旅の星 Tabinohoshi 「若狭~お水送りと鯖街道」 Wakasa Obama, Japan vol.13
★日本語の字幕(CC)を選択してお楽しみください ★Please select English (CC) for English captions. ★旅之星《若狭~送水祭与鲭街道》 选择简体字字幕 敬请观赏 ★旅之星《若狹~送水祭與鯖街道》 選擇繁體字字幕 敬請觀賞 ★타비노호시 '와카사 ~ 오미즈오쿠리와 사바카이도' 한국어 자막으로 보실 수 있습니다
Wakasa - Omizu-Okuri and Saba Kaido Road Obama City, Fukui Prefecture
Obama City, Fukui Prefecture Every year, Shinguji Temple in Wakasa-Obama religiously ‘sends water’ to Nigatsudo Temple in Nara as a time-honor gesture of camaraderie. The torch-lit procession featured in this ritual and the alter where the torches are lit are breathtaking. This film introduces you to the historical townscape of Kumagawa that long ago served as a layover point for merchants transporting marine products from Wakasa to Kyoto along the Sabakaido.
鯖街道 熊川宿
関西地域振興財団 Kansai Window TV
Obama City Fish Market
Japan Emotion in Fukui
[provided by Fukui Pref.] A young couple make a 3-day trip across Fukui, a prefecture which is located nearly in the center of Japan. Bilingual video distribution site GEN