【K】Russia Travel-Saint Petersburg[러시아 여행-상트페테르부르크]19세기 오페라 극장, 마린스키/Mariinsky Theatre/Opera
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
모스크바에 볼쇼이가 있다면 상트페테르부르크엔 마린스키가 있다. 이 극장은 약 150년 전에 지어졌는데 당시 황제 알렉산드르2세 왕비 이름을 따 마린스키극장이라 불렀다. 마린스키극장의 수용인원은 1750명인데 극장입구에는 미니어처로 공연장 내부 모습을 전시해 놓았다. 객석과 무대사이에는 모든 연주자가 지휘자의 지시에 따라 일사불란하게 소리를 만들어 내는데 지휘자나 연주단원들은 흑해연안의 북오세티아 공화국에서 온 사람들이 많았다. 오페라를 보고 나오니 밤10시 20분. 해가 지지 않은 하늘엔 무지개가 떠있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
If you have the Bolshoi in Moscow, St. Petersburg Mariinsky yen has. The theater is jyeotneunde built about 150 years ago at the time of Emperor Alexander II followed the Queen name was called Mariinsky Theatre. Capacity of the Mariinsky Theatre are 1750 people at the entrance to the theater inde put on display in a hall inside look miniature. All performers on stage and the audience, between an orderly fashion as to produce a sound conductor or section playing under the direction of conductors are common people from North Ossetia republic on the Black Sea coast. Report an opera naohni 22:20. The yen was floating in the sky did not have a rainbow.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Если у вас есть Большой театр в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге Мариинский иена.Театр построен jyeotneunde около 150 лет назад, в то время императора Александра II с последующим имя королевы назвали Мариинский театр. Емкость Мариинского театра 1750 человек у входа в театр неза выставлены в зале взгляд изнутри миниатюре. Все исполнители на сцене и зрителями, между упорядоченно, чтобы произвести звуковой проводник или раздел, играя под руководством проводников простые люди из Северной Осетии республики на побережье Черного моря. Сообщить оперу naohni 22:20.Иена плавающие в небе не было радуги.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아03-04 19세기 오페라 극장, 마린스키/Mariinsky Theatre/Opera
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김찬호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김찬호,2007,8월 August
[10$ Seat] Enjoyable Ballet In Vladivostok, Russia
【K】Russia Travel-Novosibirsk[러시아 여행-노보시비르스크]오페라 발레극장/Opera Ballet Theatre/Novosibirsk State Academic
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
러시아에서 가장 큰 오페라 발레극장. 1945년 완공되어 지금까지 이 시를 상징한다. 35미터 높이의 돔은 지지대 없이 스스로 서있다. 노보시비르스크 사람들의 자존심이다. 지난 60여 년간 350편이 넘는 작품이 이 무대에 올려졌다. 가격은 좌석에 따라 우리 돈 3,500원에서 4만3천원까지. 현재 발레와 오페라 각 30개 이상의 고정 레퍼토리를 가지고 있다. 가을에 시작되는 시즌에는 세계 최정상급 오페라와 발레를 매일매일 새로운 레퍼토리로 감상할 수 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
The biggest opera ballet theater in Russia. Completed in 1945 it is a symbol of the city until now. The dome 35 meters high stands by itself without support. Novosibirsk is the pride of the people. The past 60 years, more than 350 works were put on the stage side. Price is 40,000 won to 3,000 won from 3,500 depending on seating us money. Currently has more than 30 ballet and opera each fixed repertoire. Season beginning in autumn, you can enjoy the world-renowned ballet and opera repertoire with new daily basis.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Большой оперы балета в России. Завершенный в 1945 году не символом города до сих пор.Купольные 35 метра стоит сама по себе без поддержки. Новосибирск гордость народа. Прошедшие 60 лет, более чем 350 работ были выставлены на сцене стороне. Цена 40000 вон до 3000 вон с 3500 в зависимости от сидения нам деньги. В настоящее время имеет более чем 30 балет и оперу каждом фиксированном репертуар. Сезон начинается осенью, вы можете наслаждаться всемирно известный балет и оперу репертуар новой ежедневной основе.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아07-12 러시아 최대 오페라 발레극장/Opera Ballet Theatre/Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김병수 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김병수,2011,7월 July
Pushinsky Theater Vladivostok, Russia before the concert on 24 of may 2015
Pushkinsky Theater, Vladivostok, Russia. Great honour for me to give concert here on the 24-th of may 2015 at 18:00.
All are welcome to be part of this event! We will try to set up some home video and may be professional video to show this concert on internet later on. I am exited!!!
Pushkinsky Theater in Vladivostok, Russia was constructed in 1908, Raul Amundsen had lecture on the stage of this theatre in 1927, Aisedora Duncan had been dancing on this stage and her daughter Irma, Leonid Utesov with his jazz band in 1939, in different times was visiting amiral Kolchak, composer Max Qus, in 1971 was singing Vladimir Vysotzky.
Пушкинский театр во Bладивостоке псстроен 1908 году , в 1927 году знаменитый путешественник Рауль Амундсен со сцены театра рассказал о своих путешествиях. На этой же сцене танцевали Айседора Дункан и ее приемная дочь Ирма, пел Леонид Утесов. Театр посещали адмирал Колчак, композитор Макс Кюс, написавший вальс «Амурские волны». Именно в зале Пушкинского театра в 1971 году состоялась творческая встреча владивостокцев с Владимиром Высоцким.
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Russian Theatre of Pacific Navy in Japan (2010)
In autumn of 2010 Theatre of Pacific Navy from Vladivostok, Russia visited japanese province Shimane with Switchman pantomime performance. Here's some moments of that days shown on local TV.
II Internatinal Mariinsky Far East Festival
II Internatinal Mariinsky Far East Festival Vladivostok
15 July - 13 August 2016
【K】Russia Travel-Vladivostok[러시아 여행-블라디보스토크]블라디보스토크 신한촌/Koreatown/Shinhanchon
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
1992년부터 외국인에게 개방된 블라디보스토크는 국제도시로 급격히 부상하고 있다. 항구는 연해주 지방 최대의 어업기지가 됐다. 매주 월요일이면 동해시에서 출발한 여객선이 이곳에 도착한다. 이틀 후 다시 동해시로 떠난다. 관광객이 늘고 있고 한국 기업이 만든 호텔도 생겼다. 블라디보스토크는 우리 역사와도 연관이 깊다. 1911년 러시아 당국은 기존 한인촌을 폐쇄하고 새로운 한인거주지를 조성했다. 이후 이 신한촌은 3천여 명이 거주하는 대규모 집단이 됐다. 그러나 이들은 1937년 중앙아시아로 강제이주를 당했다.
[English: Google Translator]
Since 1992, the Vladivostok open to foreigners is rapidly emerging as an international city. The fishing port was up to the base of the Maritime provinces. If Monday is a departure from Donghae ferry arrives here. Two days later, leaving to Donghae again. The increasing number of tourists and the hotel looks even created a Korea company. Vladivostok is also closely associated with our history. 1911 Russian authorities closed the existing haninchon and has created a new Korean residence. Since this was a large group of residents sinhanchon three thousand people. However, they were forced to migrate to Central Asia in 1937.
[Russia: Google Translator]
С 1992 года во Владивостоке открыт для иностранцев стремительно превращается в международный город. Рыбный порт был до основания Морских областей. Если понедельник является отход от Donghae парома прибывает сюда. Через два дня, оставив Donghae снова. Все большее число туристов и отель выглядит даже создал компанию Korea. Владивосток также тесно связан с нашей историей. 1911 Российские власти закрыли существующий haninchon и создал новый корейский жительства. Так как это была большая группа жительства Синчон три тысячи человек. Тем не менее, они были вынуждены мигрировать в Среднюю Азию в 1937 году.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아10-08 블라디보스토크 신한촌/Koreatown/Shinhanchon
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조연동 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 8월 August
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,터미널,terminal,harbour, bus, station, train, metro, air port, subway, ferry, boat,탑,tower,pillar,유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,Российская Федерация,Russian Federation,조연동,2015,8월 August,프리모르스키 주,Primorskiy,Примо́рский край,연해주
MARTIN ALVARADO Cuánto más dolerás Symphony concert in Vladivostok, Russia
MARTIN ALVARADO singing a self penned song with Pacific Symphony Orchestra at the Philharmonic Hall in Vladivostok (Vladivostok, Russia), Russia.
Martin Alvarado cantando una canción propia con orquesta sinfónica en el teatro filarmónico de la ciudad de Vladivostok, Rusia (Russia).
Cuánto más dolerás (letra y música / words and music: Martin Alvarado)
arrangement by / arreglo de: Mikko Helenius
Martin Alvarado´s producer in the Russian Federation: Victoria Zubovskaya
Putin’s Gift to Moscow: New Concert Hall’s “Glass Crust” is Largest Translucent Structure on Earth
Subscribe to Vesti News
It's the last story for Vesti's Saturday headlines, and, as we promised, we move on to the opening of the Zaryadye Park Concert Hall on City Day. Apparently, we have exclusive backstage footage of the first concert of the hall.
Russian Folkloric Music at Foyer of Mariinsky Theatre
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Feb 2014
【K】Russia Travel-Vladivostok[러시아 여행-블라디보스토크]율 브린너 생가/Yul Brynner/International film/Birthplace
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
블라디보스토크는 할리우드 유명배우 율 브린너가 태어난 곳이다. 영화 ‘십계’ ‘왕과 나’ ‘대장 부리바’에서 그는 강렬한 눈매로 관객을 사로잡았다. 석상은 그의 생가 앞에 세워져 있다. 생가는 이제 극동선박회사 소유이고 사무실로 쓰이고 있다. “블라디보스토크에서 아주 유명한 배우예요.인기 있는 여러 가지 작품에 출연했죠.그의 가족이 이 집에 살았어요.자주 영화가 상영됩니다.손님을 초대하고, 영화의 전체 부분을 보여주죠.이게 제가 아는 전부네요.”생가는 이제 블라디보스토크 국제 영화제에 온 사람들이 꼭 찾아보는 명소가 됐다.
[English: Google Translator]
Vladivostok is the place where Hollywood actor was born beurinneo rate. In the movie The Ten Commandments The King and I '' Captain Beak bar, he captivated the audience with intense eyes. A stone statue is erected in front of his birthplace. Far birthplace is now owned by a shipping company and are being used as an office. It's a very famous actress in Vladivostok. I've done a popular variety of works. His family lived in this house often films will be screened. And invited guests, let me show the whole part of the movie. That 's all I know. birthplace was now looking to find a spot just people who came to Vladivostok International Film Festival.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Владивосток является местом, где голливудский актер родился beurinneo темпами. В фильме Десять заповедей, Король и я '' Капитан клювом бар, он очаровал аудиторию с сильными глазами. Каменная статуя возведен перед его рождения. Далеко родина теперь принадлежит судоходной компании и в настоящее время используется в качестве офиса. Это очень известная актриса во Владивостоке. Я сделал популярный разнообразие произведений. Его семья жила в этом доме часто фильмы будут демонстрироваться. И приглашенные гости, позвольте мне показать всю часть фильма. Это все, что я знаю. родина теперь ищет, чтобы найти место, просто люди, которые пришли на международный фестиваль во Владивостоке кинофестиваля.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아10-07 율 브린너의 생가/Yul Brynner/International film festival/Birthplace
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조연동 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 8월 August
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,생가,birthplace,author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,동상,statue,sculpture, square,기타장소,place,place, resort, 리조트,사람,man,person, character, 위인, 유명인 author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,Российская Федерация,Russian Federation,조연동,2015,8월 August,프리모르스키 주,Primorskiy,Примо́рский край,연해주
Swan lake, Moscow troop in Vladivostok
The Bolshoi Ballet Academy Documentary - Moscow Russia
The Moscow State Academy of Choreography
(Russian: Московская государственная академия хореографии) commonly known as The Bolshoi Ballet Academy, founded as an orphanage by order of Catherine II in 1763, is one of the oldest and most prestigious schools of ballet in the world . It is located in Moscow, Russia and the affiliate school of the Bolshoi Ballet.
The Bolshoi Ballet receives the majority of its dancers from the Academy, as do most other Moscow ballet companies. Numerous choreographers, instructors and graduates of the academy have become renowned in Russian ballet and internationally, including Olga Lepeshinskaya, Raisa Struchkova, Natalia Bessmertnova, Ekaterina Maximova, Maya Plisetskaya, Nikolai Fadeyechev, Vladimir Vasiliev, Mikhail Lavronsky, Nikolay Tsiskaridze, to be bestowed a People's Artist of the USSR, prima ballerina assoluta and premier dancer, the ultimate title for a ballet performer of the Soviet Union.
The Bolshoi's method of teaching is founded on a thorough, comprehensive, classical training curriculum that is carefully coordinated to the students' ability. The curriculum includes Ballet Technique, Pointe Work, Centre Work, Repertoire, Pas de Deux, Jazz, Character Dance and Historical Dance. The Academy offers a professional teaching staff with international teaching and performing experience.All classes are carefully graded both for age and technical level and each student is given the individual attention so necessary for his or her progress. At the school, children from ages nine to eighteen attend academic classes in addition to their rigorous dance training, using the Vaganova method. Many of them live at the in-house school dormitories.
The Bolshoi Ballet Academy holds annual auditions for the students seeking acceptance into the full-time programs of traineeship and vocational training. The director of the academy is currently, Marina Leonova.
The Bolshoi Ballet Academy offers one of the best dance training facilities in the world. Amenities including twenty large studios with a professional non-slip dance floor, changing rooms with showers and lockers, study area, and a physiotherapy room. High ceilings make it possible to offer Pas de Deux classes, and two levels of ballet barres are provided for young children and adults.
Boris Ejfman Russian Hamlet, curtain call 03.07.2017
Best of Trans Siberian train Moscow - Ulaanbaatar - Beijing 8000km Aerial/ Транссиб с высоты
One of the world’s greatest travel experiences. Russia – Mongolia – China.
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2) EKATERINBURG - Church of the blood, Place of city foundation, Modern city buildings, Obelisk Europa-Asia, Ganina Yama
3) NOVOSIBIRSK - Lenin square and Opera House, Local market, Railway museum, Old rail bridge, Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky
4) KRASNOYARSK – Theatre and Peace square, Steamer St. Nicolas, Chapel on top of hill, Local folklore, Krasnoyarsk Stolby
5) IRKUTSK - Central square, Place of city foundation, Old wooden houses, 130th Quarter
6) LAKE BAIKAL – Angara river, Taltsi museum of wooden architecture, Port Baikal, Polovinnaya station
7) ULAN-UDE – Soviet square with Biggest Lenin’s head, Ivolginsky Datsan, Village of old believers “Tarbagatay”, Slipping Lion, Selenga river
8) ULAAANBAATAR - Gandhan Monastery, Suchbaatar Square, Zaisan viewpoint, Terelj National Park, Naadam festival
9) BEIJING - Forbidden city, Tiananmen Square, Summer Emperor Palace, the Great Wall of China, Modern city views
Stock footage 4K. Cooperation contact Alex.Drone@mail.ru
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В фокусе все основные туристические достопримечательности с уникальных ракурсов, аэросъемки, наземные и FPV кадры.
1) МОСКВА – Красная площадь и Кремль, Собор Василия Блаженного, Храм Христа Спасителя, Сталинские высотки, современные небоскребы делового района.
2) ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ – Храм на крови, Здание Дворца Харитонова-Расторгуева, Плотинка, Современные высотные здания, Отель Хаят, Ельцин центр, Высоцкий, Обелиск граница Европа-Азия, Комплекс монастырей Ганина Яма
3) НОВОСИБИРСК - Площадь Ленина и Здание Оперы, Местный рынок, Старый ЖД мост, Собор Александра Невского
4) КРАСНОЯРСК - Театральная площадь, Площадь Мира, Часовня на вершине караульной горы, Местный фольклор
5) ИРКУТСК - Центральная площадь, Место основания, Знаменский монастырь, Деревянные старые дома в центре, 130 квартал
6) ОЗЕРО БАЙКАЛ – р.Ангара, Тальцы - музей деревянного зодчества, Порт Байкал, Станция Половинная
7) УЛАН-УДЭ - Площадь Советов с головой Ленина, Иволгинский Дацан, Деревня староверов Тарбагатай, гора Спящий Лев, р.Селенга
8) УЛАН-БАТОР - Монастырь Гандан, Центральная площадь Сухэ-Батора, Зайсан обзорная площадка, Горхи-Тэрэлж - Национальный парк, Наадам – национальный праздник
9) ПЕКИН – Запретный город, площадь Тяньаньмэнь, Летний императорский дворец, Великая Китайская стена, современный деловой район
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Vladivostok's new Opera House and the Golden Horn bridge
04 Sept 2015
Russia | Top 10 Places to Visit in Russia
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Russia | Top 10 Places to Visit in Russia
RussiaPoints of interest
Moscow Kremlin
Monumental architectural complex
Hermitage Museum
Art & culture museum founded in 1764
Red Square
Landmark square & site of cathedral
Peterhof Palace
Seafront royal palace, park & museums
Winter Palace
Former residence of Russian emperors
Saint Basil's Cathedral
Museum in iconic former Orthodox church
Peter and Paul Fortress
Original city site founded in 1703
Church of the Savior on Blood
1880s church with vibrant, lavish design
Saint Isaac's Cathedral
Ornate religious edifice with gold dome
Lake Baikal
Huge Siberian lake for hiking & wildlife
Palace Square
Square lined by neoclassical buildings
Lenin's Mausoleum
Memorial hall displaying Lenin's body
Kazan Cathedral, Saint Petersburg
Colonnaded Russian Orthodox cathedral
Russian Museum
Fine artworks, icons & sculptures
Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
Iconic home of Russian ballet & opera
Iconic, long-established shopping mall
Kremlin Armoury
Weaponry, jewelry & state regalia
Kizhi Island
Church, open-air museum, lake, nature reserve, and cathedral
Tretyakov Gallery
Collection of 21st-century Russian art
Event venue with 4 traditional halls
Mount Elbrus
Mountain, climbing, snowboarding, volcano, and alpine skiing
Mariinsky Theatre
Grand complex for music, opera & ballet
Nevsky Prospect
Church, shopping, cathedral, architecture, and monument
Pushkin Museum
European painting & sculpture collection
Curonian Spit
Forest, lagoon, nature reserve, nature, and cycling
Qolşärif Mosque
Blue-domed mosque on Kremlin site
Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Saint Petersburg
18th-century Romanov dynasty burial site
Moika Palace
Grand palace museum with ornate decor
Anthropological & ethnographic museum
Sparrow Hills
Monument, alpine skiing, and history
Mamayev Kurgan
Hill with a complex of memorials
Diamond Fund
Treasury museum of diamonds & jewelry
Sochi Theme Park
Amusement park suited for all ages
Palaces, parks, gardens, sculpture, and cathedrals
Gorky Park
Park with sports & open-air movies
Lake Ladoga
Lakes, monasteries, rivers, and lighthouses
Novodevichy Convent
Landmark 16th-century religious complex
Kazan Kremlin
Hilltop palace & museum complex
State Historical Museum
Landmark museum of Russian history
Lake Onega
Lakes, monasteries, and churches
Tsaritsyno Park
Opulent palace with a fine arts museum
Amber Room
Summer Garden
Formal gardens designed by Czar Peter
Saint Michael's Castle
Art exhibitions in 1790s royal residence
Grand Kremlin Palace
Palace, cathedral, and architecture
Lake Ritsa
Lake, waterfall, canyon, and mountain
Vasilyevsky Island
Monuments, churches, palaces, architecture, and cathedrals
Alexander Garden
Landmark park with memorials & monuments
Sumptuous ball brings Tsarist-era Russia to London
(21 Nov 2016) LEAD IN:
The Russian Debutante's Ball in London is a night of opulence and glitz, packed with young men and women looking to recreate Tolstoy's War and Peace.
The event has become an annual tradition among the thousands of Russian speakers who live in the British capital, dubbed 'Londongrad'.
It's a sumptuous pageant, traditionally held to introduce young aristocratic ladies of marriageable age to eligible young men.
It's a scene which recreates the grandeur of tsarist Russia, before the revolution over a century ago.
But all is not quite as it seems.
This isn't St. Petersburg, it's London's West End and many of the eligible young men here are not Russian, but members of the British Queen's Household Cavalry.
Up until the 1950s, debutante balls were also a tradition in Britain and other parts of Europe.
The most famous was the Queen Charlotte ball, dating back to the time of George III, when girls were presented to the Queen.
But after the Russian revolution of 1917 and two world wars, Europe is a very different place, and these functions can appear anachronistic.
The revival of the Russian debutante's ball is now in its fourth year, spurred on by interest from a new generation of young Russians.
Entry to the ball is strictly regulated.
A wealthy background isn't required, but expensive tickets mean attendees do need to have some cash.
VIP tickets cost from 290 to 590 British pounds (approx. 360 to 736 US dollars).
The debutantes themselves don't require tickets but they have to pay 250 pounds (approx. 312 US dollars) for the experience, which includes ballroom dance classes.
It's definitely a price worth paying, according to debutante Anastasia Kachkovska.
I was a visitor at last year's ball and so I got to experience the fairy tale. When I saw the debutantes coming down the stairs I felt this energy and I said I want to be a debutante next year. So I applied and got in.
Kachkovska is a student in London from Kiev in Ukraine.
She has spent thousands of pounds on her dress and makeup as well as flying her boyfriend to London to escort her at the ball.
A good education is a requirement here, the young women speak at least two languages and must meet other criteria such as good manners and attractiveness.
They've undertaken tests in order to be eligible for entry and they are all in full time study or employment.
Darina Martynuk is from Vladivostok.
Her partner for the evening is an officer in the Household Cavalry.
The ball organisers invite officers in the Blues and Royals to partner girls who don't already have escorts.
It's kind of a Russian tradition where women are dressed in white and men are in black suits and they meet each other and they talk and get married and it's like a really old Russian thing to do, like balls and stuff and you know we had all the rich dresses and music and everything and I just wanted to feel how it was centuries ago.
The organisers say they want to highlight Russia's rich culture and preserve it for the coming generations.
They say the ball provides a friendly social context where young men and women from across the globe meet one another and form lasting friendships.
The organisers hold auditions in Moscow and London to assess the applicant's suitability.
The women need to be young, aged between 16 and 25.
For the debutantes it's a once in a life time chance to dress like a princess and be the belle of the ball.
Organiser Alexander Smagin says the balls appeal to a society whose culture was banished by communism, but they still read Tolstoy at school and are inspired by the characters of War and Peace.
But the Times newspaper's society journalist David Oldroyd-Bolt is scathing about the revival.
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Russia: Bolshoi musicians perform nighttime concert in Moscow's metro
Moscow's famous 'Kropotkinskaya' metro station transformed into an opera hall in the early hours of Saturday, as the Bolshoi Theater's best musicians performed a unique night time concert alongside Danish performers in front of hundreds of Muscovites.
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