Saint Apostle Andrew Cave, Constanta, Romania
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Pestera SFANTUL ANDREI(Holy cave and monastery of Saint Andrew-Romania)
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Primul loc care se viziteaza in manastire este pestera Sfantului Apostol Andrei, o biserica adevarata sapata in stanca, amplasata la baza unui mic munte impadurit. Pe peretii bisericii din pestera sunt multe icoane ce pot fi admirate la lumina candelelor si a lumanarilor. In locul altarului se afla acum o icoana mare a Sfantului Apostol Andrei la care se inchina toti credinciosii care vin aici la pestera.
Despre cum a fost descoperita pestera nu se stiu prea multe, deoarece Dobrogea a fost timp de 400 de ani, pana la Razboiul de Independenta din anul 1877, sub stapanire otomana.
Dervent Monastery, St. Andrew the Apostele Spring, Constanta, Romania,
Created using the Stupeflix Youtube App
The carol of Saint Andrew (Romanian)
With images from the church dedicated to St Andrew and the cave where St. Andrew lived for part of his journey in preaching the Gospel of Christ around Danube, Romania.
Manastirea Pestera Sfantului Andrei. The Monastery Cave of St. Andrew, the Apostle
Manastirea Pestera Sfantului Andrei, se afla langa localitatea Ion Corvin, judetul Constanta.
The Monastery Cave of St. Andrew, the Apostle is located in Dobrogea, near Ion Corvin village, Constanta County, Romania
The Saint Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church Choral Project
Sfinte Dumnezeule Concert of Spring 2012
PESTERA SI MANASTIREA SF ANDREIHoly cave and monastery of Saint Andrew Romania
Dobrogea veche, Izvoarele - biserica din lemn
Calatoria noastra de astazi o vom fsce in SV Dobrogei, pe urmele vechilor biserici din lemn, astazi monumente istorice,pastratoare ale credintei ortodoxe in Dobrogea.
Trei dintre bisricile vechi, din lemn, sunt grupate langa Dunare si lacul Oltina,in satele Izvoarele, Strunga si Satu Nou. Ele formeaza un grup restrans, cu totul aparte, in arhitectura sacrala de lemn din Romania si Europa.
Cuibarit in lunca Dunarii, in SV judetului Constanta, vechiul sat Parjoaia, astazi, Izvoarele, iti ofera un peisaj bland si deosebit de pitoresc. Urmele de locuire se duc in timp pana in neolitic, iar aici, pe malul Dunarii a existat si o asezare romana.
Biserica Sfantul Dumitru arata ca o casa veche. Daca nu ai vedea clopotele de la intrare si crucea nu ai zice ca e o biserica. Este mica, simpla, dar unica. Meritul de a fi descoperit si salvat aceasta biserica de la ruina,ii revine arhitectului Vlad Calboreanu,care a participat si la restaurarea ei in anul 2001.
Din atestarile documentare ale locului, biserica ar data din 1812. Inaltimea mica, de 3,5 m si absenta turlei, indica faptul ca biserica a fost construita in vremea cand Dobrogea era pasalac turcesc, iar bisericile crestine nu aveau voie sa fie mai inalte decat o moscheie. Consrtuctia este de tipul semiingropat, intalnit si la alte biserici de lemn din Dobrogea, iar tehnica este cea a paiantei: o structura din lemn si pereti izolati cu pamant, batut cu chirpici si impletitura de nuiele. Impartirea este cea intalnita la un lacas de cult obisnuit: pridvor, pronaos, naos si altar. Biserica nu are fundatie , intreaga constructie sprijinindu-se pe stalpii din lemn, ingropati un metru sub pamant.
Intreaga lucrare din lemn a fost realizata doar din dalta si topor, la care s-au folosit cuie din lemn.
O calatorie prin Dobrogea, la pestera Sfantului Andrei sau la manastirea Dervent, poate include pe traseu si aceste sate frumoase:Satu Nou si Izvoarele.
Saint Andrew Nov 30
Saint Andrew
Sfântul Cuvios Alipie Stâlpnicul - 26 noiembrie
Apostle Andrew the First-called
Saints and Feasts (English)
November 30
In Step With Christ - Episode #43 - St. Andrew the First Called
Episode 43 - In Step with Christ by Fr. Vazken Movsesian
Originally aired: November 13, 2011 - Diocesan Television
Content: St. Andrew - the First Called Disciple - being bold about your faith, even when you're all alone.. Produced under the Auspices of Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church
Commentary/Instruction by Fr. Vazken Movsesian
Music by Gor Mkhitarian
Produced by Vahe Sargsyan for the Western Diocese
Camera - Aram Mousoian
Production for - Suzie Shatarevyan
Repere sacre -Ediţie specială
Repere sacre, în direct de la Constanța, duminică, 30 noiembrie, ora 10.30, TVR2.
*Ediţie specială: Slujba Sfintei Liturghii oficiată de IPS Teodosie, Arhiepiscopul Tomisului, cu prilejul sărbătoarei praznicului Sfântului Andrei, Ocrotitorul României. Transmisiune directă de la Mănăstirea Peştera Sfântului Andrei.
Pelerinaj la pestera Sf Andrei - Litoral TV
ctnews ro | Pelerinaj la peștera Sfântului Apostol Andrei din Constanța
Slujba de ziua Sfântului Apostol Andrei de la peștera care l-a găzduit pe acesta în urmă cu 2000 ani.
St Andrew's Cathedral, Patra, Greece
Audio Track: Nikos Vertis.
Manastirea Pestera Sf Andrei - Dealurile Ostrovului
Manastirea Pestera Sf Andrei - Dealurile Ostrovului
Varna | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Varna (Bulgarian: Варна, Varna [ˈvarna]) is the third-largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Situated strategically in the Gulf of Varna, the city has been a major economic, social and cultural centre for almost three millennia. Varna, historically known as Odessos, grew from a Thracian seaside settlement to a major seaport on the Black Sea.
Varna is an important centre for business, transportation, education, tourism, entertainment and healthcare. The city is referred to as the maritime capital of Bulgaria and headquarters the Bulgarian Navy and merchant marine. In 2008, Varna was designated seat of the Black Sea Euroregion by the Council of Europe. In 2014, Varna was awarded the title of European Youth Capital 2017.The oldest gold treasure in the world, belonging to the Varna culture, was discovered in the Varna Necropolis and dates to 4200–4600 BC.
Manastirea Pestera Sf Andrei
Manastirea Pestera Sf Andrei
Varna | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:54 1 Etymology
00:02:22 1.1 Other places named Varna
00:03:02 2 History
00:03:10 2.1 Prehistory
00:03:45 2.2 Thracians
00:08:10 2.3 Antiquity
00:12:09 2.4 Bulgarian conquest
00:13:09 2.5 Middle Ages
00:15:52 2.6 Battle of Varna
00:16:48 2.7 Late Ottoman rule
00:18:32 2.8 Third Bulgarian State
00:20:19 3 Geography
00:22:22 3.1 Climate
00:23:28 4 Governance
00:23:53 4.1 Local government
00:25:11 4.2 Boroughs and urban planning
00:25:48 4.3 Policing and crime
00:26:33 4.4 Consulates
00:26:54 4.5 Twin towns and sister cities
00:27:05 5 Demography
00:29:40 5.1 Ethnic, linguistic and religious composition
00:33:01 6 Economy
00:36:39 7 Transport
00:37:41 8 Landmarks
00:41:12 8.1 Churches
00:43:22 8.2 Architecture
00:46:02 9 Education
00:46:16 9.1 Higher education
00:47:49 9.2 Institutes and colleges
00:48:33 9.3 Secondary education
00:49:18 9.4 Libraries
00:49:29 10 Culture
00:50:10 10.1 Museums
00:51:11 10.2 Galleries
00:51:31 10.3 Performing arts professional companies
00:52:06 10.4 Art networks
00:52:17 10.5 Other performing arts groups
00:52:32 10.6 Notable bands and artists
00:53:35 10.7 Concert halls
00:53:59 10.8 International arts festivals
00:55:09 10.9 National events
00:55:47 10.10 Local events
00:56:27 10.11 Varna in fiction
00:57:31 11 Media
00:59:04 12 Healthcare
00:59:48 13 Sports
00:59:56 13.1 Football
01:00:46 13.2 Swimming
01:02:04 13.3 Other sports
01:03:46 14 Notable people
01:04:00 15 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9994740521644461
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Varna (Bulgarian: Варна, Varna [ˈvarna]) is the third largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Situated strategically in the Gulf of Varna, the city has been a major economic, social and cultural centre for almost three millennia. Varna, historically known as Odessos (Ancient Greek: Ὀδησσός), grew from a Thracian seaside settlement to a major seaport on the Black Sea.
Varna is an important centre for business, transportation, education, tourism, entertainment and healthcare. The city is referred to as the maritime capital of Bulgaria and headquarters the Bulgarian Navy and merchant marine. In 2008, Varna was designated seat of the Black Sea Euroregion by the Council of Europe. In 2014, Varna was awarded the title of European Youth Capital 2017.The oldest gold treasure in the world, belonging to the Varna culture, was discovered in the Varna Necropolis and dates to 4200–4600 BC.