnya utk membangun kembali jembatan seperti terlihat saat ini.
Jembatan itu mengambil namanya dari lingkungan di tepi kiri Miljacka, tempat tinggal umat Katolik Sarajevo.
7. Mehmet Pasha Sokolovic bridge di Visegrad
Konstruksi jembatan di lakukan pada tahun 1571-1577 dgn arsitek turki bernama Koca Mimar Sinan dgn pengaruh oriental yg kental. Jembatan memiliki 11 tiang penyangka dan di bagian ujung lainnya di buat menikung menyusuri sungai Drina.
Panjang jembatan 179.5 m dgn lebar 6.30 m dan ketinggian diatas sungai adalah 15.40 m. Bahan dasar jembatan adalah batu tufa yg banyak dijumpai di sekitar visegrad.
Pada tengah jembatan ada ruang duduk utk penjaga dan disebelahnya terdapat prasasti berisi informasi tahun konstruksi dan pembuatnya. Jembatan ini menginspirasi pemenang nobel bidang sastra dari Bosnia Ivo Andric dalam karya di atas sungai Drina
8. The old bridge of Mostar
Old bridge menjadi sangat terkenal sbg peninggalan klasik desain Turki Usmani yg masih ada kokoh hingga sekarang. Jembatan ini melintasi sungai besar Neretva yg sudah kita susuri sebelumnya itu. Jembatan ini dibangun pada tahun 1566 atas perintah Sultan Sulaeman Al Qanuni dgn panjang 28 m dan tinggi 20 m. Dgn ukuran begitu terlihat sepintas jembatan ini berbentuk setengah lingkaran
Jembatan ini memiliki arti penting sebagai simbol krn menghubungkan wilayah muslim di timur dengan kristen di barat. Saat perang Bosnia tahun 1993 jembatan ini dihancurkan..dan krn pentingnya simbol persaudaraan dari jembatan ini maka sejak tahun 2003 mulai dibangun kembali sesuai aslinya.
Pada tahun 2004 renovasi selesai dan diresmikan oleh pangeran Charles dan jembatan dijadikan situs penting warisan budaya dunia oleh UNESCO.
Jembatan ini kini sangat masyur dan atraksi turis berkembang dan masuk agenda tahunan internasional redbull cliff diving melompat ke sungai Neretva.
Demikian ceritanya semoga berkenan
Vrelo bosne: mata air jernih kota Sarajevo
Vrelo bosne adalah kawasan konservasi alam yg berada di kaki pegunungan di wilayah ilidza 10 km dari Sarajevo. Vrelo berarti mata air yang pada musim semi ini melimpah dan jernih.
Topografi Sarajevo dikelililingi bukit dan hutan yang menjadikan kota ini memiliki sumber daya air melimpah. Satu mata air sejuk di kaki gunung pegunungan igman yang berada dalam konservasi alam yang sangat terjaga adalah spot wisata yg menarik untuk melepaskan kepenatan dan lari dari hiruk pikuk kota. Dari sarajevo taman ini berjarak 10 km berada di barat daya kota itu.
Vrelo bosne atau mata air Bosne menempati areal seluas 600 ha dimana 50 ha nya adalah konservasi yang sangat ketat perlindungannya. Pada bulan mei ini mata airnya mencatat debit tertinggi seiring mencairnya salju di pegunungan. Terlihat dari derasnya air yang keluar dari mata air vrelo bosne.
Tempat ini telah ada dan dibangun antara 1530 – 1550 yang ditandai adanya jembatan Romawi atau roman bridge disekitar situ. Roman bridge menandai akhir treking dari trek bila kita mengunjungi taman ini.
Masuk ke taman Vrelo bosne disaranlan dari pintu gerbang Ilidza karena dari situ dapat berkendara dengan kereta kuda dan harga juga tidak mahal perkereta 20 km atau 10 euro dapat di isi 4 penumpang. Dari gerbang ini dengan kereta akan diantar ke konservasi Vrelo bosne melewati pohon pohon tua yang berjajar rapi di sepanjang jalan.
Sampai di pintu masuk ada tiket seharga 2 km atau 1 euro sebagai tanda masuk ke taman Vrelo Bosne. Karena bulan mei dan musim semi bunga tumbuh beraneka ragam dan cantik suasananya.
Oaza Resort - Ilidza / Sarajevo [ENG]
KONTAKT: +38761288221, info@helifilm.ba
WEB: helifilm.ba
Sarajevo Travel Guide - Bosnia and Herzegovina Fascinating Experience
Sarajevo Travel Guide - Bosnia and Herzegovina Fascinating Experience
Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is nestled in a valley, mainly within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but with parts in the Republika Srpska entity. Sarajevo is one of the most historically interesting and varied cities in Europe. It is a place where the Western & Eastern Roman Empire split; where the people of the Roman Catholic west, Eastern Orthodox east and the Ottoman south, met, lived and warred. It has been both an example of historical turbulence and the clash of civilizations, as well as a beacon of hope for peace and tolerance through multi-cultural integration. Sarajevo is not a huge city - 395,133 people live in its urban area, but it is very livable, vibrant and busy. The city is historically famous for its traditional religious diversity, with adherents of Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Judaism coexisting there for centuries.
Sarajevo is a cosmopolitan European capital with a unique Eastern twist that is a delight to visit. The people are very friendly, be they Bosniaks, Croats, or Serb. There is very little crime, and the city ranks as one of the safest in South Eastern Europe. The town is very tourist friendly, especially in the city center.
Four distinct seasons with warm or hot summers and cold winters. Sarajevo is basically on the mountain so winters can be slightly colder here than in other capital cities in the region. You should not be surprised if you see some snow in mid October, but also sometimes in May, although it rarely occurs and stays on the ground for a very short period. Autumn can be cool, but during that period Sarajevo is very foggy and gray with little bit of sunshine.
Sarajevo is close to the center of the triangular shape of Bosnia and Herzegovina in southeastern Europe. Sarajevo city proper consists of four municipalities (or in Bosnian and Croatian: općina, in Serbian: opština): Centar (Center), Novi Grad (New City), Novo Sarajevo (New Sarajevo), and Stari Grad (Old City), while Metropolitan area of Sarajevo (Greater Sarajevo area) includes these and the neighbouring municipalities of Ilidža, Hadžići, Vogošća and Ilijaš.
Sports-related tourism uses the legacy facilities of the 1984 Winter Olympics, especially the skiing facilities on the nearby mountains of Bjelašnica, Igman, Jahorina, Trebević, and Treskavica. Sarajevo's 600 years of history, influenced by both Western and Eastern empires, makes it a tourist attraction with splendid variations. Sarajevo has hosted travellers for centuries, because it was an important trading center during the Ottoman and Austria-Hungarian empires and because was a natural stop for many routes between East and West. Examples of popular destinations in Sarajevo include the Vrelo Bosne park, the Sarajevo cathedral, and the Gazi Husrev-beg's Mosque. Tourism in Sarajevo is chiefly focused on historical, religious, cultural sites and winter sports.
Sarajevo is host to many parks throughout the city and on the outskirts of city. A popular activity among Sarajevo citizens is street chess, usually played at Trg oslobođenja Alija Izetbegović. Veliki Park is the largest green area in the center of Sarajevo. It's nestled between Titova, Koševo, Džidžikovac, Tina Ujevića and Trampina Streets and in the lower part there is a monument dedicated to the Children of Sarajevo. Hastahana is a popular place to relax in the Austro-Hungarian neighborhood of Marijin Dvor. Goat's Bridge, locally known as Kozija Ćuprija, in the Miljacka Canyon is also a popular park destination along the Dariva walkway and river Miljacka. On December 24 of 2012, a park hosting two brass sculptures resembling two mourning mothers was dedicated as the Friendship Park, commemorating over 45 years of friendship between Sarajevo and Baku.
Sarajevo is also famous for its city lookouts; including an observation deck on Avaz Twist Tower, Park Prinčeva restaurant, Vidikovac lookout (Mt. Trebević), Zmajevac lookout and Yellow/White fortresses lookouts (in Vratnik) as well as numerous other rooftops throughout the city (i.e. Alta Shopping Center, BBI Center, Hotel Hecco Deluxe).
( Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sarajevo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
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izvorci rimski most part 1
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cuprija, rimski most, kozetin, ustikolina....
[ ustikolina.net.ms ]
4K Welcome to Ilidza - Official Promo Video - Opcina Ilidza - Ljepote BiH iz zraka
KONTAKT: +38761288221, info@helifilm.ba
WEB: helifilm.ba
Social Media:
EMDC Network
Banja Ilidža - U srcu prirode (Bosanska verzija)
Video reklama Banja Ilidža doo - produkcija 09-2019
Produkcija: ExitMedia
Banja Ilidža doo
Ilidža bb, 79260 Sanski Most, BiH
+387 37 677 100
Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina - (Official Promo Video 2019)
KONTAKT: +38761288221, info@helifilm.ba
WEB: helifilm.ba
Ljepote Bosne i Hercegovine iz zraka
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EMDC Network
Sarajevo Romeo and Juliet
A 1994 PBS documentary about the deaths of Admira Ismić and Boško Brkić. The couple were natives of Bosnia and Herzegovina living in the city of Sarajevo. She was a Bosniak, and he a Bosnian Serb. They were killed on 19 May 1993 by a Serb sniper, while trying to cross the Vrbanja bridge into the Serb-occupied territory of Grbavica.
City Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina - Tourist Info
Sarajevo je takav grad da se u njemu i stranci osjećaju kao da su kod kuće. Čak ni širenje grada izgradnjom visokih nebodera nije moglo oduzeti šarm nebrojenim kafeima i vjekovnoj tradiciji gostoprimstva.
Iako je gradsko zaleđe, sačinjeno od nebrojenih brda i visokih planina, u neku ruku izolovalo grad i sačuvalo duh starih vremena, on je i dalje ostavljao svoja vrata širom otvorena ostatku svijeta. Bez obzira što je Sarajevo glavni grad, sa svom trkom i dinamikom koju nosi savremeni život, ipak ima jedinstvenu atmosferu koja vam se prosto uvuče u dušu. Ovaj grad djelomično simbolizuje vjekovima staru borbu protiv izrazitih utjecaja sa strane, ali svakako i njihovo prihvatanje u određenoj mjeri, i to onih najboljih, spajajući ih u jednu od najraznolikijih kultura koje se mogu pronaći u Evropi.
I doista, samo nekoliko mjesta na kugli zemaljskoj se može pohvaliti sa katoličkom i pravoslavnom crkvom i džamijom i sinagogom koje su udaljene tek jednu laganu šetnju jedna od druge. Ako postoji grad u Evropi koji bez imalo muke spaja istok i zapad onda je to Sarajevo. Ovdje su Bizantinsko i Otomansko carstvo istoka te Rimsko, Venecijansko i Austrougarsko sa zapada, ostavili neizbrisive tragove na kulturu, tradiciju i religiju.
Šetnja Sarajevom predstavlja ustvari šetnju kroz njegovu historiju. Od orijentalne otomanske četvrti gdje su smještene brojne slastičarnice, kafanice i radnje sa rukotvorinama, pa do administrativnog i kulturnog centra nastalog u vrijeme Austrougarskog perioda, Sarajevo je zadržalo najbolje od oba svijeta. U Sarajevu ljudi imaju vremena i za porodicu i prijatelje. Ovdje se kaže da se bogatstvo čovjeka ne mjeri po onome šta ima, nego koliko prijatelja ima - ovdje ljudi troše svoje vrijeme na prijateljstvo.
BUSINESS INQUIRIES: xalen_@hotmail.com
Thank you, awesome people of the world!
Piratski otok u srcu Ilidže - Termalna rivijera Ilidža
Lijepo vrijeme I visoke temperature u septembru idealne su za bijeg od svakodnevnice I gradske gužve u vodeni svijet Termalne rivijere na Ilidži.
Brojne atrakcije predstavljaju izazov za sve generacije, a posebnu radost za one najmlađe.
Čarobni svijet iz mašte –Piratski otok prostire se na 800 kvadratnih metara i zadovoljava sve svjetske sigurnosne standarde. Sadrži veliki bazen koji se nalazi u samom središtu parka, a okružen je piratskim brodićima, vodenom kofom, toboganima , vodenim ljuljama I prskalicama koji su samo mali dio ove vesele atrakcije koja je obogatila ponudu ne samo Termalne rivijere već cijelog grada.
Opuštajući I zabavni dan za cijelu porodicu upotpunit će I unutrašnji bazeni sa raznim vodenim atrakcijama poput divlje rijeke, masažnih vodopada i masažnih ležaljki.
Savršen dan upotpunit će I bogata trpeza jela iz krušne peći novootvorenog restorana “Sokak”.
Jedini napor koji ćete uložiti jeste razmišljanje o tome koji bazen izabrati?! A dan je dug, zašto uopšte birati? Stignete već uživati u svim atrakcijama koje nudi Termalna rivijera Ilidža.
DIY Destinations (4K) - Bosnia and Herzegovina Budget Travel Show | Full Episode
Watch it for free without ads on Amazon Prime Video:
Charles is on an epic journey in Bosnia and Herzegovina on a budget, visiting some of the most popular and off the beaten path attractions. In Sarajevo: Sebilj Fountain and Baščaršija Square, Morica Han, Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque and Bazaar, Clock Tower Sahat Kula, Svrzo's House, Cathedral of Jesus Sacred Heart, Museum of Crimes Against Humanity, Yellow Fortress, Tunnel Museum, Museum of Sarajevo 1878–1918, Despic's House, Ewige Flamme, Olympic Skenderija, St. Joseph Cathedral, Sarajevo City Center, Parliamentary Assembly, Avaz Twist Tower. We'll also sample some of the traditional dishes, including burek and cevapi, and the local beer. As well as getting around on a public tram, buses and train. We'll also venture underground to the famous Tito's Nuclear Bunker in Konjic. In Mostar, we'll visit the Old Bridge and Peace Bell Tower, and the surrounding attractions including its Secret Air Field, Hum Mountain, and in Blagaj, the Castle of Herceg Stjepan and Blagaj Tekke. We'll have lunch in Počitelj and visit its Citadel and ending it at the Kravica Waterfall. We'll also visit some of attractions in the Republika Srpska, including Banja Luka's Kastel Fortress and Monument to Fallen Krajina Soldiers and Sutjeska National Park.
Drone Footages:
Jose Angelo Gallegos (Sarajevo / Banja Luka) -
Tamás Marosi (Mostar / Sutjeska National Park) -
Derar Ayoush (Mostar) -
Amar Tufo (Konjic) -
Cesc Vilà: Everdream, Sun and Stars
Capo Production: Real, Defiance, Peace, Constance, With Me
Sarajevo International Airport | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Sarajevo International Airport
00:00:52 1 History
00:01:01 1.1 Early years
00:04:04 1.2 Development since the 2000s
00:09:11 2 Airlines and destinations
00:09:21 2.1 Passenger
00:09:35 2.2 Cargo
00:09:44 3 Statistics
00:09:53 3.1 Traffic figures
00:10:01 3.2 Busiest routes
00:10:10 4 Access
00:10:19 4.1 By car
00:10:37 4.2 By bus
00:11:04 4.3 By trolleybus
00:11:20 5 Accidents and incidents
00:13:47 6 See also
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- Socrates
Sarajevo International Airport (Bosnian: Međunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo/Међународни аеродром Сарајево); (IATA: SJJ, ICAO: LQSA), also known as Butmir Airport, is the main international airport in Bosnia and Herzegovina, serving Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located 3.3 NM (6.1 km; 3.8 mi) southwest of the Sarajevo railway station and some 6.5 NM (12.0 km; 7.5 mi) west of downtown Sarajevo in the Ilidža municipality, suburb of Butmir. In 2017, 957,971 passengers traveled through the airport, compared to 323,499 in 2001.
Herzegovina - Promo video / Promotivni film - Hercegovina