saat jalan - jalan santai di musim gugur menuju musim dingin
.. hawa mulai dingin...
hem,, beli topi dulu ah,,,
.. biar hangat, makan yang hangat - hangat
ada jagung manis...
turkey punyooo
ENKA's Cardboard Challenge in Sakarya/TURKEY 2014
“The Global Cardboard Challenge is an annual event presented by the Imagination Foundation that celebrates child creativity and the role communities can play in fostering it. For more information, visit cardboardchallenge.com.“
We are Adapazarı Enka School and we are a “Changemaker” school in Sakarya, Turkey. After we watched Caine's Arcade video we got so inspired that we just had to join this challenge with our 3rd and 4th grade students. After a month working on our cardboard arcade we presented our games on 10th October 2014 to our classmates, parents, teachers … Basically to the whole school community. This video shows you only a glimpse of all the fun we had. It was a great learning experience and a good creative challenge. Thank you for supporting our creativity with this challenge.
Here is our websites for cardboardchallenge,facebook and twitter:
Filmmaker is: Esra Dagtekin-Visual Art Teacher
Sountrack :
Sakarya: Huzur Coğrafyası - Tanıtım Filmi 2015 - 4K (311 sn)
Doğu Marmara Kalkınma Ajansı tarafından Sakarya Valiliği ve Sakarya İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü İş Birliği ile Hazırlanmıştır.
Müzeleri gezme serimiz devam ediyor. 17 Ağustos 1999'da binlerce canımız gitti. Sakarya Deprem Kültür Müzesi'ni gezip yaşananları kendi gözümle görmek istedim. Ayrıca müzede beğenmediğim yerleri açık açık söyledim. Umarım dikkate alınır. Sorularınızı ve çekmemi istediğiniz başka videolar varsa yorum olarak yazabilirsiniz.
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Diğer videolarımı izlemek için tıklayabilirsiniz :
Selam! Ben Ritüel. Gerçek adım Abdullah Enes Dürüşken. 9 Temmuz 1994'te Eskişehir'de doğdum. Rap müzik sanatçısıyım. Kanalımda her çeşit video yayınlıyorum.
Birgün bir yerlerde karşılaşırız elbet :)
Eveeeet! Müzeler serimiz sonunda başladı! İlk müzemiz Sakarya Müzesi diğer adıyla Atatürk Evi'ni gezdik. Sorularınızı ve çekmemi istediğiniz başka videolar varsa yorum olarak yazabilirsiniz.
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Diğer videolarımı izlemek için tıklayabilirsiniz :
Selam! Ben Ritüel. Gerçek adım Abdullah Enes Dürüşken. 9 Temmuz 1994'te Eskişehir'de doğdum. Rap müzik sanatçısıyım. Kanalımda her çeşit video yayınlıyorum.
Birgün bir yerlerde karşılaşırız elbet :)
9.0 Deprem Anı Korkutucu Gürültü - Adapazarı Deprem Müzesi
Bursa Gezilecek Yerler Listesi Diye Bir Seri Kanal da Paylaşıyorum.Bu Seride İse Zamanda Yolculuk Yapıp 17 Ağustos 1999 Yılında Gerçekleşen Adapazarı Deprem indeki Büyük Felaket Sonucu Meydana Gelen Büyük Felaket e Farkındalık Yaratmak Amacı İle Bir Video Hazırladım.Deprem'in Ne Zaman Ve Nerede Olacağını Ne Kadar Şiddetli Ve Etkili Olacağını Kesin Olarak Bilemeyiz Ama Önceki Yıllarda Yaşanmış Olan Felaketlerden Dersler Çıkartıp Deprem Veya Hangi Doğal Afet Olursa Olsun Bu Felaketler Meydana Gelmeden Önlemlerini Alabilir Her Türlü Yaşamsal Faaliyet Gösteren Yapıların Temellerini Sağlamlaştırarak Ve İnsan lara Bu Konularda Eğitimler Verip Bilgilendirebilirsek Felaketlerin Sonuçlarını Minimum a İndirebiliriz.Ayrıca Deprem Müzesi nde 9.0DepremAnı Test Ettiğimiz Görüntüde Bulunmakta Ve Gerçekten Sahtesi Bile Korku Filmi Gibi.Videoyu İzlediyseniz Ön Plana Çıkması İçin Beğenip Olabildiğince Çok Kişiye Ulaşıp Unutturmamak İçin Paylaşırsanız Sevinirim.Unutmayın Felaketler Her An Gerçekleşebilir Bu Yüzden Bu Konularda Bilgi Edinip Önceden Önlemlerini Almanız Yararınıza Olacaktır.Herkese İyi Seyirler
Kevin MacLeod sanatçısının Comfortable Mystery 4 - Film Noire adlı şarkısı, Creative Commons Attribution lisansı ( altında lisanslıdır.
KOK 26.08.2019 IN TURKEY/ SAKARYA ❗️
Hierapolis Museum, Pamukkale, Denizli, Aegean Region, Turkey, Asia
The Roman Bath, one of the biggest buildings of Hierapolis antique city, has been used as the site of the Hierapolis Archaeology Museum since 1984. In this museum, alongside the historical artifacts which were found in Hierapolis, there are some artifacts from Laodiceia, Colossae, Tripolis, Attuda and other towns of the Lycos valley. In addition to these, the museum has a large section devoted to artifacts found at Beycesultan Hüyük and which includes some of the most beautiful examples of Bronze Age craft. Artifacts which have come from the Caria, Pisidia and Lydia regions are also on display in this museum. The museum's exhibition space consists of three closed areas of the Hierapolis Bath and open areas in the eastern side, which are known to have been used as the library and the gymnasium. The artifacts in the open exhibition space are mostly marble and stone. This room contains finds from the excavations in Hierepolis and Laodiceia, including sarcophagi, statues, gravestones, pedestals, pillars and inscriptions. Among these artifacts there are statues of Tyche, Dionysus, Pan, Asklepios, Isis, Demeter and Trion which, although executed by the Romans, were inspired by the Hellenistic tradition. The representations of local customs on family tombs are particularly interesting. The most beautiful examples of baked earth sarcophagi are specific to this area. One of the most valuable works of art in this room is the sarcophagus belonging to a certain Arhom, of the 'Sidemare' type. On it is an inscription to Maximilian, and it is the finest work to emerge from the ancient towns of Lahdi and Laodicia. In this room, there are small findings from several civilizations of the last 4,000 years. These works, which are displayed in chronological order include works from many archaeological sites in and around Denizli. A special importance is given to the findings from Beycesultan Höyük. These discoveries are an example of an ancient civilization. These works, which were found in the excavation conducted by the British Institute of Archaeology include idols, baked earth bowls, libation cups, seals and other stone artifacts. In other parts of the room are displayed objects from the Frigan, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine period such as glass cups, necklaces, gemstones and earthenware lamps. This room also contains an important sequence of ancient coins arranged in chronological order. The earliest of these coins were minted in the 6th century AD and the display proceeds through the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Selçuk and Ottoman periods with coins of gold, silver and bronze. In this room, decorative works from the theater of Hierapolis, most of which have been restored, are displayed. Some of the reliefs of the scenery building remain in site but parts of them have been replaced by copies. In the works that are found in the room there are reliefs devoted to the myth of Apollo and Artemis, the delights of Dionysos and the coronotion of the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. There are depictions of the abduction of Persephone by Hades, Apollo, Leto, Artemis, and Hades and sculpted sphinxes. Sculpted relief reminiscent of Attalus and Eumenes are on display. Inscriptions describing the coronation of the goddess Hierapolis and decisions of the assembly concerning the theater may be seen.
5 facts about Gagauzes
Gagauzia is an autonomous region of Moldova. Gagauzes are a Turkic people. Their language is similar to Crimean Tatar. These are 5 facts about Gagauzes.
TMN Turkish Art Concert (Türk Sanat Müziği )
In het kader van 400 jarige diplomatieke en handelsrelaties tussen Nederland en Turkije organiseren Stichting Partnerstad Delft-Adapazarı, het Conservatorium van Sakarya Universiteit en het Turks Museum Nederland gezamenlijk een Turkish Art Music concert op zaterdag 24 november 2012 bij het gebouw van het Turks Museum Nederland te Den Haag. Verschillende melodieën, toonladders en maten horen dan wat je gewend bent? Dan ben je van harte welkom op de Turkse muzikale avond jou aangeboden wordt door deze samenwerkende organisaties.
Datum : 24 november 2012
Aanvang : 17:00u
Start van het concert: 18:00u
Plaats : Turks Museum Nederland
Westhovenplein 125, 2532 BE Den Haag
De groep NEHAVENK werkzaam aan het Conservatorium van de Universiteit van Sakarya, bestaat uit: 6 personen waarvan 1 soliste en is in 2011 opgericht. Ze hebben eerder al concerten in het buitenland gegeven, zoals bijv. in hun andere partnerstad Karlsruhe en in Cyprus. Het ensemble heeft een rijk repertoire uit de Turkse klassieke muziek en het publiek kan genieten van de unieke instrumenten zoals de kanun (soort citer), de ud (luit), ney (fluit), klassiek Kemence (soort driesnarige viool afkomstig uit het Zwarte Zeegebied).Het concert duurt ongeveer 70 minuten en na afloop kan je onder het genot van koffie/thee (eigen rekening) genieten van een stukje echte Turkse baklava.Korte geschiedenis van de Turkse muziek
Turkse muziek is net zo oud als de Turkse taal en is gedateerd naar schatting 3500 v.Christus. Maar omdat er geen geschriften uit die tijd bestaan zijn er geen exacte data bekend. In de loop der tijden is de klassieke Turkse muziek vanuit de traditionele Turkse volksmuziek ontstaan. De klassieke Turkse muziek heeft zich aan de Ottomaanse hoven en Soefi -- kloosters (soefisme:benaming van een van de mystieke stromingen in de islam) verder ontwikkeld.
Gorusmek uzere !! (Tot ziens !!)
De besturen van:
Stichting Partnerstad Delft-Adapazari
Conservatorium van Sakarya Universiteit
Turks Museum Nederland
toyota fabrikasında araç yapımı
Türkiye’nin ilk deprem müzesi 13 yıldır deprem anını yaşatıyor
Sakarya’da Adapazarı Belediyesi tarafından yaptırılan Türkiye’nin ilk deprem müzesi 13 yıldır vatandaşlara deprem anını yaşatıyor. Adapazarı Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürü Özkan Gümülcineli yaptığı açıklamada, “Yapılaşmada asıl görev belediyelerin, vatandaşlarımızda bunların bilincinde olmalı” dedi
Turkey | Heritage Sites of Turkey | World Of Heritage
Modern Turkey is the heart of one of the earliest human settlements. Starting from the advent of Greeks, it was later colonized by Romans and renamed Constantinople, a name whose fame spread far and wide. It then became the capital as well as the centre of trade of the next conqueror, the Ottoman Empire, in the middle of the 15th century.
The reason for this history lesson is that Turkey is a country that just resonates with history and culture. Despite its modernity, Turkey still maintains semblances of all the empires that once ruled it. The art and architecture and culture are amalgamations of different eras with the strongest influence being the Byzantine (Roman) and Ottoman rule.
You might not be able to witness the eras it once did, but you can certainly take a step back in time by learning about the historical and cultural significance of modern-day Turkey.
Turkey has been the site of a succession of historical empires. Famous places to visit in Turkey are the Topkapi Palace, Sulaymaniyah Mosque one of the grandest Ottoman mosques and the Byzantine Church which is still a place for religious worship.
One must also visit the famous site of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, it is also famous for its Turkish Hammams. Other historical places to visit include the City of Troy, Ephesus on the Ionian coast, Pergamon, Hatusha the ancient site, Catalhoyuk, Cappadocia and the Diyarbakir fortress which has the highest defensive walls.
The Heritage sites of the world are celebrated for having great cultural or historical significance, and it doesn’t hurt that they are also often majestic and awe-inspiring.
Every country has its own monuments and cultural heritage, which you can explore in our series World of Heritage. This series also features all the celebrated heritage sites on our planet as decided by the UNESCO.
Adapazarı-İstanbul(pendik) İzmit istasyonu çıkış (Turkish railways) railway station
Sakarya Arkeoloji Müzesi
Created by VideoShow:
TMN Turkish Art Concert (Türk Sanat Müziği ) - ASURE IKRAMI
In het kader van 400 jarige diplomatieke en handelsrelaties tussen Nederland en Turkije organiseren Stichting Partnerstad Delft-Adapazarı, het Conservatorium van Sakarya Universiteit en het Turks Museum Nederland gezamenlijk een Turkish Art Music concert op zaterdag 24 november 2012 bij het gebouw van het Turks Museum Nederland te Den Haag. Verschillende melodieën, toonladders en maten horen dan wat je gewend bent? Dan ben je van harte welkom op de Turkse muzikale avond jou aangeboden wordt door deze samenwerkende organisaties.
Datum : 24 november 2012
Aanvang : 17:00u
Start van het concert: 18:00u
Plaats : Turks Museum Nederland
Westhovenplein 125, 2532 BE Den Haag
De groep NEHAVENK werkzaam aan het Conservatorium van de Universiteit van Sakarya, bestaat uit: 6 personen waarvan 1 soliste en is in 2011 opgericht. Ze hebben eerder al concerten in het buitenland gegeven, zoals bijv. in hun andere partnerstad Karlsruhe en in Cyprus. Het ensemble heeft een rijk repertoire uit de Turkse klassieke muziek en het publiek kan genieten van de unieke instrumenten zoals de kanun (soort citer), de ud (luit), ney (fluit), klassiek Kemence (soort driesnarige viool afkomstig uit het Zwarte Zeegebied).Het concert duurt ongeveer 70 minuten en na afloop kan je onder het genot van koffie/thee (eigen rekening) genieten van een stukje echte Turkse baklava.Korte geschiedenis van de Turkse muziek
Turkse muziek is net zo oud als de Turkse taal en is gedateerd naar schatting 3500 v.Christus. Maar omdat er geen geschriften uit die tijd bestaan zijn er geen exacte data bekend. In de loop der tijden is de klassieke Turkse muziek vanuit de traditionele Turkse volksmuziek ontstaan. De klassieke Turkse muziek heeft zich aan de Ottomaanse hoven en Soefi -- kloosters (soefisme:benaming van een van de mystieke stromingen in de islam) verder ontwikkeld.
Gorusmek uzere !! (Tot ziens !!)
De besturen van:
Stichting Partnerstad Delft-Adapazari
Conservatorium van Sakarya Universiteit
Turks Museum Nederland
Adapazarı Deprem Müzesi
Şehir rehberi olmaya kalkışmak zor iş. Ve buna kalkışmışsanız şehirde ziyaret etmeniz gereken en önemli mekanlar müzelerdir. Çünkü şehirlerin tarihini derinden buralarda bulursunuz. Biz de 99'da içimizde derin yaralara sebep olmuş olan Marmara depremini bize her daim hatırlatan ve vefat eden insanların anısına kurulmuş olan Deprem Müzesini ziyaret etmekle başladık. Umarım bu müze tanıtım videomuzu beğenirsiniz. Fikirleriniz bizim için çok önemli. İzledikten sonra değerlendirmenizi yazarsanız çok seviniriz. Bir sonraki videomuzda görüşmek üzere! :)
İzmit Kocaeli Tanıtım, İzmit Manzaraları, İzmit Gece Manzaraları, İzmit Caddeleri
İzmit Tanıtım, İzmit gece Görünümü, İzmit Geceleri, İzmit Manzaraları, Kocaeli manzara, Kocaeli Tanıtım filmi, İzmit tanıtım Filmi 2012,
Deprem Müzesi önünde gergin anlar
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