7 Tag! Der Rügen Park in Gingst!
Achterbahn Rügenpark Gingst (Galaxy S2)
Achterbahn Rügenpark Gingst (Galaxy S2)
Pokalhalbfinale 2008 - Motor Neptun vs. SV Gingst
Familienachterbahn - Rügen Park (On-Ride 2016)
Familienachterbahn - Rügen Park (On-Ride 2016)
Hersteller: Zamperla (Altavilla Vicentina, Italien)
Modell: Family Gravity Coaster 80STD
Eröffnung: 2010
Länge: 85 m
Höhe: 6 m
Geschwindigkeit: 25 km/h
Fahrzeit: 1:10
Inversionen: 0
gingst (rügen), dorffest 2017 mit gingster schülerband A Sence of Kallm, (little compilation)
gingst (rügen), schülerband A Sence of Kallm auf dorffest 08.07.2017 in gingst auf rügen. (amateuraufnahmen - bescheidener camcordersound)
Rügeninsel Ummanz
Nur eine Brücke verbindet die von Deichen umgebene Insel Ummanz mit Rügen.
#13 Elischeba in Bohlendorf auf der Halbinsel Wittow
Elischeba erkundet den Norden Rügens und führt ein Online-Tagebuch auf
Parkeisenbahn Emma - Rügen Park (On-Ride 2016)
Parkeisenbahn Emma - Rügen Park (On-Ride 2016)
Eröffnung: 2000
Fahrzeit: 11:00
Gingst 2012
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Gingst 2012 M
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
An Dem Tag Als Du Gingst - Edina Pop (feat. Thilo Wolf Quintet) [Marika Kémárky]
I just found this song today
gingst (rügen) Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars (cover) german teen band A Sence of Kallm
gingster schülerband A Sence of Kallm auf dorffest 08.07.2017 in gingst (rügen). Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars cover
(amateuraufnahme -camcordersound)
Inno-Heege Jungle Loop and Komet @ Family Paradise, Germany
This video was produced by Movemotions in 2013 for Inno-Heege and SMART rides at Family Paradise Leverkusen, Germany.
It shows the rides Jungle Loop and Komet
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B96 Stralsund + Rügenbrücke
Expressway B96 in Germany. From A20 to Rügen Island, across the Rügen Bridge at Stralsund.
Du kamst, du gingst
Vorgetragen von KAMMERKLANG ORCHESTER und Solisten des MÜNCHNER KNABENCHOR im Rahmen der musikalischen Andacht zu Allerheilgen m 31. Oktober 2015 in der Neuapostolischen Kirche München-Giesing.
Biga-Coaster | Sunkid | www.sunkid-heege.com
With the Biga-Coaster, the company Sunkid Heege GmbH once again presents a completely new development in terms of amusement rides (according to EN 13814) with numerous application possibilities.
The very special and unique design aspect of the Biga-Coaster is the substructure. The mandatory track construction allows for the tightest radii as well as riding uphill and downhill at the very same time. This results in distinct installation possibilities which can be tailor-made to meet the individual customer's needs.
Family Travel - Baltic Sea Island Rügen - Welcome in Paradies
The main reason for island holiday makers to travel is to enjoy sun, sea and sand. And Rugen offers the ideal conditions to do so. O-Ton Kids
When I'm older I might live here
I really like the landscape
I really like the sailing boats, whenever we're on the beach there are always some sailing by
If the weather doesn't play along, despite the region having the most hours of sunshine in the whole of Germany, then there is a great diversity of possibilities. The programme for young visitors at the Königsstühl National Park Centre for example, will provide excitement for the children. Rügen the island of adventure for young and old!
On over 40,000 square metres, the Rügenpark in Gingst offers a lot of space to play and explore. Particularly, the world in miniature. The Colossus of Rhodes watches over the harbour entrance and the Titanic is preparing for its maiden voyage to America.
O-Ton Jörg Lüth: My name is Jörg Lüth, I am proprietor of the recreation and miniature park in Gingst on the island Rugen, a miniature park and a recreation park await our visitors, with somewhat over 100 miniatures in 1:25 scale from around the world and 16 fun ride attractions, particularly for kids.
Its actually true that even I come here in my free time with my family and can easily spend the whole day here and afterwards the kids are tired but very happy.
Further towards the centre of the island of Rugen. Here the next highlight for families is waiting. The island summer toboggan run is fun for all, even adults will be screaming for joy here.We can race down there really fast
Oton Mann: It's an excellent alternative as it is really fun here and the kids really have an adventure
With a length of over 700 metres and a height difference of 27 metres, you can really accelerate and sweep into the valley with action, fun and speed.
Thomas Dehn: Proprietor of the toboggan run Rügen:
to put it like this, young and old get their money's worth and the little ones of 6 years can ride on their own... and the oldest too, recently about 3 weeks ago we had a lady of 96 who wished to come here for her birthday, came here and at the beginning went down at walking pace and later had a tempo of 20 Km/h, it was amazing.
Holiday on the farm. On Rugen you can spend this with Farmer Holger Kliewe. The adventure farm has been awarded with the crowned fish Gustav, the mark of quality for particularly family-friendly holiday offers. Here you will find enjoyment for the whole family.Holger Kliewe O-Ton:
Our entire farm or business concept is fully directed at families with children, hereby ensuring that the parents have a relaxing stay and the kids are occupied. We often have the problem that when the parents want to go home the kids don't want to go with them as they don't want to leave the farm.
Family holiday on Rügen -- the diversity of possibilities for indoor and outdoor activities leave nothing to wish for. Visit Germany's largest island and you too can discover that Rügen is also the most beautiful. Welcome!
Sunkid Luna Loop
Kopfüber zwischen Himmel und Erde
Nicht nur Kinder träumen davon Astronaut zu sein ... hinterm Cockpit zu sitzen ... Knöpfe zu drücken ... Turbulenzen auszulösen ... Schwerelosigkeit zu erleben.
The Luna Loop - fly high between earth and sky.
Children aren't the only ones who dream of being astronauts... sitting in the cockpit... pressing the buttons... feeling the pitch and roll... experiencing weightlessness.
Inselrodelbahn - Rügen | Wiegand | Alpinecoaster | POV
Onride-Video der Inselrodelbahn (Alpinecoaster) auf der größten deutschen Insel Rügen in der Ostsee.
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Vielen Dank an Martin Spies für das Bereitstellen des Videos!
ist eine der größten deutschsprachigen Achterbahn-Communitys , wenn nicht sogar die Größte. Im Forum kann man sich über alle Neuigkeiten des Freizeitparksektors informieren und mitdiskutieren. Es finden aber auch immer wieder Treffen, Wochenend-Reisen oder auch 2-wöchige Touren statt, bei denen man die Parks dieser Welt bereist und kennenlernt, natürlich mit netten Leuten!
Winter 1978 / 79 - Fotos von der Insel Rügen - en399
Fotos von der Insel Rügen in und um Garz vom Winter 1978 /79