Shipka Russian Church (BG 2003 HQ)
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ (Bulgarian: Храм-паметник „Рождество Христово, Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
De Herdenkingstempel van de Geboorte van Christus (BulgaarS Hram-pametnik Rozhdestvo Hristovo ), beter bekend als de Shipka Herdenkingskerk of Shipka Klooster is een Bulgaarse Orthodox kerk gebouwde nabij de stad van Shipka in Stara Planina tussen 1885 en 1902 ontworpen door aan Antoniy Tomishko in de zeventiende eeuw Moskoviet stijl, onder leiding van architect Alexander Pomerantsev. Het is, samen met de andere delen van het Shipka Monumentcomplex, toegewijd naar de Russishce, Oekraïner en Bulgaarse soldaten die voor de bevrijding van Bulgarije in de Russo-Turkse Oorlog stierven, 1877-78.
Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ - town of Shipka - Bulgaria
Всякое дыхание:
Всякое дыхание да хвалит Господа.
Хвалите Господа с небес,
хвалите Его в вышних.
Тебе подобает песнь Богу.
Хвалите Его вси ангели Его,
хвалите Его вся силы Его.
Тебе подобает песнь Богу.
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ (Bulgarian: Храм-паметник „Рождество Христово, Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
Храм-паметникът „Рождество Христово, известен като Шипченски манастир, е православна църква в северозапдните покрайнини на град Шипка. Манастирът е изграден в стила на руските църкви от 17 век. Храмът е посветен в памет на руските войници, загинали през освободителната Руско-турска война (1877-1878)
Photos: Nina Antonova
Music:: Othodox Melody - Vsyakoe Dihanie (Всякое дихание)
Arrangement & Performance: Dimi Gineva:
Bulgaria Aerial Заснемане с дрон Руската църква в Шипка България от високо
Bulgaria aerial service, Bulgaria from above, drone Bulgaria.
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Шипченският манастир „Рождество Христово“ е действащ православен манастир в град Шипка, община Казанлък, България. Разположен е в северозападните покрайнини на града. Манастирският комплекс включва църква, монашески корпус, поклонническа сграда, приют и духовна семинария.
Манастирската църква „Рождество Христово“ е архитектурен шедьовър. Обявена е за паметник на културата от национално значение и е включена в списъка на Стоте национални туристически обекта на Българския туристически съюз под № 92. Църквата е посветена на героите от Руско-турска война (1877 – 1878). В нейните подземия е съоръжена костница, в която се съхраняват костите на близо 9000 руски и български воини, загинали в България през Освободителната война.
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo“), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
The temple was officially opened on September 28/1902 in the presence of Russian Army generals and many honourable guests. The opening and consecration of the Shipka Memorial Church coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the Battles of Shipka Pass. In 1970, the temple was proclaimed a national monument of culture.
The church's bell tower reaches a height of 53 m and its bells, the heaviest of which weighs 12 tons, were cast from the cartridges that were collected after the battles. In the temple itself, the names of the Russian regiments and Bulgarian volunteers are inscribed on 34 marble plates. The remains of the perished are laid in 17 stone sarcophagi in the church's crypt.
***Съдържанието на всички графични,текстови,фото и видео материали в: , са под закрила на Закона за авторското право и сродните му права. Всички фотографии, видео клипове и други материали публикувани в страницата са собственост на Impact Press Group Ltd и Sky Pictures Bulgaria Ltd, , освен ако изрично е посочено друго. Не се допуска никакво публикуване на фотографии, видео клипове и други материали под каквато и да е форма в печатни, електронни издания, социални мрежи, използването им за рекламни или подобни цели без писмено съгласие или одобрение от Impact Press Group Ltd или Sky Pictures Bulgaria Ltd. Споделянето на всички видео, фото и графични материали чрез , е абсолютно свободно.***
***Sharing of this content is allowed via and FB page: , ONLY*** No part of this content or web page may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in using of the owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.***
The great beauty of Bulgaria: Shipka Memorial Church (YouTube 2160p 4K Ultra HD)
Welcome to my official YouTube channel and thank you for your time!
Wondering throughout our majestic Bulgaria I have seen pictures that stopped my breath and gave me exciting and emotional goosebumps. A sensation feeling!
Gradually, this feeling generated in me a passion to capture the sensation and to show it to You.
So, there it is.
I am travelling with my family, my good mood and my smartphone.
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ (Bulgarian: Храм-паметник „Рождество Христово“, Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo“), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
The temple was officially opened on September 28/1902 in the presence of Russian Army generals and many honourable guests. The opening and consecration of the Shipka Memorial Church coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the Battles of Shipka Pass. In 1970, the temple was proclaimed a national monument of culture.
The church's bell tower reaches a height of 53 m and its bells, the heaviest of which weighs 12 tons, were cast from the cartridges that were collected after the battles. In the temple itself, the names of the Russian regiments and Bulgarian volunteers are inscribed on 34 marble plates. The remains of the perished are laid in 17 stone sarcophagi in the church's crypt.
Thanks to @Wikipedia
Enjoy my video!
This is the true beauty of Bulgaria!
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#Traveler #Bulgaria #Nature
The great beauty of Bulgaria: Shipka Memorial Church (YouTube 2160p 4K Ultra HD)
Welcome to my official YouTube channel and thank you for your time!
Wondering throughout our majestic Bulgaria I have seen pictures that stopped my breath and gave me exciting and emotional goosebumps. A sensation feeling!
Gradually, this feeling generated in me a passion to capture the sensation and to show it to You.
So, there it is.
I am travelling with my family, my good mood and my smartphone.
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ (Bulgarian: Храм-паметник „Рождество Христово“, Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo“), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
The temple was officially opened on September 28/1902 in the presence of Russian Army generals and many honourable guests. The opening and consecration of the Shipka Memorial Church coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the Battles of Shipka Pass. In 1970, the temple was proclaimed a national monument of culture.
The church's bell tower reaches a height of 53 m and its bells, the heaviest of which weighs 12 tons, were cast from the cartridges that were collected after the battles. In the temple itself, the names of the Russian regiments and Bulgarian volunteers are inscribed on 34 marble plates. The remains of the perished are laid in 17 stone sarcophagi in the church's crypt.
Thanks to @Wikipedia
Enjoy my video!
This is the true beauty of Bulgaria!
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#Traveler #Bulgaria #Nature
The great beauty of Bulgaria: Shipka Memorial Church (YouTube 2160p 4K Ultra HD)
Welcome to my official YouTube channel and thank you for your time!
Wondering throughout our majestic Bulgaria I have seen pictures that stopped my breath and gave me exciting and emotional goosebumps. A sensation feeling!
Gradually, this feeling generated in me a passion to capture the sensation and to show it to You.
So, there it is.
I am travelling with my family, my good mood and my smartphone.
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ (Bulgarian: Храм-паметник „Рождество Христово“, Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo“), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
The temple was officially opened on September 28/1902 in the presence of Russian Army generals and many honourable guests. The opening and consecration of the Shipka Memorial Church coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the Battles of Shipka Pass. In 1970, the temple was proclaimed a national monument of culture.
The church's bell tower reaches a height of 53 m and its bells, the heaviest of which weighs 12 tons, were cast from the cartridges that were collected after the battles. In the temple itself, the names of the Russian regiments and Bulgarian volunteers are inscribed on 34 marble plates. The remains of the perished are laid in 17 stone sarcophagi in the church's crypt.
Thanks to @Wikipedia
Enjoy my video!
This is the true beauty of Bulgaria!
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#Traveler #Bulgaria #Nature
The great beauty of Bulgaria: Shipka Memorial Church (YouTube 2160p 4K Ultra HD)
Welcome to my official YouTube channel and thank you for your time!
Wondering throughout our majestic Bulgaria I have seen pictures that stopped my breath and gave me exciting and emotional goosebumps. A sensation feeling!
Gradually, this feeling generated in me a passion to capture the sensation and to show it to You.
So, there it is.
I am travelling with my family, my good mood and my smartphone.
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ (Bulgarian: Храм-паметник „Рождество Христово“, Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo“), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
The temple was officially opened on September 28/1902 in the presence of Russian Army generals and many honourable guests. The opening and consecration of the Shipka Memorial Church coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the Battles of Shipka Pass. In 1970, the temple was proclaimed a national monument of culture.
The church's bell tower reaches a height of 53 m and its bells, the heaviest of which weighs 12 tons, were cast from the cartridges that were collected after the battles. In the temple itself, the names of the Russian regiments and Bulgarian volunteers are inscribed on 34 marble plates. The remains of the perished are laid in 17 stone sarcophagi in the church's crypt.
Thanks to @Wikipedia
Enjoy my video!
This is the true beauty of Bulgaria!
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#Traveler #Bulgaria #Nature
Заснемане с дрон забележителности в България Bulgaria drone aerial service Рождество Христово
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Шипченският манастир или руската църква в гр. Шипка „Рождество Христово“ е действащ православен манастир в град Шипка, община Казанлък, България. Разположен е в северозападните покрайнини на града. Манастирският комплекс включва църква, монашески корпус, поклонническа сграда, приют и духовна семинария. Манастирската църква „Рождество Христово“ е архитектурен шедьовър. Обявена е за паметник на културата от национално значение и е включена в списъка на Стоте национални туристически обекта на Българския туристически съюз под № 92. Църквата е посветена на героите от Руско-турска война (1877 – 1878). В нейните подземия е съоръжена костница, в която се съхраняват костите на близо 9000 руски и български воини, загинали в България през Освободителната война. The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo“), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78. The temple was officially opened on September 28/1902 in the presence of Russian Army generals and many honourable guests. The opening and consecration of the Shipka Memorial Church coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the Battles of Shipka Pass. In 1970, the temple was proclaimed a national monument of culture. The church's bell tower reaches a height of 53 m and its bells, the heaviest of which weighs 12 tons, were cast from the cartridges that were collected after the battles. In the temple itself, the names of the Russian regiments and Bulgarian volunteers are inscribed on 34 marble plates. The remains of the perished are laid in 17 stone sarcophagi in the church's crypt.
***Съдържанието на всички графични,текстови,фото и видео материали в: , са под закрила на Закона за авторското право и сродните му права. Всички фотографии, видео клипове и други материали публикувани в страницата са собственост на Impact Press Group Ltd и Sky Pictures Bulgaria Ltd, , освен ако изрично е посочено друго. Не се допуска никакво публикуване на фотографии, видео клипове и други материали под каквато и да е форма в печатни, електронни издания, социални мрежи, използването им за рекламни или подобни цели без писмено съгласие или одобрение от Impact Press Group Ltd или Sky Pictures Bulgaria Ltd. Споделянето на всички видео, фото и графични материали чрез , е абсолютно свободно.***
***Sharing of this content is allowed via and FB page: , ONLY*** No part of this content or web page may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in using of the owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.***
The great beauty of Bulgaria: Shipka Memorial Church (YouTube 2160p 4K Ultra HD)
Welcome to my official YouTube channel and thank you for your time!
Wondering throughout our majestic Bulgaria I have seen pictures that stopped my breath and gave me exciting and emotional goosebumps. A sensation feeling!
Gradually, this feeling generated in me a passion to capture the sensation and to show it to You.
So, there it is.
I am travelling with my family, my good mood and my smartphone.
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ (Bulgarian: Храм-паметник „Рождество Христово“, Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo“), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
The temple was officially opened on September 28/1902 in the presence of Russian Army generals and many honourable guests. The opening and consecration of the Shipka Memorial Church coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the Battles of Shipka Pass. In 1970, the temple was proclaimed a national monument of culture.
The church's bell tower reaches a height of 53 m and its bells, the heaviest of which weighs 12 tons, were cast from the cartridges that were collected after the battles. In the temple itself, the names of the Russian regiments and Bulgarian volunteers are inscribed on 34 marble plates. The remains of the perished are laid in 17 stone sarcophagi in the church's crypt.
Thanks to @Wikipedia
Enjoy my video!
This is the true beauty of Bulgaria!
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#Traveler #Bulgaria #Nature
Stara Zagora, Shipka Memorial Trip
The Shipka Memorial (Bulgarian: паметник „Шипка“) is on Stoletov Peak near the pass, reached by a flight of steps or a short road. It is a memorial to those who died for the Liberation of Bulgaria during the Battles of Shipka Pass in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. It was opened with a ceremony in 1934 and designed by architect Atanas Donkov and sculptor Aleksandar Andreev.[1] An important influence was the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Germany.
(Source : Wikipedia)
The Memorial Temple of the Birth of Christ (Bulgarian: Храм-паметник „Рождество Христово“, Hram-pametnik „Rozhdestvo Hristovo“), better known as the Shipka Memorial Church or Shipka Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox church built near the town of Shipka in Stara Planina between 1885 and 1902 to Antoniy Tomishko's design in the seventeenth-century Muscovite style, under the direction of architect Alexander Pomerantsev. It is, together with the other parts of the Shipka Monument complex, dedicated to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian soldiers that died for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78.
(Source : Wikipedia)
The memorial to Stara Zagora Defenders of 1877 (aka Memorial Samarsko Zname) is dedicated to the battles for Stara Zagora from 31 July 1877, during the Russian-Turkish Liberation War.
(Source :
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For the Fallen by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Rozhdestvo Hristovo
16 декабря текущего года церковь ЕХБ «НАДЕЖДА» г. Гродно посетила наш центр с благотворительным концертом. Мероприятие было посвящено рождеству христову. Гости из германии рассказали нашим пациентам историю праздника, не забыли про традиции и символы этого дня. в конце мероприятия дети и взрослые получили рождественские подарки.
Nativity Arbanasi- Bulgaria
Video registrato all’interno della chiesa della Natività a Arbanasi in Bulgaria. Riprese di Piergiorgio Pescali
Arbanasi è un antico monastero-villaggio nella Bulgaria centrale ed è famosa per le sue costruzioni medioevali civili e religiose. La Chiesa della Natività, risalente al XV secolo, ospita al suo interno una serie di straordinari affreschi (realizzati tra il 1632 e il 1649) che coprono ogni spazio
The Rose festival of Kazanlak Bulgaria / Das Rosenfest von Kazanlak Bulgarien
Every year in early June in the city of Kazanlak in Bulgaria there is a festival of Roses and rose oil.
Every year the date of the festival of roses is changing.
The festival of roses and rose oil is a very interesting event. Starts early in the morning directly on the pink fields with Bulgarian folk dances and songs.
They show how they gather rose petals, how to get rose oil, allow people to walk around the field and to take a rose for memory.
The city has an interesting tourist sights. You can visit The Thracian tomb of Kazanlak.
And you can see the procession of the Bulgarian Rose, which is helding in the center of Kazanlak.
Also close to Kazanlak is the town of Shipka. There you can visit the Church Rozhdestvo Hristovo.
If you want, you can go to the summit of Shipka and visit the museum in honor of the victory in the Ottoman Empire. There is an observation deck from which opens an amazing view of the Valley of Roses, or as it is also called the Valley of the Thracian Kings, and the Bolkan Mountain. From there you can see the town of Kazanlak and the town of Gabrovo.
We organize individual tours in Bulgaria and an individual excursion to the Rose Festival in Kazanlak.
Our contacts:
Tel: +359898654320 - ther is a Viber and Whats app
skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Jedes Jahr Anfang Juni in der Stadt Kazanlak in Bulgarien gibt es ein Fest der Rosen und Rosenöl.
Jedes Jahr ändert sich das Datum des Rosenfestes.
Das Fest der Rosen und Rosenöl ist ein sehr interessantes Ereignis. Beginnt früh am Morgen direkt auf den rosa Feldern mit bulgarischen Volkstänzen und Liedern.
Sie zeigen, wie sie Rosenblüten sammeln, wie man Rosenöl bekommt, den Menschen erlauben, um das Feld zu gehen und eine Rose zum Gedächtnis zu nehmen.
Die Stadt hat interessante Sehenswürdigkeiten. Sie können das thrakische Grab von Kazanlak besuchen.
Und Sie können die Prozession der bulgarischen Rose sehen, die im Zentrum von Kazanlak stattfindet.
Auch in der Nähe von Kazanlak ist die Stadt Shipka. Dort können Sie die Kirche Rozhdestvo Hristovo besuchen.
Wenn sie willenn, konnen sie auf den Gipfel von Shipka gehen und das Museum zu Ehren des Sieges mit Osmanischen Reich besuchen. Es gibt ein Aussichtsplattform, von dem aus ein herrlicher Blick auf das Tal der Rosen eröffnet wird, oder wie es auch das Tal der thrakischen Könige und der Bolkanberg genannt wird. Von dort aus sieht man die Stadt Kazanlak und die Stadt Gabrovo.
Wir organisieren individuelle Touren in Bulgarien und einen individuellen Ausflug zum Rosenfest in Kazanlak.
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Храм Рождество Христово - гр. Шипка - 100 национални туристически обекта
Шипченският манастир „Рождество Христово” се намира в покрайнините на град Шипка. Идеята за основаването му е на руския дипломат граф Игнатиев и майката на генерал Скобелев – Олга Скобелева. Повече за храма:
iLoveBulgaria e новата интерактивна платформа на България, предоставяща информация както за забележителностите на държавата, така и за специалните предложения на местните фирми. В партньорство с Министерството на туризма. Изтеглете мобилното приложение iLoveBulgaria:
Sretenje (Weißrussland): Stih na Rozhdestvo Hristovo, MUSICA SACRA INTERNATIONAL 2018
Sretenje (Weißrussland): Stih na Rozhdestvo Hristovo, trad., Dir.: Olga Suarez, MUSICA SACRA INTERNATIONAL 2018, Stimmen der Religionen, Konzert am Sonntag, 20. Mai 2018 im Kreuzherrnsaal Memmingen, Video © MODfestivals