Bonaire Gezilecek Yerler - Rooi Lamoenchi Kunuku Park
Bonaire'deki Rooi Lamoenchi Kunuku Parkı ile ilgili video.
Kunuku Mexico 68, Kralendijk, Bonaire, Caribisch Nederland
Kunuku Mexico 68, Kralendijk, Bonaire, Caribisch Nederland v2
Sargassum at Lagoen Bonaire
Bonaire tweede kerstdag, Opruimen van Sargassum door Junior Rangers en vrijwilligers van Bonaire Sea Turtle Conservation
HappyKidsEat Reviews GoGreen Bonaire
In the middle of the island of Bonaire, a very unsuspecting restaurant lies. Besides the fact that it is slightly hidden, it has some of the greatest and only fresh organic food selections on the island. The owner of this restaurant, Tina, is one of the kindest and most giving people we have ever eaten with. Every day we ate with her, she had prepared a special meal for us, made with love and care. Her food was so delicious that didn’t have to eat for the rest of the day, and we came back for it nearly every single day. Thank you Tina for being so amazing, and if anyone is ever in Bonaire, Tina’s restaurant is a must!
Herbebossing Bonaire - Dolfi Debrot NL
Kunuku Tera Barra, Bonaire, Dutch Antilles
Outdoor living at its finest
Where to begin to describe this niche property?
First and foremost this is a beautiful family residence. But it could serve just as well as ‘the governor’s residency’, since it has this appeal of modest grandeur about it. It could also be a beautiful niche B&B for example.
- It is the very best example of a combination of outdoor-life, very comfortable and class.
- It’s partly “off the grid” (water is on grid; electricity is off grid: very large capacity, free of charge), yet extremely comfortable and with all luxuries one would like to have.
- It’s quiet and set in a pristine natural environment, yet not more than 7 car-minutes from town.
- It was designed by an architect who truly knows about our trade winds and how to catch the breeze, who knows that on Bonaire the division between inside and outdoors should hardly exist, and how to create different atmospheres at different locations in and around the house.
Partial owner's finance can be an option.
For more information see:
Jongeren op de kunuku - Bonaire
Tijdens een open dag gaven de jongeren uitleg over het werk op de kunuku.
Dit is een project van Stichting KibraHacha in samenwerking met Edshel Martha en Jong Bonaire.
De jongeren leren over landbouw, cultuur en natuur.
Nos ta biba di naturalesa TV - Agrikultura Duradero
Grow your own fruit and vegetables on Bonaire! In this episode Julianka is visiting Germine Frans, Ronald Hoyer, Onnie Emerenciana and Arie Boers. They all grow vegetables themselves, all in a different way. Lacey Pauletta shows you how to build greenhouse. Sherwin Pourier of POP Bonaire has a manual with handy tips & tricks. Bonaire is a beautiful island with unique landscapes and magnificent nature reserves with a wide diversity of flora and fauna. To preserve this nature, protection and management is essential. In this series of 10 episodes, we proudly present the ins and outs about diverse nature projects. We visited the most beautiful locations and kunuku's. This program is made in cooperation with Peter Montanus and Nos ta biba di naturalesa and hosted by Julianka Clarenda. Be dedicated, b-onair! Watch Telbo 61 and online and YouTube channel B-onair.
Horseranchbonaire kunuku warahama
Christmas greetings
Kunuku San Jose, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean Antilles
Nos ta biba di naturalesa TV - Deskubrí Tras Di Montaña
In this episode of Nos ta biba di naturalesa TV we’re going to explore the countryside of Tras Di Montaña with Dick de Jong, Germainy Ramackers, Boei Frans and POP Bonaire. Boei Frans shows us many local trees with fruit you can eat. He was invited by POP Bonaire to participate in making a hike/bike/drive trail through the countryside of Tras Di Montaña for locals and tourists. Bonaire is a beautiful island with unique landscapes and magnificent nature reserves with a wide diversity of flora and fauna. To preserve this nature, protection and management is essential. In this series of 14 episodes, we proudly present the ins and outs about diverse nature projects. We visited the most beautiful locations and kunuku's. This program is made in cooperation with Peter Montanus and Nos ta biba di naturalesa and hosted by Julianka Clarenda. Be dedicated, b-onair! Watch Telbo 61, online and YouTube channel B-onair.
Nos ta biba di naturalesa TV - Krea un kurá
Creating a green garden is not so easy on Bonaire. This episode of Nos ta biba di naturalesa will show you some tips and tricks. Julianka is visiting Manuel's Bonaire Botanical Garden and the Botanische tuin Tera Bara. Quirijn will tell you how to make good compost. Bonaire is a beautiful island with unique landscapes and magnificent nature reserves with a wide diversity of flora and fauna. To preserve this nature, protection and management is essential. In this series of 10 episodes, we proudly present the ins and outs about diverse nature projects. We visited the most beautiful locations and kunuku's. This program is made in cooperation with Peter Montanus and Nos ta biba di naturalesa and hosted by Julianka Clarenda. Be dedicated, b-onair! Watch Telbo 61and online and YouTube B-onair.
Herbebossing. Nos ta biba di naturalesa-tv afl. 1.
Televisieprogramma over het project herbebossing op Bonaire.
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