【伊豆 下田】了仙寺 〜 静岡の旅より。/ Ryosenji Temple, Shimoda Izu Shizuoka / Japan Travel【史跡】
撮影カメラ:SONY Cyber-shot DSC-RX100M3
◆SONY デジタルカメラ Cyber-shot RX100M3 2090万画素 光学2.9倍 DSC-RX100M3
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了仙寺(りょうせんじ)は、静岡県下田市七軒町3丁目にある日蓮宗の寺で、山号を法順山とする。旧本山は、身延山久遠寺。脱師法縁。寛文12年(1635年)の創建で、開山は行学院日朝、開基は下田奉行今村正長。日米和親条約の付属条約、下田条約が締結された場としても知られる。境内から参道にかけて無数のアメリカジャスミンが植樹されており、「ジャスミン寺」の別名も持つ(アメリカジャスミンはニオイバンマツリ(匂蕃茉莉、Brunfelsia australis)の別名で、モクセイ科のジャスミンとは異なりナス科である)。境内に隣接して宝物館が隣接する。
Ryōsen-ji (了仙寺?) is a small Buddhist temple in Shimoda, Japan. It is noteworthy as the location of the signing ceremony for the Treaty of Amity and Commerce (also known as the Harris Treaty) between the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan and the United States of America on July 29, 1858. Due to this connection, the temple grounds and main hall have been designated as a National Historic Site by the Japanese government.
#了仙寺 #伊豆下田 #静岡旅行
Japan Vlog #16 Izu Peninsula; Exploring what's in Shimoda! (2/5)
Marin and I explore as many sightseeing locations in and around Shimoda as possible!
Marin offers translation services! (Japanese-English)
Locations visited:
Shimoda Park (下田公園)
Perry Road (ペリーロード)
Chorakuji Temple (長楽寺)
Ryosenji Temple (了仙寺)
Shirahama Beach (白浜海岸)
Shirahama Shrine (白浜神社)
Shimoda is a pleasant city on the Izu Peninsula. It has historical importance as the landing place of several of Commodore Perry's black ships in 1854, an event which marked the end of Japan's era of isolation and the start of diplomatic relations between the US and Japan. Effectively ending Japan's 200-year era of isolation from the outside world.
Shimoda Park is an attractive wooded park on a hill next to Shimoda's city center.
Fortifications for the defense of the city once stood on the hill, but only ruins remain. Today, Shimoda Park is the site of the Monument to the Opening of US-Japan Diplomatic Relations built in 1957, and more than one thousand ajisai (hydrangea), which bloom in June.
行った気持ちになるシリーズ vol 9 ペリーロード 伊豆下田 perry road in shimoda town izu shimoda ペリーロード 伊豆下田
歴史ある下田の街並み ペリーロード
Japan Tour #2: Ryosenji-temple/霊山寺
Hi, everyone!
I went to Ryosenji-temple in Nara and took some videos.
On this day, the Chinese astrology festival was held.
This temple has rose garden and i think this combination temple and rose garden is unique ! Isn't it?
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Shimoda Irozaki, Izu Travel Guide, Shimoda Irozaki, Izu Travel Tips, Shimoda Experience
Shimoda Irozaki, Izu Travel Guide
Shimoda Irozaki, Izu Travel Tips
Shimoda Irozaki, Izu Travel Experience
Mr. & Mrs Stanley Mak and Mr. and Mrs. K. Y. Fung visited Shimoda and Irozaki on Izu during the trip to Japan in May 2017.
Shimoda Travel Guide:
Shimoda Attractions:
Ryosen Ji Temple:
More Details about Shimoda:
Cape Irosaki:
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【伊豆 下田の旅】明治時代から続くレトロな酒屋さん・土藤商店 / Old Riqur Shop in Izu Shizuoka, Japan Travel
撮影カメラ:SONY Cyber-shot DSC-RX100M3
◆SONY デジタルカメラ Cyber-shot RX100M3 2090万画素 光学2.9倍 DSC-RX100M3
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#昭和レトロ #下田旅行 #下田観光
Love lang mga guys.. After nyo mag watch paki click naman po ang SUBSCRIBE salamat mwahhh!!!!
Perry road,Shimoda Shizuoka
Perry road,Shimoda Shizuoka
In der Vergangenheit war Japan geschlossen.
Und ein schwarzes Schiff kam aus den USA in Shimoda.
Ihr Anführer war Admiral Perry.
Perry ging durch diesen Weg zum Tempel als Treffpunkt.
【伊豆半島 旅行】宿泊したホテルの部屋 ルームツアー / Cottage Hotel Room Tour in Izu Shizuoka / Japan Travel
撮影カメラ:SONY Cyber-shot DSC-RX100M3
◆SONY デジタルカメラ Cyber-shot RX100M3 2090万画素 光学2.9倍 DSC-RX100M3
(伊豆・下田の旅 再生リスト Shimoda Izu Travel Movies List →
#コテージ #ロッジ #ログハウス
了仙寺香りの花まつりと第73回黒船祭 再現劇「下田条約調印」 2012/05/19
Shimoda 下田 - 了仙寺 day 3 - 30 ( Japan )
2009.03.16 ( Izu )
76th Shimoda Black Ship Festival
Japanese and US Sailors from participate in the 76th annual Black Ship Festival, a celebration held in Shimoda, Japan celebrating the opening of the port and the arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry and the black ships.
yajiさんの旅の道草 伊豆 下田 龍宮窟・田牛海岸【Izu Shimoda, Ryugu sea cave entrance・Toji beach】
District Izu
Prefecture Shizuoka
City Shimoda
下田市 了仙寺のアメリカンジャスミン 1/3
伊豆觀列車伊豆高原 河津七瀧了仙寺波勝崎猴園堂島遊船閒逛天窗洞宇久須溫泉飯店
SHIMODA / 2 days to travel shimoda in shizuoka - JASPAN - 下田旅行
森永卓郎の歩いて満喫 水の都三島清流めぐり パート(4)
龍馬と歩く! 下田・了仙寺【ニッポン旅マガジン】
【Historic/SHIODA/JAPAN】Monument of Townsent Harris