The Royal castle Koenigsberg in the Park of miniatures in Kaliningrad.
The Royal castle Koenigsberg was the castle of the Teutonic order in Koenigsberg (today - Kaliningrad), also called the Royal castle. It was founded in 1255 by Czech king Ottokar II Przemysl and existed until 1968. Until 1945, it housed various administrative and public institutions of the city and East Prussia, there were Museum collections and halls for receptions. The name of the castle gave a common name for the city that arose at the castle walls. Along with the Cathedral was the most important and ancient landmark of the city. it was heavily destroyed in the bombing of the city during world war II. Completely blown up in 1967 by the decision of the leadership of the regional Communist party of the USSR.
The layout of the Royal Castle Koenigsberg is in the miniature Park.
Address: Russia, Kaliningrad region, city. Kaliningrad, Park South on Kalinin Avenue.
Schedule from 11: 00 to 21: 00
Phone: +7 (4012) 507 780 Website
© Video from Leonov Sergey especially for the youtube-channel Mindful eating, Kaliningrad, 2019
Inside the closed House of Soviets - built on top of Königsberg's royal castle
Inside the closed House of Soviets in Kaliningrad & Königsberg
Walking in KALININGRAD / Russia ????????- Lenin Prospekt to Pregolya River - 4K 60fps (UHD)
Kaliningrad (Russian: Калинингра́д, German: Königsberg) is an exclave at the Baltic sea between Poland and Lithuania.
We walked in Kaliningrad before on this tour . This time we start again at the central Victory Square (Ploschtschad Pobedy). The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour at this square is the largest church of Kaliningrad Oblast. We visit however the Chapel of the Blessed Prince Peter and Fevronia
On Prospekt Leninskiy we see the new Kaliningrad as the pre WWII past is largely gone. We only pass the ruins of the former Royal Castle.
It's evening now and sunset time when we reach the Pregolya River. Some people take the opportunity to stroll along the river and the Museum of the World Ocean. Besides this museum some research ships also a submarine Podvodnaya Lodka B-413 are anchored.
We end the walk at the Pavilion Naval Center Water Cube.
Filmed in October 2019
Camera: Osmo Pocket in 4K60
Mic: Zoom H1
#poptravel #kaliningrad #russia
Schloss (Castle) KÖNIGSBERG, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia)
Images allegedly in public domain. I will immediately delete the video upon request of their owner, if any.
Music: Turning Slowly - Ugonna Onyekwe, freely usable
Record 11.3. Kaliningrad Area: Ruins of King's Castle Moat and Ruined Fort
Königsberg Castle was severely damaged during the bombing of Königsberg in World War II. Following the war, as the city came under the control of the USSR, the site of the castle was redeveloped as part of the reconstruction of the city. Construction began on the House of Soviets in 1960, and was intended to be the central administration building of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
The Dom Sovetov was to be built as a symbol of Soviet power on the ruins of the Prussian castle. It was planned as a 28-storey building consisting of two tall rectangular towers, lined with embossed panels and a two-level covered walkway between them. However, the building's foundations juxtaposed on the foundations of the destroyed castle were too weak and ultimately only 21 storeys were built. The project was halted when it was already 95% complete in 1985. After the demise of the Soviet Union, the complex was to be converted into a business center. Financing issues and criminal charges against the proprietors led to a new standstill. Today, the building is still empty. The local population endearingly calls it our monster or the buried robot.
On the occasion of Kaliningrad’s 60th and Königsberg's 750th anniversary in July 2005, the building was painted in sky-blue and new window panes were mounted. Presently, its future is still undecided
Königsberg Castle - Photographs from 1935-1943
The Royal Palace
Photographed from 1935-1943
Королевский замок
Съёмка между 1935-1943 годами.
Overture to the Opera Fidelio by L. Beethoven
Excerpt from Time Forward by Georgy Svridov
Excerpt from Noch by Georgy Sviridov
The Royal Palace at Königsberg was originally an old Prussian fort. During the 16th to 18th centuries the castle was greatly enlarged and fortified. The fortress, later designated a castle, was the residence of the Grandmasters of the Teutonic Order and later residence for Prussian rulers. The west wing contained the Schloßkirche, or palace church, where Frederick I was crowned in 1701 and William I in 1861.
Following the bombing of Königsberg by the Royal Air Force in the Second World War in 1944, the castle completely burnt down. However, the thick walls were able to withstand both the aerial bombing and Soviet artillery, as well as urban fighting in April 1945, allowing the ruins of the castle to stay standing. The largely demolished Königsberg became part of the Soviet Union and was renamed Kaliningrad in 1946................
Nazi Demolishing of the Royal Castle
SHOCKING the amount of destruction they did in Warsaw, Poland.
Record 11. Kaliningrad: The House of Soviets. Part 3 - Upper Floors Of Tower
The House of Soviets in Kaliningrad (Königsberg prior to 1946). The locals often refer to it as “buried robot”.
is situated in the centre of Kaliningrad on the historical site of the Prussian Königsberg Castle which was severely damaged by allied bombing in WW II. The remains were blown up between 1964 and 1968 by order of the executive committee of the communist party of Kaliningrad. The Dom Sovietov, a building for the local administration was to be erected, in its place.
Стужа - Сиреневый полярный мрак
General Otto Lasch bunker museum in Königsberg. Kaliningrad
Pictures and video clips from General Lasch bunker museum.
Königsberger Dom (Ruine), Kaliningrad, Oktober 1992
Innen- und Außenansichten der Ruine des Königsberger Doms.
Королевский замок Кёнигсберга. Достопримечательности Калининграда #80.
Экскурсии по Калининграду и Калининградской области 8-90-22-50-44-08
Кёнигсбергский замок (нем. Königsberger Schloß) — замок Тевтонского ордена в Кёнигсберге (Калининград), называемый также Королевским замком. Заложен в 1255 году чешским королём Оттокаром II и просуществовал до 1968 года. До 1945 года в его стенах размещались различные управленческие и общественные учреждения города и Восточной Пруссии, находились музейные собрания и залы для торжественных приёмов. Имя замка дало общее наименование для города, возникшего у замковых стен. Наряду с Кафедральным собором являлся важнейшей и древнейшей достопримечательностью города.
В Средние века считалось, что война против язычников — богоугодное дело и участие в крестовом походе способствовало духовному спасению. А войны против пруссов также являлись крестовыми походами. На рубеже 1254—1255 годов под флагом гохмейстера, бывшего ландмейстера ордена Поппо фон Остерна, собралось значительное число крестоносцев. Самыми знатными из них были маркграф Отто III Бранденбургский и его шурин, богемский король Оттокар.
Севернее острова Кнайпхофа над долиной возвышалась на двадцать метров широкая округлая вершина горы, именуемой Тувангсте. На ней находилось городище, приют для беженцев, в котором жители окрестных прусских деревень собирались на свои веча, а также для жертвоприношений. Гохмейстер ордена и король Оттокар крепость, с помощью которой они намеревались укрепиться в покорённой Самбии (Землянде), решили построить именно на этом месте. Благодаря выгодному положению острова Кнайпхофа уже в стародавние времена действовала переправа через реку, а укрепление пруссов на Твангсте так и напрашивалось на закладку орденской крепости.
Замок был выстроен из дерева на месте прусского городища Тувангсте и на протяжении всего XIII века неоднократно подвергался нападениям восставших пруссов и литовских отрядов. Замок был основан в январе 1255 года как деревянное строение, двумя годами позже началось возведение кирпичного замка. Замок служил резиденцией Маршалов Тевтонского ордена и был центром сбора рыцарских походов в Великое княжество Литовское в XIV веке. С 1457 по 1525 год в замке находилась резиденция великого магистра ордена.
В 1525 году, после проведённой Альбрехтом Бранденбургским секуляризации прусских владений ордена, замок перешёл в собственность герцога Пруссии.
Замок был в нескольких местах перестроен. К этому времени он потерял свою оборонительную функцию. В 1697 году курфюрст Бранденбургский и герцог прусский Фридрих III принимал в замке Великое посольство Петра I.
Замок — последнее местонахождение (в 1942—1945 годах) знаменитой янтарной комнаты. Некоторые исследователи местонахождения комнаты считают, что она до сих пор находится в подвалах замка, хотя достоверных источников, подтверждающих эту информацию, не обнаружено. Поиск янтарной комнаты был одной из целей (не основной) раскопок замка, проводившихся в 2001—2008 годах немецким журналом «Шпигель».
В конце войны замок горел (в августе 1944 во время налёта англо-американской авиации и в апреле 1945 при штурме Кёнигсберга), но главные башни и стены к 1956 году ещё сохранились. Несмотря на протесты, в 1967 году, по решению первого секретаря обкома КПСС Николая Коновалова развалины замка были взорваны. Вершина горы, на которой стоял замок, была на несколько метров срыта. Приблизительно на месте юго-восточной части замка в настоящее время стоит строившийся (и недостроенный) в советское время Дом Советов.
Музыка Fadent - Time Apart
Название Королевский замок Кёнигсберга. Достопримечательности Калининграда #80.
Record 11. Kaliningrad: The House of Soviets. Part 1 - The lower floors
Loot: none
Dangers: dogs
Difficulty: easy
The house of Soviets is a famous abandoned building in the center of the Kaliningrad city. It is built where the Königsberg Castle once was.
Songs From A Tomb - See
Songs From A Tomb - Post Scriptum, Memories Missing
Grand Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Peterhof Palace is a series of palaces and gardens located in Petergof, Saint Petersburg, Russia, commissioned by Peter the Great as a direct response to the Palace of Versailles by Louis XIV of France. Originally intended in 1709 for country habitation, Peter the Great sought to expand the property as a result of his visit to the French royal court in 1717, inspiring the nickname used by tourists The Russian Versailles In the period between 1714 and 1728, the architecture was designed by Domenico Trezzini, and the style he employed became the foundation for the Petrine Baroque style favored throughout Saint Petersburg. Also in 1714, Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond designed the gardens, likely chosen due to his previous collaborations with Versailles landscaper André Le Nôtre. Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli completed an expansion from 1747 to 1756 for Elizabeth of Russia. The palace-ensemble along with the city center is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Kaliningrad - Ausgrabungen des Königsberger Stadtschlosses
Kaliningrad-Domizil ist eine Informationsagentur und berichtet tagesaktuell und subjektiv aus der Russischen Föderation und der Region Kaliningrad.
Im Jahre 2016/17 begannen die intensiven Ausgrabungen der Fundamente des ehemaligen preußischen Stadtschlosses. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war noch geplant, zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018 zumindest den Westflügel des Schlosses wieder zu errichten. Dann wurde Mitte 2017 der Beschluss gefasst, das Stadtschloss prinzipiell nicht wieder aufzubauen. Man werde sich auf das Haus der Räte konzentrieren und dies in Nutzung überführen. Die freigelegten Fundamente des Königsberger Schlosses werden mit einer Glaskuppel versehen und als Museum der Bevölkerung zugänglich gemacht. Hierfür ist ein Privatinvestor gefunden worden.
Russian brutalist skyscraper was never finished
✔ House of Soviets, Kaliningrad, Russia @
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♫ 0:07 C&C Red Alert 3 Theme - Soviet March (
♫ 0:21 Bensound - Jazz comedy (
Königsberg East Prussia, Exploring Its Gates
Exploring the old Königsberg in the city of Kaliningrad...
Kaliningrad, Russia, the old Konigsberg East Prussia, that if I remember well, had to be taken to prevent this nest of prussian warring snakes from making another war in Europe in the words of Stalin. Two factor of it's almost total destruction, the other being the cowardice of the man in charge, Koch, who refuse to surrender the city, but cowardly sneak out of the city and the advance of the Red Army to a boat that awaited him in the port of Pillau, now Baltisk.
The other excuse Stalin had to keep East Prussia was that the USSR did not have a port for winter.
14th-Century Castle Once Held by Nazis and Soviets Is Up for Sale | Gift Of Life
A castle that once housed one of Europe’s most famous knight orders in the Middle Ages is up for sale, with an asking price of $153,000. The Preussisch Eylau Castle, built in the marshes near the coast of the Baltic Sea in the 14th century, has changed hands repeatedly in its lifetime, once forming part of Nazi Germany’s East Prussia region, then coming under Soviet control and remaining a lone Russian enclave as Communism in Eastern Europe collapsed during the 1990s. The ex-knights’ residence and survivor of sieges and war has slipped into disrepair in recent years and authorities are now looking for a new lord of this manor. Russia’s Kaliningrad region announced the open tender this month, calling for bidders to take the castle off the state’s hands, provided they preserve it as a culturally important building. The property includes the 3,628.2 square meter (0.9 acres) castle and the 45,800 square meter (11 acres) plot of land that surrounds the building. The castle has something of a storied past and its complexities are embedded in several of the most tumultuous chapters in the region’s history. Founded by the Teutonic Knights—one of several European orders during the crusades—the castle helped the Germanic knights run their military campaigns of converting nearby domains to Christianity. After the failure of the last crusade in the Middle East, the order chose to focus on campaigns in central and northeastern Europe, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. The building was a battle fortress by design but it ceased to serve that purpose around the 17th and 18th centuries, according to the Kaliningrad tourism board. By then, regional kingdoms were predominantly Christian and Prussia was on its way to becoming Germany’s most influential state. At a time of alliance against France’s Napoleon Bonaparte, Russian troops did fight alongside German Prussians near the castle’s walls in the winter of 1807, in a bloody but inconclusive battle. The territory eventually became a fully-fledged and hugely influential part of Germany until the fall of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich in 1945. The defeat of Hitler in World War Two left eastern Prussia in Russian hands and the remains of its bombarded capital of Konigsberg became Kaliningrad. With that, Moscow also inherited the old knights’ castle, around 20 miles from the enclave’s main city. Other landmarks from the region's era under German control have virtually dissapeared from the map, after suffering heavy damage during the war or deliberate destruction after the war ended. Russian prosecutors ordered local authorities to renovate the historic building in 2016, by which point a fire had gutted parts of the castle’s insides. The ageing building had occasionally also served as a gathering place for local homeless people, historian Alexander Panchenko told state news network Rossiya 24 at the time. Prospective bidders have until August 20th to register their interest with the Kaliningrad regional
. Old Konigsberg. Königsschloss . Старый Кёнигсберг. Королевский замок.
Old Konigsberg. Königsschloss . Старый Кёнигсберг .Королевский замок. Old Koenigsberg. The Royal Castle
Siege of Königsberg
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The Siege of Königsberg was a siege laid upon Königsberg Castle, one of the main strongholds of the Teutonic Knights, by Prussians during the Great Prussian Uprising from 1262 possibly though 1265.
About the author(s): Renata3
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Kaliningrad Travel Video
Kaliningrad Travel Video. Overlooking the Baltic Sea, the Kaliningrad region boasts some striking scenery. Among the regions attractions, youll find a vibrant city with 700 years of Prussian history, pleasant coastal towns facing the sea, and the wild Curonian spit, a narrow landmass lined with some of Europes highest sand dunes, deserted beaches and verdant marshland. Youll also find a colourful array of wildlife hidden in the regions thick forests.
Kaliningrad Travel Video,yet more than its natural wonders, Kaliningrad is known for its history, which differs markedly from the rest of Russia. From the 13th century until 1945, the entire region was German, part of the core territory of the Teutonic knights and their successors, the dukes and kings of Prussia. Its capital, now named Kaliningrad, was the famous German city of Königsberg, capital of East Prussia, where Prussian kings were crowned. Scant Prussian legacy remains in the city of Kaliningrad, but the countryside is sprinkled with picturesque, moss- covered ruins of Prussian castles. After WWI, East Prussia was separated from the rest of Germany when Poland regained statehood. The three-month campaign by which the Red Army took it in 1945 was one of the fiercest of the war, with hundreds of thousands of casualties on both sides.
Beautiful Kaliningrad Travel Video!