Surf Slow SAGA, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 佐賀市
Learn more about SAGA City
Turn on subtitles and the shooting location will be displayed.
Film directed by Yuki Eikawa
Music Leap in the air by [.que] Nao Kakimoto
Title designed by ni-ma graphics
Saga City All Rights Reserved.
Shuki Taisai Fire Ceremony at the Yūtoku Inari Shrine, Kashima, Japan
Dec 8 2018
Gokoku Jinja in Fukuoka feat. Soon Jae Kwon
teaching me how this water basin in a shinto temple is used
献灯により先祖に感謝!”福岡縣護国神社 お盆 みたままつり” - Mitama Matsuri of Fukuoka Gokoku Shrine 2019
”福岡縣護国神社 お盆 みたままつり” - Mitama Matsuri of Fukuoka Gokoku Shrine 2019
旅遊記 - 日本廣島 OPENING
旅遊記 - 日本廣島 OPENING
Exploring Some Traditional Streets in Hiroshima, Japan
This is Day 2 of the tour where we explore the traditional and older part of Hiroshima. If you are searching for a more off the beaten path take to this prefecture, Onomichi highly recommended.
I was invited by JNTO (Japan National Tourism Organization) and JTB (Japan Travel Bureau) to go on an epic 5 day tour around Hiroshima, Okayama, Kagawa and Tokushima Prefecture.
Check out more about the Hiroshima area:
Music By:
Want 2 - Baynk
♫ Follow BAYNK
We Are - Kisma
Track: Kisma - We Are [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Visiting the Miyajidake Jinja Shrine at New Year's day
Miyajidake Jinja Shrine(宮地嶽神社) is a Shinto shrine located in Fukuoka, Japan.
Visiting the shrine at New Year is very important for most Japanese. It's called Hatsumode(初詣). Japanese visit the shrine to thank the Kami for protecting them last year and to ask for blessings for the new year.
At New Year the shrines are very crowded.Usually one million Japanese visit the Miyajidake Jinja Shrine over the New Year period.
Yushima Seidō | Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo【東京・湯島聖堂】 4K
Yushima Seidō is located in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.
Camera: DJI Osmo
Mic: RODE VideoMicro
Accessory: Z-Axis
Edit&Grading: Davinci Resolve
名島神社 と 名島城址公園の桜 (福岡市東区名島)
New Year's visit at To-ji in Kyoto
Kyoto, Japan (January 2020) -
Tō-ji (東寺, Tō-ji) is a Shingon Buddhist temple in the Minami-ku ward of Kyoto, Japan.
Founded in 796, it was one of the only three Buddhist temples allowed in the city at the time it became the capital of Japan. As such it has a long history, housing treasures and documents from the early Heian period and the Tang dynasty, and with buildings in its complex covering the Kamakura, Muromachi, Momoyama, and Edo periods. Five of these buildings have been designated National Treasures in two different categories: the Lotus Flower Gate (rengemon), the Miei Hall (mieidō), the Golden Hall (kondō) and the five-storied Pagoda (gojūnotō) (temple buildings) and the Kanchiin Guest Hall (kanchiin kyakuden) (residences).
Tō-ji was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994, as part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto.
Tō-ji was founded in the early Heian period. The temple dates from 796, two years after the capital moved to Heian-kyō. Together with its partner Sai-ji, and the temple Shingon-in (located in the Heian Palace), it was one of only three Buddhist temples allowed in the capital at the time, and is the only of the three to survive to the present.
It once had a partner, Sai-ji (West Temple) and, together, they stood alongside the Rashomon, gate to the Heian capital. It was formerly known as Kyō-ō-gokoku-ji (教王護国寺, The Temple for the Defense of the Nation by Means of the King of Doctrines) which indicates that it previously functioned as a temple providing protection for the nation. Tō-ji is located in Minami-ku near the intersection of Ōmiya Street and Kujō Street, southwest of Kyōto Station.
Tō-ji is often associated with Kōbō Daishi (Kūkai). Though Tō-ji began to decline in the end of Heian period, it came back into the spotlight with the rise of Daishi Shinko (worshipping of Kōbō Daishi) in the Kamakura period. The well-known Buddhist priest was put in charge of Tō-ji in 823 by order of Emperor Saga. The temple's principal image is of Yakushi Nyorai, the Medicine Buddha. Many religious services for Daishi are held in Miei-dō (御影堂) (or Daishi-dō (大師堂), in another name), the residence of Kōbō Daishi.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Playthrough pt 58: Tsukiji Hongwanji -Temple of Frustration-
This is my Playthrough of Shin Megami Tensei IV for the 3ds with live commentary played on the standard difficulty!
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As the Protectors of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado, the secret order of the samurai is tasked with defending the kingdom from a growing army of demons. The Fulfillment of this duty will take them outside the kingdom and into Tokyo, and bring to light several factions with competing designs on the outcome of the world...
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特攻隊・ゼロ戦【靖国神社8/15】Kamikaze Tokko Pilots Mitsubishi A6M Zero Yasukuni Shrine
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桜井誠 VS 巨大マスコミ報道陣 カメラに注目!真後ろから撮影
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Fushimi Inari: naturaleza y tradición al amparo de los dioses en Japón
Kioto, 2 enero (CERES TV / EFE)
A pocos minutos de Kioto, escondido en la montaña y al amparo de los dioses se encuentra uno de los caminos más imponentes de Japón: Fushimi Inari, sendero que transcurre a través de cuatro kilómetros entre cinco mil puertas sagradas y salpicado por centenares de altares y una imponente naturaleza.
Contacto: Teléf. 91 186 30 83
Fax: 91 630 86 16
David Maestre en el Templo To-Ji
To-Ji Temple ( Kyo-o-gokoku-ji) cuando la capital de Japon fue transferida de Nara a Kyoto llamada antiguamente Heiankyo en el año 794, dos templos fueron construidos uno al este y otro al oeste pero solo este sobrevivio. su nombre, de hecho, significa templo del este. en el 823 el Emperador Saga honro al monge Kukai otorgandole el mismo. aqui daba seminarios Budistas y añadieron varios edificios como esta Pagoda desde entonces fue el centro de la secta budista japonesa. muchos de estos edificios fueron dañados y quemados la pagoda a veces sufrio varios incendios por tormentas electricas pero jamas fue derribada por un terremoto por su sistema arquitectonico que tiene una estructura central de palo a la que se le añaden unos compartimentos en cada piso que permiten el movimiento de ésta. una obra maestra arquitectonica catalogada como patrimonio de la humanidad. Sus cinco pisos representan los 4 elementos y el cielo. Fuego, tierra, aire, agua y cielo. una barbaridad visual.
【Beautiful Kyoto】 京都の四季・風景写真 [2004-2016] (4K)
It is a photograph that was taken in Kyoto in 2016 from 2004(Oldest First)
(Free material site borrowed the music)
TAM Music Factory
Shinichi Nakaya English Comment 6
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and social activist.
1/2『日銀は明日にも国債を全て買える 』と主張するケルトン教授の「MMT(現代金融理論)」は『借金は有限の実物価値を担保にしたもの』という『基本概念』を無視した『トンデモ理論』である!
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and social activist.