Ropotamo Nature Reserve - Bulgaria
Přírodní rezervace Ropotamo v Bulharsku. Природен резерват Ропотамо, България. Music by Jason Shaw - River Meditation
Ropotamo, Bulgaria 1
Ropotamo river, ship cruise, Bulgaria 2012
Another video Ropotamo, part 2
The Ropotamo (Bulgarian: Ропотамо, from the Ancient Greek word meaning border river) is a relatively short river in southeastern Bulgaria. It takes its source from the Strandzha Mountains, running for 48.5 kilometres (30.1 mi) to empty into the Black Sea between Dyuni and Primorsko.
The river is most often noted for its 30 m-wide mouth that is home to an abundance of flora species, over 100 of which endangered in the country. The lower section of the Ropotamo is a nature reserve since 1940 and a protected area. The lower Ropotamo is a popular tourist attraction because of the water lilies and the rock formations above the river, on some of which white-tailed eagles nest.
Cesta k parníku Přírodní park Ropotamo - Journey to the steamer Nature Park Ropotamo
Dojazd do parku przyrody Ropotamo parowiec
The nature reserve of the ROPOTAMO river - BULGARIA
Заповедник реки Ропотамо в Болгарии.
Ropotamo- rejs po Rzece Ropotamo-cruise on the River Bulgaria
Rejs po rzece Ropotamo,gdzie można podziwiać unikalne obiekty przyrodnicze:
niezwykłe formacje skalne,mokradła i trzęsawiska,chronioną faunę i florę
Ropotamo River Cruise, where you can admire the unique natural sites:
unusual rock formations, wetlands and marshes, protected flora and fauna
Круиз по реке Ропотамо, где можно полюбоваться уникальными природными
необычными скальными образованиями, водно-болотных угодий и болот, охраняемых флоры и фауны
Produkcja: RC Studio Rysiek Cienciała
Road in Ropotamo Nature Reserve
met wild deer, owl and piglets
Cormorant exhibitionist - Ropotamo Nature Reserve, Bulgaria
Kormorán exhibicionista, Přírodní rezervace Ropotamo v Bulharsku. (8. 8. 2014) Корморан ексхибиционист, Природен резерват Ропотамо, България.
Сегодня пасмурная погода, поэтому решили поплавать на лодочке по реке Ропотамо. Болгария 2017.
Ropotamo River Boat Trip, Sozopol, Bulgaria
Video of this boat trip - we didn't see much wildlife except the turtles.
Устие на река Ропотамо , Приморско / River Mouth Ropotamo , Primorsko
Всичко за твоята морска ваканция. Ти избираш!
Бутылка с посланием найдена у берегов Приморско
В июле 2019 г. две туристки из Москвы выловили у берегов Приморско, там где река Ропотамо впадает в море, бутылку от минеральной воды, внутри которой находилась записка и... 10 лева. Текст записки гласил: «Мы, семья Василевых, в очередной раз отдыхали на прекрасном море в Помории. Желаем вам такого же счастья и любви, как у нас. Выпейте кофе за наше здоровье». Из последнего предложения становится ясно, зачем в бутылке 10 лв. Послание не датировано, но по всему видно, что бутылка плавала по морю долго, может быть больше года.
Ropotamo river boat tour Bulgaria - National park and reservation - Cruise tour
By - Boat Tour at Ropotamo river Bulgaria. Ropotamo is National park and reservation. Nice mountain views at great sunny day. You can see the Mouth of Ropotamo river at black sea from this Cruise tour. Amazing beach with just a few people. The river is sutuated between Sozopol (old town) and Primorsko (summer resort)
Ropotamo, Bulgaria 2
Ropotamo river, ship cruise, Bulgaria 2012
Another video Ropotamo, part 1
The Ropotamo (Bulgarian: Ропотамо, from the Ancient Greek word meaning border river) is a relatively short river in southeastern Bulgaria. It takes its source from the Strandzha Mountains, running for 48.5 kilometres (30.1 mi) to empty into the Black Sea between Dyuni and Primorsko.
The river is most often noted for its 30 m-wide mouth that is home to an abundance of flora species, over 100 of which endangered in the country. The lower section of the Ropotamo is a nature reserve since 1940 and a protected area. The lower Ropotamo is a popular tourist attraction because of the water lilies and the rock formations above the river, on some of which white-tailed eagles nest.
Ropotamo river Bulgaria- National park and reservation - Boat tour
By - The end of boat tour at Ropotamo river. Cruise tour at Ropotamo National park and reservation. The river is sutuated between Sozopol and Primorsko.
Jeep Safari Ropotamo Nature Reserve
Джип сафари из резервата Ропотамо
Река Ропотамо, Беглик Таш, крокодилската скала, залива Перла
Jeep safari from Ropotamo Reserve
Ropotamo River, Beglik Tash, Crocodile Rock, Pearl Bay
Фото и видео от Radi Stefs
Photos and videos by Radi Stefs
Всички права запазени
All rights reserved
Ropotamo River 27 06 18
Shot with Canon 80D with film grain effect just for fun.
My Holiday - river Ropotamo and black kormorans
Primorsko Приморско
Primorsko (Bulgarian: Приморско) is a town and seaside resort in southeastern Bulgaria, part of Burgas Province. A well-known resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, it is located on a gore 52 km south of Burgas and has a beach strip of about 1 km². The average temperature is 27°C in July, often reaching 30-33°C and making Primorsko a favourable place for tourism. The rivers Ropotamo and Dyavolska reka run close to the town, and the Snake Island reserve is also nearby.
Lion Heart Ultra 2017 - Triathlon Race Video Chichovite Konye
What drives people to do a 3-km swim, 116-km mountain bike ride and 21-km cross country run? It’s their LION HEART!
The Lion Heart Ultra Cross Triathlon is a unique challenge not only because it requires strength, endurance and motivation, but also because it takes place on sacred lands.
The competitors come face to face with their limits only to learn that there are none. The adventurers race against the elements, against each other, against their fears with one goal in mind – to awaken their lion hearts!
The stages include 3 km swimming in Perla Gulf, Primorsko, 116 km mountain biking through Strandzha Mountain and 21 km running in Ropotamo Nature Reserve with a total distance of 140 km and 13 hours checking time.
The route of the first ultra cross triathlon in Bulgaria passes along 4 natural reserves and 12 Thracian sanctuaries, following the ancient and forgotten paths of Stranzdha Mountain - a major crossing point between the East and the West for eons.
Video Credits: Never Know Produtions (
Music: Ivan Shopov & Avigeya - Chichovite Konye (
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