Ston (Pelješac) Croatia | 4K
Ston. Peljesac peninsula. Croatia/
Ston. Halbinsel Peljesac. Kroatien/
Ston. Półwysep Peljesac. Chorwacja/
Ston. Poluotok Pelješac. Hrvatska/
Ston. Penisola di Peljesac Croazia/
Ston. Peljesac-félsziget. Horvátország/
Ston. Péninsule de Peljesac. Croatie/
Ston. Schiereiland Peljesac. Kroatië/
Ston. Poloostrov Pelješac. Chorvatsko/
Ston. Polostrov Pelješac. Chorvátsko/
Стон. Пелешацкий полуостров. Хорватия/
Ston is a town on the Peljesac peninsula in southern Croatia (southern Dalmatia).
Tourist attraction of Ston are preserved fragments of the medieval defensive walls surrounding the city, sometimes called the European Chinese wall. The total length of the walls was 5.5 km. To this day, the ruins of three towers and fragments of the wall have been preserved. Visiting the walls is possible for a fee.
The town is also famous for its seafood and salt./
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7) „The Beauty of Love” by Aakash Gandhi/
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#StonPeljesac #StonCroatia #StonPelješac #StonHrvatska #StonKroatien #StonChorwacja #StonWalls #Peljesac #Pelješac #SunnuHoliday1235
Bota Sare Oyster Farm- Mali Ston, Croatia,
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My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Bota Sare Oyster Farm- Mali Ston, Croatia,
Мали Стон | Стон | Ферма за Стриди | Хърватска | Mali Ston | Ston | Oyster Farm | Croatia
Съвсем близо до Дубровник се намират Стон и Мали Стон - градчета известни със своите крепостни стени, стари солници и прочутите стонски стриди.
Няма да крия, причината да отида до там бяха стридите! Обичам техния вкус! Досега не бях виждала точно как се отглеждат и ми беше супер интересно. Вярвам, че и за вас ще бъде.
Толкова е хубаво човек да похапва супер пресни стриди. Само тези, които са опитвали могат да ме разберат. Стридите са основна причина туристите като мен да идват в Мали Стон. Тук има няколко заведения, предлагащи прясна морска храна и малко пристанище, където са рибарските лодки. Валеше дъжд и нямаше много хора, което беше идеално, защото бяхме сами на лодката, която щеше да ни отведе по-близо до стридите. Страхотно изживяване! Много ми хареса и дълго ще го помня.
След приключението по вода отидох и до Стон, който е съвсем близо до Мали Стон.
Там пих страхотно вино и посетих една от най-старите солници в Европа. Крепостните стени, които се извисяват над града били построени за да пазят солниците от вражески набези.
За жалост нямах време да ги разгледам от близо. Беше време да тръгна на път за Которският залив. Следващото видео ще е от там.
Аз съм Лора. Приятен път! ????
I’m Lora. Have a nice journey! ✈
Very near Dubrovnik are located Ston and Mali Ston - small towns famous for their defensive stone walls, old salt pans and the well known oysters from Ston.
I’ll not hide it, the reason I went there were the oysters! I love their taste! Until then I hadn’t seen exactly how they were bred and it was super interesting for me. I believe it will be for you too.
It’s so nice to eat super fresh oysters. Only those of you who have tried them know what I mean. Oysters are the main reason tourists like me come to Mali Ston. There are several restaurants here offering fresh seafood and there’s a little harbour where the fishing boats are. It was raining and there weren’t many people which was perfect because we were alone on the boat which was to take us nearer the oysters. A fabulous experience! I liked it very much and I’ll remember it for a long time.
After the boat trip I went to Ston too which is very near Mali Ston.
There I drank great wine and visited one of the oldest salt pans in Europe. The defensive walls which rise above the city were built to keep the salt pans from enemy raids.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to see them up close. It was time to leave for the Bay of Kotor. The next video will be from there.
I’m Lora. Have a nice journey! ✈
Mali Ston, Croatia - Seashell bay , Oysters
SOLANA STON - The history of the Ston salt-works reaches 4000 years back in the past and makes them the oldest ones in Europe. Since then up to the present time the salt has been produced here in the same tradicional way , only with the help of sea, sun and wind
Spend your holidays in beautiful Croatian city on Adriatic coast - Mali Ston.
The Walls of Ston, Croatia
According to Wikipedia...
The Walls of Ston are a series of defensive stone walls, originally more than 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) long, that surrounded and protected the city of Ston, in Dalmatia, part of the Republic of Ragusa, in what is now southern Croatia.
The Walls of Ston were known as the European wall of China.
Despite being well protected by massive city walls, the Republic of Ragusa used Pelješac to build another line of defence. At its narrowest point, just before it joins the mainland, a wall was built from Ston to Mali Ston. Throughout the era of the Republic, the walls were maintained and renovated once they meant to protect the precious salt pans that contributed to Dubrovnik's wealth, which are still being worked today.
Demolition work began on the walls following the fall of the Republic. Later the Austrian authorities took materials away from the wall to build schools and community buildings, and also for a triumphal arch on the occasion of the visit by the Austrian Emperor in 1884. The wall around Mali Ston was demolished with the excuse that it was damaging the health of the people. The demolition was halted after World War II.
The wall, today 5.5 kilometre long wall links Ston to Mali Ston, and is in the shape of an irregular pentangle. It was completed in the 15th century, along with its 40 towers (20 of which have survived) and 5 fortresses. Within, three streets were laid from north to south and three others from east to west. Thus, fifteen equal blocks were formed with 10 houses in each. Residential buildings around the edges. The Gothic Republic Chancellery and the Bishop's Palace are outstanding among the public buildings.
The main streets are 6 m wide (except the southern street which is 8 m wide) and the side streets are two m wide. The town was entered by two city gates: the Field Gate (Poljska vrata) has a Latin inscription and dates from 1506. The centres of the system are the fortress Veliki kaštio in Ston, Koruna in Mali Ston and the fortress on Podzvizd hill (224 m). Noted artist who work on the walls project are Michelozzo, Bernardino Gatti of Parma and Giorgio da Sebenico (Juraj Dalmatinac).
The city plan of Dubrovnik was used as a model for Ston, but since Ston was built on prepared terrain, that model was more closely followed than Dubrovnik itself. In terms of infrastructure like water mains and sewers built in 1581, Ston was remarkably unique in Europe.
Ston - Croazia - Agosto 2014
A Dubrovnik non ci si annoia si certo. Noi abbiamo deciso di fare:
-la minicrociera tre isole e
-la gita di un giorno.
Consigliate. Potete passare due giorni diversi e potete vedere davvero dei bei posticini.
Questa è una delle botteghe sulla strada verso Ston.
La muraglia di Ston. Usata anche nel telefilm il trono di spade che io all'epoca del viaggio ancora non guardavo (dopo sono diventata una fam accanita).
La muraglia è percorribile. Noi peró, visto il poco tempo a disposizione e visti i due giorni precedenti (molto pieni) abbiamo preferito perderci nelle viuzze del paesino (e nella sua panetteria a mangiare ????) Ston è anche famosa per le sue Saline. La cosa positiva delle gite organizzate è che hai qualcuno che ti spiega tutto passo passo (mentre normalmente sono io che giro decine si siti web a caccia di notizie-cosa.che adoro, ma comunque... è bello che ogni tanto qualcuno faccia il lavoro al posto tuo).
Per la sua importanza economica e strategica, dopo Dubrovnik, Ston è stata la città più importante della Repubblica di Dubrovnik.
Le monumentali muraglie innalzate nel XIV e XV sec. lunghe più di 5 km, alte da 5 a 10 m, fortificate con una quarantina di torri e bastioni confermano la sua importanza.
Quando nel Trecento la Repubblica ha comprato la Penisola di Peljesac e il territorio della Riviera di Dubrovnik da Ston a Orasac, ha costruito Ston Piccola e Grande, dall'altra parte dell'istmo di Ston (lkm in linea aerea). Entrambe le cittadine sono state costruite secondo il piano regolatore della Repubblica e fortificate con le muraglie comuni che vanno da un canale all'altro avendo così un'importanza strategica per la difesa di Peljesac e per tutta la parte orientale della Repubblica. Le muraglie di Ston sono una rarità architettonica non solo in Croazia ma anche in Europa. Sono costruite dai famosi costruttori stranieri e nazionali: Michellozzi, Bernardin di Parma, Marchini, Bunic, Juraj Dalmatinac, Paskoje Milicevic Raguseo.
Ston Piccola e Grande hanno molte costruzioni gottico-rinascimentali dai tempi della Repubblica, interessanti per i visitatori. Ricordiamo i palazzi Sorkocevic e Dordic (XVI sec.), in quest'ultimo si trova il Museo con il lapidario con frammenti medievali dal territorio di Ston e di Peljesac, il palazzo rinascimentale del rettore, il palazzo gotico con gli uffici della Repubblica, il palazzo gotico-rinascimentale dei vescovi di Ston, la Cattedrale di San Biagio patrono della Repubblica ecc.
Ci sono anche numerosi monumenti dell'arte sacrale: il convento francescano col chiostro in stile gotico, la Chiesa di San Nicola in stile romanico tardo (XIV sec.), le offerte votive delle oreficerie di Dubrovnik, la bella chiesa dell'Annunziata e la Chiesa di San Michele con affreschi (XII sec.)
In fondo al canale di Ston si trovano grandi saline naturali dove si produceva il sale marino per secoli, che è stato il monopolio della Repubblica di Dubrovnik, con il quale ha commerciato in tutti i Balcani. Dubrovnik colmava le casse e in momenti storici favorevoli per la Repubblica estorceva certe concessioni commerciali e politiche legati al commercio del sale.
Nel canale di Ston Piccola, Bistrina, è famosa per l'allevamento di ostriche e una meravigliosa baia Prapratno con uliveti centenari, macchia mediterranea e pulita spiaggia sabbiosa, accanto alla quale c'è il più bel campeggio del territorio.
Povijest na zrnu soli - Ston - Croatia
Title: Povijest na zrnu soli
Actors: Vinka Grošeta; children: Marijana Marlais and Nikola Vuletić; little boy: Dominik Šeparović; fisherman: Ljubo Lučić; women at the water source: Romana Žile and Godana Pinčević
Storyboard: Iva Kružić and Damir Kovačić
Camera: Iva Kružić and Damir Kovačić
Director of photography: Damir Kovačić
Editing: Iva Kružić and Damir Kovačić
Costumes: Iva Kružić, KUD Ponikve
Music: Vladimir Sterzer
Director: Damir Kovačić
Production: FK Fotographos 2017
Location: 42.838°N 17.697°E
Google Maps:
The Walls of Ston are a series of defensive stone walls, originally more than 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) long, that surrounded and protected the city of Ston, in Dalmatia, part of the Republic of Ragusa, in what is now southern Croatia. The Walls of Ston were known as the European wall of China.Despite being well protected by massive city walls, the Republic of Ragusa used Pelješac to build another line of defence.[3] At its narrowest point, just before it joins the mainland, a wall was built from Ston to Mali Ston.[3] Throughout the era of the Republic, the walls were maintained and renovated once they meant to protect the precious salt pans that contributed to Dubrovnik's wealth, which are still being worked today.
Demolition work began on the walls following the fall of the Republic. Later the Austrian authorities took materials away from the wall to build schools and community buildings, and also for a triumphal arch on the occasion of the visit by the Austrian Emperor in 1884. The wall around Mali Ston was demolished with the excuse that it was damaging the health of the people. The demolition was halted after World War II.The wall, today 5.5 kilometre long wall links Ston to Mali Ston, and is in the shape of an irregular pentangle. It was completed in the 15th century, along with its 40 towers (20 of which have survived) and 5 fortresses. Within, three streets were laid from north to south and three others from east to west. Thus, fifteen equal blocks were formed with 10 houses in each. Residential buildings around the edges. The Gothic Republic Chancellery and the Bishop's Palace are outstanding among the public buildings.
The main streets are 6 m wide (except the southern street which is 8 m wide) and the side streets are two m wide. The town was entered by two city gates: the Field Gate (Poljska vrata) has a Latin inscription and dates from 1506. The centres of the system are the fortress Veliki kaštio in Ston, Koruna in Mali Ston and the fortress on Podzvizd hill (224 m). Noted artist who work on the walls project are Michelozzo, Bernardino Gatti of Parma and Giorgio da Sebenico (Juraj Dalmatinac).[4]
The city plan of Dubrovnik was used as a model for Ston, but since Ston was built on prepared terrain, that model was more closely followed than Dubrovnik itself. In terms of infrastructure like water mains and sewers built in 1581, Ston was remarkably unique in Europe.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
Goat of Thrones: Local Stories Ep 3
It's no wonder the Fortress of Klis was picked as a location for HBO's hit series, Game of Thrones. One little known fact is, one of the stars never left. Meet Keliza; ordinary goat, turned HBO star.
Local Stories is a series dedicated to providing an insight into the quirky aspects of Croatian people, culture and traditions! New episodes released every Thursday. Subscribe now to be updated on episodes as they're released!
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Solana Open Aviary_Model exhibition video
Solana Open Aviary by ecoLogicStudio, is currently on show in the Montenegro Pavilion at the Venice Architectural Biennale 2016 and it proposes to redevelop the artificial territory formerly occupied by the salt production plant near Ulcinj into an augmented ornithological park where it will be possible to study, experience and affect the co-evolution of humans and birds.
Solana Open Aviary is part of the larger project for Solana Ulcinj proposed by the commissioner Dijana Vucinic together with the curators Bart Lootsma and Katharina Weinberger.
The Model renders the material and morphological articulation of one prototype Cluster as described in the Solana Open Aviary plan. It represents a typical cluster at a scale of 1:100 and with the 3 main proposed new bands: 1. A network of transportation infrastructures: water, energy, vehicular and pedestrian traffic (laser cut acrylic). 2. Aerial architectures conceived as the materialization in space and time of the birds' trajectories and their varied behavioural patterns (Nylon 3d printed morphologies). In time as the natural crystallization of local salts and minerals progresses the bundles become more and more solidified into bio-rock formations. 3. Layered landscapes of mineral accretions and black medicinal muds (Nylon 3d printed ground morphologies lacquered) This robotically articulated and highly differentiated landscape of inhabitable nesting structures is seen as capable of attracting a wider variety of bird species while simultaneously accommodating multiple architectural programs.
project credit:
ecoLogicStudio [lead architect]
Design Team: Marco Poletto, Claudia Pasquero, Terezia Greskova, Vlad Daraban.
Urban Morphogenesis Lab at the Bartlett UCL [research partner]
The research supporting this project has received funding from the Architecture Projects Fund
Research Team: Claudia Pasquero, Maj Plemenitas, Stuart Maggs.
Arkitectskolen Aarhus [research partner]
The research supporting this project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013.
Lead Researcher: Marco Poletto.
Solana Open Aviary is part of the Solana Project curated by Bart Lootsma and Katharina Weinberger for the Montenegro Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2016 and commissioned by Dijana Vucinic on behalf of the Montenegro Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.
Villa Koruna Oysters
The Dalmatian coast has a very long history of mariculture. Traces of primitive oyster farming-petrified oak branches with attached oyster shells-were noted by Roman chroniclers. The first written documents date from the time of the Dubrovnik Republic. Records from the 17th Century provide details on the collection and sale of oysters. Documents from the 18th Century describe the procedure for granting oyster rearing concessions, some benefits afforded farmers, and contemporary prices. Development of modem mariculture began at the end of 19th Century with establishment of oyster cultivation companies. Perhaps the high-point of this era was the 1936 World Exposition in London: The Grand Prix and Gold Medal for oysters from Mali Ston Bay were awarded to a Dubrovnik-based company, Bistrina-cultivation and sale of oysters and other shellfish. Most of the private companies disappeared during Second World War. The first public company for the shellfish rearing, however, was established in Bistrina Bay in 1946. At the end of 1980s, shellfish production reached levels of 2 000 to 3 000 tons of mussels, and 1.5 million pieces of oysters, annually. In the village of Doli, a modem plant for mussel processing was built and frozen mussels were offered to the market.
At the beginning of the War of Independence, Bistrina and Kuti Bays found themselves on the frontline. As can be expected, most of the farms collapsed during the hostilities. The Serb and Montenegrin aggressors who briefly over ran the area devastated the processing plant, stealing any equipment that could be moved and vandalizing that which could not.
After Liberation of the area, a new round of development was initiated. Unfortunately, this mainly was-and still is today-characterized by the unauthorized exploitation of the area's marine resources. Only 40 farmers now have legal concessions; more then twice this number work illegally. At the same time, cultivation spread from the traditional grounds around Bistrina and Kuti Bays to outer areas around Malo More. It thus is difficult to estimate accurately the present level of shellfish production in the area. In rough terms, it is around 1 000 tons of mussels and 500 000 pieces of the oysters annually.
Shellfish cultivation in Mali Ston Bay presently is based on only two species: The European Flat Oyster, Ostrea edulis, and the mussel, Mytilus galloprovinicialis. The cultivation cycle begins with collection of wild spat, sometime after which the young oysters are cemented and hung on ropes in a way used only in this area. Mussels are reared mainly using floating or fixed parks, using classic nylon sockets.
Oysters are fullest and most delicious in March, when St Joseph s Day in celebrated. Gastro expert's claim that oysters are best served freshly opened with some lemon juice. You will have the opportunity to taste the freshly opened oysters smelling of the sea around St.Joseph s Day (19 March) at the restaurants in Ston and Mali Ston.The Festival of Oysters is a gastro event which offers oysters and oysters dishes (oysters soup, oysters fritters, roasted oysters, fried or baked oysters in various ways) along with the Dalmatian song and a glass of good wine,
We mainly consume the oyster fresh, on ice as cold hors-d oeuvre,i.e. as an introductory dish in a gastronomically well-composed menu. As a cold dish it can be served as a cocktail, oyster sald,various oyster mignons,oysters in fish jelly , canapé sandwiches.etc.
108. ΠΟΛΩΝΙΑ - POLAND: Białowieża Forest, Auschwitz, krakow, Salt Mine Bielitsa, Varsow, Gdańsk
Το Αρχέγονο Ευρωπαϊκό Δάσος Białowieża, Στο Στρατόπεδο Συγκέντρωσης Άουσβιτς, Η Κρακοβία του μοναχικού τρομπετίστα, Το Αλατωρυχείο Βιελίτσκα, από τον 13ο αιώνα έως το 2007, Βαρσοβία, το 85% ξαναχτίζεται μετά το Β' Παγκόσμιο, Γκντανσκ, 7 σύμφωνα 1 φωνήεν
Μάιος 2014...
Adriatic Sea | Wikipedia audio article
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Adriatic Sea
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Adriatic Sea is a body of water separating the Italian Peninsula from the Balkan peninsula. The Adriatic is the northernmost arm of the Mediterranean Sea, extending from the Strait of Otranto (where it connects to the Ionian Sea) to the northwest and the Po Valley. The countries with coasts on the Adriatic are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia. The Adriatic contains over 1,300 islands, mostly located along its eastern, Croatian coast. It is divided into three basins, the northern being the shallowest and the southern being the deepest, with a maximum depth of 1,233 metres (4,045 ft). The Otranto Sill, an underwater ridge, is located at the border between the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. The prevailing currents flow counterclockwise from the Strait of Otranto, along the eastern coast and back to the strait along the western (Italian) coast. Tidal movements in the Adriatic are slight, although larger amplitudes are known to occur occasionally. The Adriatic's salinity is lower than the Mediterranean's because the Adriatic collects a third of the fresh water flowing into the Mediterranean, acting as a dilution basin. The surface water temperatures generally range from 30 °C (86 °F) in summer to 12 °C (54 °F) in winter, significantly moderating the Adriatic Basin's climate.
The Adriatic Sea sits on the Apulian or Adriatic Microplate, which separated from the African Plate in the Mesozoic era. The plate's movement contributed to the formation of the surrounding mountain chains and Apennine tectonic uplift after its collision with the Eurasian plate. In the Late Oligocene, the Apennine Peninsula first formed, separating the Adriatic Basin from the rest of the Mediterranean. All types of sediment are found in the Adriatic, with the bulk of the material transported by the Po and other rivers on the western coast. The western coast is alluvial or terraced, while the eastern coast is highly indented with pronounced karstification. There are dozens of marine protected areas in the Adriatic, designed to protect the sea's karst habitats and biodiversity. The sea is abundant in flora and fauna—more than 7,000 species are identified as native to the Adriatic, many of them endemic, rare and threatened ones.
The Adriatic's shores are populated by more than 3.5 million people; the largest cities are Bari, Venice, Trieste and Split. The earliest settlements on the Adriatic shores were Etruscan, Illyrian, and Greek. By the 2nd century BC, the shores were under Rome's control. In the Middle Ages, the Adriatic shores and the sea itself were controlled, to a varying extent, by a series of states—most notably the Byzantine Empire, the Croatian Kingdom, the Republic of Venice, the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire. The Napoleonic Wars resulted in the First French Empire gaining coastal control and the British effort to counter the French in the area, ultimately securing most of the eastern Adriatic shore and the Po Valley for Austria. Following Italian unification, the Kingdom of Italy started an eastward expansion that lasted until the 20th century. Following World War I and the collapse of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, the eastern coast's control passed to Yugoslavia and Albania. The former disintegrated during the 1990s, resulting in four new states on the Adriatic coast. Italy and Yugoslavia agreed on their maritime boundaries by 1975 and this boundary is recognised by Yugoslavia's successor states, but the maritime boundaries between Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian-Herzegovinian, and Montenegrin waters are still disputed. Italy and Albania agreed on their maritime boundary in 1992.
Fisheries and tourism are significant sources of income all along the Adriatic coast. Adriatic Croatia's tourism industry has grown faster economically than the rest of the Adriatic Basin's. Maritime transport is also a significant branch of the are ...
Hotel Orsan - Orebic - Croatia
Hotel Orsan hotel city: Orebic - Country: Croatia
Address: Šetalište Kralja Petra Kresimira IV. 29; zip code: 20250
Boasting a seafront location and an outdoor salt-water pool set right next to the sea, Hotel Orsan is located near Orebic, a short distance from a pebbly beach. Free WiFi and free parking are provided.
-- Bénéficiant d'un emplacement en bord de mer et d'une piscine extérieure située à côté de la mer, l'Hotel Orsan se trouve près d'Orebic, à une courte distance d'une plage de galets.
-- El Hotel Orsan se encuentra en una bahía arenosa tranquila, a poca distancia del mar, y se rodea de pinos y cipreses. El Orsan ofrece habitaciones y apartamentos completamente equipados.
-- Das Hotel Orsan erwartet Sie in Küstenlage mit einem Außenpool direkt neben dem Meer in der Nähe von Orebić. Ganz in der Nähe befindet sich ein Kieselstrand. WLAN sowie die Parkplätze nutzen Sie kostenfrei.
-- Hotel Orsan ligt aan de kust, in de omgeving van Orebic en op korte afstand van een kiezelstrand. Het biedt gratis WiFi, gratis parkeergelegenheid en een zoutwaterbad direct gelegen naast de zee.
-- Situato in una posizione fronte mare, nei pressi di Orebic e a breve distanza da una spiaggia di ciottoli, l'Hotel Orsan, circondato da pini e cipressi, offre una piscina all'aperto con acqua salata, una vista sul centro storico di Korcula e servizi...
-- Hotel Orsan酒店坐落于宁静的沙湾,距离大海仅有很短的路程,周围环绕松树与柏树。The Orsan酒店提供设施齐全的客房和公寓。 酒店还设有带户外露台的空调餐厅、开胃酒吧、咖啡厅、带露台的室外游泳池、纪念品商店、排球场、乒乓球设施和儿童室。 客人居住在佩列沙茨岛(Peljesac Island)期间,可以参加不同的体育活动,也可单纯在每个小镇的海港、海滩和海湾附近的步行道悠闲漫步,欣赏无尽美景与独特风光的梦幻景观。
-- Hotel Orsan jest położony tuż nad brzegiem morza, w pobliżu miasta Orebić oraz kamienistej plaży. Oferuje on odkryty basen ze słoną wodą, który usytuowany jest przy samym morzu. Goście mogą bezpłatnie korzystać z WiFi i parkingu.
-- Отель Orsan находится рядом с морем, в нескольких минутах ходьбы от галечного пляжа и неподалеку от города Оребич. К услугам гостей открытый бассейн, расположенный на берегу моря, а также бесплатный Wi-Fi и бесплатная парковка.
-- Hotel Orsan ligger vid havet nära Orebic och har en saltvattenspool. Du kan enkelt promenad till närmaste stenstrand. WiFi och parkering är gratis. Hotellet är omgivet av pinjeträd och cypresser och har utsikt över Korculas medeltida stadskärna.
-- يقع Hotel Orsan في خليج رملي هادئ وعلى بعد مسافة قصيرة من البحر وتحيط به أشجار الصنوبر والسرو. يشمل Orsan في عرضه على غرف وشقق مجهزة تجهيزا كاملا.
-- Hotel Orsan ligger i en rolig sandbukt, like ved sjøen, og er omgitt av furutrær og sypresser. Orsan tilbyr velutstyrte rom og leiligheter.
Vacanza in Croazia 2007
Estate a Ston (Croazia) a lavorare nelle saline..
Moray, Andenes Circulares, Perú.
Moray, Andenes Circulares, Perú.
Laboratorio agrícola Inca de Moray. Estas ruinas arqueológicas que podemos observar se encuentran en el Valle Sagrado de los Incas, a 38 Km de Cuzco.
En estos anillos o andenes circulares se cultivaban diferentes tipos de semillas. Que por estar a diferentes alturas y diferentes temperaturas y humedad obtenían mucha variedad en los productos que cultivaban.
Tiene la representación del útero de la tierra. Todo un símbolo aquí en Perú a la Pachamama. Un lugar excepcional y que hay que visitar ya que es de grandes dimensiones y vale la pena para los amantes de los viajes y de la fotografía.
Música.- Intro Mágico Perú
ISWC.- T0429632472
Compositor.- Javier Cubedo
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Cuzco y Coricancha:
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Quit her job, packed bags and moved to help salt pan workers: Sonal Dumbre
After learning about SBI’s Youth for India fellowship, Sonam Dumbre decided to move to Vedaranyam, Tamil Nadu to work with the workers of Kovilthavu salt pans, to address their basic issues of dehydration and lack of access to toilets.
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SOLINE - Fotografska meditacija
Music: Vibrasphere - Erosion