[3DHD] St. Stephen's Basilica / Szent István-bazilika, Budapest, Hungary / Magyarország
St. Stephen's Basilica is a Roman Catholic basilica in Budapest, Hungary. It is named in honour of Stephen, the first King of Hungary (c 975--1038), whose right hand is housed in the reliquary. It was the sixth largest church building in Hungary before 1920. Today, it is the third largest church building in present-day Hungary.( )
2D version:
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A Szent István-bazilika vagy Lipótvárosi plébániatemplom egy neoreneszánsz stílusban épült római katolikus templom Budapesten a Lipótvárosban, a Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út közelében, a Szent István téren. A bazilika Magyarország egyik legjelentősebb egyházi épülete, a főváros egyik legnagyobb idegenforgalmi nevezetessége, a Szent István-kultusz fő helyszíne. Az épület névadója a magyar államalapító király, Szent István, akinek épségben maradt jobb kezét, a Szent Jobbot ereklyeként itt őrzik. Az épület a maga 96 méterével az ország harmadik legmagasabb épülete.( )
2D-s változata:
Extended verzió (zene nélkül):
Bazylika św. Stefana w Budapeszcie (węg. Szent István Bazilika) -- bazylika przy placu św. Stefana (węg. Szent István tér) w Peszcie. Od konsekracji w 1905 roku jest największym kościołem stolicy Węgier. Bazylika jest drugim budapeszteńskim, a trzecim węgierskim najwyższym budynkiem.( )
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Hungary: MAV Class 418 (M41) diesel leaves Papa station on a passenger service to Gyor
MAV Class 418 (M41) 418 311 diesel leaves Papa station hauling a BDzx trailer and a Bzmot railcar on a passenger service 9211, the 1924 Celldomolk to Gyor.
Clip recorded 27th June 2014.
The MÁV M41 series was built in 1969 and 1972 to 1984 in 107 copies to the MÁV delivered four-axle diesel locomotive which was to replace the last remaining operational steam locomotives. Machines of this type were also produced for Gysev and OSE.
The history of this locomotive goes to the MÁV -series M46 back from 1969 by Ganz MÁVAG two similar locomotives for testing the MAV has been sent. The sample locomotives had a single-ended funds cab and a 12-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine from full , which made at 1500 rpm 880 kW (1200 hp).
From this locomotive developed full-MÁVAG the final design 1972 M41, then the last steam locomotives were the be replaced on non-electrified routes, especially the MÁV-series 424 . locomotives were liberally used to its mass, the freight service to the express service. In terms of their technical data, there are different data in the literature. The technical data correspond to the book locomotives Austrian Railways. The engine noises missed the machine the name Rattler.
After 2002, the machines were gradually repowered and received new engines of MTU or Caterpillar . You are at the present time as indispensable as ever and will probably be in use until 2017. In the OSE locomotives are already retired.
It is equipped with a hydraulic transmission from Voith equipped, Type 720 L + rU 2. The transmission consists of two torque converters and a mechanical gearbox .
The heating for the train carried by an AC generator connected to the diesel engine. The electrical system of the machine was about through a rectifier also controlled.
Hungarian State Railways (Hungarian: Magyar Államvasutak or MÁV) is the Hungarian national railway company, with divisions MÁV START Zrt. (passenger transport), MÁV-Gépészet Zrt. (maintenance) and MÁV-Trakció Zrt.. The MÁV Cargo Zrt (freight transport) is sold for ÖBB. The head office is in Budapest.
In Budapest, the three main railway stations are the Eastern (Keleti), Western (Nyugati) and Southern (Déli), with other outlying stations like Kelenföld. Of the three, the Southern is the most modern but the Eastern and the Western are more decorative and architecturally interesting.
Pápa is a historical town in Veszprém county, Hungary, located close to the northern edge of the Bakony Hills, and noted for its baroque architecture. It is the cultural, economic and tourism centre of the region.
Pápa has a large historical centre, with renovated old burgher's houses, cafes, and museums, including the Blue-Dyeing Museum (Kékfestő Múzeum), set up in a former factory which produced clothes and other textiles dyed with indigo blue under a unique method.
The town is also noted for its thermal baths, particularly a newly constructed swimming complex, the Esterházy family's palace, its grand Roman Catholic church, and Calvinist secondary school; the town is an important religious centre. It also boasts a large park near the centre of town.
The town has been the main center of trade in the wines of the Somló wine region. Pápa was an administrative regional capital from 1945 to 1983.
Veszprém is the name of an administrative county (megye) in Hungary. Veszprém is also the name of the capital city of Veszprém county.
Veszprém county lies in western Hungary. It covers the Bakony hills and the northern shore of Lake Balaton. It shares borders with the Hungarian counties Vas, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Komárom-Esztergom, Fejér, Somogy and Zala. The capital of Veszprém county is Veszprém. The river Marcal runs along part of its western border.
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SZEDRES (H) A Szent Margit templom nagyharangja
Szedres község tolna megyében.
A Római Katolikus templom tornyában 3 harang lakik
Súlya: KB:230Kg
Öntötte: Gombos Lajos, Örbottyán, 1979
Másik oldalon: Árpád-házi Szent margit kép
Békéscsaba éjjel és nappal a magasból
Békéscsaba éjszaka és nappal a magasból
Hungarian Pilgrims/120km csángó zarándoklat gyalog Somlyóra
Info: (English + Magyar)
Gyalogos csángó zarándokok érkeznek meg Csíkszentgyörgy felől Csíksomlyóra a 2002 évi pünkösdi búcsúra Klézséről Moldovából a Kárpátokon át 4 napi gyaloglás és több mint 120 km után.
Catholic Hungarian Csángó pilgrims from Kézse/Cleja arrive to Csíksomlyó at Pentecost 2002 after a 4 day walk - more than 120 km - across the mountains of the Carpatians.
The pilgrimage to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Csíksomlyó and to this Holy Place of the Catholic Hungarian Székelys and Csángós is at least a 500 year old tradition in Transylvania and Moldova. A document is well known written to Pope Eugene IV in the middle of the XV. century saying something like that: a gross of people use to come together here every year.
Nowadays the fact of warning the vernacular language of the Catholic Hungarian Csángós (at least 60 000 strongly religious people!) off the church in Moldova is a disgrace to the European Community and especially to the Vatican...
Important links about Csangos:
National Geographic
Csango minority culture in Romania
Committee on Culture, Science and Education
Rapporteur: Mrs Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa, Finland, Liberal, Democratic and Reformers Group
(Council of Europe/Conseil de l Europe)
PERESZNYE (H) - A katolikus templom beharangozása püspöki bérmálási nagymisére
Peresznye község Vas megye északi részén az országhatár mellett. A katolikus templom tornyában 3 harang lakik. A nagy- és a kisharangot Seltenhofer Frigyesi Fiai öntötték Sopronban 1921-ben és 1922-ben, a középső harangot Johann Georg Köchel öntötte Sopronban 1781-ben. A harangokat kiemelték, nyelveiket lecsonkolták és gyenge húzómágnesekkel, lekötött nyelvvel szólnak.
The bells of the catholic church in Peresznye (Hungary).
Die Glocken der katolischen Kirche in Peresznye (Ungarn).
Die Kirche hat 3 Glocken.
Ton: gis' - c - e
Glocke 1 1921 Seltenhofer Frigyes / Sopron
Glocke 2 1781 Johann Georg Köchel / Sopron
Glocke 3 1922 Seltenhofer Frigyes / Sopron
Ászár - Katolikus harangok
TheCnrGnr - Days in HUNGARY - Szeged - Part 3
The Summary of Szeged, HUN trip - Part 3
Sétarepülés Békéscsaba
Taste of Hungary 2017 - Phoenix
4th Annual - Taste of Hungary - Fundraising Festival
March 11th, 2017
Authentic Hungarian Food:
Langos, Sausage, Goulash, Hurka, Stuffed Cabbage, and more...
Jozsi Baki, Karpatok Hungarian Folk Ensemble, Lajkonik Polish Folk Ensemble
Entertainment for Children
Hungarian Reformed Church
1822 W. Vogel Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85021
MONOK (H) - A katolikus templom harangjai / Die Glocken der katholischen Kirche
Monok község Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyében. A Sarlós Boldogasszony plébániatemplom tornyában 3 harang található. A nagyharangot Eberhard Henrik harangöntő készítette 1833-ban Pesten, a középső harangot F. W. Rincker öntötte 1923-ban Budapesten, a kisharangot Szlezák László öntötte 1937-ben Budapesten.
A harangok villamosítását és átszerelését Bukta András végezte.
Köszönet a harangozásért a plébános úrnak.
The bells of the catholic church in Monok (Hungary).
Die Glocken der katholischen Kirche in Monok (Ungarn).
Die Kirche hat 3 Glocken.
Ton: g' - c - es
Glocke 1 wurde in 1833 von Henricus Eberhard in Pest gegossen.
Glocke 2 wurde in 1923 von F. W. Rincker in Budapest gegossen.
Glocke 3 wurde in 1937 von Szlezák László in Budapest gegossen.
Calvinist Church - Békés: Fugue in A Minor
Provided to YouTube by Hungaroton
Calvinist Church - Békés: Fugue in A Minor · István Baróti · Franz Paul Rigler
Historical Organs in Hungary
Released on: 1989-07-20
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Szent Anna napi búcsú a Felsővízivárosi templomban
NYÍRLUGOS (H) - A római katolikus templom harangjai / Die Glocken der kath. Kirche
Nyírlugos város Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében. A római katolikus templomnak 4 harangja van. A nagy- és a kisharangot Szlezák Ráfael öntötte Budapesten 1938-ban, a két középső harangot F. W. Rincker öntötte Budapesten 1923-ban.
Köszönet a harangozásért a gondnok úrnak.
The bells of the catholic church in Nyírlugos (Hungary).
Die Glocken der katholischen Kirche in Nyírlugos (Ungarn).
Die Kirche hat 4 Glocken.
Ton: fis' - c - e - fis
Glocke 1 wurde in 1938 von Szlezák Ráfael in Budapest gegossen.
Glocke 2 wurde in 1923 von F. W. Rincker in Budapest gegossen.
Glocke 3 wurde in 1923 von F. W. Rincker in Budapest gegossen.
Glocke 4 wurde in 1938 von Szlezák Ráfael in Budapest gegossen.
Hungary: MAV Class 418 (M41) diesel locomotive hauled passenger services pass at Papa station
Hungary: MAV Class 418 (M41) diesel locomotives pass at Papa (Veszprém county) station. 418 310 arrives with a service from Gyor to Celldomolk whilst we depart on board train 19808, the 1839 Keszthely - Gyor behind 418 112. Clip recorded on the 27th June 2014.
The MÁV M41 series was built in 1969 and 1972 to 1984 in 107 copies to the MÁV delivered four-axle diesel locomotive which was to replace the last remaining operational steam locomotives. Machines of this type were also produced for Gysev and OSE.
The history of this locomotive goes to the MÁV -series M46 back from 1969 by Ganz MÁVAG two similar locomotives for testing the MAV has been sent. The sample locomotives had a single-ended funds cab and a 12-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine from full , which made at 1500 rpm 880 kW (1200 hp).
From this locomotive developed full-MÁVAG the final design 1972 M41, then the last steam locomotives were the be replaced on non-electrified routes, especially the MÁV-series 424 . locomotives were liberally used to its mass, the freight service to the express service. In terms of their technical data, there are different data in the literature. The technical data correspond to the book locomotives Austrian Railways. The engine noises missed the machine the name Rattler.
After 2002, the machines were gradually repowered and received new engines of MTU or Caterpillar . You are at the present time as indispensable as ever and will probably be in use until 2017. In the OSE locomotives are already retired.
It is equipped with a hydraulic transmission from Voith equipped, Type 720 L + rU 2. The transmission consists of two torque converters and a mechanical gearbox .
The heating for the train carried by an AC generator connected to the diesel engine. The electrical system of the machine was about through a rectifier also controlled.
Hungarian State Railways (Hungarian: Magyar Államvasutak or MÁV) is the Hungarian national railway company, with divisions MÁV START Zrt. (passenger transport), MÁV-Gépészet Zrt. (maintenance) and MÁV-Trakció Zrt.. The MÁV Cargo Zrt (freight transport) is sold for ÖBB. The head office is in Budapest.
In Budapest, the three main railway stations are the Eastern (Keleti), Western (Nyugati) and Southern (Déli), with other outlying stations like Kelenföld. Of the three, the Southern is the most modern but the Eastern and the Western are more decorative and architecturally interesting.
Pápa is a historical town in Veszprém county, Hungary, located close to the northern edge of the Bakony Hills, and noted for its baroque architecture. It is the cultural, economic and tourism centre of the region.
Pápa has a large historical centre, with renovated old burgher's houses, cafes, and museums, including the Blue-Dyeing Museum (Kékfestő Múzeum), set up in a former factory which produced clothes and other textiles dyed with indigo blue under a unique method.
The town is also noted for its thermal baths, particularly a newly constructed swimming complex, the Esterházy family's palace, its grand Roman Catholic church, and Calvinist secondary school; the town is an important religious centre. It also boasts a large park near the centre of town.
The town has been the main center of trade in the wines of the Somló wine region. Pápa was an administrative regional capital from 1945 to 1983.
Veszprém is the name of an administrative county (megye) in Hungary. Veszprém is also the name of the capital city of Veszprém county.
Veszprém county lies in western Hungary. It covers the Bakony hills and the northern shore of Lake Balaton. It shares borders with the Hungarian counties Vas, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Komárom-Esztergom, Fejér, Somogy and Zala. The capital of Veszprém county is Veszprém. The river Marcal runs along part of its western border.
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Add a szíved! Segíts egy órát! - légifelvétel
Add a szíved! Segíts egy órát!
2016. május 20.
Szombathely, Fő tér
Pomáz (H), római katolikus plébániatemplom harangjai (összehúzás/plenum)
700 kg, 285 kg, 106 kg
103,2 cm, 82,8 cm, 55 cm
fisz1, h1, f2
Egry Ferenc, Szlezák Ráfael, Szlezák László
Jézus Szíve, Nagyboldogasszony, Kis Szent Teréz
Domoszló (H) - Szent Demeter Plébániatemplom - Harangszó elhunytért
TARCAL (H) - A katolikus templom harangja / Die Glocke der katholischen Kirche
Tarcak község Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyében. A katolikus templomnak 1 harangja van. A 693 kg-os harangot Schaudt András öntötte Pesten 1856-ban. A harang füles koronája mind a mai napig megvan. Jelenleg hajlított járomra felszerelve, ejtős nyelvvel szól. A harang villamosítását Bukta András végezte.
The bell of the catholic church in Tarcal (Hungary).
Die Glocke der katholischen Kirche in Tarcal (Ungarn).
Die Kirche hat 1 Glocke.
Ton: f'
Die Glocke wurde in 1856 von Andreas Schaudt in Pest gegossen.
ANDOCS (H) - A katolikus templom harangjai / Die Glocken der katolischen Kirche
Andocs község Somogy megyében, a Tabi járásban. A Nagyboldogasszony katolikus kegytemplom tornyában 2 harang lakik. A harangokat Walser Ferenc öntötte Budapesten 1925-ben. Eredetileg repülő nyelvvel szóltak a harangok, de a villamosításkor a jármokat aláemelték, a nyelveket lecsonkították, így most lekötött nyelvvel szólnak. A kisharang ráadásul belever az óraütő szerkezetbe, ami a hangját le is tompítja. A toronyban lévő harangokon kívül a szentély feletti huszártoronyban is található egy használaton kívüli kisharang ismeretlen mestertől.
Köszönet a plébános úrnak a harangozásért.
The bells of the catholic church in Andocs (Hungary).
Die Glocken der katolischen Kirche in Andocs (Ungarn).
Die Kirche hat 2 Glocken.
Ton: f' - des
Glocke 1 wurde in 1925 von Walser Ferenc in Budapest gegossen.
Glocke 2 wurde in 1925 von Walser Ferenc in Budapest gegossen.