Beroje, Cilipi, Konavle 20213, Croatia
This little church at the Ploče end of Prijeko was originally built in simple, pre-romanesque style typical for early Middle Ages Dalmatia; a late renaissance frontage was added in 1607. Inside, you can see stone ornaments in an interlocking style reminiscent of Celtic knotwork called pleter, which is typical of early Croatian churches, plus a fine painting of the Madonna.
Church of St Nicholas (Nin)
Located in the field of Prahulje, the Church of St Nicholas is a recognisable symbol of Nin. It is very important for the...
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Grad Nin ima puno simbola koji ga krase, a jedan od najupečatljivijih je crkva sv. Nikole. Smještena je u polju Prahulje te..
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Cavtat Harbour Walk Croatia
Cavtat is a short ferry ride from Dubrovnik and not as crowded with tourists. Enjoy a walk around the waterfront under the shade of the beautiful pine trees. Swim from pebbled beaches or rocky outcrops and enjoy crystal clear water. View St Nicholas Church, known for its wooden altars. Background music is Rotten Gardenias by Huma Huma.
100th Anniversary: St. Jerome's Croatian Church Slideshow 1900's-1940's
April 29, 2012 -- This slideshow is a tribute to the 1,000's of parishioners and clergy of St. Jerome's Croatian Church of Chicago. It captures some of the parish's milestones from 1900's to the 1940's.
Thanks to all who contributed their photos, their stories and their love for St. Jerome's. For more information on Jubilee events of 2012, go to
St. Jerome's 100th Anniversary Slideshow produced by VeraLuca Media,
Post-Production Services by Media Beyond,
Music by Mario Romanovic, Srdjan Gjivoje and Damir Segich
クロアチア, フォークダンス Kolo-Lindjo, Cilipi
Traditional dance,in front of church of St Nicholas(sveti Nikola)in Cilipi-Konavle, Dubrovnik county.
Traditional costumes were restored(new one needed to be made) since they were burned in autumn 1991 in savage aggression on Dubrovnik area.
Cleveland Tamburitzans perform a lively Croatian dance
A benefit was held for the Cleveland Croatian Cultural Garden and the men and women of the Cleveland Tamburitzans performed this lively Croatian dance.
CROATIAN FOLKLORE and the Bells of the Cathedral of Zagreb
This group performed on the square in front of the Cathedral of Zagreb. Suddenly the bells called for Sunday Mass, but the group kept on singing, playing and dancing
Crkva Sveti Nikola Cavtat Croatia
freelance Artist Lukša Obradović u Božjem Hramu Svetoga Nikole CavtatCroatia na dan SRCA ISUSOVA
„Sva moja sidra -- predstavljanje knjige Ivice Ursića 2/6
Metković, 18.5.2011. - U organizaciji Udruge Narenta i župa Sv. Ilije i Sv. Nikole u Galeriji GKS-a Metković sinoć je premijerno predstavljena knjigaSva moja sidra splitskog novinara i publicista Ivice Ursića.
U uvodnom dijelu Ursić je govorio o današnjem čovjeku zatvorenom u svijetu iluzija što je predstavio kao pentagram na vrhu kojega je krupni kapital, a koji obuhvaća medije, modernu tehnologiju, duhovne ponude novog doba i svijet zabave. U drugom dijelu predavanje je posvetio vlastitom načinu bijega iz tog svijeta.
Kako je istaknuo, njegove iluzije o uspješnom i smislenom životu temeljenom na ljudskoj samodostatnosti razbile su se onoga trenutka kada mu je nenadano prije sedam godina dijagnosticiran karcinom. Govoreći o svemu onome što je slijedilo, svojoj vjeri, odnosu s Bogom i konačnom izlječenju Ursić je rekao:
-- Bog je učinio više od tjelesnog izlječenja, izliječio je moje srce. Ova knjiga nije recept nego svjedočenje koje možda nekome od vas pokaže put. Ja više nemam iluzije o spašavanju putem politike, ekonomije, tehnologije, medija, estrade i zabave. Te mi je iluzije razbio sam Isus Krist koji me spasio i oslobodio.
snimio: Ivan Petrov - Ico
realizacija: Foto Veraja - Metković
Concert at the St. Lawrence Cathedral, Trogir
By the International Choir of the Trogir Music Week, directed by Patrick Craig