Piazza del Popolo in Rome
Piazza del Popolo is a large urban square in Rome. The name in modern Italian literally means People's Square, but historically it derives from the poplars (populus in Latin, pioppo in Italian) after which the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, in the northeast corner of the piazza, takes its name.
The piazza lies inside the northern gate in the Aurelian Walls, once the Porta Flaminia of ancient Rome, and now called the Porta del Popolo. This was the starting point of the Via Flaminia, the road to Ariminum (modern-day Rimini) and the most important route to the north. At the same time, before the age of railroads, it was the traveller's first view of Rome upon arrival. For centuries, the Piazza del Popolo was a place for public executions, the last of which took place in 1826.
Piazza del Popolo on suuri ovaalinmuotoinen aukio Italian pääkaupungissa Roomassa. Nimi tarkoittaa nykyitaliassa Ihmisten aukiota, mutta alun perin nimi on voinut viitata populus-puuhun. Aukion reunalla sijaitsee Santa Maria del Popolo -kirkko. Aukion keskellä on egyptiläinen Heliopolikselta peräisin oleva Ramses II:n obeliski, joka tunnetaan nimellä Obelisco Flaminio.
Aukion nykyisen uusklassisen ulkoasun suunnitteli arkkitehti Giuseppe Valadier vuosina 1811–1822.
E così, dopo tanto e tanto scorrazzare in largo e in lungo per le vie del Tridente mediceo in sella al mio scooter, in barba ai tanti non autorizzati che sotto l'occhio attento di Iride erano costretti a svoltare prima del varco, finisce la pacchia anche per gli amanti delle due ruote. Vabbè, vorrà dire che comprerò un mezzo a propulsione elettrica!
Посещение этой площади на закате - одно из самых ярких впечатлений от Рима. Мне она показалась самой фотогеничной. Обязательно нужно прийти сюда именно на закате, подняться по величественной Наполеоновской лестнице на смотровую площадка парка Пинчо, полюбоваться великолепной панорамой самой площади и Рима в последних лучах заходящего солнца. Незабываемое зрелище.
Entering the Vatican
This is the wait to get into the Vatican, some of the Museum and the courtyard of the Pigna.
Arco Del Garda (Trentino-Alto Adige) Collegiata dell'Assunta - esterno e interno - videomix
La collegiata dell'Assunta
Sita nella piazza principale della città, piazza 3 novembre. I lavori di edificazione furono intrapresi nel 1613 sui resti di un'antica e precedente chiesa di origine romanica, affidando il progetto all'architetto trentino Giovanni Maria Filippi da Dasindo. I lavori, finanziati anche dalle diverse comunità della zona, si protrassero per alcuni decenni fino al 1630 quando dovettero essere interrotti a causa della violenta epidemia di peste che decimò - quasi tremila vittime - la comunità arcense. La collegiata fu ufficialmente consacrata il 15 maggio del 1671.
All'interno della collegiata - ad unica navata - vi è presente una statua marmorea dedicata all'Assunta, forse opera dello scultore Gabriele Cagliari di Verona. Tra gli altari presenti, di cui cinque sono opera di Domenico Rossi, il quarto sulla destra è intitolato al Santissimo Sacramento - chiuso da una cancellata in ferro ed ottone - mentre il secondo altare di sinistra è dedicato alla Maria Maddalena scolpito dai fratelli Cristoforo e Sebastiano Benedetti di Castione.
Sopra il primo altare di sinistra è presente una pala raffigurante la Madonna con il Bambino Gesù, due angeli e san Michele Arcangelo di Felice Brusasorzi, eseguita su commissione di Guglielmo Torboli di Arco, arciprete di Angiari (Vr). La cantoria in legno è opera di Giacomo Benedetti di Desenzano del Garda, ultimata nel 1731.
Adiacente il presbiterio sono collocati i due ingressi nel pavimento che conducono ad un sepolcro sotterraneo dove in passato venivano sepolti i canonici della collegiata e i conti locali. Negli ultimi anni del XIX secolo qui fu sepolta - provvisoriamente - la salma di Francesco II delle Due Sicilie, l'ultimo monarca del Regno di Napoli, morto ad Arco nel 1894.
104 Year Old Lady Of Albenga (1950)
Albenga, Italy.
Title in Italian reads '...La Piu' Vecchia Della Liguria'.
LS. Ducks washing on riverside. LS. Horse drinking from river. LS. General view, pan of Albenga, Italy. LS. The Gothic Church of St. Michael (2 shots). CU. Italian woman Battista Siffredi, aged 104 years, sewing and threading a needle. LS. Battista Siffredi walks through a cobbled street carrying a bundle on her head.
(Mute. R/M.)
Date found in the old record - 18/08/1950.
FILM ID:2310.17
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Trip to Italy. Verona. Part 2.
La chiesa di San Fermo , Casa di Giulietta, Piazza della Erbe, Palazzo Maffei, Torre del Lamberti, Arche Scaligere, Duomo
The church of the Saints Fermo and Rustico, Juliet's House, The old Forum (Erbe square), Tower Lamberti, Maffei Palace, arch Scaligero, Cathedral.
Церковь Сан-Фермо Маджоре, Дом Джульетты, Площадь Трав, Дворец Маффеи, Башня Ламберти, Арки Скалигеров, Каменный мост, Кафедральный собор
Il Mistero del Tesoro dei Templari - Misteri Medioevo
TEMPLARI A RIMINI nel Medioevo by | Importante roccaforte romana i romani la chiamavano Ariminvm, nel periodo medievale Rimini ebbe un importante filiale dei #cavalieri #templari. Monaci, amministratori, commercianti e guerrieri, i templari riminesi si riunivano a pregare nella Chiesa di San Michele in Foro (o San Michelino) santuario di impianto ravennate del V-VI sec. fu probabilmente edificata dove un tempo sorgeva un tempio pagano. Oggi purtroppo non rimane che l'abside, all'interno alcuni lacunosi affreschi di una probabile santa. Questo anche perchè rimini, posizionandosi esattamente sulla Linea Gotica dei tedeschi, è stata insieme a Cassino una delle città italiane più bombardate nella IIa Guerra Mondiale. Basti vedere i fori di proiettile impressi ancora oggi nella 'Fontana della Pigna' in Piazza Cavour - narrano le storie locali e chi era bimbo negli anni '50 e '60 che qui ci dovrebbe essere uno dei passaggi segreti comunicanti con le aule tufacee della collina di Covignano (la popolazione chiama queste grotte di tufo anche se geologicamente non è esattamente quella roccia). A parte la leggenda, tutta una serie di documentazioni e documenti a seguito, descrivono una parte del grande tesoro dei templari italiani e francesi nascosto, nel medioevo, nelle zone limitrofe del riminese. Io non sono che L'Ultimo dei ricercatori sui Templari: il tesoro maledetto ha avuti diversi ricercatori, fino all'800 molti storici intrapresero questa avventura. Noi siamo solo gli ultimi nel cammino verso la Verità, gli ultimi dei templari!
Author: S. Rossi in arte Wikingo 2009
Per la ricerca: tempio, video dove si vede una mappa templare e che parla dei templari, castelli medievali in emilia romagna, epoca medioevale #tesorodeitemplari #tesoro #templari #templar #treasure .
Related Grazzano:
medieval song by Wik with keyboards
Medieval flute
TEMPLAR'S CHURCH christianity and history of #templars
Arabic history o anche chiesa templare and discussion, doc - documento o documentario, segreti and misteri, mistero or segreto.
St. Michael's Sanctuary in Puglia
Others mispelling: tesiri docufiction tempaliri tempalrio tamplari tesirui, emplari etmplari ttemplari or remplari yemplari or 5emplari 6emplari, femplari tmplari tmeplari e teemplari, twmplari in trmplari e tsmplari tdmplari t3mplari - palas of castle.
Il mistero del Santo Graal Templari e tepmlari temmplari tenplari temlari temlpari tempplari temolari - temllari tempari or tempalri templlari, tempkari tempoari templrai, templaari and templai or templair e anche templarri templaei, templati e i templadi templafi o templar templarii, oppure: templaru i templaro templark e templar8 sangue reale e Teplari.
Daniele il ballerino volante
Video da parte di Marco La Commare
Food Lovers- Christmas motion
FOOD LOVERS da un'idea di Daniela Di Rienzo e Mariagrazia Lonza
Nasce dalla voglia di stupire ed emozionare visivamente con il cibo. Attraverso la tecnica degli stop motion della durata di circa 1-3 minuti tre diversi linguaggi si fondono : quello narrativo, quello fotografico e quello culinario. Partendo da una ricetta o meglio dagli elementi di una ricetta si creano suggestioni visive diverse, trasformando il cibo in qualcos'altro che evoca ora un paesaggio estivo ora uno invernale ,ora il fondo del mare , etc... in cui accadono dei piccoli eventi, per poi dare origine alla preparazione vera e propria. Tutte le trasformazioni del cibo e i vari passaggi avvengono direttamente nel piatto che è il vero protagonista come fosse uno schermo cinematografico . Questo lavoro di facile fruizione non vuole essere solo un divertissement visivo ma intende avere una valenza didattica così da avvicinare il pubblico con un nuovo linguaggio universale alla nostra tradizione culinaria e promuovere attraverso quest'arte visiva il ruolo centrale della qualità dei prodotti italiani, perché Buono è anche Bello.
FOOD LOVERS idea by Daniela Di Rienzo and Mariagrazia Lonza
Born from the desire to surprise and excite visually with food. Through the technique of stop motion lasting approximately 1-3 minutes three different languages come together: the narrative, the photographic and the culinary. Starting from a recipe or rather the elements of a recipe you create different visual impressions, turning food into something that evokes now a summer landscape winter now one, now the bottom of the sea, etc ... they happen for small events, then give rise to the preparation proper. All transformations of the food and the various steps are carried out directly in the pot that is the true protagonist like a movie screen. This work will not only be easy to use a visual divertissement, but will have an educational value in order to acquaint the public with a new universal language of our culinary tradition and promote the art through the central role of visual quality of Italian products, because good is Beautiful.
James Blackshaw live at Riot Studio, Napoli (Italy)
James Blackshaw live at Riot Studio, Napoli (Italy), April 9, 2011
Iperviaggi Villaggio Vacanze Hotel Genzianella - 0982583144
Iperviaggi Villaggio Vacanze Hotel Genzianella - 0982583144
Cento Campane
An evening of Roman folklore. April 6, 2017 at FAU (Florida Atlantic University) Performing Arts Building.
*Mi scuso per la quality' delle immagini e dell'audio, ma i ragazzi dell'università' si sono prestati generosamente a prendere i video della serata con i loro tablet, percio' la qualità' e' amatoriale.
Campane di Monterosso al Mare (SP)-Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista
Suono del mezzogiorno alla chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Monterosso al Mare (SP), un piccolo borgo delle Cinque Terre. VIDEO DI CAMPANARO45 (Vlogger2003) CHE NON HA POTUTO CARICARLO PER MOTIVI PERSONALI
Gennaro e Ilaria
Passo a due : Gennaro Della Ragione e Ilaria Esposito
Brano : Impossible
Coreografia : Carmela Pirozzi
Italian Americans | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Italian Americans
00:02:45 1 History
00:02:54 1.1 Early period (1492–1775)
00:07:08 1.2 War of Independence to Civil War (1775–1861)
00:11:39 1.3 Civil War and after (1861–90)
00:14:44 1.4 The period of mass immigration (1890–1920)
00:27:26 1.5 1917-1941
00:35:04 1.6 World War II
00:39:05 1.7 Wartime violation of Italian-American civil liberties
00:42:20 1.8 Post-World War II period
00:48:37 1.9 Close of the twentieth century
00:51:49 2 Politics
00:55:57 3 Business and economy
00:56:58 3.1 Workers
00:58:50 3.2 Women
01:04:17 4 Culture
01:07:10 4.1 Literature
01:13:06 4.2 Religion
01:16:56 4.2.1 Italian Jews
01:20:04 4.3 Education
01:21:23 4.4 Language
01:27:55 4.5 Newspapers
01:32:17 4.6 Folklore
01:34:15 5 Discrimination and stereotyping
01:40:52 6 Communities
01:43:01 6.1 New York City
01:46:25 6.2 Philadelphia
01:49:15 6.3 Boston
01:50:19 6.4 Newark
01:52:12 6.5 Saint Louis
01:52:21 6.6 Syracuse
01:53:42 6.7 Providence
01:54:34 6.8 Chicago
01:56:57 6.9 Cleveland
01:58:41 6.10 Milwaukee
01:59:39 6.11 Ybor City
02:00:57 6.12 Birmingham
02:01:39 6.13 San Francisco
02:02:10 6.14 Los Angeles
02:03:29 6.15 San Diego
02:04:43 7 Demographics
02:10:14 7.1 U.S. States with over 10% people of Italian ancestry
02:10:48 7.2 U.S. Communities with the most residents of Italian ancestry
02:13:05 8 Notable people
02:13:14 9 See also
02:13:55 10 References and notes
02:14:05 11 Bibliography
02:14:14 12 External links
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Italian Americans (Italian: italoamericani or italo-americani [ˌitalo.ameriˈkaːni]) are an ethnic group consisting of Americans who have ancestry from Italy. Italian Americans are the seventh largest Census-reported ethnic group in the United States (which includes American ethnicity, an ethnonym used by many in the United States; overall, Italian Americans rank seventh, behind German American, African American, Irish American, Mexican American, English American, and American).About 5.5 million Italians immigrated to the United States from 1820 to 2004. By 1870, there were less than 25,000 Italian immigrants in America, many of them Northern Italian refugees from the wars that accompanied the Risorgimento—the struggle for Italian unification and independence from foreign rule. Immigration began to increase during the 1870s, when more than twice as many Italians immigrated (1870–79: 46,296) than during the five previous decades combined (1820–69: 22,627). The 1870s were followed by the greatest surge of immigration, which occurred between 1880 and 1914 and brought more than 4 million Italians to the United States, the great majority being from Southern Italy and Sicily, with most having agrarian backgrounds. This period of large scale immigration ended abruptly with the onset of the First World War in 1914 and, except for one year (1922), never fully resumed.
Further immigration was greatly limited by several laws Congress passed in the 1920s.Approximately 84% of the Italian immigrants came from the former Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. This was the poorest and least developed part of Italy, still largely rural and agricultural, where much of the populace had been impoverished by centuries of foreign misrule, and an oppressive taxation system imposed after Italian unification in 1861. After unification, the Italian government initially encouraged emigration to relieve economic pressures in the South. After the American Civil War, which resulted in over a half million killed or wounded, immigrant workers were recruited from Italy and elsewhere to fill the labor shortage caused by the war. In the United States, most Italians began their new lives as manual laborers in Eastern cities, mining camps and in agriculture.
The descendants of the Italian immigrants gradually rose from a lower economic class in the first generation to a level comparable to the national average by 1970. The Italian community has often been characterized by strong ties to family, the Roma ...
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Another great broadcast by NYSTV. Check them out. No better information out there...
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Rimini | Wikipedia audio article
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Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Rimini (Italian pronunciation: [ˈriːmini] (listen); Romagnol: Rémin; Latin: Ariminum) is a city of 150,292 inhabitants in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy and capital city of the Province of Rimini. It is located on the Adriatic Sea, on the coast between the rivers Marecchia (the ancient Ariminus) and Ausa (ancient Aprusa). It is one of the most famous seaside resorts in Europe, thanks to its 15-kilometre-long (9 mi) sandy beach, over 1,000 hotels, and thousands of bars, restaurants and discos. The first bathing establishment opened in 1843.
An art city with ancient Roman and Renaissance monuments, Rimini is the hometown of the famous film director Federico Fellini as well.
Founded by the Romans in 268 BC, throughout their period of rule Rimini was a key communications link between the north and south of the peninsula, and on its soil Roman emperors erected monuments like the Arch of Augustus and the Tiberius Bridge, while during the Renaissance, the city benefited from the court of the House of Malatesta, which hosted artists like Leonardo da Vinci and produced works such as the Tempio Malatestiano.
In the 19th century, Rimini was one of the most active cities in the revolutionary front, hosting many of the movements aimed at Italian unification. In the course of World War II, the city was the scene of clashes and bombings, but also of a fierce partisan resistance that earned it the honour of a gold medal for civic valor. Finally, in recent years it has become one of the most important sites for trade fairs and conferences in Italy.
The total approximate population of the Rimini urban area is 225,000 and the provincial population is 330,000.
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
00:02:08 1 Youth and influences
00:05:19 2 Political background and exiles
00:09:16 2.1 First exile in Chile
00:10:28 2.2 San Juan and second and third exiles in Chile
00:14:23 2.3 Return to Argentina
00:16:42 3 President of Argentina, 1868-1874
00:20:44 4 Final years
00:22:21 5 Philosophy
00:24:48 6 Publications
00:24:57 6.1 Major works
00:27:33 6.2 Other works
00:32:03 7 Legacy
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (February 15, 1811 – September 11, 1888) was an Argentine activist, intellectual, writer, statesman and the seventh President of Argentina. His writing spanned a wide range of genres and topics, from journalism to autobiography, to political philosophy and history. He was a member of a group of intellectuals, known as the Generation of 1837, who had a great influence on nineteenth-century Argentina. He was particularly concerned with educational issues and was also an important influence on the region's literature.
Sarmiento grew up in a poor but politically active family that paved the way for much of his future accomplishments. Between 1843 and 1850 he was frequently in exile, and wrote in both Chile and in Argentina. His greatest literary achievement was Facundo, a critique of Juan Manuel de Rosas, that Sarmiento wrote while working for the newspaper El Progreso during his exile in Chile. The book brought him far more than just literary recognition; he expended his efforts and energy on the war against dictatorships, specifically that of Rosas, and contrasted enlightened Europe—a world where, in his eyes, democracy, social services, and intelligent thought were valued—with the barbarism of the gaucho and especially the caudillo, the ruthless strongmen of nineteenth-century Argentina.
While president of Argentina from 1868 to 1874, Sarmiento championed intelligent thought—including education for children and women—and democracy for Latin America. He also took advantage of the opportunity to modernize and develop train systems, a postal system, and a comprehensive education system. He spent many years in ministerial roles on the federal and state levels where he travelled abroad and examined other education systems.
Sarmiento died in Asunción, Paraguay, at the age of 77 from a heart attack. He was buried in Buenos Aires. Today, he is respected as a political innovator and writer. Miguel de Unamuno considered him among the greatest writers of Castilian prose.