Avatar Meher Baba's Samadhi in Full High Definition
600 Baba sites are at “It [Baba's Tomb] is a place of immense spiritual importance….” Baba in Glimpses of the God-Man, Vol. III, Bal Natu, p. 192. To see more Baba quotes on the power of His Samadhi, click on SHOW MORE below.
“[W]herever there is a tomb of a Master, there the power is; but it is the faith which becomes the medium and utilizes that power….” Baba in Ramjoo’s Diaries, Ramjoo Abdulla, pp. 147-148.
“Baba said it was important for anyone aspiring to have spiritual benefit to visit the Tomb time and time again to imbibe the impressions of the Impressionless One.” Eruch Jessawala in The Ancient One, ed. Naosherwan Anzar, p. 12.
Those who are determined to bow down and worship here [at Baba's Tomb] will do so, will grow more and more in Baba's Love, will try their utmost to love Baba with all their hearts and will please all others in their own joy. Baba in Let’s Go to Meherabad!, Bhau Kalchuri, p. 3.
This place (Meherabad) is the most important. It is the best for those on the spiritual path. Despite visiting other places for work, it is best to return here. Baba in Let's Go to Meherabad!, Bhau Kalchuri, p. 145.
Up until the 8th of March [1927], Baba stayed in the Jhopdi, and then He moved His living quarters back to the wooden Table. It was there at that time that He said of Meherabad, 'I will occupy this Seat for twelve hundred years!' Bhau Kalchuri in Let's Go to Meherabad!, Bhau Kalchuri, p. 81.
You don't realize how fortunate you are…To sit near God's feet for just one second requires great luck, but you are sitting near my feet for so many hours. Fifty years from now, lakhs [hundreds of thousands] of pilgrims will visit Meherabad. People will not be allowed to go inside the Samadhi and bow at my feet. They will have to take darshan from the door…Even if people see my Samadhi from afar, they will consider themselves fortunate. Only later will you realize how fortunate you were to be near God's feet.... Baba to Sheela and Mehernath Kalchuri in Growing Up With God, Sheela Fenster with David Fenster, p. 132.
The whole universe is mine, but this place [Meherabad] is especially mine.' Baba in The Samadhi: Star of Infinity, Bal Natu, p.39
Special importance is attached to meditating in holy places where the Masters themselves have lived or meditated. Baba in The Types of Meditation, Part I in Discourses, 1987, Meher Baba, p. 116.
“You should remember that Beloved Baba’s form itself is in the Tomb. And whether you feel anything or not, His form enshrined there is like the sun that touches everything. Going to His Tomb-Shrine will help disperse the cloud-cover of your impressions so that one day you can feel the rays of love from His Divine Sun in your heart…going regularly will help you. Do not doubt this.” The Spiritual Training Programme, Bhau Kalchuri, p. 60.
“There is a spiritual intensity at Meherabad. The body of Avatar Meher Baba which is resting in the Tomb at Meherabad, is the body that housed Reality and anything that is in direct contact with Reality is naturally sanctified. So the effect of that body is that everything for miles around is sanctified…What you experience is the reflection of His presence in the atmosphere of this place….” Eruch Jessawala in The Ancient One, ed. Naosherwan Anzar, pp. 234-35.
“[Baba's Samadhi] is surcharged with Baba’s divine presence. Hence this place — the Power House — has become the center through which the Avatar’s ever-living Infinite Consciousness continues to function, radiating His unconditional love and compassion to one and all who visit Him.” Bal Natu in Glimpses of the God-Man, Vol. VI, Bal Natu, p. 89.
“His Tomb at Meherabad and His residence at Meherazad…are vast repositories of divine impressions whose effect on those who receive them is to awaken love for God.” Bhau Kalchuri in Glow International, February 2000, ed. Naosherwan Anzar, p. 2.
“I was very particularly struck with the unique atmosphere...in Baba's Tomb. It's Baba Himself, Baba's darshan. I felt that Baba's darshan is eternally present at Baba's Tomb. Lynn Ott in audio recording What is Special About the Tomb -- 1979.
For me, it was like falling into Baba's arms physically in the Tomb. His presence was so intensely alive there. Darwin Shaw in ibid.
“The Tomb is next in importance to the proximity of the physical presence of the Avatar…. I stress one thing — never miss a chance to go to Baba’s Tomb.” Adi K. Irani in Just to Love Him, Adi K. Irani, pp. 88, 91.
Oh humanity! / Don’t miss the opportunity to drink when the Wineshop is open. / The Beloved is distributing Wine ceaselessly without a break. / What a gift is given at His Tomb — the Tomb is the Divine Treasure!” Bhau Kalchuri from “The Tomb is the Divine Treasure” in Let’s Go to Meherabad!, Bhau Kalchuri, p. 144.
The song in the video, the Gujarati Arti or Bujave Naar, was written by Meher Baba and sung by Jane Brown.