Saint Peter's church, Leuven (Louvain), Belgium - what it should look like (POVRay animation)
Sint Pieterskerk, gotiek, Leuven, België
Eglise St-Pierre, gothique, Louvain, Belgique
Sankt Peterskirche, Gotik, Löwen, Belgien
Saint Peter's church, gothic, Louvain, Belgium
Raytracing experiment - Preliminary test version (that means: working on a better one) - animation created in Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POV-Ray)
The towers of this Brabantine gothic church (Brabantse gotiek) were designed around 1505 (on parchment, 4 metres high, on display in the municipal museum), by Joost Matsys, brother of the famous painter Quentin Matsys (Dutch: Quinten or Kwinten, Massijs or Metsijs or Massys or Metsys). between 1524 and 1530 he made a detailed stone model (8 metres high - on display in the church itself), which was the main input for the development of this computer model.
The towers were never fully executed, even though they were higher in the past. Construction stopped mid-16th century. Between 1570 and 1604, the southern tower collapsed gradually. After several restoration campaigns throughout the 17th, 19th and 20th century, the tower obtained its current form (as it can be seen at the beginning of the video).
Music: 'kyrie' by Andrea Gabrieli, on the magnificent recording 'A Venetian Coronation 1595', performed by the Gabrieli Consort and Players, under the direction of Paul McCreesh. A must-buy!
(ok, that's not 16th century Flemish music, but this piece matched excellently with the animation :o))
© Yves Vanhellemont
St peter's church Belgium | St peter's church Leuven Belgium
Saint Peter's Church (Dutch: Sint-Pieterskerk) in Leuven, Belgium, is on the city's Grote Markt (market square), opposite the ornate Town Hall. Built mainly in the 15th century in Brabantine Gothic style, the church has a cruciform floor plan and a low bell tower that has never been completed. It is 93 metres (305 ft) long.
ARTWORKS AND RELICS inside St. Peter's Church, Leuven
Saint Peter's Church (Dutch: Sint-Pieterskerk) of Leuven, Belgium, is situated on the city's Grote Markt (main market square), right across the ornate Town Hall. Built mainly in the 15th century in Brabantine Gothic style, the church has a cruciform floor plan and a low bell tower that has never been completed. It is 93 meters long.
Despite the devastation during the World Wars, the church remains rich in works of art.
【Leuven, Belgium】St. Peter's Church
Church Bell Ringing of St. Peter's Church, Leuven Belgium
St. Peter's Church, Leuven
St. Peter's Church, Leuven
Saint Peter's Church, Leuven
Construction of the present Gothic Saint Peter's church in Leuven was begun approximately in 1425, and was continued for more than half a century. You can view the splendid 'Last Supper' by Dirk Bouts, among other art works.
More :
LEUVEN(Belgium) - Town hall and St. Peter's church with sound of carillon
Shooted in January 2017
Kerstviering 2019-12-25
Eucharistieviering vanuit de Sint-Pieterskerk te Leuven op woensdag 25 december 2019 ter gelegenheid van Kerstmis
Louvain Leuven Eglise Saint-Pierre
Photos & Montage Guy Bastin 2011
Sint Pieterskerk Leuven 1918 - 2009
Sint Pieterskerk Leuven 1918 - 2009
Leuven St. Piter Cathedral (Azmotronic) - mAgrees To Play Rent.wmv
Leuven St. Piter Cathedral . Saint Peter's Church (holandês: Sint-Pieterskerk) de Leuven, Bélgica, está situada na cidade Grote Markt (Praça do Mercado principal), fazendo parte do todo o ornamentado Town Hall. Construída principalmente no século 15 em Brabantine estilo gótico, a igreja - chão tem a forma de uma cruz com uma torre sineira baixa, que nunca foi concluída. A primeira igreja no local, feita de madeira e, presumivelmente, fundada em 986, incendiou-se em 1176. Foi substituída por uma igreja estilo românica, feita de pedra, com sua extremidade oeste ladeada por duas torres circulares, sendo conhecida como a Basílica de Nossa Senhora de Maastricht. Do edifício românico apenas uma parte da cripta permaneceu, debaixo do coro da igreja atual. A construção do atual edifício gótico, significativamente maior do que ode seu antecessor, foi iniciado aproximadamente em 1425, e continuou por mais de meio século em um estilo notavelmente uniforme, substituindo a velha igreja progressivamente da capela-mor (leste), para oeste. Seu período de construção sobreposta com a da Câmara Municipal, através da Markt, e nas primeiras décadas da construção compartilhada a mesma sucessão de arquitetos. Em 1497 o prédio foi praticamente concluído, apesar de modificações, principalmente no extremo oeste, e continuou com as
Torres . Em 1458, um incêndio atingiu as torres românica ladeada no extremo oeste do prédio inacabado. O primeiro regime de um complexo de nova torre foi seguido rapidamente, mas nunca foi realizados. Então, em 1505, Joost Matsys (irmão do pintor Quentin Matsys) forjou um ambicioso plano de construir três torres colossais de cantaria encimada por pináculos orifícios, que teria um grande efeito, como a torre central iria subir para cerca de 170 m . Em função da insuficiente e fundos provou este plano ser impraticável, e como a torre central chegou a menos de um terço da sua altura prevista o projeto foi abandonado em 1541. Depois que a altura era ainda reduzida de colapsos parciais 1570-1604, a torre principal agora sobe pouco acima do telhado da igreja, em seus lados são meros esboços. O arquiteto tinha, no entanto, feito uma maquete do projeto original, que é preservada no transepto sul. Apesar do seu estado incompleto, as torres são mencionados na lista da UNESCO do Património Mundial, como parte do Campanários da Bélgica e da França.
Leuven, klokken Sint-Pieterskerk (2/2): volgelui.
Leuven (België, Vlaamse-Brabant)
Opname van de vier luidklokken van de Leuvense Sint-Pieterskerk.
00:00 : Foto's van het stadhuis en de Sint-Pieterskerk
01:10 : Volgelui van de vier klokken.
1) Maria, B°
Gewicht: 4.280 kg
Gegoten in 1961 door François & Jacques Sergeys te Leuven.
2) Petrus, cis1
Gewicht: ca. 3.000 kg
Gegoten in 1930 door Constant & François Sergeys te Leuven.
3) Karolus, dis1
Gewicht: ca. 2.000 kg
Gegoten in 1930 door Constant en François Sergeys te Leuven.
4) Anna, e1.
Gewicht: ca. 1.270 kg?
Gegoten in 1930 door Constant & François Sergeys te Leuven.
De vier luidklokken van de Sint-Pieterskerk zijn eveneens de basklokken van de beiaard. De beiaard bestaat uit 49 klokken: 26 van Constant & François Sergeys (1930, 1932), 22 van François & Jacques Sergeys (1961) en 1 van Eijsbouts (1990). Het totale gewicht bedraagt 17.335 kg. Voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog hing er in de vieringtoren een beiaard met hoofdzakelijk klokken van Noorden en De Grave. Deze beiaard ging tijdens de brand van Leuven in augustus 1914 verloren. De toren van de Sint-Pieterskerk doet ook dienst als belfort van Leuven.
Filmpjes van Vincent Duseigne & Thierry Pauwels:
Met dank aan Guy Michils voor de toestemming om de klokken te mogen filmen en voor de begeleiding in de toren.
Louvain, église Saint-Pierre.
Plénum des quatre cloches de volée.
Notes: Si2, do#3, ré#3, mi3.
Leuven, St Peter's Church
Ringing of the four bells.
B, c#, d#, e
Groot begijnhof Leuven + Dijlepark
UBSCR 50th Anniversary - Great George
Filmed 22 Jan 1994. Cast by John Taylor & Co in 1925 and weighing 191-1-19 in Eb, Great George is Britain's 7th largest bell and is hung in the Wills Memorial Tower of Bristol University.
Carillon of Leuven / Louvain (B) - Audrey Dye (F) : My Favorite Things
Carillon of Louvain (B), played by Audrey Dye (F) Carillonist of Wavre (B). - De beiaard van de Sint-Geertrui kerk te Leuven (B) wordt bespeeld door Audrey Dye (F), beiaardierster van Waver. Zij speelt 'My Favorite Things' uit de Sound of Music. - Carillon de Sainte Gertrude à Louvain (B), joué par Audey Dye (F), carillonneur de Wavre.
Finding the Tombs of Matilda of Flanders & Marie of Brabant at St. Peter's Church, Leuven, Belgium
Read the article here:
Eucharistieviering 2019-07-28
Eucharistieviering vanuit de Sint-Pieterskerk te Leuven op zondag 28 juli 2019
Sint Pieterskerk Leuven - 2008 - 2016
fotoreportage met o.m. beelden van de aan gang zijnde restauratie van de kerk. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
Eucharistieviering 2019-09-29
Eucharistieviering vanuit de Sint-Pieterskerk te Leuven op zondag 29 september 2019
A walk through Leuven around 1525
An impression of the historic city center of Leuven (Belgium) around 1525. During the decades around that year, people such as Andreas Vesalius, Gerard Mercator, Thomas Moore, Desiderius Erasmus and Gemma Frisius resided in the city. It's the period around which the construction works of the towers of the main church (towers that were suppsed to be the highest in the world!) were stopped.
Is this impression correct? Well, it's an impression. The main buildings, such as the cloth hall, town hall, Saint Peter's church, the toll house, the 'Tafelrond' (Table Round), are probably correct. Also some houses (especially the ones at the market, plus some others in the adjacent streets) are probably correct as well, they are modelled according to historic drawings, prints or photo's. For the rest of the houses, we know that the location and width of the facades is more or less correct, but the rest is merely imagination... even though we know that most of the houses in that era were made of wood and renders, masonry was limited to the base of houses and intermediate (fire)walls between houses. Rich people could afford houses in brickwork and stone. But still, even though it looks historically correct, it remains partially imagination... but it's also difficult to prove that this 'phantasy' is wrong ;)
A peculiar point is the graveyard surrounding the church. In those days, mostly no big burial monuments were erected on cemeteries. Usually wooden crosses were placed, and they disappeared rather quickly. Cemeteries were often used as orchards, the presence of fruit trees on cemeteries was quite normal. So we also placed on here, even though there is no historic proof for this.
I noticed some bugs in the film, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyhow!
© Yves Vanhellemont