Kildevej 51, Saeby, Frederikshavn 9300, Denmark
Sommer i Sæbygaard Skov
En sommer gåtur i Sæbygård Skov
Sæby, Denmark 2011
Et besøg i den gamle del af Sæby, området omkring Algade i august 2011
Vinter i Sæbygård Skov
En vinter gåtur gennem Sæbygård Skov i Sæby
Seværdigheder i Sæby
Attraktioner og seværdigheder i Sæby
Sæby - Algade og gågaden
På tur i Sæbys gamle kvarter og gågaden
Sæby Tennis Klub
Midt i naturskønne omgivelser i Sæbygaard Skov finder du Sæby Tennis Klubs grusbaner.
Gydesæson 18/19
en lille samling af de laks jeg har oplevet de seneste par uger.
Vi skriver den 3. januar lige nu, og laksene er stadig i fuld gang på gydebankerne.
Sæbygård skov cykling mtb
Sæby Å 2015
English translation of the text used in the movie can be seen below.
Feel free to share this video if you like. :)
Warning This movie contains animal abuse.
I made this film,
to focus on the obvious
animal cruelty which takes place in the Sæby river(?),
year after year.
But First..
Here's a suggestion for how the future might look for
the Sæby river(?).
A very effective solution, where the beautiful
sea trout has the chance to
move further around the Sæby river(?) and achieve the possibility to lay eggs.
Good for
Nature - tourism - And Sæby
Here are two examples of what the eyes see.
As tourists
see the Sæby river.
The following clips are recorded
Saturday. 5 / 12-2015
The films duration is approximately 60 minutes
This is what I and
many others unfortunately see, every day!
It is sad that these beautiful sea trouts must fight in vain in an attempt to swim up and lay eggs.
Unfortunately, many of the fish
are hurt in their attempts to
reach the spawning grounds in the woods.
As a lot of volunteers have spent time and effort to make.
Just so we can get great fishing waters in
the Sæby river(?).
After watching a few minutes, then click
into the film and see the pattern repeat itself,
the whole movie through.
There is more information at the end of the film.
(fast forward to 58:35)
The future
Sæby, which is beautifully situated by sea and forest,
traversed by an approximately 100 km long river,
namely the Sæby river.
The Sæby river has all the factors needed to have a very good population of brown trout and sea trout.
But only 600 meters upstream from the ocean, the sea trout
and other fish meets a dam, which is essentially impossible to pass.
This weir, located at Sæby Watermill,
does not have any function anymore.
The weir is outdated.
But Sæby Watermill is a landmark of the city,
we must cherish.
The opening will mean far more trout in our area,
which will benefit anglers, trollingfishermen
and commercial fishermen, amongst others.
We have some of the best flatfish waters along our beaches in Denmark and with increased fishing of sea trout,
Sæby will develop into a rare angler's paradise,
which will attract many anglers, both
national and international.
Angling tourism is booming and we must
be on the bandwagon from the start,
because we can offer what is demanded.
Christian Mølgaard Schaltz
Christian Mølgaard Schaltz
Please share the video
Thanks for watching.
Sæby Havn 2012.wmv
En perle blandt havnene på østkysten. Her findes super lækre fiskerestauranter med sæsonnens fisk året rundt. Der er altid liv på havnen og man finder altid havnestemning med fiskere, lystsejlere og andet godtfolk
Saeby sporet videoptagelse
En dag på sporet sammen med turisthusnord som er ved at lave en film om Mtb.
Sæby MTB spor - Mine favorit segmenter
Videoen er optaget og klippet i forhold til at vise sporet i Sæby, med de segmenter jeg synes er absolut sjovest. Det lige segmenter er klippet fra.
Der er en fejl i videoen, hvor kortet der viser segmenterne, vises lidt for længe. Det er jeg bevidst om :)
Sæby mtb track
MTB track Saeby Denmark
mtb 040305 katsig2
Lige lidt fra en tur i Katsig Bakker på en dejlig forårsdag 04032015
Efterår i Sæby
Nyd skovens farver og havets brusen.