Ukrainian city insite: Novomoskovsk, Dnipro region, eastern Ukraine | Ucrania | Ukranya | Ukraina
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1. VORONTSOV PALACE,ALUPKA 44°25'11.40N 34° 3'20.92E
51°28'40.00N 31°16'45.02E
3. TOWER OF BUTCHERS,KHMEL'NYTS'KA 48°40'31.42N 26°34'36.24E
4. CASTLE AKKERMAN,ODESSA 46°12'5.91N 30°21'0.93E
6. IVANO-FRANKIVSK CITY HALL 48°55'22.49N 24°42'37.43E
45° 1'42.76N 35°23'6.90E
8. ALEXANDER NEVSKY CHURCH, KHARKOV 49°59'20.27N 36°17'14.68E
9. ENTRANCE TO PARK,DNIPROPETROVS'K 48°27'38.10N 35° 4'10.47E
10. CHRIST-SERGIUS CHURCH,KHARKIV 50° 2'34.33N 36°13'23.46E
11. ZŁOCZÓW CASTLE,ZOLOCHIV 49°48'6.56N 24°54'23.22E
12. CITY HALL,MUKACHEVO 48°26'30.92N 22°43'4.31E
13. MONUMENT TARAS SHEVCHENKO,KIEV 50°26'30.28N 30°30'46.81E
16. CHURCH,LUTSK 50°46'6.20N 25°22'26.39E
17. WATER TOWERS,KIEV 50°27'9.43N 30°31'52.44E
18. RATUSHA TOWER&CITY HALL,LVIV 49°50'30.56N 24° 1'53.16E
19. MONUMENT OF ETERNAL GLORY,ZHITOMIR 50°14'36.88N 28°38'56.95E
20. ST.GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL,LVIV 49°50'18.86N 24° 0'47.30E
21. CHURCH,KIEV 50°22'50.03N 30°27'34.81E
22. DONETSK DRAMA THEATER,DONETSK 48° 0'7.32N 37°48'9.69E
23. MICHAEL FORT,SEVASTOPOL 44°37'40.14N 33°31'33.84E
24. ST.PANTELEIMON'S CATHEDRAL,KIEV 50°20'41.47N 30°29'15.82E
48°28'16.45N 35° 2'58.42E
26. CHAPEL OF ST. ANDREW,KIEV 50°26'33.64N 30°33'10.43E
27. KREMENETS CASTLE,KREMENETS 50° 5'41.92N 25°43'50.90E
Concert in Music House Moscow
German Church Consert
Moodle Moooodle
1. PALANOK CASTLE,KARPATALJA 48°25'53.46N 22°41'14.08E
3. JUSTICE COURT,ZHITOMIR 50°15'14.97N 28°39'24.27E
5. PYATNITSKA CHURCH,CHERNIHIV 51°29'32.84N 31°18'3.02E
6. SAIL ROCK,CRIMEA 44°26'0.34N 34° 7'51.88E
7. KHMELNITSKIY MONUMENT,KIEV 50°27'12.94N 30°30'59.59E
49°45'13.50N 27°13'21.42E
9. CATHEDRALS,CHERNIHIV 51°29'20.99N 31°18'25.30E
10. DUKE DE RICHELIEU,ODESSA 46°29'17.30N 30°44'28.23E
11. CATHEDRALS&CHURCHES,KIEV 50°27'9.95N 30°30'53.44E
12. ANCIENT BUILDING,UZHHOROD 48°37'30.68N 22°17'40.52E
13. ST.NICHOLAS CHURCH,KIEV 50°27'52.71N 30°31'33.92E
14. CHURCH OF TRINITY,DNEPROPETROVSK 48°27'46.38N 35° 2'44.35E
15. YENI-KALE CASTLE,KERCH 45°20'57.92N 36°36'16.79
16. POLISH GATE,KHMEL'NYTS'KA 48°40'43.40N 26°34'13.90E
17. ST. ILIA TEMPLE,CRIMEA 45°11'33.83N 33°22'26.71E
18. HEART SHAPE HOUSE,ZHITOMIR 50°15'29.66N 28°39'33.57E
19. GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH,CRIMEA 44°29'27.71N 34° 9'22.73E
20. CHURCH OF MICHAEL&FEDOR,CHERNIHIV 51°29'52.94N 31°18'35.74E
21. SAILOR'S CLUB,SEVASTOPOL 44°36'0.72N 33°31'27.89E
22. CHOCIM CASTLE,KHOTYN 48°31'19.42N 26°29'54.61E
23. LENIN MONUMENT,KERCH 45°21'7.17N 36°28'30.60E
24. THEATER BITTER,DNIPROPETROVSK 48°28'14.45N 35° 1'59.72E
45°21'5.00N 36°28'33.53E
26. OSTROH CASTLE,RIVNE 50°19'34.30N 26°31'16.79E
【K】Ukraine Travel-Kiev[우크라이나 여행-키예프]페체르스카야 동굴 대수도원/Pechersk Lavra/Abbey/Cave/Church/Dnieper River
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[한국어 정보]
시내엔 슬라비 민족의 중심이었던 키예프 공국을 상징하는 두개의 건축물이 있다. 소피아성당과 동굴대수도원이다. 드네푸르강 절벽 언덕위에 위치한 동굴대수도원 유일하게 남은 입구인 삼위일체 교회를 통과하니 마치 작은 마을과도 같은 풍경이 펼쳐졌다. 이곳은 1051년 동굴에서 수도 생활을 하던 두 명의 수도승이 동굴위에 사원을 지은 데서 기원했다. 이후 900년에 걸쳐 여러 교회와 수도원 건물이 들어서며 마을처럼 군락을 이룬 현재의 모습을 갖추게 됐다. 수도원이 생길 당시는 키예프 공국이 영토를 확장하고 그리스 정교가 급속히 퍼져나가던 시기였다. 사회문화적으로 절정기를 맞았던 키예프 공국. 그 영광의 흔적은 수도원 곳곳에 남아있다. 이 위대한 문화유산 역시 2차 대전 중 폭격으로 파괴되었다가 우크라이나의 독립과 함께 복원되었다.
[English: Google Translator]
City yen There are two buildings that symbolize the center of Kiev principality was the Slaviero nation. The Sophia Cathedral and Abbey Caves. Dnepropetrovsk Darfur river cliff hill do you pass the cave entrance only remaining abbey church of the Trinity is located on the same landscape was spread out like a small village. Here are two sisters who also live in the caves in 1051 was the origin deseo built over the cave temples. After over 900 years of building churches and monasteries deuleoseomyeo equip the current figure was achieved as a colony village. At the time this monastery was time to extend this lead in Kyiv Principality territory and Greek Orthodox swinger spread rapidly. Social and cultural heyday was right in the Kiev principality. That has left a trail of glory to the monastery and there. This great cultural heritage was also destroyed by bombing during World War II was restored with the independence of Ukraine.
[Ukrainian: Google Translator]
Місто ієн Є дві будівлі, які символізують центрі Києва князівства народ Slaviero. Софійський собор і монастир Печерський. Дніпропетровськ Дарфур річки скелі пагорб ви пройти вхід до печери єдиний залишився абатство церква Трійці знаходиться на такій же пейзаж було поширене, як в маленькому селі. Ось дві сестри, які живуть в печерах в 1051 був походження Deseo побудований на печерних храмів. Після більш ніж 900 років будівельних церков і монастирів deuleoseomyeo обладнати поточний показник був досягнутий в колонії селища. У той час цей монастир був час, щоб продовжити цей провід на території Києво князівства і грецької православної громадини швидко поширюватися. Соціальна та культурна розквіту був правий у князівстві Київському. Це залишило слід слави монастиря і там. Це велика культурна спадщина також був зруйнований в результаті бомбардувань під час Другої світової війни був відновлений з незалежністю України.
■클립명: 유럽102-우크라이나01-10 페체르스카야 동굴 대수도원/Pechersk Lavra/Abbey/Cave/Church/Dnieper River
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 노홍석 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 10월 October
유럽,Europe,,우크라이나,Ukraine,,,노홍석,2006,10월 October
Lutheran Church in Ukraine
Lutheran Church-Canada missionary Pastor Alexey Navrotsky serves a growing Lutheran community of faith in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine • Καμιάνετς-Ποντίλσκι, Ουκρανία
Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine • Καμιάνετς-Ποντίλσκιι, Ουκρανία
Kamianets-Podilskyi is a city in western Ukraine. It's known for its well-preserved Old Town and Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle, a medieval fortress featuring several original towers. Castle Bridge, which leads to the city proper, also dates from the Middle Ages. The open-air Museum of Miniatures presents replicas of Ukrainian castles. Podilski Tovtry National Park is a huge nature preserve home to historical monuments.
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Breaking News | Ukraine marks Holy Trinity Day today
Breaking News | Ukraine marks Holy Trinity Day today
Breaking News | Ukraine marks Holy Trinity Day today
Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s President, and Volodymyr Groysman, the PM of Ukraine, congratulated the Easter Orthodox Christians with Holy Trinity (Trinity Sunday celebrates the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, - ed.). The Head of the State wished everyone welfare, joy and called for having faith in the victory of good. “Holy Trinity, or according to Ukrainian national traditions, the Green Holidays, is not just a joy of summer ...
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Церковь без единого гвоздя
Церковь без единого гвоздя. Новомосковск, Днепропетровская область. Свято-Троицкий собор построен в 1778 году на пожертвования казаков. Собор возведен в честь победы в русско-турецкой войне. При строительстве не использовались железные гвозди. Храм имеет девять куполов, и в настоящее время находится на частичной реставрации. Свято-Троицкий собор внесен в реестр ЮНЕСКО как культурный и исторический памятник Православия.
Church without a single nail. Novomoskovsk, the Dnepropetrovsk area. Holy Trinity Cathedral was built in 1778 on the donations of Cossacks. The cathedral was erected in honor of the victory in the Russian-Turkish war. During construction, iron nails were not used. The temple has nine domes, and is currently in partial restoration. The Holy Trinity Cathedral was included in the UNESCO Register as a cultural and historical monument of Orthodoxy.
GoPro: Девочки, байкеры и байки (1540 байков г. Днепропетровск)
Во время второго международного украинского фестиваля «The Best City.UA--2013» более тысячи байкеров из 6 стран установили новый рекорд Украины по количеству мотоциклистов, участвующих в одной колонне.
Колонна байкеров, сделав круг по Днепропетровску, доехала до Троицкого собора, где верующие люди поклонились мощам князя Владимира, а затем тысяча байкеров уехала веселиться в Новоселицу. На фестиваль приехали байкеры из Польши, Молдовы, Германии, России, Македонии. Участие приняли байкеры из 10 регионов Украины - Киевской, Днепропетровской, Запорожской, Черниговской, Львовской, Закарпатской, Харьковской, Донецкой и Луганской областей, а также из Крыма.
Рекорд был зафиксирован в Книге рекордов Украины как самая длинная колона байкеров, в которой проехало более тысячи мотоциклистов. Первый рекорд по количеству байкеров в колонне был установлен в 2007 году в Днепропетровске байк-клубом «Angels» в честь десятилетия клуба. Тогда в одной колонне проехало 850 байкеров.
During the second International Festival of Ukrainian «The Best City.UA-2013 more than a thousand bikers from 6 countries have set a new record of Ukraine in the number of motorcyclists involved in one column.A column of bikers, making a circle in Dnepropetrovsk, reached to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, where believers venerated the relics of Prince Vladimir, and then thousand bikers went to have fun in Novoselitsy. Bikers came to the festival from Poland, Moldova, Germany, Russia, Macedonia. Bikers participated from 10 regions of Ukraine - Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Chernihiv, Lviv, Transcarpathian, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as from the Crimea.The record was recorded in the Book of Records of Ukraine as the longest convoy of bikers, which have driven more than a thousand motorcyclists. The first record for the number of bikers in the column was installed in 2007 in Dnepropetrovsk bike-club «Angels» in honor of the decade of the club. Then, in the same column have driven 850 bikers.
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Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate
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The Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kiev Patriarchate (UOC-KP; Ukrainian: Украї́нська Правосла́вна Це́рква – Ки́ївський Патріарха́т (УПЦ-КП), translit. Ukrayínsʹka Pravoslávna Tsérkva – Kýyivsʹkyy Patriarkhát (UPTs-KP)) is one of the three major Orthodox churches in Ukraine, alongside the Ukrainian Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (which is a part of the Russian Orthodox Church), and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC).As a jurisdiction, the Kiev Patriarchate is unrecognised by the canonical Eastern Orthodox churches and is regarded as a schismatic grouping by the Moscow Patriarchate. Nevertheless, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew in early September 2018 indicated that the Church of Constantinople does not recognise the Moscow Patriarchate's claim to ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the region of today's Metropolis of Kiev; the decision by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of 11 October 2018 formally abrogated the legal consequences of the handover of the Kiev metropolis to Moscow effected in 1686, and thus de jure restored its ecclesiastical jurisdiction over Ukraine recognizing the bishops of the Kiev Patriarchate, along with those of the other two major jurisdictions, as canonical bishops of the Ecumenical throne of Constantinople.The St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kiev is the patriarchal cathedral of the UOC-KP. The primate of the church is Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko), who was enthroned in 1995. Filaret (Denysenko) was excommunicated by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1997, but the Synod and Sobor of the UOC-KP do not recognize this action.
Following the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople of 9–11 October 2018 Filaret (Denysenko) was canonically reinstated and the decision was made to proceed with the granting of autocephaly to the Church of Ukraine. As a consequence, the Kiev Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church are planning to merge with pro-independence bishops of the Moscow Patriarchate into an independent (autocephalous) Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is expected to receive a tomos—an ecclesiastical decree on autocephaly by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
GoPro: Новый рекорд Украины (1540 байков г Днепропетровск) 2 часть
Во время второго международного украинского фестиваля «The Best City.UA--2013» более тысячи байкеров из 6 стран установили новый рекорд Украины по количеству мотоциклистов, участвующих в одной колонне.
Колонна байкеров, сделав круг по Днепропетровску, доехала до Троицкого собора, где верующие люди поклонились мощам князя Владимира, а затем тысяча байкеров уехала веселиться в Новоселицу. На фестиваль приехали байкеры из Польши, Молдовы, Германии, России, Македонии. Участие приняли байкеры из 10 регионов Украины - Киевской, Днепропетровской, Запорожской, Черниговской, Львовской, Закарпатской, Харьковской, Донецкой и Луганской областей, а также из Крыма.
Рекорд был зафиксирован в Книге рекордов Украины как самая длинная колона байкеров, в которой проехало более тысячи мотоциклистов. Первый рекорд по количеству байкеров в колонне был установлен в 2007 году в Днепропетровске байк-клубом «Angels» в честь десятилетия клуба. Тогда в одной колонне проехало 850 байкеров.
During the second International Festival of Ukrainian «The Best City.UA-2013 more than a thousand bikers from 6 countries have set a new record of Ukraine in the number of motorcyclists involved in one column.A column of bikers, making a circle in Dnepropetrovsk, reached to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, where believers venerated the relics of Prince Vladimir, and then thousand bikers went to have fun in Novoselitsy. Bikers came to the festival from Poland, Moldova, Germany, Russia, Macedonia. Bikers participated from 10 regions of Ukraine - Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Chernihiv, Lviv, Transcarpathian, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as from the Crimea.The record was recorded in the Book of Records of Ukraine as the longest convoy of bikers, which have driven more than a thousand motorcyclists. The first record for the number of bikers in the column was installed in 2007 in Dnepropetrovsk bike-club «Angels» in honor of the decade of the club. Then, in the same column have driven 850 bikers.
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Russian lessons for foreigners
Patriarch Cyril's visit to Ukraine: the outcome
Dissolution of the Soviet Union | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Dissolution of the Soviet Union
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The dissolution of the Soviet Union occurred on 26 December 1991, officially granting self-governing independence to the Republics of the Soviet Union (USSR). It was a result of the declaration number 142-Н of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The declaration acknowledged the independence of the former Soviet republics and created the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), although five of the signatories ratified it much later or did not do so at all. On the previous day, 25 December, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union, resigned, declared his office extinct and handed over its powers—including control of the Soviet nuclear missile launching codes—to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. That evening at 7:32 p.m., the Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin for the last time and replaced with the pre-revolutionary Russian flag.Previously, from August to December all the individual republics, including Russia itself, had either seceded from the union or at the very least denounced the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR. The week before formal dissolution, eleven republics signed the Alma-Ata Protocol formally establishing the CIS and declaring that the USSR had ceased to exist. Both the Revolutions of 1989 and the dissolution of the USSR also marked the end of the Cold War.
Several of the former Soviet republics have retained close links with the Russian Federation and formed multilateral organizations such as the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Economic Community, the Union State, the Eurasian Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union to enhance economic and security cooperation. On the other hand, the Baltic states have joined NATO and the European Union.
Dissolution of the Soviet Union | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The dissolution of the Soviet Union occurred on 26 December 1991, officially granting self-governing independence to the Republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). It was a result of the declaration number 142-Н of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The declaration acknowledged the independence of the former Soviet republics and created the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), although five of the signatories ratified it much later or did not do so at all. On the previous day, 25 December, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and final leader of the USSR, resigned, declared his office extinct and handed over its powers—including control of the Soviet nuclear missile launching codes—to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. That evening at 7:32 p.m., the Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin for the last time and replaced with the pre-revolutionary Russian flag.Previously, from August to December all the individual republics, including Russia itself, had either seceded from the union or at the very least denounced the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR. The week before formal dissolution, eleven republics signed the Alma-Ata Protocol formally establishing the CIS and declaring that the USSR had ceased to exist. Both the Revolutions of 1989 and the dissolution of the USSR also marked the end of the Cold War.
Several of the former Soviet republics have retained close links with the Russian Federation and formed multilateral organizations such as the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Economic Community, the Union State, the Eurasian Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union to enhance economic and security cooperation. On the other hand, the Baltic states have joined NATO and the European Union.