Chiesa di San Nicolò, Treviso, Veneto, Italy - 26th October, 2014
The church of St. Nicholas is a religious building of Treviso . For size, is the largest building of the kind in the city, surpassing even the Duomo. The church is located in the southwestern part of the old town, on the left bank of the Sile , in an area mostly recently built as badly damaged by bombing in 1944 . Attached to the building is the former Dominican convent , today seminary.
This film features views of both the church exterior and architecture, as well as the internal decor and works of art, including a reproduction of the Last Supper.
To read more about Chiesa di San Nicolò, click here: .
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Church of St. Francis, Treviso, Veneto, Italy, Europe
In the early 13th century the municipality of Treviso issued statutes that allowed mendicant orders to settle within the walls. A small group of minor friars, sent by the same Francis of Assisi, came to Treviso in 1216, and took up residence north-east of the city center, in the area beyond the Cagnan Grande. In this area, which the tradition has granted them from the Da Camino, the Franciscans built a simple convent and a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The community soon became numerous and in 1231 the church and the convent began to be built. The municipality gave a sum of one thousand lire for the works. In 1270 the constructions were completed. An important role in the endowment of the convent was given by Gherardo da Camino, perhaps due to an act of reparation for the killing of Giacomo Casale, bishop of Feltre and Friar Minor, in 1298. The major families of Treviso had their own chapel in this church: in addition to the grandiose ark of the da Camino, one can remember the disappeared tombs of the Bonaparte, the Brandolini, the Coderta, the Rovèr, the Rinaldi, the Sugana, and the Calandri. Being a regular church, in 1797 the church was occupied by the French and the minor conventual friars were expelled. In 1806 the convent was suppressed by the laws of the Kingdom of Italy. The church was thus used for military purposes and as a stable, while the two large cloisters were demolished. Only in 1928, after a restoration, it was reopened. The church, owned by the Municipality of Treviso, was again entrusted to the pastoral animation of the Conventual Franciscan friars. It is not a parish church, being included in the territory of Santa Maria Maddalena. To a Franciscan, between Benvenuto delle Celle, according to the tradition also author of the project for the church of San Nicolò, is perhaps the design of the church. The grandeur of the Dominican temple is opposed by the simple and severe structure, of transition between the Romanesque and early Gothic, of St. Francis. The gabled façade, as well as the two sides, is decorated with pilasters crowned by small arches, and has a lunette above the portal with a Byzantine fresco. The church has a Latin cross plan, with a single, large nave covered by a wooden ship-like ceiling. On the right there is a small nave consisting of the union of five side chapels, covered by masonry cross vaults that form five bays. In the lunette above the portal there is a Byzantine fresco, attributed to Marco Veneziano (1235). Inside, on the left wall, there is a gigantic fresco depicting St. Christopher, a Romanesque-Byzantine work of the late thirteenth century. On the sails of the vault of the main chapel of the apse are the Four Evangelists, the Stigmata of St. Francis, a Madonna with Child and Adam, of the fourteenth-century Venetian-Emilian school, probably the work of a pupil of Tommaso da Modena. In the first chapel on the left (Giacomelli chapel) there is a work by Tommaso da Modena, the fresco of the Madonna and Child with seven saints (1350), a true artistic masterpiece of the church and testimony to the refined Gothic style of the Emilian master then active in city. Three of the saints, however, were later added by pupils of Thomas. In the second chapel on the left there is a fresco by a pupil of Tommaso da Modena, the Master of Feltre: Madonna and four saints, from 1351.
Winter hike in Valle San Nicolò
Taken on January 10th 2014 in Valle San Nicolò , Region Trentino (ITALY)
Three Hundred Place, Treviso, Veneto, Italy, Europe
Palazzo dei Trecento, also called Palazzo della Ragione, is one of the most important buildings in the historic center of Treviso, overlooking Piazza dei Signori. The Palace was built around 1185 as a meeting room for the various bodies of the Municipality of Treviso, replacing the ancient building near the Duomo; its completion dates back to 1268, the year in which an adjacent building used as a prison was completed. Over the decades the Palace was the seat of the Court of the Consuls, a place of public assemblies, a place where the Podestà administered justice, the seat of the Maggior Consiglio, also known as the Trecento, which also met there as a supreme civic assembly. Around the palace, center of political and administrative life, many shops soon arose. In 1546, only under the face of the building, there were a good forty-four, rented by the Municipality for five years in five years and numbered progressively. Between the end of the nineteenth century and the middle of the twentieth century, the Palace suffered numerous vicissitudes that changed the appearance defined with the works of 1552, an aspect known to us thanks to faithful reproductions, among others, by Medoro Coghetto and Antonio Sala . The first restoration works, completed at the beginning of the 1900s, involved the Prefecture, the Civic Tower and the Palace which were freed from the plaster and crowned with Ghibelline battlements. The external staircase leading to the Salone was also moved from the West side to the East side. In 1944 the Palace was then the victim of a bombing that caused serious damage to the structure and to the frescoes in the hall, so much so that initially the hypothesis of complete demolition was prefigured. Thanks to the intervention of the then superintendent Ferdinando Forlati, it was decided to proceed to the restoration of the surviving walls and to the reconstruction of the irreparably collapsed walls, of the roof and of the battlements, reconstructed however of Guelph style. A row of bricks further back than the perimeter walls still allows us to distinguish the portions of the original walls from the reconstructed ones. Today Palazzo dei Trecento is still the seat of the municipal council, as well as a prestigious place for exhibitions and exhibitions. The building, with an exposed brick surface, consists of two floors. On the ground floor, opened in 1552 by round arches, takes place the loggia, built by Andrea da Valle. On the upper floor is the living room, lit by a series of three-light windows: three on Piazza dei Signori, three on Via XX Settembre and six on Piazza Indipendenza. Internally, the frescoes created between the 14th and 16th centuries by Venetian artists and mostly coats of arms and themes linked to civil power and justice are partially preserved. Worthy of note on the south wall are the paintings depicting the Madonna with Child and the Saints Liberale and Pietro and the four cardinal virtues. The ceiling of the living room has wooden trusses. On the east side is the staircase that leads to the first floor: it is the result of a nineteenth-century reconstruction.
Treviso sala capitolare ex convento S Nicolò 0001
Treviso sala capitolare ex convento di s. Nicolò ora Seminario.
Commento musicale: J.S.Bach, suite I, Allemande eseguito al contrabbasso da Paolo Oggian.
L'affresco del Ciclo dei Domenicani rappresenta 40 personaggi illustri dell'Ordine Domenicano e è stato dipinto da Tomaso da Modena nel 1352.
Te Deum di Mozart - Concerto Quaresimale - Tempio San Nicolò - Treviso
Concerto Quaresimale W.A. Mozart - Te Deum in do magg. KV141
23 marzo 2018 Cori: En Clara Vox e Insieme Vocale città di Conegliano - Orchestra: Gruppo d'Archi Veneto
Direttore: Davide Pauletto
Camille Sain Saêns:AVE MARIA in LA maggiore-Treviso,chiesa di San Nicolò
Camille Saint Saêns(1835-1921): AVE MARIA in LA maggiore
Associazione culturale e musicaleQUODLIBET di Mogliano Veneto(Treviso,Italy)
MONICA SERRETTI,mezzosoprano
Registrazione live effettuata l'8 dicembre 2014 presso il Tempio di San Nicolò in Treviso(Italy).
Treviso by boat: a sightseeing tour on the river | Italia Slow Tour
A Slow Tour through Treviso and its surroundings by boat on the river Sile. From the river you get a different perspective, it's a peaceful haven that threads its way into the city, through the suburbs and into the industrial area. Here in Treviso, there is a waterway that acts as a sort of ring road around the entire city! A rather unusual sightseeing tour.
Cover pic courtesy of Flickr User Nicola Centenaro (@centenico)
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Treviso Walking Culture |Marathon around Italy|
Treviso Walking Culture è un progetto in collaborazione con Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Treviso.
Treviso Walking Culture è un evento che mira alla realizzazione di una vera e propria maratona nei pressi del centro di Treviso finalizzato al fatto di far conoscere a tutti la magnifica città quale è Treviso, seconda in Italia per la sua sicurezza.
Soggetti: Alessandro Noi Tommaso Vianello
Fotografia: Filippo Fania -
Produzione: Umberto De Ambrosi
Realizzato con Nikon d7100 a 1080p 60fps
Treviso water wheel by canal
Enjoying lunch and the lull of the water wheel in Treviso near San Francesco bridge
Campane San Nicolò-Treviso
Parrocchia SS.Nicolò e Stefano 3 campane in Do3+campanella fuori concerto Distesa a 3 per la S.Messa festiva delle 10
Vikram Francesco Sedona, 19, Italy
Vikram Francesco Sedona was born in Treviso in 2000 and began his violin studies at the age of six with Selina Cremese, continuing his studies at the Benedetto Marcello Conservatory in Venice with Professor Bruna Barutti. Since 2016, he has been studying with violinist Silvia Marcovici at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria. Vikram has won numerous international competitions, including the Andrea Postacchini (2017), George Enescu (2018) and Valsesia Musica (2019) competitions and recently received an Honorable Mention as a finalist of the Elmar Oliveira International Violin Competition 2020. Amongst his other engagements, he has played a number of recent festival concerts including Festival de Radio France Montpellier Occitanie and the George Enescu Festival.
Questa settimana Piero Brazzale ci porta ancora a scoprire i posti più suggestivi di Treviso
26 - San Nicoló, Treviso Italia
Big Vocal Orchestra Live, Treviso Chiesa San Nicolò, 26 Maggio 2017
Big Vocal Orchestra, Treviso, Chiesa San Nicolò, 26 Maggio 2017
Associazione AROUND US presenta
Direzione Marco Toso Borella
Pianoforte Giacomo Franzoso
Regia Spettacolo Cristina Pustetto
Allestimento Audio-Video: AFS - Service audio luci di Andrea Furlanetto
Produzione SMVIDEO
Presepio dei Frati di San Francesco, Treviso - by Giovanni Rosin - John
Treviso, 20.01.2019
‘Il Presepe di San Francesco‘, è stato allestito, grazie al contributo e al lavoro del ‘Gruppo Francescano Presepisti’, anche quest’anno nel suggestivo chiostro del Convento dei frati adiacente alla chiesa di San Francesco , luogo di culto cattolico che si trova a Treviso.
La Chiesa di San Francesco è uno dei monumenti religiosi più famosi di Treviso. Costruita nel XIII secolo, fu soppressa da Napoleone per poi essere restituita alla comunità francescana nel 1928. Oggi, è uno dei simboli della città. La Chiesa di San Francesco è nell’omonima piazza, a poco più di un chilometro dalla stazione ferroviaria.
Campane chiesa di San Niccolò di Treviso
Suonate per la messa festiva delle 11:30:
- Distesa di mezzana e terza delle 11:15 come primo segnale
- Battiore delle 11:30 seguito dalla distesa breve della mezzana come secondo segnale.
Concerto di 4 campane in Do3:
I campanone: Do3 elettrificata a slancio
II mezzana: elettrificata a slancio
III: elettrificata a slancio
IV squillina: elettrificata a slancio
Miss Italia Veneto 2018 Miss Eleganza Finale Regionale Possagno Treviso
Possagno-Treviso, domenica 5 Agosto 2018. Selene Rossi di Ponte San Nicolo-Padova, è Miss Eleganza Veneto. Selene, si è conquistata il titolo e l'accesso diretto alle prefinali di Miss Italia, nella finale regionale che si è svolta a Possagno-Treviso, domenica 5 Agosto.
Best Tourist Attractions you MUST SEE in Treviso, Italy | 2019
Treviso (Italian pronunciation: [treˈviːzo], Venetian: Trevixo) is a city and comune in the Veneto region of northern Italy.
Discover what's best in your city.
The rating information was taken from Google Maps and the list was last updated on 3rd June, 2019:
1: Piazza dei Signori, Treviso
2: Civic Museums of Treviso - Home to Santa Caterina
3: Walls of Treviso
4: Fontana Delle Tette
5: Cathedral
6: Lodge of Knights
7: Parco dei Moreri
8: Porta Santi Quaranta
9: St Francis church
10: Parrocchia di San Nicolò
Click on a link below to see an up-to-date list and more: