Mausoleum Of Saint Daniel | Samarkand | Uzbekistan
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The Tomb of Daniel ДОНИЁР МАҚБАРАСИ - Northern Uzbek Language Film (O'zbek kinosi) - New HD
For centuries pilgrims from three different religions have been drawn to the site of the Prophet Daniel's tomb. What is it about this prophet that attracts so many? His story is one of faithfulness to God in the midst of pagan society. But more than that, God chose to reveal to him visions of what was to come, and the coming of one who saves.
Saint Daniel mausoleum, Samarqand, visit Uzbekistan. Мавзолей святого Даниила, Самарканд.
Uzbekistan, Samarkand 5: At the Prophet Daniel's Mausoleum (purported)
Das Mausoleum des heiligen Daniels in Samarkand
Das Mausoleum des heiligen Daniels in Samarkand
wird als ein weiterer Ort, wo der Prophet Daniel begraben sein soll, verhert. Neben diesem Ort beanspruchten mehrere weitere Orte im Nahen Osten sein Grab zu beherbergen. Als traditioneller Ort der Begrabung gilt jedoch das Grab in dem Iran in der Stadt Susa. Die Legende besagt, dass während des Feldzugs Amir Timurs in den Iran hörte er über den Heiligen Daniel und seien Wundertaten. Beeidruckt von diesen Erzählungen befahl er, zumindest eine kleine Handvoll der sterblichen Überreste des Heiligen nach Samarkand mitzunehmen.
PROPHET DANIEL: Hazrat Daniyal | He was Rescued from Lions | The Longest Grave in Earth
#Prophet #Daniel #Uzbekistan
Danyal Peygamber'in Kabri Bulundu !
The Prophet Daniyal Tomb, Nabi Daniyal ‘Daniel’ , has a shrine in Tomb of Daniel A 9, Termez St, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
The Prophet Daniyal Tomb, Nabi Daniyal ‘Daniel’ , has a shrine in Tomb of Daniel
Khuzestan Province, Shush, امام خمینی، مسجد جامع شهرستان شوش دانیال، Iran
HAZRAT PROPHET DANIYAL (Daniel) (upon him be peace)
ARABIC : النبي دانيال.
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Saint Daniel mausoleum, Samarqand. Visit Uzbekistan. Мавзолей святого Даниила, Самарканд. Узбекистан
«Открытки из Узбекистана» Загадка гробницы Ходжа Данияра
С начала 2016 года канал Euronews выпускает видео-открытки, посвященные историческим и архитектурным памятникам, культуре и искусству Узбекистана. Видеосюжеты в одноминутных роликах, посвященных красотам Самарканда, Хивы, Бухары, риштанской керамике и маргиланскому шёлку. Ведущий - репортер Евроньюс Симус Кирни (Seamus Kearney). С 2013 года НК «Узбектуризм» сотрудничает с Euronews. Цель сотрудничества - продвижение национального туристического продукта за рубежом и увеличение потока туристов в Узбекистан.
【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Samarkand[우즈베키스탄 여행-사마르칸트]샤이진다 공동묘지/Shakhi Zinda/Cemetery/Nobility/Abbas/Daniel
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[한국어 정보]
계단 위 천국의 정체는 귀족들의 공동묘지. 칸칸마다 그 옛날 사마르칸트를 호령했던 고관대작들이 잠들어 있다. 천국의 끝까지 가노라면, 마침내 살아있는 왕 압바스를 만난다. 예언자 무함마드의 사촌으로 이 땅에 이슬람을 전파한 그는 오늘도 사람들 가슴속에 살아 있다. 언덕의 또 다른 한편, 사람들을 따라 사당으로 들어가본다. 그 안에 놓인 건 기다란 관. 성인 다니엘의 묘다. 얼마나 길까? 그 길이만 무려 20여미터다. “성인 다니엘 묘는 매년 1센티미터씩 자란다는 전설이 있습니다. 아미르티무르가 이란에서 가져와 이곳 사마르칸트에 두었는데 나중에 점차 길어지게 되었다고 합니다.” 성인과 귀족들이 묻힌 언덕의 가장자리, 일반 백성들의 묘지다. 그들도 죽어서 만큼은 천국 가까이에 가고자했나보다.
[English: Google Translator]
The identity of the heaven above the stairs is a cemetery of nobles. Each Khan is sleeping with the great masterminds who used to call the ancient Samarkand. If I go to the end of heaven, I finally meet the living King Abbas. Prophet Muhammad's cousin, who preached Islam to this land, lives in people's hearts today. On the other side of the hill, follow the people and enter the shrine. It is a long tube that is placed in it. It is the grave of Adult Daniel. How long is it? It is only 20 miles long. There is a legend that an adult Daniel tomb grows one centimeter each year. Amir Timur took it from Iran and placed it here in Samarkand, but later it was getting longer. It is the cemetery of the common people, at the edge of the hill where the saints and nobles are buried. They were dead, too.
[Uzbekistan: Google Translator]
Zinadan ko'tarilgan osmonning kimligi zodagonlarning qabri hisoblanadi. Har bir xon qadimiy Samarqandni chaqirgan buyuk ustozlar bilan uxlaydi. Agar men osmonning oxirigacha boradigan bo'lsam, oxirida tirik shoh Abbos bilan tanishaman. Bu yurtga Islomni targ'ib qilgan Muhammad payg'ambarning amakivachchasi bugungi kunda odamlarning yuragida yashaydi. Tepalikning boshqa tomonida, xalqqa ergashing va ma'badga kiring. Unda joylashtirilgan uzun kolba. Bu kattalar Doniyorning qabridir. Bu qancha davom etadi? U faqat 20 kilometr uzunlikda. Katta yoshli Doniyor maqbarasi har yili bir santimetr o'sib yurganligi haqida afsonalar mavjud. Amir Temur uni Erondan olib, uni Samarqandga joylashtirdi, lekin keyinroq yana uzayib ketdi: Bu oddiy odamlarning qabristoni, azizlar va zodagonlarning dafn etilgan tepaligida. Ular ham o'lik edilar.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄-03-12 샤이진다 귀족들의 공동묘지
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 2월February
추모관련,tomb, cemetery,기타등장,appear,구조물,structure,아시아Asia우즈베키스탄UzbekistanOzbekiston우즈베키스탄 공화국신주호20192월사마르칸트SamarqandSamarqand viloyatiFebruary걸어서 세계속으로
Uzbekistan Samarcanda Tumba del profeta Daniel Tomb of the prophet 2015 1
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Мавзолей пророка Ходжи Данияра
На северной стороне холма Афрасиаб, рядом с многоводным арыком Сиаб, у старой стены находится мавзолей Ходжи Данияра. Прекрасный мавзолей, который перестроили в начале XX в., был построен над местом захоронения пророка. Это одно из самых святых мест в Самарканде, т.к. здесь захоронены останки знаменитого коранического и библейского пророка Данияра (Даниила), которого на Востоке называют Ходжа Данияр. Сохранилось предание, что его останки были привезены сюда Амиром Темуром.
Мавзолей был сооружен самаркандскими мастерами и составляет пятикупольное современное сооружение. Внутри этого здания находится надгробие Ходжи Данияра длиной 18 м, которое занимает почти все внутреннее пространство. Архитектурные исследования показали, что до сооружения мавзолея камень находился под открытым небом. Предполагают, что изначально место захоронения было обложено речным камнем. Исторические данные также свидетельствуют о перестроении могилы - священные туги располагались на верхней ее части, тем самым обозначая расположение могилы пророка.
Samarkand, the former capital city of powerful Timurleng.
The fifth century B.C. Jerusalem has been destroyed and sacked by Babylon King Nebuchadnessar. Among the Jewish young men seized and enslaved by the Babylonians there was the would-be great Biblical prophet Daniel. It was he who wrote the famous Book of Prophecies, sacred for three world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
600 years ago the fearful Emperor Timurleng brought the prophet's remains to this city from Babylon. Nowadays, life is at its large around them.
In Samarkand, the former capital city of powerful Timurleng, there has since time unknown existed three religious communities: the Moslems, the Jews, and the Christians. For them all, the Prophet's tomb is sacred.
However, the prophet's tomb has not become an object of violent disagreements, unlike the holy places in Palestine. How was it possible that this oasis of peace was formed in Samarkand? How can the three communities support the fragile balance of benevolent relations? For the first time in history, on the threshold of the third millennium, we are diving into the closest secrets of the three Samarkand communities and discovering the way in which this peaceful island has existed. We reveal enigma of this magnificent city and it's great people.
Воспоминания о жизни Любавических хасидов в Самарканде
Воспоминания Реб Иче Мишуловина о жизни Любавических хасидов в Самарканде.
Nosso segundo dia em Samarkand, Uzbequistão. Visitamos alguns monumentos interessantes e a tumba do profeta Daniel (aquele que foi jogado à cova dos leões)
*Gravado no dia 29/09/2019*
Um pequeno detalhe: a parte que mostrava como banheiro era, na verdade, uma sauna :D
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Samarkand St Daniel
My trip to Samarkand
В Самарканде патриарх Кирилл приложился к мощам пророка Даниила 30 09 2017 г НТ
Самарканд сегодня Samarkand
Comrades: Master of Samarkand
A Mosque Restorer in the the atheist Moslem country of Uzbekistan
Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Crossroads of Cultures
Samarkand, alternatively Samarqand or Samarcand, is one of the oldest inhabited cities in Central Asia, prospering from its location on the Silk Road between China and the Mediterranean. At times Samarkand has been one of the greatest cities of Central Asia; traditionally it is the capital of Samarqand Region, and is Uzbekistan's third largest city, after fast-growing Namangan in the Ferghana Valley. The city is noted for being an Islamic centre for scholarly study. In the 14th century it became the capital of the empire of Timur (Tamerlane) and is the site of his mausoleum (the Gur-e Amir). The Bibi-Khanym Mosque remains one of the city's most notable landmarks. The Registan was the ancient center of the city. The city has carefully preserved the traditions of ancient crafts: embroidery, gold embroidery, silk weaving, engraving on copper, ceramics, carving and painting on wood.
There is evidence of human activity in the area of the city from the late paleolithic era, though there is no direct evidence of when exactly Samarkand was founded, some theories are that it was founded between the 8th and 7th centuries BC. By the time of the Achaemenid dynasty of Persia, it was the capital of the Sogdian satrapy. The city was taken by Alexander the Great in 329 BC, when it was known by its Greek name of Marakanda. The city was ruled by a succession of Iranian, Persian, and Turkish peoples until the Mongols under Genghis Khan conquered Samarkand in 1220.
In 2001, UNESCO added the city to its World Heritage List as Samarkand – Crossroads of Cultures.
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