Places to see in ( Corsica - France ) Cargese
Places to see in ( Corsica - France ) Cargese
Cargèse is a village and commune in the Corse-du-Sud department of France on the west coast of the island of Corsica, 27 km north of Ajaccio. In the 2012 census the commune had a population of 1,263.
The village was established at the end of the 18th century by the descendants of a group of immigrants from the Mani Peninsula of the Greek Peloponnese who had first settled in Corsica a hundred years earlier. The economy of the village is now based around tourism. Cargèse is noted for having two 19th-century churches that face one another across a small valley overlooking the harbour and the sea. One was built by the descendants of the Greek immigrants and the other by native Corsicans.
The village contains two 19th-century Catholic churches that face one another across a small valley overlooking the sea. The church on the east side was built by native Corsicans and descendants of the Greek colonists who had adopted the Latin Rite. The church on the west side, the Greek church, was built by the descendants of the Greek colonists who had retained the use of the Greek rite. From 1964 until 2005, Monseigneur Florent Marchiano conducted services in the two churches on alternate Sundays. On his retirement he was not replaced and instead each Sunday a priest from Vico comes to the village to conduct mass in the Latin church. A priest based in Athens, Archimandrite Armaos Athanasios, visits Cargèse several times a year to conduct services in the Greek church.
The commune of Cargèse is on the west coast of Corsica, 25 km 'as the crow flies' north of Ajaccio but 50 km by road. The countryside consists of small mountains whose highest peak is Capu di Bagliu (701 m). There are two plains that are each crossed by small rivers, the Esigna and the Chiuni. To the north east is a wooded area, the forest of Esigna. The ragged coastline has three granite headlands each dominated by a Genoese tower: the Punta d’Orchinu, the Punta d’Ormigna and the Punta di Cargèse (sometimes referred to as the Punta di u Puntiglione).
The coast has five beaches that are from north to south:
- Chiuni beach is 7 km by road from the village and site of the Club Méditerranée holiday resort. The beach is bounded on the northern end by mouth of the Chiesaccia and Chiuni rivers. A small tributary of the Chiuni river, the Truscielli, marks part of the boundary of the commune of Cargèse with that of Piana.
- Peru beach lies just to the north of the village. At the northern end of the beach is the mouth of the Esigna, a small river that flows during the winter months. The beach is patrolled by life-guards during the summer tourist season.
- Menasina beach is 3 km east of the village.
- Capizollu beach is between the Punta di Molendinu and the Pointe des Moines. This is believed to be where the Greek colonists came ashore in 1676 on their way to Paomia.
- Stagnoli beach is 6.8 km by road south of the village and the site of a UCPA water-sports centre. The small Bubia river flows into the sea at this point and marks the boundary of the commune of Cargèse with that of Vico.
Until the 1970s fishing boats would moor off a small protected beach to the south of the village. In the winter the boats would be hauled up onto the beach with a windlass. The whole area has now been developed into a marina.
The marina is accessible either by road or by a steep path that runs between the two churches and then alongside the cemetery. The harbour is protected by a jetty running 200 m in a north-easterly direction and can accommodate 235 boats with a maximum length of 16 m. There are 35 places allocated for visitors. The depth at the entrance is 5 m but this reduces to only 2.5 m within the harbour. Fuel, fresh water and mains power are available. There are three restaurants on the quayside but no shops. Provisions are available from a supermarket near the Place Saint-Jean 100 m above the port at the top of the town. In good weather vessels can anchor east of the harbour entrance in water with a minimum depth of 6 m. The three Genoese towers in the commune were built between 1605 and 1606:
Tour de Cargèse, near the village, on the Punta di Cargèse
Tour d'Omigna, to the north of the village, on the Punta d'Omigna
Tour d'Orchinu, to the north of the village, on the Punta d'Orchinu
( Corsica - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Corsica . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Corsica - France
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Cargese procession 2016 (Offert par Marie Ange Peraldi)
Cargese 2016
Created with MAGIX Video easy 5 HD
Sunday in Cargese La Grecque
Getting provisions with tender at the beautiful marina and tiny port of the Corsican village of Cargese la Grecque.
Cargèse célèbre la Pâque orthodoxe
Un millier de personnes a fêté Pâques selon le rite catholique oriental, lundi 21 avril dans le village grec de Cargèse, en Corse-du-Sud, lors de cérémonies ponctuées de cantiques et de coups de feu.
Petit apercu Vol Bastia-Cargese 2
Oitylo y Cargèse.wmv
Principio y fin de ochocientos griegos que en 1665 se asentaron en Córcega y fundaron Cargèse. Miembros de algunas de las familias emigraron a Florida en 1768, entre ellos iba Nicolás Stefanopoli.
Bonifacio, Corsica Church
Entretien de Monseigneur Jeanbart, archevêque grec-melkite catholique d'Alep
EXCLUSIF : SOS Chrétiens d'Orient a rencontré Monseigneur Jeanbart, archevêque grec-melkite catholique d'Alep. Charlotte d'Ornellas et Benjamin Blanchard l'ont interrogé à Alep, dans l'église Saint-Georges, une de ses églises qui n'a pas été détruite. Il revient sur la situation de ses fidèles particulièrement éprouvés depuis trois ans, mais également sur l'initiative française de faire sonner les cloches le 15 août, en soutien aux chrétiens d'Orient.
Πασχαλινή εορτή - Fête de Pâques 2009
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Χορός στην Ελληνική κοινότητα της Λυών, Γαλλία
Danse traditionelles lors de la fête de Paques à la communauté grecque de Lyon
Dancing at the Greek comunity of Lyon, France for Easter, just after celebration of Resurrection mass.
Sviatoslav Shevchuk, primat de l'Église grecque-catholique ukrainienne
Après avoir longtemps souffert sous la persécution communiste, l'église gréco-catholique ukrainienne prospère depuis la chute du rideau de fer. La force de ce rite oriental s'étend à la diaspora ukrainienne, en pleine croissance, en particulier au Canada.
En 2011, pour élire le nouveau chef de leur église, les évêques ukrainiens, se tournèrent vers le plus jeune d'entre-deux: Sviatoslav Shevchuk, alors âgé de 40 ans. Il est l'invité du père Thomas Rosica à l'occasion d'une visite au Canada.
✈️5 minutes in Alberobello Vatican Roma Rome Milano Milan, Italia Italie, Europe - RoadTrip (HD1101)
#travel #trip #travel #viajes #viaggio #italia
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0:17 : Alberobello
1:29 : Le Vatican
2:16 : Saint Pierre de Rome
2:54 : Basilique Saint Pierre - extérieur
3:03 : Place Saint Pierre
3:26 : Basilique Saint Pierre - intérieur
4:09 : Le Colisé - Roma
4:35 : Promenade dans Rome
4:42 : Fontaine de Trevi
4:46 : Milan - Milano
.it :
Roma (italiano Roma / 'Roma /) è la capitale d'Italia dal 1871. Si trova nella regione Lazio in Somalia centrale. Con 2,783,300 abitanti stabiliti su 1 285 km² (4,103,250 persone con l'agglomerato nel 2009) 1 Roma è la città più popolosa d'Italia e la terza più estesa Europe2 dopo Mosca e Londra; la sua area urbana è meno contrasto rispetto a quelle di Milano e Naples3. I suoi abitanti si chiamano i romani.
Città culla della civiltà occidentale dopo Atene, Roma ha una storia lunga più di duemila cinquecento anni. Era il centro dell'Impero Romano, che ha dominato l'Europa, il Nord Africa e il Medio Oriente per oltre cinquecento anni dal I secolo aC. AC al V secolo dC. DC .. Roma occupa un posto fondamentale nel cristianesimo ed è la sede della Chiesa cattolica romana e la Città del Vaticano, uno stato sovrano a capo il papa.
.es :
Roma (Italia Roma / 'Roma /) es la capital de Italia desde 1871. Se encuentra en la región de Lazio, en el centro de Somalia. Con 2,783,300 habitantes establecieron en 1 285 km² (4,103,250 personas con la aglomeración en 2009) 1 Roma es la ciudad más poblada de Italia y la tercera más extensa Europe2 después de Moscú y Londres; su área urbana es menor contraste que los de Milán y Naples3. Sus habitantes son llamados los romanos.
Ciudad cuna de la civilización occidental después de Atenas, Roma tiene una historia que abarca más de dos mil quinientos años. Fue el centro del Imperio Romano, que dominó Europa, norte de África y Oriente Medio durante más de quinientos años desde el primer siglo antes de Cristo. C. hasta el siglo V dC. AD .. Roma ocupa un lugar fundamental en el cristianismo y es la sede de la Iglesia Católica Romana y la Ciudad del Vaticano, un estado soberano encabezada por el Papa.
.en :
Rome (Italian Roma / 'Roma /) is the capital of Italy since 1871. It is located in the Lazio region in central Somalia. With 2,783,300 inhabitants established on 1 285 km² (4,103,250 people with the agglomeration in 2009) 1 Rome is the most populated town in Italy and the third most extensive Europe2 after Moscow and London; its urban area is less contrast than those of Milan and Naples3. Its inhabitants are called the Romans.
City cradle of western civilization after Athens, Rome has a history that spans more than two thousand five hundred years. It was the center of the Roman Empire, which dominated Europe, North Africa and the Middle East for over five hundred years from the first century BC. BC to fifth century AD. AD .. Rome occupies a crucial place in Christianity and is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican City, a sovereign state headed by the pope.
.fr :
Rome (en italien Roma /'roˑma/) est la capitale de l'Italie depuis 1871. Elle se trouve dans la région du Latium, dans le centre du pays. Avec 2 783 300 habitants établis sur 1 285 km² (4 103 250 habitants avec l'agglomération en 2009)1, Rome est la commune la plus peuplée d'Italie et la troisième plus étendue d'Europe2 après Moscou et Londres; son aire urbaine est en revanche moins importante que celles de Milan et Naples3. Ses habitants s'appellent les Romains.
Ville berceau de la civilisation occidentale après Athènes, Rome a une histoire qui s'étend sur plus de deux mille cinq cents ans. Elle était le centre de l'Empire romain, qui a dominé l'Europe, l'Afrique du Nord et le Moyen-Orient pendant plus de cinq cents ans à partir du Ier siècle av. J.-C. jusqu'au ve siècle apr. J.-C.. Rome occupe une place capitale dans le christianisme et abrite le siège de l'Église catholique romaine et la Cité du Vatican, un État souverain dont le chef est le pape.
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Diaporama sacre épiscopal de Monseigneur Grégoire de l'Eglise Orthodoxe des Gaules
Les orthodoxes de rite occidental se sont réunis dans l’Est de la France, à Gorze en Moselle, le 17 décembre, autour de quatre évêques orthodoxes occidentaux pour sacrer le Père Michel Mendez, jusqu’alors abbé du monastère orthodoxe St Michel de Bois-Aubry en Touraine, évêque de l’Eglise orthodoxe des Gaules sous le nom de Grégoire.
Consécration par Mgr Marc et Mgr Maël (Eg. orthodoxe Celtique),
Mgr Vigile et Mgr Martin (Eg. orthodoxe Française).