4K - Château de Chambord - France
A new version with better colors and contrast is available here :
Château de Chambord, France (Loir-et-Cher), June 2017.
Chambord is the largest château in the Loire Valley. Construction started in 1519 and ended in 1547. It is located 170 km south of Paris, between Orléans and Tours, near Blois.
Safety : The drone is equiped with a parachute system in case of defect.
The Castle of Chambord, France
The most beautiful castle you can think of is this enormous building in de middle of France. Of special interest are the many chimney's for the 365 fire places inside this castle where once King Louis XIV resided during hunting seasons.
The music is by J.S. Bach, conducted by Trevor Pinnock
Loire, France: Château de Chambord
More info about travel to the Loire: With its huge scale and prickly silhouette, Château de Chambord is the most “must-see” of all of France's Loire Valley châteaux. If you hate crowds, you’ll like Chambord.
At you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
???????? FRANCE: Loire Valley, Part 1 - Château de Chambord ???????? ???? | TRAVEL VLOG #0104
Bonjour a Paris!
I’m here this morning near the catacombs in Paris to pick up the tour bus for an all day tour. It’s gonna last about 12 hours, and we’re leaving from central Paris and we’re going to 3 Châteaux, and we’re gonna do some wine tasting and I think it’s gonna be so much fun!
We will see the opulent Chateau Chambord, a working winery called Chateau Nitray, and the famous castle on the river, Chateau Chenonceau.
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At the time it was published, this video was not monetized or sponsored by any outside company, product, or other entity.
All opinions and reviews stated within the video are unsolicited and are my own or those of the people in the video.
Music from EpidemicSound.com
All contents ©Cindy McVey 2018
4K - Château Royal de Blois et Ville
FR : La très belle ville de Blois en France avec le Château Royal de Blois, sa Cathédrale Saint-Louis et l'Eglise Saint-Nicolas. Vidéo prise le 17/03/2019 avec un vent très important qui a limité les prises de vue et la stabilité.
EN : The beautiful city of Blois in France with the Royal Castle of Blois, its Cathedral Saint-Louis and the Church of St. Nicholas. Video taken on March 17, 2019 with a very strong wind which limited the shots and the stability.
Safety : The drone is equiped with an utomated and manual parachute system in case of defect.
Audio Credits :
Music Info: Cinematic Piano by AShamaluevMusic.
Music Info: Romantic Piano by AShamaluevMusic.
Music Link:
Discours de Louis XX devant le monument du Comte de Chambord - 31/05/2015
== En collaboration avec Le Lys de France ==
29, 30 et 31 mai 2015 : visite officielle de SAR Louis de Bourbon en Bretagne (Morbihan)
Discours de Monseigneur le Prince Louis de Bourbon, duc d’Anjou prononcé à la cérémonie de mémoire et de fidélité devant le monument du Comte de Chambord le 31 mai 2015.
Texte du discours sur :
© 2015 - Vexilla Galliae - Tous droits réservés
12 Most Amazing Chateaux in France
France has some of the most beautiful and incredible castles and chateaux in the WORLD; Here are 12 Most Amazing Chateaux in France !
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12. Azay-le-Rideau
11. Chenonceau
10. Château d'Ussé
9. Château de Blois
8. De Sully Sur Loire
7. Le Château de Langeais
6. Chateau Villandry
5. Château des Ducs de Bretagne
Despite the name, this chateau is not situated in the province of Bretagne or (Brittany in English) but in the heart of the city of Nantes, in western France, in the Loire-Atlantique department. However it was apart of Bretagne up until 1941. It served as the residence for the Dukes of Brittany and is entirely surrounded by a moat. In 1466 it was reconstructed with. This chateaux serves as a museum to visitors of Nantes currently whichs hosts a variety of different exhibits. Originally built as a military fortress, that role disappeared in the late 16th century. The most notable historical event that took places here was the signing of the Edict of Nantes, which gave protestants newly found rights at a time when France was primarily Catholic.
4. Château de Chantilly
Finally we venture off from the the renaissance style Loire River valley chateaux and in to the town of Chantilly, located Northeast of Paris. This chateau is comprised of two main part s, the Petit Chateau built in the 16th century and the Grand Chateau which was destroyed d uring the French Revolution but later repaired in the 1870’s. What you mostly need to know abo ut this chateau is that it’s the current location of the Musée Condé
which houses the 2nd largest collection of paintings in France only after the Louvre. This includes works by Raphael, Fra Angelico, Nicholas Poussin.
3. Fountainebleau
Located Southwest of Paris, the Fontainebleau is certainly one of largest chateaux and palaces in France. Its origins date back to the 1100’s and used by French Royalty from Louis VII to
Napoleon III. Completely surrounded by forests and artificial lakes, it was a favorite hunting lodge of Royalty. The medieval castle that stood at this location was given a serious upgrade by the architect, Gilles Le Breton once again by Francois I. King Henry the IV made additional upgrades to the palace, devoting much time to the parks and gardens around the chateau. This lavish palace even served as a prison to Pope Pius after Napoleon had conquered the papal states. It continued to serve as the residence for Napoleon and Napoleon’s relatives, and their bedrooms were quite decorated! Many leaders of France have had their own bedroom here but one of the most impressive is that of Queen-Mother Anne of Austria, that we see here. The history of this amazing chateau continues even 2nd world war where it was used as a headquarters for Nato until 1966.
2. Chambord
The most well-known and debatably the most amazing chateau in the Loire River Valley is the Château de Chambord. It displays distinct French renaissance architecture and when construction began 1519, it was built specifically to act as the hunting lodge of Francois I. Francois spared no expense in having this one completed, and some believe that Leonardo Da Vinci was even involved in the design. The primary architect was Domenico da Cortona from Italy, who also helped design the Hotel de Ville in Paris. The northwestern facade of this iconic building is quite imposing and it displays nearly perfect symmetry. This could certainly be most impressive building constructed under the impactful rule of Francois I.
The most well-known and popular chateau to visit in France is often considered to be the chateau of Versailles, located in the Ile-de-France region, situated 12 miles southwest of Paris. This was also originally built as a royal hunting lodge and it’s a prime example of royalty in France indulging before the French revolution. Construction began with king Louis the XIII it quickly became the new seat of French Royalty and the home of King Louis XIV. The h all of mirrors is renown for it’s elegance and numerous chandeliers. Here we see the opulent queens apartment that you can tell is pretty fancy! The sophisticated gardens of Versailles are unmatched in France and complete with orangeries. It’s been the location of many important treaties that would change history and is estimated to be worth 50 billion dollars, but it’s not for sale!
Palace of Fontainebleau Video Guide ???????? France Best Places - Travel & Discover
The Palace of Fontainebleau or château de fontainebleau, located 55 kilometres (34 miles) southeast of the centre of Paris, in the commune of Fontainebleau, is one of the largest French royal châteaux. The medieval castle and subsequent palace served as a residence for the French monarchs from Louis VII to Napoleon III. It is now a national museum and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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Henri V, Comte de Chambord
Le domaine national de Chambord vous propose de redécouvrir les 7 salles consacrées à Henri de Bourbon, petit-fils de Charles X et héritier désigné du trône de France.
Au fil de la vie du dernier héritier des Bourbons, les nouvelles salles rappellent à la fois l'histoire d'un homme et d'un moment politique crucial du XIXe siècle. Ces nouveaux espaces permettent de redécouvrir la richesse des collections de tableaux, d'objets d'art ou de gravures de Chambord. Les visiteurs pourront admirer des objets personnels et documents d’archives du comte de Chambord et de sa famille Les nouvelles salles évoquent aussi l’histoire du château de Chambord et de son parc au XIXe siècle, alors qu’il est ouvert au public et inscrit sur la première liste des Monuments historiques.
Comédien : Nicolas Lormeau, sociétaire de la Comédie française
Chateaux of the Loire Valley - France
The châteaux, numbering more than three hundred, represent a nation of builders starting with the necessary castle fortifications in the 10th century to the splendor of those built half a millennium later. When the French kings began constructing their huge châteaux here, the nobility, not wanting or even daring to be far from the seat of power, followed suit. Their presence in the lush, fertile valley began attracting the very best landscape designers.
Château de Valençay.
By the middle of the 16th century, King Francois I had shifted the center of power in France from the Loire back to the ancient capital of Paris. With him went the great architects, but the Loire Valley continued to be the place where most of the French royalty preferred to spend the bulk of their time. The ascension of King Louis XIV in the middle of the 17th century made Paris the permanent site for great royal châteaux when he built the Palace of Versailles. Nonetheless, those who gained the king's favour and the wealthy bourgeoisie continued to renovate existing châteaux or build lavish new ones as their summer residence in the Loire.
The French Revolution saw a number of the great French châteaux destroyed and many ransacked, their treasures stolen. The overnight impoverishment of many of the deposed nobility, usually after one of its members lost their head to the guillotine, saw many châteaux demolished. During World War I and World War II, some chateaux were commandeered as military headquarters. Some of these continued to be used this way after the end of WWII.
Today, these privately owned châteaux serve as homes, a few open their doors to tourist visits, while others are operated as hotels or bed and breakfasts. Many have been taken over by a local government authority or the giant structures like those at Chambord are owned and operated by the national government and are major tourist sites, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. ( source Wikipedia )
Hôtel - Le Relais de Chambord 4* SLH - Domaine national de Chambord
S’arrêter, le temps d’une halte à Chambord aux confins de la campagne française, à moins de deux heures de Paris, est une expérience inoubliable.
Le Relais de Chambord, nouvellement restauré dans le respect absolu d’un site exceptionnel, offre le charme d’une grande maison de campagne allié au confort souverain d’un hôtel contemporain et chaleureux.
Sa situation incomparable, au cœur du plus grand parc forestier clos d’Europe, et sa proximité historique avec l’œuvre majestueuse et mondialement reconnue du roi François 1er en fait une destination réellement unique ! À l’ombre d’un monument renaissance, répertorié sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, vous pourrez vous y reposer sereinement, profiter des plaisirs de nos tables et pourquoi pas, vous adonner aux multiples activités tournées vers le bien-être, la nature et la culture.
Le Relais de Chambord vous accueille au fil des saisons pour des séjours remarquables.
Place Saint Louis
41250 Chambord,
Accès via le parking bus P1
+33 (0)2 54 81 01 01
RDV à Chambord / Ouverture des carnassiers - CF : Le Mag
Au programme :
Focus chasse : Le domaine national de Chambord fête ses 5 siècles !
Focus pêche : Ouverture des carnassiers
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En 2017, Chambord vu du ciel
Venir au Château de Chambord, ce n’est pas seulement visiter un château, c’est explorer un univers en soi qui laisse un souvenir impérissable ! En 2017, Chambord s'est transformé de façon spectaculaire : le château a retrouvé ses jardins à la française.
Vidéo : Drone Contrast
Chateau de Chambord
Chambord è il più grande castello nella Valle della Loira
Le voyage de la pierre - Bande-annonce - 500 ans du Château de Chambord
Embarquez pour les 500 ans du château de Chambord !
Du dimanche 1er au vendredi 6 septembre 2019, participez aux festivités des 500 ans du château de Chambord
Il y a 500 ans, le 6 septembre 1519, François Ier nomme François de Pontbriand à la superintendance des travaux de construction du château de Chambord. Le chantier est Officiellement ouvert ! C’est pour commémorer cette date anniversaire symbolique que le Domaine national de Chambord a souhaité proposer l’événement spectaculaire « Le Voyage de la pierre ».
Une fête du territoire fédérant 60 institutions, associations et groupes de passionnés, pour célébrer ensemble les 500 ans de l’une des plus stupéfiantes constructions de la Renaissance, mais aussi l’histoire et le patrimoine de la vallée de la Loire.
Depuis la région tourangelle, cinq associations de mariniers de Loire – La Rabouilleuse, Boutavant, Millière Raboton, Observatoire Loire & Les Marins du Port de Chambord retraceront le parcours historique des pierres de tuffeau, utilisées pour la construction du château au XVIe siècle.
Les escales de ce train exceptionnel de bateaux seront l’occasion de mettre en avant la richesse du patrimoine et des savoir-faire ligériens.
Tours – dimanche 1er septembre
Amboise – mardi 3 septembre
Chargé & Chaumont-sur-Loire – mercredi 4 septembre
Blois – jeudi 5 septembre
Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire – vendredi 6 septembre
Chambord : une soirée anniversaire exceptionnelle
Le vendredi 6 septembre, après une arrivée spectaculaire au port de Saint-Dyé, la pierre sera acheminée par charriot jusqu’à Chambord.
Le voyage de la pierre s’achèvera par une soirée festive, gratuite et ouverte à tous à partir de 19h.
Au programme:
19h : Arrivée de la pierre & Cérémonie de clôture officielle du « Voyage de la pierre »
20h : Concert
22h : Spectacle numérique sur écrans d’eau
22h30 : Grand feu d’artifice
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Château de Chambord 2019 (après rénovation).
Film de 8 minutes réalisé en août 2019, lors de la visite du château de Chambord rénové, qui montre : l'extérieur, l'intérieur, les terrasses et les toits, la salle des carrosses et les jardins.
Les Châteaux de la Loire (Chambord, Chenonceau, Amboise, Valençay et Chaumont sur Loire) en drone. Découvrez les emblématiques châteaux renaissances placés au bords de la Loire et du Cher avec des vues aériennes inédites.
00:00 - 00:44 : Château de Chenonceau
00:44 - 00:54 : Château de Valençay
00:56 - 01:11 : Château d'Amboise
01:12 - 01:16 : Château de Chaumont sur Loire
01:17 - 01:53 : Château de Chambord
Site Web : romainbranger.fr
Réalisation : Romain Branger
Chambord retrouve ses jardins du temps de Louis XIV
C'est un grand chantier de 2 millions d'euros qui va occuper pour plusieurs années la face nord de Chambord. Grâce aux plans de Jules Hardouin-Mansart, grand architecte de Louis XIV, on va recréer à l'identique les 10 ha de jardins du Roi Soleil et du Maréchal de Saxe. En attendant, on dégage les pistolets à eau du son et lumière, qui ne brillera donc pas cet été.
Chambord reconstitué en 3D
Extrait de l'émission Des Racines et Des Ailes : Rêves de pierre diffusée le 07/10/2015.
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LOUIS XX - 1200 ans des SACRES - REIMS
Dans le cadre du 1200° anniversaire du Premier sacre, celui de Louis le Pieux, nous vous propos de re-vivre le résumé de cette journée festive et d'inauguration de la Plaque commémorative des Sacres de nos Roys de France. Une Donation conjointe du vénérable Institut Louis de Bourbon et de la vénérable société des amis de la Cathédrale de Reims.
Discours de :
son Excellence Monseigneur l'Archevêque de Reims,
Monsieur le président de la société des amis de la Cathédrale,
Monsieur le député-maire de Reims,
son Altesse Royale Louis XX, Roy de France de Jure,
- Octobre 2016 -
Les Chantres du Thoronet, sous la direction de Damien POISBLAUD ont fait revivre les chants Liturgiques du sacre de Louis le Pieux dans une cathédrale comble, en fin de journée.