Address: Aqua world marine RD. | Cabras GUAM, Piti, Guam 96915, Mariana Islands
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S2 Club Guam Videos
Welcome to S2 CLUB GUAM
Fiestan Santa Barbara 2015
Memories of our fiesta in 2015. We'd love to invite you all the following Saturday, November 26 at 3:30pm for another annual fiesta to celebrate our patron Saint, Santa Barbara at the Sons & Daughters of Guam Club Pavilion so that we can make new memories to share.
2017/12/08-12 グアムシュノーケリング動画です。 撮影機材はGoPro HERO3 Black Edition. BGMはフリー素材:煉獄庭園( GALLERY( Music Factory(
GPD, ATF investigating social video of man shooting gun
The Guam Police Department confirms it is working with the ATF to investigate a video that has gone viral on social media depicting several people firing guns into the air. The video has caught the attention of media in the Philippines. Several news organizations in Manila have reported that the video was uploaded onto the facebook account of Edgardo Quinit this month. Initially it was believed the video was shot in the Philippines, but investigators in the Philippines determined that the video was shot here in Guam. The video has since been taken down from Quinit's facebook account.
關島南部觀光-太平洋戰爭公園、魚眼海洋公園、11號公路 - 關島之家
太平洋戰爭歷史公園War in the National Pacific Historical Par 由六處不同地點而組成的太平洋戰爭歷史公園於 1978 年啟用後,國家公園系統提供了大量二次大戰期間的仿製品,該公園也成了二次大戰倖存者及對二次大戰有興趣人士憑弔的地方。 二次大戰太平洋戰爭期間,美軍為了從日軍手中奪回關島,曾對關島施予激烈的海空軍轟炸,也使得關島成為二次大戰期間激烈的戰地之一,公園是為紀念在此英勇犧牲的美,日軍人及關島居民所建造的。約有 1000 多英畝的水域保留做紀念公園的一部份,可以潛水到海底,觀看沉入海底的軍事遺蹟。
魚眼 Fish Eye Marine Park 魚眼海洋公園的海底展望塔是關島上相當知名的景點,連接魚眼售票口與魚眼展望塔(魚眼塔)的這座長木橋,有個浪漫的名字『情人橋』。 沿著280公尺長的情人橋漫步,可以欣賞皮提灣(Piti Bay)的美麗海水。漫步在情人橋上,觀看藍天海水,享受海水聲與海風的自然按摩,再往下走向『海底展望塔』,看魚兒魚兒水中游,愉快的心情也跟著舞動著。