Saba | Nederlands eiland in het Caribisch gebied
Saba is een Nederlands eiland in het Caribisch gebied dat sinds 2010 bestuurlijk als openbaar lichaam een bijzondere gemeente vormt. Saba behoort met Sint Eustatius en Sint Maarten tot de Bovenwindse Eilanden. Saba heeft ruim 2.000 inwoners, die
Sabanen worden genoemd en van wie ongeveer een kwart in de
hoofdplaats, The Bottom, woont. Het eiland wordt plaatselijk The Unspoiled Queen genoemd. Orkaan Irma Geografie[bewerken]
Saba ligt 30 kilometer ten zuidwesten van Sint Maarten. Het is ongeveer 4,5 kilometer in doorsnee en de oppervlakte is 13 km². Saba bestaat uit een slapende vulkaan met vier lavakoepels. De hellingen lopen steil af naar zee en de kust is rotsachtig. De vulkaan Mount Scenery is met zijn 877 meter het hoogste punt van Nederland én van het gehele Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. Het klimaat is vochtig tropisch; het eiland is begroeid met secundair regenwoud. Ten noorden van Saba ligt een klein onbewoond rotseilandje dat ook tot het eilandgebied behoort: Green Island.
Per 10 oktober 2010 is een Exclusieve Economische Zone van 200 zeemijl buiten de Sabaanse basislijn ingesteld (voor zover deze niet de wateren van omringende staten zou overlappen). Door deze maatregel heeft Nederland het exclusieve recht op onder meer de exploitatie van de grondstoffen en visserij. De bedoeling hiervan is de ecologisch zeer belangrijke Sababank (even ten zuiden van Saba), onderdeel van het Saba National Marine Park, te beschermen.
Saba heeft ongeveer 2000 inwoners. Bij de volkstelling in 2001 had bijna twee derde van de bevolking de Nederlandse nationaliteit, maar was slechts 43% op het eiland zelf geboren. Van de autochtone bevolking is ongeveer de helft blank en nakomeling van de eerste Zeeuwse kolonisten of van Schotse en Ierse zeerovers die er in de loop der tijden neerstreken. De andere helft is zwart en nakomeling van Afrikaanse slaven en de eerdergenoemde Europeanen. Daarnaast verblijven er zo'n 200 merendeels Amerikaanse studenten, die studeren aan de Saba University School of Medicine. Verder zijn veel bewoners afkomstig van andere (ei)landen in de regio. Opmerkelijk is dat een kwart van de inwoners Johnson of Hassell heet.
De bevolking woonde in 2001 verspreid over vier kernen:
The Bottom met 462 inwoners (2001)
Windwardside met 418 inwoners
Zions Hill met 283 inwoners
St. Johns met 186 inwoners
In 2001 was voor 88% van de bevolking het Engels de belangrijkste huistaal, voor 5% het Spaans en slechts voor 2% het Nederlands. Daar het onderwijs tot enkele jaren geleden Nederlandstalig was en he
Scuba Dive Dominica
-Dive Sites-
Witches Point
L'bym (The Abyss)
Champagne Beach
Dangleben's Pinnacles
Scott's Head Point
Scott's Head
Thanks Buddy Dive Dominica
GoPro Hero 4 Black Edition
Sandmarc Pole Black Edition
Snake River Prototyping URPro GR Filter
INON UFL-G140 SD Underwater Semi-fisheye Conversion Lens
INON LF2700-W Video Light x2
Snake River Prototyping UR Filter (not used with above lens)
K4MMERER - When Clouds Roll In
Victory ship
The Victory ship was a class of cargo ship produced in large numbers by North American shipyards during World War II to replace losses caused by German submarines. Based on the earlier Liberty ship, they were slightly larger and had more powerful engines for better evading U-boats. A total of 531 Victory ships were built.
This video is targeted to blind users.
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Dominica Scuba Diving Toucari Caves 2018 03 28
Scuba diving into Toucari Caves, near Portsmouth in Dominica.
St Maarten's National Symbol the Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican's are nesting at Fort Amsterdam in St Maarten! The Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) is one of St. Maarten’s national symbols, the depiction of which can be found on the island’s Flag and Coat of Arms. The bird also lends its name to various businesses and institutions on the island but despite this there was previously very little information publicly on the status of Pelicans on St. Maarten. The Nature Foundation therefore decided that in order to properly conserve and manage this culturally important species there was a need to collect vital information on nesting areas, how many pelicans we still have left, and what type of threats the bird faces. Research has shown that the pelican population has severely decreased over the last few decades. The health of St. Maarten’s pelicans also reflects the general health of the marine ecosystem; with more pelicans present the better the environment.
Saba | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:45 1 History
00:03:39 2 Geography and ecology
00:08:06 3 Governance
00:08:29 4 Society
00:09:42 4.1 Languages
00:10:24 4.2 Education and health
00:10:54 4.3 Same-sex marriage
00:11:27 5 Economy
00:11:58 5.1 Tourism
00:13:28 5.2 Transport
00:15:21 5.3 Energy
00:16:24 6 Culture
00:17:53 7 Sports
00:18:19 8 Education
00:19:47 9 Notable people
00:19:58 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Saba (; Dutch pronunciation: [ˈsaːbaː]) is a Caribbean island which is the smallest special municipality (officially “public body”) of the Netherlands. It consists largely of the potentially active volcano Mount Scenery, at 887 metres (2,910 ft) the highest point of the entire Netherlands.
Saba has a land area of 13 square kilometres (5.0 sq mi). As of January 2013, the population was 1,991 inhabitants, with a population density of 150 inhabitants per square kilometre (390/sq mi). Its towns and major settlements are The Bottom (the capital), Windwardside, Hell's Gate and St. Johns.
Wreck of the Fearless BVI
Great dive on the wreck of the Fearless (ironically a mine sweeper)
Marine Pest Survey, Popes Eye, Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park
[Vision only] On 10 January 2013 Parks Victoria marine staff conducted a survey on the highly invasive, predatory Northern Pacific Seastar (Asterias amurensis). The seastar was reported for the first time at Popes Eye, Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park a week prior to the survey commencing. Seastars found were removed to help protect the parks high biodiversity and visitor values.
Popes Eye is a popular diving and snorkelling location in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia, and has been fully protected since the late 1970s. It has a wide diversity of fish, invertebrates, and marine algae, many of which can also be seen in this clip.
Baker's Island
Sailing past the lighthouse
Saba | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:45 1 History
00:03:39 2 Geography and ecology
00:08:06 3 Governance
00:08:29 4 Society
00:09:42 4.1 Languages
00:10:24 4.2 Education and health
00:10:54 4.3 Same-sex marriage
00:11:27 5 Economy
00:11:58 5.1 Tourism
00:13:28 5.2 Transport
00:15:21 5.3 Energy
00:16:24 6 Culture
00:17:53 7 Sports
00:18:19 8 Education
00:19:47 9 Notable people
00:19:58 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Saba (; Dutch pronunciation: [ˈsaːbaː]) is a Caribbean island which is the smallest special municipality (officially “public body”) of the Netherlands. It consists largely of the potentially active volcano Mount Scenery, at 887 metres (2,910 ft) the highest point of the entire Netherlands.
Saba has a land area of 13 square kilometres (5.0 sq mi). As of January 2013, the population was 1,991 inhabitants, with a population density of 150 inhabitants per square kilometre (390/sq mi). Its towns and major settlements are The Bottom (the capital), Windwardside, Hell's Gate and St. Johns.
Raya! Raya 2017 Di Pulau Labuan
Saba | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Saba (; Dutch pronunciation: [ˈsaːbaː]) is a Caribbean island which is the smallest special municipality (officially “public body”) of the Netherlands. It consists largely of the potentially active volcano Mount Scenery, at 887 metres (2,910 ft) the highest point of the entire Netherlands.
Saba has a land area of 13 square kilometres (5.0 sq mi). As of January 2013, the population was 1,991 inhabitants, with a population density of 150 inhabitants per square kilometre (390/sq mi). Its towns and major settlements are The Bottom (the capital), Windwardside, Hell's Gate and St. Johns.
Saba | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Saba (; Dutch pronunciation: [ˈsaːbaː]) is a Caribbean island which is the smallest special municipality (officially “public body”) of the Netherlands. It consists largely of the potentially active volcano Mount Scenery, at 887 metres (2,910 ft) the highest point of the entire Netherlands.
Saba has a land area of 13 square kilometres (5.0 sq mi). As of January 2013, the population was 1,991 inhabitants, with a population density of 150 inhabitants per square kilometre (390/sq mi). Its towns and major settlements are The Bottom (the capital), Windwardside, Hell's Gate and St. Johns.
Zanzibar my Africa
A week of unforgettable bliss. some things are just worth trying.
Day 1:Nungwi Village Tours,
Followed by our fulfilled experience with the turtles housed in Mnarani Natural Aquarium.
Dinner at the Fisherman's Grill-Double Tree by Hilton in Nungwi...Tasty indulging seafood cuisine
Day 2: Safari Blue Fumba Trip:
Blue Lagoon Natural Swimming Pool, Climbing the Baobab Tree, Snorkling at the Sand Bank area along with Dolphin sighting. Oh yes don't forget the crazy seafood one of a kind lunch.
Day 3: Mneba Atoll Island Trip
Fishing on the boat, snorkelling in the sparkling waters around Mnemba Island... Lunch at the Island only with the finest, tastiest fish and your friendly captain of the traditional dhow.
Day 4: Jozani Forest Trip and Lunch at the Rock Restaurant located in Paje.
Visit the famous extinct Colobus Red Monkeys, the Mangroves and have a fun dance with the locals of the area.
Lunch at the Rock-Amazing when the tide is high... Signature The Rock Seafood Platter is a must try
Day 5: Spice Tour, Prison Island and Stone Town Shopping
Spice Tour is a must see, witness the making of all natural oil perfume, lotion and the harvesting of different spices.
Prison Island: Meet Frankie our 194 year old Tortoise, a 20 minute small boat ride from Stone Town... waves could get nasty at times but a memorable experience though.
Stone Town: Get lost in maze of alleys, stores buzzling over tourists, visit the fort and Stone Town's night market..
Thank you Zanzibar for truly being an African Paradise
St. John's, capital of Antigua and Barbuda, tropical holiday destination, Category 4 Hurricane Irma
St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda, tropical holiday destination prepares for Category 4 Hurricane Irma
St. John's travel,
St. John's cruise,
St. John's hotels,
St. John's beach,
St. John's tourism,
St. John's Hurricane Irma,
St. John's Hurricane,
St. John's Earthquake,
Antigua travel,
Antigua cruise,
Antigua hotels,
Antigua beach,
Antigua tourism,
Antigua Hurricane Irma,
Antigua Hurricane,
Antigua Earthquake,
Antigua and Barbuda travel,
Antigua and Barbuda cruise,
Antigua and Barbuda hotels,
Antigua and Barbuda beach,
Antigua and Barbuda tourism,
Antigua and Barbuda Hurricane Irma,
Antigua and Barbuda Hurricane,
Antigua and Barbuda Earthquake,
Hurricane Irma
Hurricane Irma 3
Current storm status
Category 3 hurricane (1-min mean)
Irma Geostationary VIS-IR 2017.png
Satellite image
11L 2017 5day.png
Forecast map
As of: 8:00 a.m. AST (12:00 UTC) September 4
Location: 16.8°N 52.6°W ± 15 nm
About 610 mi (980 km) E of the Leeward Islands
Sustained winds: 105 kn (120 mph; 195 km/h) (1-min mean)
gusting to 125 kn (145 mph; 230 km/h)
Pressure: 947 mbar (hPa; 27.96 inHg)
Movement: WSW at 12 kn (14 mph; 22 km/h)
See more detailed information.
The NHC began monitoring a tropical wave over western Africa on August 26.[109] The disturbance entered the Atlantic late the next day,[110] gradually organizing into Tropical Storm Irma west of Cabo Verde around 15:00 UTC on August 30.[111] Early on August 31, Irma underwent a remarkable period of rapid intensification, with winds increasing from 70 mph (110 km/h) – a high-end tropical storm – to 115 mph (185 km/h), a major hurricane, in a mere 12 hours.[112] An eyewall replacement cycle then took place shortly thereafter, which caused the storm to briefly be downgraded to a Category 2.[113]
Current storm information
As of 8:00 a.m. AST (12:00 UTC) September 4, Hurricane Irma is located within 15 nautical miles of 16.8°N 52.6°W, about 610 miles (980 km) east of the Leeward Islands. Maximum sustained winds are 105 knots (120 mph; 195 km/h), a Category 3 on the Saffir–Simpson scale, with gusts to 125 knots (145 mph; 230 km/h). The minimum barometric pressure is 947 millibars (hPa; 27.96 inHg). The system is moving west-southwest at 12 knots (14 mph; 22 km/h). Hurricane-force winds extend up to 25 nautical miles (30 mi; 45 km) from the center of Irma, and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 120 nautical miles (140 mi; 220 km). Interests in the Leeward Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the Dominican Republic should monitor the progress of Hurricane Irma.
For latest official information, see:
The NHC's latest public advisory on Hurricane Irma
The NHC's latest forecast advisory on Hurricane Irma
The NHC's latest forecast discussion on Hurricane Irma
Watches and warnings
Hurricane Watch
Hurricane conditions
possible within 48 hours.
Antigua and Barbuda
British West Indies
Dutch West Indies
Sint Eustatius
Sint Maarten
French West Indies
Saint Martin
Saint Barthélemy
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Other system
Several museums, including the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda and the Museum of Marine Art, a small facility containing fossilised bedrock, volcanic stones, petrified wood, a collection of more than 10,000 shells, and artefacts from several English shipwrecks.
St. John's Cricket Ground
Just east of St. John's is the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, a multi-use stadium in North Sound, that was created mostly for cricket matches, and has hosted the matches during the 2007 Cricket World Cup. The Antigua Recreation Ground, Antigua and Barbuda's national stadium, is located in St. John's.
Nearby villages and settlements include St. Johnston.
Main sights[edit]
The city's skyline is dominated by the white baroque towers of St. John's Cathedral.
The Botanical Garden is near the intersection of Factory Road and Independence Avenue. This small park's shaded benches and gazebo provide a quiet refuge from the bustle of activity of St. John's.
St. John's Antigua Light
St. John's Antigua Light is a lighthouse located in the city's harbour (17.1343°N 61.9263°W).
Fort James stands at the entrance to St. John's harbour. Other nearby forts include Fort George, Fort Charles, Fort Shirley, Fort Berkeley and Fort Barrington.
Diving Martinique HD 720p
Unforgettable dives in Martinique, on the Diamond Rock. Turtle, box fishes, lobster.....and more
St Barths ~ Saint Barthelemy
Many people have hear d of it, but aren’t sure ex actly where it is. They know it’s an island, someplace in the Antilles archipelago. Do they imagine it to be hip and sophisticated, or more authentic, discreet, and laidback?
This tiny rock, smaller and less populated than many villages in the French countryside, has few resources other than its charm,
its perpetual sunshine, the underwater wealth of its Marine Park, and its protected landscapes.
The Modern Dutch Empire: Territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Explained
The Kingdom of the Netherlands isn't just the European country of the Netherlands. It includes the independent nations of Curaçao, Aruba, Sint Maarten, and the Netherlands. Within the Netherlands itself are 3 special municipalities, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba. This video explores these distinctions in greater depth, as well as the unique and interesting histories of each individual Caribbean island.
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Music credits:
We Always Thought the Future Would Be Kind of Fun by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Mario Bava Sleeps In a Little Later Than He Expected To by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Hong Kong 2046 by Hong Kong Express, ℗ 2014 Dream Catalogue
Cyan by Shag (
Lavender Dream by Blue Wednesday ( (
Ultralounge Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Chill Wave Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Universal Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Air Hockey Saloon by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Saba | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Saba (; Dutch pronunciation: [ˈsaːbaː]) is a Caribbean island which is the smallest special municipality (officially “public body”) of the Netherlands. It consists largely of the potentially active volcano Mount Scenery, at 887 metres (2,910 ft) the highest point of the entire Netherlands.
Saba has a land area of 13 square kilometres (5.0 sq mi). As of January 2013, the population was 1,991 inhabitants, with a population density of 150 inhabitants per square kilometre (390/sq mi). Its towns and major settlements are The Bottom (the capital), Windwardside, Hell's Gate and St. Johns.
Slate Islands 3D Visualization Simulation
This is a small caption of a 3D visualization simulation generated by the Lakehead University Geospatial Data Centre for Parks Canada Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area and the town of Terrace Bay, Ontario.