Christmas Day: Rozabal Shrine in Kashmir, believed to be Jesus Christ's tomb (BBC Hindi)
एक परंपरा ये कहती है कि ईसा मसीह ने सूली से बचकर अपने बाक़ी दिन कश्मीर में गुज़ारे और इसी आस्था के कारण श्रीनगर में उनका एक मज़ार बना दिया गया जो विदेशी यात्रियों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान बन चुका है. श्रीनगर के पुराने शहर की एक इमारत को रौज़ाबल के नाम से जाना जाता है.
(बीबीसी हिंदी पर सैम मिलर का ये लेख पहली बार साल 2010 में प्रकाशित हुआ था.)
आवाज़: आदर्श राठौर
The Rauzabal Shrine of Srinagar- The Tomb of Jesus in Kashmir
Govt of India Documentry on Jesus in Kashmir named The Rauzabal Shrine in Srinagar
Roza Bal shrine / Tomb of Jesus | Srinanar, Jammu & Kashmir, india
The Roza Bal or Rauza Bal or Rozabal (Kashmiri: रोज़ाबल or रौज़ाबल (Devanagari), Urdu: روضة بل) is the name of a shrine located in the Khanyaar quarter in Downtown area of Srinagar in Kashmir.
The word rauza means tomb, the word bal mean place. Locals believe a sage is buried here, Yuzasaf or Yuz Asaf (or Youza Asouph), alongside another muslim holy man, Mir Sayyid Naseeruddin.
The shrine was relatively unknown until the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, claimed in 1899 that it is actually the tomb of Jesus.
This belief is shared by many Ahmadis today, though the local Sunni caretakers of the shrine believe that the theory that Jesus is buried anywhere on the face of the earth is blasphemous to Islam.
No Jesus or Hitler’s Grave in ROZABAL
No one Can establish whether Rosbal shrine is Jesus grave or Hitler’s grave as entire Sufi devotees are against any DNA Test .
After 73 years Sufi congregation was held inside Sufi Shrine of Baba Nasar ud din RA and extraordinary secrets of secrets could be seen .
From 1945 Myth was created about this Grave as that of Jesus However British Historian Graham William , revealed Hitlers escape to princely state which gave credence of this Grave being Hiding place of Adolf Hitler after fall of his Germany. Mysterious Grave of Jesus was being treated as Hitlers Grave or Hide out and Daily Star of London published global story about Hitler Grave in Kashmir. Even reliable agencies of western countries subscribed the theory after Hitler scull in Russia proved that of 40 years old women.However Khawaja Renzushah took stand that DNA test is only way out to clarify doubts but today all devotees of this Sufi shrine rejected unanimously to allow any DNA test as all are of this opinion that this is undoubtly shrine of Great Sufi Saint Hazrat Nasar ud din also known as Baba youzaf RA.
It was after seven decades Khawaja renzushah succeeded along with large number of Sufi devotees to enter the holy secreet shrine of Hazrat baba Nasar ud din R.A who is also known as Baba youzuf However all the respectables were of the opinion that they will never allow any D.N.A test to be done whether the grave belongs to Jesus or hitler .as per recent theories about this grave that Hitlers hide out was in the shrine post German war with convience of Maharaja Hari Singh
.Renzushah said that since this shrine is established Sufi shrine of Baba Nasar ud din ,therefore on every 13th Madood shareef be held. On this occasion large number of people,youth participated in Darood shareef the secrets of secrets existing in this shrine inscribed on black sapphire the image of two feet prints .Was it brought from Banzythine Musium from Istambul after 1945 or was existing from 13th century is not clear However no one is allowed to see this rare of rarest Black sapphire or Black stone engraved imprints inside this Mysterious Shrine. Our confidence that it is Shrine of Great Sufi saint Nasar ud din RA has strengthened after our successful entry inside shrine the first after 70 years since mystery cropped about the identity of shrine .
Is the tomb of Jesus at Khanyar Rozabal in Kashmir
It is a commonly-held belief among Christians and Muslims that Jesus(as) rose to heaven, and that his body was never buried. However, recent media coverage has brought the attention of the world to the Rozabal Tomb in Kashmir, said to contain the body of one Yuz Asaf, a name supposedly adopted by Jesus(as) when he was in India. This has reignited widespread debate on this topic. Local tradition states that the entombed was a prophet of Ahl-al-Kitab, or People of the Book (traditionally Christians and Jews), and his name was ‘Isa – the Qur’anic name for Jesus(as).
The proposed burial-place of Jesus(as) in Srinagar, Kashmir, is known to the locals as Rozabal, meaning the ‘Honoured Tomb’. It is known as the tomb of this very Yuz Asaf. The word ‘Yuz’ stands for Yuzu (meaning Jesus), and ‘Asaf’ in Hebrew means gatherer, namely, one who was to collect the lost sheep of Israel. It is said that the Prophet Yuz Asaf arrived from Syria about two thousand years ago.
The question of the identity of Yuz Asaf, however, is a controversial issue. Is Yuz Asaf a name adopted by Jesus Christ(as) when in India? Could this be the tomb of Jesus Christ(as), or is Yuz Asaf as the current caretakers of the tomb have begun to insist, a Muslim saint with no connection to Jesus(as)?
Traduccion en Español.
Es una creencia común entre los cristianos y los musulmanes que Jesús (as) subió al cielo, y que su cuerpo nunca fue enterrado. Sin embargo, la reciente cobertura mediática ha llamado la atención del mundo sobre la Tumba de Rozabal en Cachemira, que se dice contiene el cuerpo de un Yuz Asaf, un nombre supuestamente adoptado por Jesús cuando estaba en la India. Esto ha reavivado un amplio debate sobre este tema. La tradición local afirma que el sepultado era el profeta de Ahl-al-Kitab, o Pueblo del Libro (tradicionalmente cristianos y judíos), y su nombre era Isa - el nombre coránico para Jesús (as).
El lugar de entierro propuesto de Jesús (as) en Srinagar, Cachemira, es conocido por los lugareños como Rozabal, que significa la 'Tumba Honrada'. Se conoce como la tumba de este muy Yuz Asaf. La palabra 'Yuz' significa Yuzu (que significa Jesús), y 'Asaf' en hebreo significa recolector, es decir, uno que iba a recoger las ovejas perdidas de Israel. Se dice que el Profeta Yuz Asaf llegó de Siria hace unos dos mil años.
La cuestión de la identidad de Yuz Asaf, sin embargo, es un tema polémico. ¿Es Yuz Asaf un nombre adoptado por Jesucristo (as) cuando está en la India? ¿Podría esto ser la tumba de Jesucristo (as), o es Yuz Asaf los cuidadores actuales de la tumba han comenzado a insistir, un santo musulmán sin conexión con Jesús (as)?
Is the tomb of Jesus at Khanyar Rozabal in Kashmir?
From view of a tomb in Kashmir that some Biblical scholars and Kashmiris believe to be that of Jesus. I shot this herky-jerky hi-8 video in 1997, and there is almost no narration...just simply a view of the tomb, the interior of which is now off-limits to foreigners.Yuz Asaph (Yus Assaf, Issa), a revered saint, is said to have traveled from Israel and finally put to rest here over 1900 years ago. Some feel that this person is none other than Jesus, who they suggest survived the crucifixion and escaped to Kashmir to meet up with some of the Lost Tribes of Israel. And indeed, many Kashmiris share the DNA of their Israelite brethren. Footprint carvings left in the tomb indicate that the great saint had scars on both his feet. Also found were a rosary and a cross. Is it true? I have no idea. But like you, I love a great mystery. Many photos of this tomb can be seen on my website. Thanks.
Roza Bal
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The Roza Bal or Rauza Bal or Rozabal , Urdu: روضة بل) is the name of a shrine located in the Khanyaar quarter in Downtown area of Srinagar in Kashmir.The word rauza means tomb, the word bal means place, often a landing place by a lake, hence place of the tomb. Locals believe a sage buried there is Yuzasaf or Yuz Asaf , and Mir Sayyid Naseeruddin.Originally a center of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Shaivism for a thousand years before Islam.In 1894 a convert from Judaism to Orthodox Christianity named Nicolas Notovitch published a book Life of Saint Issa, Best of the Sons of Men in French.
About the author(s): Cacahuate
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Author(s): Cacahuate (
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Truth about the grave in kashmir
BBC documentary clip
Roza Bal
Où est la tombe de Jésus Christ? A Srinagar comme le prétendent les musulmans du Cachemire Indien
Jesus and His tomb in India: The Evidences
In Srinagar, Kashmir, there is a tomb by the name Rozabal Shrine belonging to a saint Yuz Asaf. In the past decades, many have confirmed this saint to be Jesus Christ with certain evidences.
Of late, the tomb is closed to public. As per photographs, the actual tomb aligned eastward in underground cellar has been sealed and an empty sarcophagus placed. Permission has not been granted for DNA testing.
Near the tomb is a carved footprint of the saint, clearly showing crucifixion marks. Today this relic is covered by a red cloth to keep it out of public display. Photographs have survived though.
In a nearby monument, called either Shankaracharya temple or The Throne of Solomon, an inscription stated Yuz Asaf is indeed Jesus Christ of Israel.
Today, the inscriptions have disappeared though their images captured in 1869 are still available.
The library of Alexandria had preserved an eyewitness document of the Crucifixion of Jesus and how He survived it.
A French Litterateur translated this ad released it, only to be confiscated by the church, twice. A third attempt has made it available today.
The Gospel of Thomas, which talks of Jesus survival after crucifixion, was declared heretical.
How is it that evidences like the inscriptions that were intact for 1800+ years, have suddenly vanished coincidentally? I have two very simple questions to the Church and local Muslims that is behind all this:
If they are completely sure that Jesus did die on the cross, and that Jesus is not Yuz Asaf, then would they really need to tamper with the evidence? If Jesus is not Yuz Asaf, why not prove it through DNA rather than refusing to test?
The answers to these questions are themselves clear proofs to the truth. The bigger question is: how long until other evidences are also destroyed?
With this thought, I compile here numerous evidences on Jesus life, His tomb, His lost years in India, connections with Indian philosophy and details of survival after crucifixion. Hindu Puranas, Chinese and Tibetan records, Persian records, a legal decree, inscriptions, apocryphal acts, similarities in teachings, footprints, coins, and an eyewitness of crucifixion - so many evidences from so many different cultures. I have compiled these into a video of 5 second slides. Please pause each image and read.
Is Jesus indeed Yuz Asaf buried in Kashmir? I find these evidences convincing. You see them and decide for yourself.
I feel the Rozabal Shrine is as sacred and deserves as much attention as the Nativity Church of Bethlehem, only if not for these unscrupulous elements who have blocked access. Still fear not, for Jesus says: The one who loves me and is loved by the Father, I will love him and reveal Myself to him (John 14:21), and If you ask Me anything in My name, I shall do it (John 14:14).
If your belief, faith and love for Jesus is true, His tomb shall speak to you through these photos. Believe me.
Courtesy would be an understatement. I rather dedicate this compilation to the ones hard at work in preserving the original forms of these evidences beyond value. Hats off to the Tomb of Jesus website, Dr. Hassnain, Notovitch, Savarkar, Kersten and other great personalities.
In conclusion, addressing the agents behind destroying evidences and obscuring the truth, I quote Luke 8:17: For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
Global Gumboots Daily Vlog 21 | Jesus Lived In India | Roza Bal
In this daily Vlog, Chris goes with Rebecca (fellow Kiwi) to Shankaracharya Temple, Jamia Masjid and Rosa Bal mosques. They find out that Jesus lived in India. After some great food, they cool off for a swim and watch India V New Zealand with their host family.
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The mainly Muslim inhabitants of the Kashmir Valley are convinced that both Moses and Jesus Christ have their tombs in this fertile region of India.
APTV has rare pictures of what's locally believed to be Moses' last resting place, in a travel-restricted area on India's heavily guarded border with Pakistan.
In Kashmir, Islam shines as bright as the morning sky.
Religion here seems to draw its strength from the hills and mountains that tower above the placid waters of the Dal Lake.
Despite a war of insurgency that's raged for almost ten years, the call to prayer is fervently heeded by the faithful.
Moses is a key figure not just to Christians -- Jews and Muslims also revere him as prophet and messenger from God.
And this is where locals say he's buried.
Bashir Ahmad Reshi has tended this tomb since he was a boy and his family has cared it for more generations then he can say.
He's never had any doubt that this is the final resting place of the man who led the Israelites out of Egypt and passed on the Ten Commandments from God.
SOUNDBITE: (Kashmiri)
Around six hundred years back, history says, that the great Kashmiri saint Hazrat Makhdoom visited this place along with his close disciple Baba Dawood Khaki. On reaching Bandipore, then called Bethpoer he said I find smell of the presence of some prophet nearby. Then he climbed to this village, reached near this nallah and told Khaki, yes it has to be somewhere here. Then a great local saint Khalifa Noroz came and
told Makhdoom about the presence of Moses grave.
SUPER CAPTION: Bashir Ahmad Reshi-Muslim Cleric/Moses' tomb caretaker
Known locally as Nebu Ball the tomb is located on a mountaintop in a sensitive border area about 34 miles (55 kilometres approx) from the Kashmiri capital Srinagar.
With only a steep path to the tomb, it's an arduous journey up here.
According to the Bible, Moses was buried in the valley of Moab over against Beth- Poer.
Those who hold that this is Moses' tomb point out that Bandipore, the nearest town, was in ancient times known as Bethpoer.
Aziz Kashmir, has written a book supporting the claim that Moses was buried here.
He says his thesis is also supported by the Jewish east-west orientation of the tomb and the fact that nearby villages have never suffered from famine or natural disasters.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
Allah says 'I gave refuge to Jesus and his mother on a high place having meadows and springs.' This is Kashmir, above sea level.
SUPER CAPTION: Aziz Kashmir, author of Christ in Kashmir
Known as Rozabal, the purported resting place of Jesus is overwhelmed by the crowded neighbourhood that surrounds it.
This rusting sign gives no hint of its supposed occupant.
Inside lies a sarcophagus with no name and no indication that here lies the body of the man that Christians regard as the Son of God.
According to Kashmiri folklore, Christ didn't die on the cross, but escaped to Kashmir, married and died at the age of 120.
Muslims consider both Christ and Moses as holy men and prophets.
And here in Kashmir they are revered not just as spiritual role models, but as physical presence's in a land literally close to the heavens.
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Jesus Survived Crucifixion & Migrated to Kashmir 1/3 {With Urdu S/T}
Jesus Christ Survived Crucifixion & Migrated to Kashmir India - BBC Research documentary. A Research documentary proving amazing facts about Jesus (as) surviving crucifixion & his migration to Kashmir, India in the light of Biblical evidences.
The Tomb of Jesus in india srinagar mohallah khan yar
Historical Dastgeer Sahib shrine in Srinagar gutted in blaze
Srinagar: A fire has broken out at the more than century old shrine of Dastageer Sahib in the Khanyar area of Srinagar. Fire tenders have been rushed to the spot to bring the blaze under control at the shrine that is mostly made up of wood. However ancient relics of the saint, housed in the Shrine have been saved and retrieved. Officials say since they were kept in a fire-proof safe they remained unharmed.
Kashmir: Ahmadiyya believe Jesus survived crucifixion and is buried in Kashmir
Jesus Christ Burial Place | Is Jesus Buried in Roza Bal Shrine, Kashmir?
There is a mystery surrounding the death of Jesus. The Roza Bal Shrine located in Srinagar, Kashmir is home to a shrine believed to be the tomb of Jesus Christ. It has been widely speculated that Jesus didn't die on the cross, but instead survived it.
The Roza Bal Shrine has been popularised in the media by various documentaries and books, which claim that the shrine is where Jesus has been buried. However, attempts made by believers to open the grave have failed and the belief that Jesus is buried in the Roza Bal shrine is still shrouded in mystery.
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Kashmir: Ahmadiyya believe Jesus survived crucifixion and is buried in Kashmir
At Srinagar in Kashmir, a small shrine is venerated by an Islamic missionary sect as the burial place of Jesus Christ. Although they are Muslims, the Ahmadis believe that Christ survived his crucifixion and migrated across Asia in search of the lost tribes of Israel.
In Kashmir, Christians are outnumbered by members of the Ahmadhi sect. A local mission has been founded after the person who, the Ahmadis believe, was told by God that Christ did not die on the cross.
A shrine, which most Muslims consider the burial place of a forgotten holy man from centuries past, is believed by the Ahmadis to identify the last resting place of Jesus Christ.
Yousmarg of the Meadow of Jesus near Srinagar Kashmir
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Grab von Jesus Christus in Indien in Srinagar
Yuz Asaf (auch: Yus Asaph, Yuza asif, Yuza Asif, Shahzada Nabi Hazrat Yura Asaf oder Yuza Asaf) war ein Heiliger im nordindischen Srinagar, den Indologen mit der Legende von Barlaam und Josaphat identifizieren, die islamische Gruppe der Ahmadiyya aber mit Jesus von Nazaret identifiziert. Nach ihrem Glauben hat Jesus seine Kreuzigung durch die Römer überlebt, ist dann nach Kaschmir ausgewandert und wurde dort in hohem Alter begraben:
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