Foot Bath and Great View at Sakurajima Nagisa Park at Sakurajima, Kagoshima
I recommend you to go to Sakurajima Yogan Park after your arrival on Sakurajima.
At this park, you can take a foot bath for free.
It is wonderful to make yourself relaxed while viewing a wonderful scenery of Kagoshima City over the strait.
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Japan Travel: Nagisa Park Foot Bath with pleasant foot baths Sakurajima ,Kagoshima
Japan Trip: new life after eruption Nagisa Lava Trail Sakurajima ,Kagoshima
These pleasant foot baths are a great place to take a break observing Sakurajima. The baths are very long and stretch for dozens of meters. From the baths there are also respectable views onto the bay and across the water to Kagoshima City. A towel can be purchased at visitor center near the park.
Admission: Free
Sakurajima, one of Japan's most active volcanoes and is the symbol of Kagoshima. The volcano emits smoke constantly, and minor eruptions often occur many times per day. Located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay, Sakurajima is the area's most splendid geographic feature as it is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay. It has an elevation of 1117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers. A Powerful eruption happened and burned everything in 1914, however, grasses and plants are growing these days.
Access information
In Sakurajima
Travelers visiting Sakurajima can find many attractions just around the Ferry Terminal, including an onsen, foot baths, short hiking trails and an information center. Those who would like to further explore the volcano should travel by rental car, which can be taken across the water from Kagoshima by the ferries. Sightseeing buses, regular buses and rental bicycles are other possible methods of travel.
The way up to Sakurajima
Kagoshima and Sakurajima are connected around the clock by frequent ferries. The one way ride takes 15 minute and costs 160 yen. The ferry terminal is a ten minute walk from JR Kagoshima Station or a five minute walk from the Suizokukan-guchi tram stop, and is also served by the City View Buses.
There are also regular city buses that run infrequently from the ferry terminal along the northern coast (departures every 1-3 hours) and along the southern coast (departures every 40-90 minutes) of Sakurajima.
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Japan Trip: Nagisa Park Foot Bath observing Sakurashima Kagoshima, Japan
Japan Trip: Nagisa Park Foot Bath observing Sakurashima Kagoshima, Japan
【004】Kagoshima Nagisa Park Foot Bath
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These pleasant foot baths are a great place to take a break observing Sakurajima. The baths are very long and stretch for dozens of meters. From the baths there are also respectable views onto the bay and across the water to Kagoshima City. A towel can be purchased at visitor center near the park.
Admission: Free
Sakurajima, one of Japan's most active volcanoes and is the symbol of Kagoshima. The volcano emits smoke constantly, and minor eruptions often occur many times per day. Located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay, Sakurajima is the area's most splendid geographic feature as it is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay. It has an elevation of 1117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers. A Powerful eruption happened and burned everything in 1914, however, grasses and plants are growing these days.
Access information
In Sakurajima
Travelers visiting Sakurajima can find many attractions just around the Ferry Terminal, including an onsen, foot baths, short hiking trails and an information center. Those who would like to further explore the volcano should travel by rental car, which can be taken across the water from Kagoshima by the ferries. Sightseeing buses, regular buses and rental bicycles are other possible methods of travel.
The way up to Sakurajima
Kagoshima and Sakurajima are connected around the clock by frequent ferries. The one way ride takes 15 minute and costs 160 yen. The ferry terminal is a ten minute walk from JR Kagoshima Station or a five minute walk from the Suizokukan-guchi tram stop, and is also served by the City View Buses.
There are also regular city buses that run infrequently from the ferry terminal along the northern coast (departures every 1-3 hours) and along the southern coast (departures every 40-90 minutes) of Sakurajima.
Sakurajima Yogan Nagisa Park & Footbath
【K】Japan Travel-Kagoshima[일본 여행-가고시마]사쿠라지마 용암나기사공원 족탕 체험/Sakurajima/Lava Nagisa Park/Sea/Foot Bath
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
사쿠라지마 항구 옆에는 대형 족탕이 마련되어 있다. 길이가 100여 미터로 일본 최대 규모의 족탕이라고 한다. 여행자들은 이곳에서 지친 발걸음을 멈추고 바다를 바라보면서 평화스런 분위기에 젖어든다. 100여 년전 이곳에서는 섬을 집어삼킨 엄청난 대폭발이 있었고, 앞으로도 예측불가능한 자연의 변덕에 운명을 맡길 수밖에 없지만 지금 이곳에는 그저 평온만이 있을 뿐이다.
[English: Google Translator]
Sakurajima next to the port is provided with a large footbath. Called length is Japan's largest footbath to 100 meters. Travelers costs peaceful atmosphere immersed in the footsteps stopped and looked tired at the sea from here. In more than 100 years ago, there was a huge explosion swallowed up the island, forced to leave the fate of the future, but the unpredictable whims of nature where there is only now just be calm only.
[Japanese: Google Translator]
桜島港の隣には大型足湯が設けられている。長さが100メートルで、日本最大規模の足湯という。旅行者は、ここで疲れた足を止めて海を眺めながら平和な雰囲気に浸る。 100年前、ここでは、島を入れて飲み込んだ巨大な大爆発があったし、これからも予測不可能な自然の気まぐれに運命を任せるしかありませんが、今ここにはただ平穏のみがあるだけだ。
■클립명: 아시아036-일본08-23 사쿠라지마 용암나기사공원 족탕 체험/Sakurajima/Lava Nagisa Park/Sea/Foot Bath
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤한용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 8월 August
아시아,Asia,,일본,Japan,Nihon,Nippon,윤한용,2009,8월 August,규슈,Kyushu,Kyushu,큐슈,구주
Sakurajima in all its glory!
This video is about how we got to Sakurajima and some of the things we saw in a brief 1 hour bus ride. We also walked along the Nagisa promenade, and soaked our feet in the foot bath, which has one of the most scenic views ever. I also show you the Sakurajima Dinosaur Park, the Nagisa trail, some of its ashes in Kagoshima-shi (where I currently live), the Yunohira observatory, the Arimura lookout point, the All-night concert monument, the ferry schedules, etc. Not in that order.
I definitely recommend anyone that comes to Kagoshima to visit the island which is not a full island anymore. It is more of a peninsula.
I hope that this video is somewhat helpful.
More on my life in Japan at
Tea Roots Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Wisata Jepang : Menikmati Foot Spa taman Nagisa yang nyaman di Sakurajima, Kagoshima
Wisata Jepang : Menikmati Foot Spa taman Nagisa yang nyaman di Sakurajima, Kagoshima
【004】Kagoshima Nagisa Park Foot Bath
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Area foot spa ini adalah tempat yang nyaman karena wisatawan bisa merelaksasikan kaki sejenak sambil mengamati Sakurajima. Bak airnya untuk merendam kaki sangat panjang sampai puluhan meter. Sambil merendam kaki di bak air ini, wisatawan bisa melepas lelah dengan memandangi teluk dan kota Kagoshima di seberang sana. Handuk bisa dibeli di dekat taman. Tidak dipungut biaya untuk masuk ke tempat ini. Sakurajima adalah salah satu gunung volkano paling aktif di Jepang, merupakan simbol dari Kagoshima. Gunung berapi ini masih aktiv mengeluarkan asap dan sesekali mengeluarkan letusan-letusan kecil. Berlokasi di tengah teluk Kagoshima. Memiliki ketinggian sekitar 1117 meter dan luas lingkaran 50 km. Sebuah letusan dasyat pernah terjadi pada tahun 1914 dan mengakibatkan kebakaran di seluruh wilayah sekitarnya namun saat ini rerumputan dan tumbuhan sudah mulai tumbuh lagi. Wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Sakurajima dapat menemukan obyek wisata seperti onsen, foot spa dan jalur hiking pendek yang jarak semuanya tidak jauh dari dermaga feri. Wisatawan ingin lebih mengeksplorasi gunung berapi harus melakukan perjalanan dengan mobil sewaan. Tempat sewa mobil bisa ditemukan di sekitar dermaga feri. Atau juga bisa naik bus wisata, bus reguler. Bagi yang ingin lebih santai, bisa menyewa sepeda sebagai alternatif lainnya. Kagoshima dan Sakurajima terhubung dengan feri, memakan waktu 15 menit dan biayanya sekitar 160 yen. Dermaga feri bisa dicapai sekitar sepuluh menit berjalan kaki dari stasiun JR Kagoshima atau lima menit berjalan kaki dari halte trem Suizokukan-guchi, selain itu juga tersedia bus City View .
Ada juga bus kota reguler yang melewati sepanjang pantai utara (keberangkatannya setiap 1-3 jam) dan yang melewati sepanjang pantai selatan (keberangkatannya setiap 40-90 menit) dari Sakurajima. *
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[한국어 정보]
규슈 섬 남서쪽, 일본 열도의 최남단인 가고시마는 한겨울에도 기온이 섭씨 10도를 넘나들 정도로 따뜻한 곳이다. 나는 먼저 가고시마 시에서 여정을 시작했다. 가고시마 시 어디에서나 ‘사쿠라지마’ 산이 보인다. 이 산은 지금도 활발히 분화하는 활화산이다. 시내에서 배를 타고 긴코만 바다를 15분 정도 건너면 사쿠라지마 산에 갈 수 있다. 산 정상은 출입을 할 수가 없어 전망대에 올라가봤다. 이곳에서는 용암이 굳어 만들어진 신기한 모양의 바위를 많이 볼 수 있다. 물개처럼 생긴 것도 있고 스핑크스처럼 생긴 바위도 있는데 머리는 마치 원숭이를 닮았다. 사쿠라지마는 소규모 분화는 매일 거의 일어나고, 간혹 대규모 분화도 일어난다. 2013년 화산폭발 때는 화산재 연기가 5천 미터나 솟았다고 한다. 최근 몇 달간은 분화가 전혀 없었는데, 분화구에서 연기는 계속 나고 있었다. 사쿠라지마는 세계에서도 대표적으로 활발히 분화하는 활화산 중 하나이기도 하고 독특한 화산 지형을 볼 수 있어 화산 애호가들이 많이 찾는다. “우리는 화산을 여행합니다. 아이슬란드, 이탈리아, 에티오피아, 파타고니아의 화산에 갔었어요. 우리는 화산을 좋아합니다.” 100여 년 전인 1914년에 대규모 화산폭발이 있었다. 그때 분출된 화산재로 묻힌 신사 석조 문이 지금도 보존돼 있다. 당시 대분화로 화산재가 7천 미터나 솟았고, 집들이 지붕만 남기고 화산재에 파묻혔다. 이 석조문은 2/3가 파묻혔는데, 쌓인 화산재의 높이가 무려 2m라고 한다. “이곳은 원래 섬이었는데 당시 분화로 용암이 흘러내려 오스미 반도와 연결되었습니다. 그러니 상당히 큰 폭발이었죠.” 사쿠라지마 화산 주변에 사는 주민들에게 화산폭발은 익숙한 일상이다. 정상 근처의 마을에는 집집마다 화산폭발로 날아오는 돌을 피할 수 있는 대피소가 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Kagoshima, the southernmost of Kyushu Island and the southernmost part of the Japanese archipelago, is warm enough to cover temperatures as high as 10 degrees Celsius in the middle of winter. I first started my journey in Kagoshima City. The mountains of Sakurajima can be seen everywhere in Kagoshima City. This mountain is still an active volcano. If you take a boat from the city and cross the Kinko Bay Sea for about 15 minutes, you can go to Mount Sakurajima. The top of the mountain went up to the observatory because it could not get in and out. Here, you can see many of the mysterious rocks made of hardened lava. Some are like seals, others are like sphinxes, and their heads are like monkeys. In Sakurajima, small-scale eruptions occur almost daily, and occasionally large-scale eruptions occur. When the volcano erupted in 2013, the smoke of the ash rose to 5,000 meters. There have been no eruptions in recent months, but the smoke continues to grow in the crater. Sakurajima is one of the active volcanoes that are actively erupting in the world, and you can see unique volcanic terrain, so many volcano lovers look for it. We travel on volcanoes. I went to volcanoes in Iceland, Italy, Ethiopia and Patagonia. We love volcanoes. There was a massive volcanic eruption in 1914, some 100 years ago. At that time, the shrine stone gate buried with eruptive volcanic ash is still preserved. At that time, the ash rose as high as 7,000 meters, and houses were buried in ash, leaving only the roof. This stonemason is buried 2/3, and the height of the accumulated ash is 2m. It was originally an island, but at that time the lava flowed through the eruption and connected with the Osumi Peninsula. So, it was a big explosion. Volcano eruption is a familiar routine for residents living around the volcano Sakurajima. In the village near the summit there is a shelter to avoid stones from volcanic eruptions.
■클립명: 아시아036-일본20-01 활화산 사쿠라지마/Sakurajima/Active volcano/Ston/Shelter
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤성도 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 11월 November
산,mountain,산맥, 봉우리, mountains, ravine, gorge, hill, berg, mountains, berg, mountain chain, peak, trekking, cable car, climbing, cliff,화산지형,volcano,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,전망대,observatory,observation deck, tower, hill, mountain,건물,architecture,building,구조물,structure,arch, tower, wall, gate,아시아,Asia,,일본,Japan,Nihon,Nippon,윤성도,2016,11월 November,가고시마현,Kagoshima Prefecture,かごしまけん,
Big Slope @Sakurajima Kyoryu Shizen Park (Kagoshima City, Japan)
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Big Eruption of Volcano SAKURAJIMA in Kagoshima, Japan (PM18:09, 27 April 2015)
I made a mistake and the video is very short (only 4 seconds).
But I hope you can feel the large scale of the eruption.
The huge volcanic smoke covers Kagoshima City.
(Today's Mt.Sakurajima Video)
Much ash is falling on the city.
I just got home when I took the video. On my way home, I felt small ash particles came into my nose and mouth.
When I get home, my car is covered with white ashes as if it is a big shortcake. I will be busy washing the car tomorrow...
(My feelings toward Mt.Sakurajima)
I feel the greatness and power of the nature and tiny existence of human beings when I live at the neighborhood of Mt.Sakurajima. Humankind has made much scientific advancement, but it will never be able to prevent natural calamities such as volcano eruption, earthquakes and tidal waves.
But, at the same time, I also feel the greatness of humankind. Series of massive eruptions of Mt.Sakurajima have destroyed houses, ships, shrines, shipyard and other precious property of Kagoshima with much lava and ash.
But people have never given up living at the neighborhood of Japan and they made new home and facilities on lava and ash which had buried their properties. I really admire the spirit of enterprises of those people in Kagoshima, Japan!
(Know about Mt.Sakurajima)
Mt.Sakurajima's official name is Sakura Island.
But strangely enough, the Island is not acturally an island, because it is connected to Osumi Peninsula and you can go there by car withought taking a ferry.
There used to be a strait between Osumi Peninsula and Sakura Island. But in 1914, enormous eruption took place and much lava slowly flew out to the southeast of the island and buried the strait, As a result, the land was connect to the Peninsula.
(Location of Mt. Sakurajima)
Mt. Sakurajima is located in the south of Kyushu Island, Japan.
It is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay (Kinko Bay).
You can go to the Sakurajima from Kagoshima City by ferry. You can have delicious Japanese Udon nooles on the ferry.
Sakurajima is connected to the Osumi Peninsula and you can go to the Sakurajima from the Peninsula (Tarumizu City) by car.
(Introduction to Mt. Sakurajima)
Mt. Sakurajima is an active volcano. Minor eruption occurs almost every day.
Sometime massive eruption takes places, but with no lost of human life for decades. So, please be relaxed and come to see Mt. Sakurajima!
It has an elevation of 1,117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers.
Mt. Sakurajima and surrounding Kagoshima Bay are nominated as the Geo Park (a place to connected with the earth and learn about Geo Tourism).
(Sighseeing Sakurajima)
There are lots of interesting spots in Sakurajima! I introduce you some examples.
1) Nagisa Park
Near Sakurajima Port. You can take free foot bath and enjoy wonderful view of Kagoshima City and Kinko Bay.
2) Taste Sakurajima small oranges.
It is very sweet and delicious! They are sold at roadside noo-staffed shops and souvenir shops.
3) Yunohira Observatory Platform
The platform is located at the 5th station of Mt. Sakurajima. This is the best place to enjoy the impressive and closest view of Mt. Sakurajima.
4) Take pleasant hot springs!
(History of Mt. Sakurajima)
The most powerful eruption happened in 1914.
Mt. Sakurajima was an island before 1914, but the much lava sprang up at the time and the island was connected to the Osumi Peninsula. But Japanese people still call it Jima or island/
Much ashes fell on Kagoshima City and the sky was not visible for several days.
There is Kurokami Shrine on Sakurajima. The eruption buried an half part of the shrine gate with ash.
You also should check out channels and SNS :)
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Sakurajima Channel (Japanese)
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I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
Japan Trip: new life after eruption Nagisa Lava Trail Sakurajima ,Kagoshima
Japan Trip: new life after eruption Nagisa Lava Trail Sakurajima ,Kagoshima
Nagisa Lava Trail
About three kilometers of walking trails connects Nagisa Lava park with Karasujima Observation Point along the water beside the Sakurajima Ferry Terminal. The trail cuts through a lava zone created by the powerful eruption of 1914. That burned every grasses and plants. However, travelers can observe the growth of grasses and short plants nowadays.
Sakurajima, one of Japan's most active volcanoes and is the symbol of Kagoshima. The volcano emits smoke constantly, and minor eruptions often occur many times per day. Located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay, Sakurajima is the area's most splendid geographic feature, having an elevation of 1117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers.
Access info
From Sakurajima Ferry Terminal: 10-minute walk
From bus stop “visitor center”: 1-minute walk
The way up to Sakurajima
Kagoshima and Sakurajima are connected around the clock by frequent ferries. The one way ride takes 15 minute and costs 160 yen. The ferry terminal is a ten minute walk from JR Kagoshima Station or a five minute walk from the Suizokukan-guchi tram stop, and is also served by the City View Buses.
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[한국어 정보]
가고시마 여정에서 내가 마지막으로 찾아간 곳은 사쿠라지마 섬이다. 인구 61만 명이 살고 있는 대도시의 눈앞에서 살아 움직이고 있는 활화산 사쿠라지마는 가고시마 최대의 관광명소다. 사쿠라지마 항에 내리면 1914년의 화산대분화를 말해주는 비가 세워져 있다. 지금도 화산활동은 계속되고 있는데 이따금씩 화산연기가 뿜어져 나오는 장관이 연출된다. 섬의 곳곳에는 대분화 흔적이 남아있다. 신사 앞에 세워져 있던 높은 도리이가 꼭대기만 남기고 매몰 되어버린 이 현장은 당시 폭발규모를 짐작케 한다. 당시 화산폭발과 더불어 분출된 용암은 100억 톤에 달하는데 이는 세계에서도 유례가 없는 방대한 양이라고 한다. 용압 벌판 위에 세워진 전망대에 올라가면 응대한 사쿠라지마의 전경이 펼쳐진다. 사쿠라지마는 지금도 일본에서 가장 활발한 화산활동이 일어나고 있는 곳이라고 한다. 그래서 만일의 용암분출을 대비해서 용암배출로가 마련되어 있는데 수시로 일어나는 작은 폭발 때문에 토사가 꽤나 쌓여있다.
[English: Google Translator]
The journey from Kagoshima Sakurajima is where I last visited. An active volcano in moving the population live in front of 610 000 people living in large cities are major tourist attractions Sakurajima in Kagoshima up. Sakurajima is further lowering the ratio stood to tell the hwasandae eruption of 1914. The volcanic activity is still continuing and is coming off the occasional spectacular volcano spewing smoke produced by. Isle of places for remains have traces of differentiation. The high was erected in front of the shrine Torii've been buried, leaving only the top of the field is jimjakke the time scale explosion. The eruption with lava eruptions at the time amounts to 10 billion tons, which is called a massive amount unprecedented in the world. Yongap calving spread the views of Sakurajima rises response to the observatory built on. Sakurajima is called is where the most active volcanoes is still taking place in Japan. So the silt piled emergency because there are quite equipped with a lava ejected lava flows often it happens in case of a small explosion.
[Japanese: Google Translator]
■클립명: 아시아036-일본08-21 활화산 사쿠라지마/Active Volcano/Sakurajima
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤한용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 8월 August
아시아,Asia,,일본,Japan,Nihon,Nippon,윤한용,2009,8월 August,규슈,Kyushu,Kyushu,큐슈,구주
Evening Eruption Smoke of Volcano Sakurajima (8 May 2015) northwind, cloudy
I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
(Symbol of Kagoshima)
Mt.Sakurajima is the symbol of Kagoshima, Japan.
It erupts almost every day!
Under the foot of this active volcano, many famous people have been born and raised. They changed the history of Japan. Those people include Mt. Takamori Saito, Mr. Toshimichi Okubo, Mr. Tatewaki Komatsu, Princess Atsu-Hime and Lord Nariakira Shimazu.
(Location of Mt. Sakurajima)
Mt. Sakurajima is located in the south of Kyushu Island, Japan.
It is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay (Kinko Bay).
You can go to the Sakurajima from Kagoshima City by ferry. You can have delicious Japanese Udon nooles on the ferry.
Sakurajima is connected to the Osumi Peninsula and you can go to the Sakurajima from the Peninsula (Tarumizu City) by car.
(Introduction to Mt. Sakurajima)
Mt. Sakurajima is an active volcano. Minor eruption occurs almost every day.
Sometime massive eruption takes places, but with no lost of human life for decades. So, please be relaxed and come to see Mt. Sakurajima!
It has an elevation of 1,117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers.
Mt. Sakurajima and surrounding Kagoshima Bay are nominated as the Geo Park (a place to connected with the earth and learn about Geo Tourism).
(Sighseeing Sakurajima)
There are lots of interesting spots in Sakurajima! I introduce you some examples.
1) Nagisa Park
Near Sakurajima Port. You can take free foot bath and enjoy wonderful view of Kagoshima City and Kinko Bay.
2) Taste Sakurajima small oranges.
It is very sweet and delicious! They are sold at roadside noo-staffed shops and souvenir shops.
3) Yunohira Observatory Platform
The platform is located at the 5th station of Mt. Sakurajima. This is the best place to enjoy the impressive and closest view of Mt. Sakurajima.
4) Take pleasant hot springs!
(Life in Kagoshima with Mt. Sakurajima)
Kagoshima City is very closed to Mt. Sakurajima.
Are city people safe in such a close distance from the active volcano?
If the wind flows from east, volcanic ashes fall on Kagoshima City.
The ash causes my eyes ache. I cannot go out without a mask covering my mouth.
I cannot wash my hair easily due to ash.
If ash is much amount, it is hard to drive a car because you cannot see in front of you. If wiper moves fast, it can damages windshield of the car. Please be careful!
Many Japanese children made the sandy mountain with my friends, but I collected ash at the garden and made many ASH mountains in my childfood
(History of Mt. Sakurajima)
The most powerful eruption happened in 1914.
Mt. Sakurajima was an island before 1914, but the much lava sprang up at the time and the island was connected to the Osumi Peninsula. But Japanese people still call it Jima or island/
Much ashes fell on Kagoshima City and the sky was not visible for several days.
There is Kurokami Shrine on Sakurajima. The eruption buried an half part of the shrine gate with ash.
You also should check out channels and SNS :)
Kagoshima Channel
Sakurajima Channel (Japanese)
Amusement Arcade
Official Blog :
I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
Moment of Eruption - Volcano Sakurajima in Kagoshima Japan - (05:17, 18 April 2015)
VOLCANO SAKURAJIMA erupted at 05:17 on 18 April 2015!
This is the 383rd eruption in 2015!
I just caught the moment of eruption!
The volcano has been very active recently!
Wind blows to east. Weather will be fine in Kagoshima today!
I saw the glorious Sakurajima from the balcony of my apartment. I am lucky to be born in this wonderful place, Kagoshima!
I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
(Symbol of Kagoshima)
Sakurajima is the symbol of Kagoshima.
It erupts almost every day!
Under the foot of this active volcano, many famous people have changed the history of Japan. Those people include Mt. Takamori Saito, Mr. Toshimichi Okubo, Mr. Tatewaki Komatsu, Princess Atsu-Hime and Lord Nariakira Shimazu.
Sakurajima is located in the center of Kagoshima.
It is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay and at the south of Kyushu Island, Japan.
You can go to the Sakurajima from Kagoshima City by ferry. The Udon nooles on the ferry is very delicious!
Sakurajima is connected to the Osumi Peninsula and you can go to the Sakurajima from the Peninsula (Tarumizu City) by car.
(Brief Explanation)
Sakurajima is an active volcano.
Minor eruption occurs almost every day.
Sometime massive eruption takes places, but there have not been the lost of human life in the past decades. So, please be relaxed and come to Kagoshima!
It has an elevation of 1,117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers.
There is a Nagisa Park near the Sakurajima Port. There, you can take free foot bath and enjoy wonderful view of Kagoshima City and Kinko Bay.
I also recommend you to have Sakurajima small oranges. It is very sweet and delicious!
(Life in Kagoshima with Sakurajima)
Kagoshima City is very closed to the Sakurajima.
Are city people safe in such a close distance from the active volcano?
If the wind flows from east, volcanic ashes fall on Kagoshima City.
The ash causes my eyes ache. I cannot go out without a mask covering my mouth.
I cannot wash my hair easily due to ash.
If ash is much amount, it is hard to drive a car because you cannot see in front of you. If wiper moves fast, it can damages windshield of the car. Please be careful!
Many Japanese children made the sandy mountain with my friends, but I collected ash at the garden and made many ASH mountains in my childfood
(History of the Island)
The most powerful eruption happened in 1914.
Sakurajima was an island, but the much lava sprang up at the time and the Sakurajima was connected to the Osumi Peninsula.
Much ashes fell on Kagoshima City and the sky was not visible for several days.
There is Kurokami Shrine on Sakurajima. The eruption buried an half part of the shrine gate with ash.
(See other videos of Sakurajima)
You also should check out channels and SNS :)
Kagoshima Channel
Sakurajima Channel (Japanese)
Amusement Arcade
Official Blog :
【K】Japan Travel-Kagoshima[일본 여행-가고시마]이부스키 해변, 뜨거운 바다 화끈한 모래찜질/Ibusuki/Sand Bath/Beach
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
썰물이 되어 해변이 드러나면 또 하나의 모래찜질장이 설치된다. 그런데 자세히 보니 바닷물에서 뜨거운 김이 솟아나고 있다. 이 해변의 지하에는 뜨거운 온천수가 해수와 경계를 이루며 흐르고 있는데, 수위가 높아지면서 뜨거운 온천수가 치솟아 오르는 것이다. 이 때 바닷물의 온도는 무려 80도나 된다고 한다. 이부스키에서는 차가운 바닷물이 아니라 ‘뜨거운 바닷물’이라 불러야 할 것 같다.
[English: Google Translator]
Is this ebb beach deureonamyeon install a sand bath is another chapter. But it has more hot steam rising from the waters may Nago. In the basement of the beach there is a hot spring water flows and water forms a boundary, and the water level is high, the rising value As the hot springs. This time is that a whopping 80 degrees the temperature of the sea water. In Ibusuki likely to call because the cold waters as hot waters.
[Japanese: Google Translator]
■클립명: 아시아036-일본08-03 이부스키 해변, 뜨거운 바다 화끈한 모래찜질/Ibusuki/Sand Bath/Beach/Hot Spring Water
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤한용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 8월 August
아시아,Asia,,일본,Japan,Nihon,Nippon,윤한용,2009,8월 August,규슈,Kyushu,Kyushu,큐슈,구주
Moment of Eruption - Volcano SAKURAJIMA in Japan - (8 May 2015) northwest wind, sunny
Today wind direction changed frequently.
Eruption smoke come to Kagoshima City and volcanic ash was falling. My eyes are painful!
I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
(Symbol of Kagoshima)
Mt.Sakurajima is the symbol of Kagoshima, Japan.
It erupts almost every day!
Under the foot of this active volcano, many famous people have been born and raised. They changed the history of Japan. Those people include Mt. Takamori Saito, Mr. Toshimichi Okubo, Mr. Tatewaki Komatsu, Princess Atsu-Hime and Lord Nariakira Shimazu.
(Location of Mt. Sakurajima)
Mt. Sakurajima is located in the south of Kyushu Island, Japan.
It is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay (Kinko Bay).
You can go to the Sakurajima from Kagoshima City by ferry. You can have delicious Japanese Udon nooles on the ferry.
Sakurajima is connected to the Osumi Peninsula and you can go to the Sakurajima from the Peninsula (Tarumizu City) by car.
(Introduction to Mt. Sakurajima)
Mt. Sakurajima is an active volcano. Minor eruption occurs almost every day.
Sometime massive eruption takes places, but with no lost of human life for decades. So, please be relaxed and come to see Mt. Sakurajima!
It has an elevation of 1,117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers.
Mt. Sakurajima and surrounding Kagoshima Bay are nominated as the Geo Park (a place to connected with the earth and learn about Geo Tourism).
(Sighseeing Sakurajima)
There are lots of interesting spots in Sakurajima! I introduce you some examples.
1) Nagisa Park
Near Sakurajima Port. You can take free foot bath and enjoy wonderful view of Kagoshima City and Kinko Bay.
2) Taste Sakurajima small oranges.
It is very sweet and delicious! They are sold at roadside noo-staffed shops and souvenir shops.
3) Yunohira Observatory Platform
The platform is located at the 5th station of Mt. Sakurajima. This is the best place to enjoy the impressive and closest view of Mt. Sakurajima.
4) Take pleasant hot springs!
(Life in Kagoshima with Mt. Sakurajima)
Kagoshima City is very closed to Mt. Sakurajima.
Are city people safe in such a close distance from the active volcano?
If the wind flows from east, volcanic ashes fall on Kagoshima City.
The ash causes my eyes ache. I cannot go out without a mask covering my mouth.
I cannot wash my hair easily due to ash.
If ash is much amount, it is hard to drive a car because you cannot see in front of you. If wiper moves fast, it can damages windshield of the car. Please be careful!
Many Japanese children made the sandy mountain with my friends, but I collected ash at the garden and made many ASH mountains in my childfood
(History of Mt. Sakurajima)
The most powerful eruption happened in 1914.
Mt. Sakurajima was an island before 1914, but the much lava sprang up at the time and the island was connected to the Osumi Peninsula. But Japanese people still call it Jima or island/
Much ashes fell on Kagoshima City and the sky was not visible for several days.
There is Kurokami Shrine on Sakurajima. The eruption buried an half part of the shrine gate with ash.
You also should check out channels and SNS :)
Kagoshima Channel
Sakurajima Channel (Japanese)
Amusement Arcade
Official Blog :
I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
Mt. Shiroyama, Kagoshima | Japan Travel Guide
Mt. Shiroyama ( 城山 )
Mt. Shiroyama is a small 107m-high hill located in the center of Kagoshima City. Over 600 types of temperate and tropical plants grow wild here so that you can enjoy a stroll. From the observation point, you can view the city and Kinko Bay, and the beautiful night view is also famous. The area is also well known as a battleground during the Satsuma Rebellion at the end of the 19th century.
Nearby Spots:
Io World Kagoshima Aquarium
Ijinkan Foreigners’ Residence (Old Kagoshima Spinning Engineers House)
Natural Sand Bath Center Saraku
Isso Beach
Sakurajima Yogan Nagisa Park
Sengan-en Garden (Isotei-en)
Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots
Kagoshima City Travel Guide:
Kagoshima Itineraries:
Kagoshima Tours & Activities
All this and more in:
Volcano Sakurajima Eruption Smoke reached 3,000m! (07:30 27 April 2015) Southeast wind 5m, Hazy
I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
(Symbol of Kagoshima)
Sakurajima is the symbol of Kagoshima, Japan.
It erupts almost every day!
Under the foot of this active volcano, many famous people have been born and raised. They changed the history of Japan. Those people include Mt. Takamori Saito, Mr. Toshimichi Okubo, Mr. Tatewaki Komatsu, Princess Atsu-Hime and Lord Nariakira Shimazu.
(Location of Mt. Sakurajima)
Sakurajima is located in the south of Kyushu Island, Japan.
It is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay (Kinko Bay).
You can go to the Sakurajima from Kagoshima City by ferry. You can have delicious Japanese Udon nooles on the ferry.
Sakurajima is connected to the Osumi Peninsula and you can go to the Sakurajima from the Peninsula (Tarumizu City) by car.
(Introduction to Mt. Sakurajima)
Sakurajima is an active volcano. Minor eruption occurs almost every day.
Sometime massive eruption takes places, but with no lost of human life for decades. So, please be relaxed and come to see Mt. Sakurajima!
It has an elevation of 1,117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers.
Mt. Sakurajima and surrounding Kagoshima Bay are nominated as the Geo Park (a place to connected with the earth and learn about Geo Tourism).
(Sighseeing Sakurajima)
1) Nagisa Park
Near Sakurajima Port. You can take free foot bath and enjoy wonderful view of Kagoshima City and Kinko Bay.
2) Sakurajima small oranges.
It is very sweet and delicious! They are sold at roadside noo-staffed shops and souvenir shops.
3) Yunohira Observatory Platform
The platform is located at the 5th station of Mt. Sakurajima. This is the best place to enjoy the impressive and closest view of Mt. Sakurajima.
(Life in Kagoshima with Sakurajima)
Kagoshima City is very closed to the Sakurajima.
Are city people safe in such a close distance from the active volcano?
If the wind flows from east, volcanic ashes fall on Kagoshima City.
The ash causes my eyes ache. I cannot go out without a mask covering my mouth.
I cannot wash my hair easily due to ash.
If ash is much amount, it is hard to drive a car because you cannot see in front of you. If wiper moves fast, it can damages windshield of the car. Please be careful!
Many Japanese children made the sandy mountain with my friends, but I collected ash at the garden and made many ASH mountains in my childfood
(History of Mt. Sakurajima)
The most powerful eruption happened in 1914.
Sakurajima was an island, but the much lava sprang up at the time and the Sakurajima was connected to the Osumi Peninsula.
Much ashes fell on Kagoshima City and the sky was not visible for several days.
There is Kurokami Shrine on Sakurajima. The eruption buried an half part of the shrine gate with ash.
You also should check out channels and SNS :)
Kagoshima Channel
Sakurajima Channel (Japanese)
Amusement Arcade
Official Blog :
Japan Travel: Magma Onsen hot spring Panorama view Sakurajima ,Kagoshima
Japan Travel: Magma Onsen hot spring Panorama view Sakurajima ,Kagoshima
【006】Kagoshima Magma Onsen
Subscribe link :
Part of a larger tourist facility that includes a hotel, shops and restaurants, the Magma Onsen has hot spring baths that are open to day trippers. It should be noted that the baths have large windows and you can look out across water to Kagoshima City.
Hours: 10:00 to 22:00
Every Wednesday open from 13:00-for cleaning)
Admission: 300 yen
Closed: No closing days
A hand towel is available for 200yen.
About Sakurajima
Sakurajima, one of Japan's most active volcanoes and is the symbol of Kagoshima. The volcano emits smoke constantly, and minor eruptions often occur many times per day. Located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay, Sakurajima is the area's most splendid geographic feature as it is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay. It has an elevation of 1117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers. A Powerful eruption happened and burned everything in 1914, however, grasses and plants are growing these days.
Access information
In Sakurajima
Travelers visiting Sakurajima can find many attractions just around the Ferry Terminal, including an onsen, foot baths, short hiking trails and an information center. Those who would like to further explore the volcano should travel by rental car, which can be taken across the water from Kagoshima by the ferries. Sightseeing buses, regular buses and rental bicycles are other possible methods of travel.
The way up to Sakurajima
Kagoshima and Sakurajima are connected around the clock by frequent ferries. The one way ride takes 15 minute and costs 160 yen. The ferry terminal is a ten minute walk from JR Kagoshima Station or a five minute walk from the Suizokukan-guchi tram stop, and is also served by the City View Buses.
There are also regular city buses that run infrequently from the ferry terminal along the northern coast (departures every 1-3 hours) and along the southern coast (departures every 40-90 minutes) of Sakurajima.
Japan's Volcano CALBUCO Mt. SAKURAJIMA Eruption Smoke flows to south Kanoya City (24 April 2015)
VOLCANO SAKURAJIMA erupted many times on 24 April 2015!
Strong north wind carries erupted smoke and ash to southward (to Kanoya City).
I keep watching Sakurajima everyday!
I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my channel.
(Symbol of Kagoshima)
Sakurajima is the symbol of Kagoshima, Japan.
It erupts almost every day!
Under the foot of this active volcano, many famous people have changed the history of Japan. Those people include Mt. Takamori Saito, Mr. Toshimichi Okubo, Mr. Tatewaki Komatsu, Princess Atsu-Hime and Lord Nariakira Shimazu.
(Where is Sakurajima?)
Sakurajima is located in the center of Kagoshima.
It is located in the middle of Kagoshima Bay and at the south of Kyushu Island, Japan.
You can go to the Sakurajima from Kagoshima City by ferry. You can have delicious Japanese Udon nooles on the ferry.
Sakurajima is connected to the Osumi Peninsula and you can go to the Sakurajima from the Peninsula (Tarumizu City) by car.
(Brief Explanation)
Sakurajima is an active volcano. Minor eruption occurs almost every day.
Sometime massive eruption takes places, but there have not been the lost of human life in the past decades. So, please be relaxed and come to Kagoshima!
It has an elevation of 1,117 meters and a circumference of about 50 kilometers.
(Sighseeing Sakurajima)
There is a Nagisa Park near the Sakurajima Port. There, you can take free foot bath and enjoy wonderful view of Kagoshima City and Kinko Bay.
I also recommend you to have Sakurajima small oranges. It is very sweet and delicious!
You can have go to the Yunoura Observatory Platform. It is the 5th station of Sakurajima
(Life in Kagoshima with Sakurajima)
Kagoshima City is very closed to the Sakurajima.
Are city people safe in such a close distance from the active volcano?
If the wind flows from east, volcanic ashes fall on Kagoshima City.
The ash causes my eyes ache. I cannot go out without a mask covering my mouth.
I cannot wash my hair easily due to ash.
If ash is much amount, it is hard to drive a car because you cannot see in front of you. If wiper moves fast, it can damages windshield of the car. Please be careful!
Many Japanese children made the sandy mountain with my friends, but I collected ash at the garden and made many ASH mountains in my childfood
(History of the Island)
The most powerful eruption happened in 1914.
Sakurajima was an island, but the much lava sprang up at the time and the Sakurajima was connected to the Osumi Peninsula.
Much ashes fell on Kagoshima City and the sky was not visible for several days.
There is Kurokami Shrine on Sakurajima. The eruption buried an half part of the shrine gate with ash.
(See other videos of Sakurajima)
You also should check out channels and SNS :)
Kagoshima Channel
Sakurajima Channel (Japanese)
Amusement Arcade
Official Blog :