This little house (ELDHÚS) has travelled a long way, from village to village in Iceland, introducing Icelandic food to guests and passers-by. Now, our little Eldhús is in Southern Europe, where we want to give people the opportunity to taste Icelandic salted cod and share the experience with friends and family.
Icelandic companies producing and selling salted fish products have joined together in this market initiative that promotes the quality of products produced from fresh fish that is sustainably sourced from Icelandic waters.
Ep129: Iceland Fiber Adventures
A dispatch from Iceland with Marsha and her travel buddy KimFull notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page.
Their hotel was right near the large Church in Rekjavik-Hallgrimskirkja Church.
Rekjavik Food Adventures! Marsha and Kim recommend a food tour as a great way to orient yourself to the city and find out about restaurants you can go back to during your stay in Rekjavik. They visited a famouse Hot Dog stand in Rekjavik, had a fantastic Artic Char at Messin, ate Icelandic rye bread, Lava cake, ice cream, and frozen carmel corn.
They bought yarn at a few places including the Handknitting Association of Iceland and FK Supermarket in Iceland. All grocery stores should stock yarn! Wouldn’t that be great? They went to more yarn stores, including Handprjon Yarn Shop, Litla Yarn Shop, and Alafoss Yarn Shop. One of the yarns they saw was a Polish hand-dyed yarn called Martin’s Lab Yarn.
The tour was originally planned with Cat Bordhi leading it but the tour leader was changed to Janine Bajus, Pattern Designer. She designed some patterns that the group can knit along the way.
They visited Blue Lagoon Iceland and tried a few facial masks.
The group spent a day at Salt Eldhus taking cooking classes while the wind howled outside. The view was beautiful and they were able to see the windstorm while they cooked lunch.
Winter Weave Along--Started October 15 in the Two Ewes Ravelry Group. This weave along goes until the end of March so you have plenty of time for weaving projects.
Stitches West is February 20-23 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. There is a podcaster meetup hosted by Yarniacs and 2 Knit Lit Chicks on Saturday the 22nd in the lobby bar area of the Hyatt (connected to the Convention Center).
Icelandic Cod Fish Utilization
Today the average Cod fish utilization is Iceland is about 75-80%
Soley - Kill the Clown - Eldhús Little House of Music - Iceland Airwaves 2012
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Soley - Killer Clowns - Eldus Little House of Music - Iceland Airwaves 2012
2014 Salhúsið
Salthúsið - Video Cut about 40 seconds, which shows Prime Minister David Gunnlaugsson Sigmund take the groundbreaking for the construction of the Salt House by Herring Era Museum (Síldarminjasafn)----------------- 2014-Salthúsið -- Klippa ca 40 sekúndur, sem sýnir forsætisráðherrann Sigmund Davíð Gunnlaugsson taka fyrstu skóflustunguna vegna Salthússins við Síldarminjasafnsins
Retro Stefson - Live at Iceland Airwaves 2012
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Reykhólar - Einar Kristinn
Svanhildur - SjávarSmiðjan
SjávarSmiðjan og þaraböðin eru staðsett á Reykhólum í rúmlega 2 tíma aksturfjarlægð frá höfuðborginni. Reykhólar við Breiðafjörð er ein af perlum Vestfjarða þar sem fjöldi eyja og ósnortin náttúra hefur laðað að eitt fjölbreyttasta fuglalíf landsins. Reykhólar hafa því á undanförnu verið að byggjast upp sem sérstakur áfangastaður fyrir ferðamenn sem líta til þess fjölbreytileika sem svæðið býður nú upp á.
Þaraböð Sjávarsmiðjunnar stuðla að vellíðan gesta meðan þeir slaka á um leið og þeir geta virt fyrir sér einstakri náttúru á Reykhólum. Sjávarsmiðjan kappkostar að bjóða gestum sínum velkomna í notalegt umhverfi í gömlu verkstæði sem gert hefur verið upp til að halda í tengingu við sjó, vatn og sögu staðarins. Gestir geta þannig bæði notið slökunar í þaraböðum eða eingöngu sest niður í kaffi yfir skemmtilegu útsýni við Breiðafjörðinn.