Sambor Prei Kuk Temples Site at Kampong Thom Province in Cambodia | Ancient Temple in Southeast Asia
Everyone is really happy to hear about the registration of Sambor Prei Kuk temples site as the world heritage by UNESCO on July 7th 2017. We visited the temples and captures the images and videos to share on facebook, youtube and other social media to help promote Cambodia's temples to the world. Sambor Prei Kuk temples site is just about 200km away from Phnom Penh city, about 30km.north of Kampong Thom province along the way to Preah Vihear province and about 150km east of Siem Reap province. The road is paved nice and smooth so you can visit and enjoy a walk around the temples. We visited the lion temple Prasat Tao and other temples we don't know the name. We relaxed and walked back to the bus which park 1km away from the temple to travel back to Phnom Penh city. It's a great day visited the ancient Khmer temples in Kampong Thom province.
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Sambor Prei Kuk, Kampong Thom, Cambodia, 2012
Sambor Prei Kuk or Isanapura was the capital of the ancient Chenla Kingdom. This video contains also my one night with breakfast Kampong Thom Village Hotel and some photographs of the Kampong Kdei Bridge, a building of the Khmer Empire.
Khmer Tour to Prasat Sambor Prei Kuk at Kampong Thom Province on 24/03/2018
ASEAN International School (AIS) is an educational institute which has been initiated and recognized by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports since 2006. AIS always cares for students and provides safe, comfortable and challenging learning environment.
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Cambodia Culture, Sambo Prey Kuk Temple, Kampong Thom Province
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Trip to Sambo Prei Kuk Temples Resort in Kampong Thom province
It's the 2nd day of Khmer New Year 2017 in Cambodia. We first wanted to visit Vihear Sour Sangkran, but they already celebrated before the Khmer New Year. We only had breakfast there and bought some water melons and keep on traveling on National road 6A to Kampong Thom province. We stop at Puthivaeng pagoda to see a small ancient temple there and a swing bridge. We rushed back to the road as our destination is Prasat Sambor Prei Kuk resort in Kampong Thom province. They celebrated Sabor Prei Kuk Sangkran 2017 too. Many people and vehicles lined up to Sangkran. We don't even have a place to park our Van. We can get in but have to drive slowly out to find a quiet place by a temple to have lunch there. It's about 175km. from Phnom Penh to Sambor Prei Kuk temple resort. It's an archaeological site in Cambodia located in Sambour Village, Prasat Sambour district, Kampong Thom Province. It's just about 30km. north of Kampong Thom city, about 35km east of Siem Reap and about 160kms south-east of Angkor Wat temple.
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Sambor prei kuk Kampong Thom Cambodia วัดสมบูรณ์กำปงทม
Sambor prei kuk Kampong Thom Cambodia วัดสมบูรณ์กำปงทม
Travel guide Sambor Prei Kuk Kampong Thom Cambodia
Travel guide Sambor Prei Kuk Kampong Thom Cambodia
【K】Cambodia Travel-Kampong Thom[캄보디아 여행-캄퐁톰]삼보르프레이쿡, 수상마을/Sambor Prei Kuk/Tonle Sap/Floating Village
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[Google Map Information]
-Sambor Prei Kuk
-Prasat Tao
-Floating Village, on Tonle Sap Lake
[한국어 정보]
크메르 제국의 시초가 된 첸라 왕국의 수도. 캄퐁톰으로 향했다. ‘숲의 풍요로움 속 사원’이란 뜻의 삼보르 프레이 쿡. 이곳에 약 100여개의 고대 사원이 남아있다. 우리가 잘 아는 앙코르와트가 건립되기 훨씬 전. 6세기에 축조된 사원들이다. 입구에 들어서면 나무뿌리에 둘러싸인 ‘프라삿 프레이’ 사원을 볼 수 있다. 이렇게 열대 우림 속에 방치됐던 사원들은 2017년 세계문화유산에 등재되었다. “당시에 (첸라 왕국의) 국교는 힌두교였어요. 그 시대에는 한 신을 숭배하지 않고 여러 신을 숭배했죠.” 사원 안에는 모두 다른 힌두교 신들이 모셔져 있다. 이 사원에는 얼굴과 팔이 떨어져 나간 신상이 있는데 힌두교 최고 신, 시바신상이라고 한다. 이곳에 신상은 뭔가 특이하다. “이 신은 ‘하리하라 신’입니다. ‘하리하라 신’은 캄보디아 전통 신은 아니에요. 여러 문화가 섞인 신이죠.” 하리는 ‘비슈누’ 하라는 ‘시바’를 뜻하는데 좌측은 비슈누신 우측은 시바신을 나타낸다고 한다. 숲으로 들어가면 ‘프라삿 타오’ 사자 사원이 나타난다. 사자가 앉아 있으면 평화를 나타내고 갈기를 세우고 서 있으면 전쟁을 나타낸다. 802년 자야바르만 2세는 자바로부터 빼앗겼던 영토를 되찾으면서 크메르 제국을 탄생시켰다. 그리고 이 사원을 건립하면서 사후에 이 지역의 땅과 물의 신이 되기를 바랐다. 때문에 사람들은 왕이 죽은 후 그를 신으로 섬겼다고 한다. “땅의 신과 물의 신에게 기도했어요. 이 땅의 숲과 강을 관리하는 신이에요.” 대 사원들의 특징은 벽돌을 사용했다는 것이다. 벽의 부조들도 벽돌을 쌓은 후 조각한 것으로 큰 사암을 쌓아 만든 앙코르와트 이전의 건축기술이다. “우리 조상들이 이런 것을 만들었다는 게 신기하고 감동적이에요.””이곳은 세계문화유산으로 등재된 곳이에요. 캄보디아인으로서 자랑스럽습니다.” 이곳에서 탄생한 크메르 제국은 톤레사프 호수 근처로 수도를 옮긴다. 그리고 그곳에서 크메르 제국의 화려한 전성기를 맞게 된다. 크메르 제국이 번성할 수 있었던 이유 중 하나는 톤레사프 호수와 근처의 비옥한 땅이 있었기 때문이다. 수상마을 사람들을 만나기 위해 선착장으로 향했다. “수상마을까지 얼마나 걸려요?””앞마을은 5분이면 가는데 안쪽 마을은 한 시간 정도 가야 해요.” 톤레사프 호수는 건기와 우기 때 면적이 3배나 차이가 난다고 한다. 때문에 곧 다가올 우기를 대비해 물 위의 집을 옮겨야 한다. 마을에 들어서자 이사 중인 집이 보인다. 인터뷰를 위해 다가가는데 쉽지 않다. 자칫 배가 집에 부딪치면 집은 금방 무너질 것 같다. 배를 돌려 다시 다가가 본다. 가난한 가족들이 사는지 집이 너무나 허술하다. “어디로 가세요?” “저 위쪽으로요.” “자주 집을 옮겨요?” “일 년에 3번 정도 옮깁니다.” 마을 사람들은 대부분 물고기 양식을 하며 살아간다. 양식장 하기 좋은 곳으로 집을 먼저 옮기고 그 후, 양식장을 옮길 거라고 한다. 난 이중 가장 큰 집을 찾아가 보았다. “안녕하세요?” “안녕하세요. 어서 오세요.” 새끼 악어다. 물고기 양식보다 악어 양식이 더 수입이 좋다고 한다. 어쩐지 잘 사는 집처럼 보였던 이유가 있었다. 악어를 만지는 아이의 모습이 좀 위험해 보인다. “악어가 안 물어요?“ “괜찮아요 안 물어요.” 참 용감한 아이다. “일주일 된 새끼들이에요. 아직 이빨이 작아서 물어도 아프지 않아요.” 톤레사프 호수에 살던 야생 악어는 모두 사라졌고 양식장 악어들만 중요한 수입원으로 남아있다. “제가 태어나기 훨씬 전부터 악어를 키웠어요. 어머니가 물려받고 제가 다시 물려받았죠.” 먹이는 일주일에 한 번 정도 준다는데 톤레사프 호수에 물고기가 풍부해 걱정 없다고 한다. “예전에는 숲에서 악어를 키웠는데 지금은 이렇게 키우고 있어요.” 보여줄게 있다고 해서 따라나서 보았다. “우기가 되면 악어를 (육지에 있는) 우리에 옮겨놔요.” 번식기가 되면 악어를 육지에 있는 우리로 옮겨 알을 낳을 수 있게 한다고 한다. 이곳이 부화장이라는데 곧 있으면 새끼 악어가 태어난단다. “흙 속에서 70일이 지나면 부화가 됩니다. 그때는 새끼 악어들이 우는 소리가 들려요.” 이미 새끼 악어 한 마리가 나와 있다. 하지만 나머지 알들은 나올 기미가 안 보인다. “이제 악어가 알에서 나오게 도와줘야 돼요.” 아, 이제 이해가 간다. 새끼 악어를 한 마리씩 알 속에서 꺼내주고 있다. “원래는 알 속에서 새끼가 울면 어미가 도와줘요.” 마치 달걀을 까는 것 같지만 안에서 나오는 건 악어라는 게 신기하다. 이 아이는 정말 겁이 없다. “예뻐요.” 잠시 악어 울음소리를 들어보았다. 나도 알 하나를 까 보는데. 물리진 않을까? 갑자기 온몸이 간지럽다. “이제 새끼 악어를 씻기고 키울 거예요.” 짠타 씨는 같은 수상마을에 살던 지금의 남편과 결혼해 3명의 아들과 두 딸 그리고 부모님을 모시고 살고 있다. 때문에 호수 밖으로는 나가본 적이 없다고 한다. “부모님도 그렇고 저도 그렇고 여기서 살아왔어요. 이집도 남편 집이에요. (육지로 나갈) 계획은 없어요 그럴 돈도 없고요.” 거실이 낚시터로 변했다. “잘 잡혀요?””잡힐 때도 있고 안 잡힐 때도 있죠.” 잡힐 때까지 한동안 기다려 보았지만 소식이 없다. “그만 하시게요?”“저쪽 가서 할 거예요.” 물고기복 없는 나를 피하는 것 같다. 그래서 안 따라갔다. 이곳 수상마을 사람들의 젖줄 톤레사프는 오랜 시간 캄보디아 사람들의 삶의 터전이 되어주고 있다
■클립명: 아시아039-캄모디아04-02 삼보르 프레이 쿳 고대 사원과 수상마을 악어 양식장
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이근선 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 7월July
마을,village,camel, dune, sand, ATV,호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,역사/자연지역,historic site,종교시설,church,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,배,탈것,,ferry, cruise,구조물,structure,동물,animal,아시아Asia캄보디아Cambodia이근선20197월캄퐁톰Kampong Thom ProvinceJuly걸어서 세계속으로
Visit Sambor Prei Kuk Temple in Kampong Thom Province| Sambo Prey Kok is the World Heritage
#VisitSamborPreiKukTempleinKampongThomProvince# Sambo Prey Kok is the World Heritage
Visit Sambor Prei Kuk Temple Site in Kampong Thom Province | GoPro Hero5 of Picnic Lunch in Cambodia
A quality of Hero 5 video from Sambo Prei Kuk temple Site at Kampong Thom province in Cambodia. We walked around to see the Khmer traditional village. Who do they have there? They got a traditional water-well, a traditional house, a traditional palm sugar cooking place, a giant basket, and other traditional stuffs from the past in Cambodia. We took some pictures from there and walked back to the bus for our lunch. We had a picnic lunch together as we packed the foods from Kampong Thom downtown (Krong Steung Sen), we got 2 grilled chickens, 2 salt-grilled snake-head fishes, 2 full moon fried eggs, and 2 fried chickens with steamed rices. It was good to have a picnic lunch as it's fun and open space with fresh air. I hope you enjoyed or will enjoy the video.
Thank you very much for watching. Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE this video to all Khmers and the world.
Your support is a huge encouragement for me as a Khmer to continue sharing the tourist attraction places and lifestyles in Cambodia to all Khmer and the World and bring more tourists to Cambodia.
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Sambor Prei Kuk - UNESCO World Heritage Site
Sambor Prei Kuk is a fascinating UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was once the city of Ishanapura, capital of the Chenla Empire. Dating back to the 6th and 7th centuries AD, the Chenla Empire ruled much of modern-day Cambodia before eventually being conquered by the Khmer. These days, the site consists chiefly of three ruined temple complexes: North Group, Central Group, and Southern Group. Let's have a closer look!
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Music: - Happiness
Sambor Prei Kuk - Cambodia
Kampong Thom in Cambodia is home to one of the oldest temple sites in the region, Sambor Prei Kuk. The site is remarkably well preserved and has become a true community based tourism destination. Lolei Travel has helped the community with training and development and the community now runs the show by themselves. A wonderful exploration before or after the mighty temples of Angkor, visit Sambor Prei Kuk with Lolei Travel!
អំពីប្រាសាទសំបូរព្រៃគុហ៍ ខេ្តកំពង់ធំ! Sambor Prei Kuk temple, Kampong Thom
#ប្រាសាទសំបូរព្រៃគុហ៍ គឺជារចនាបទមួយ ដែលបានបង្កើតឡើង តាំងពី សម័យចេនឡា (មុនសម័យអង្គរ) នៅរជ្ជកាលស្តេចឦសានវរ្មន័ ទី១ នៅក្នុង សត ទី៧ (គ,ស 616-637)។ រមណីយដ្ឋាន សំបូរព្រៃគុហ៍ ជារាជធានីចាស់ ឈ្មោះថា ឦសានបុរៈដែលជាអតីតរាជធានីខ្មែរ នាសម័យចេនឡា។ឦសានបុរៈ ជាគំរូយ៉ាងសំខាន់ សំរាប់ការកសាង ទីក្រុងអង្គរ។
Sambor Prei Kuk is an archaeological site in Cambodia located in Kampong Thom Province, 28 km north of Kampong Thom, the provincial capital. The now ruined complex dates back to the Pre-Angkorian #Chenla Kingdom (late 6th to 9th century), established by king #Isanavarman I as central royal sanctuary and capital, known then as #Isanapura. The Cambodian government has included Sambor Prei Kuk on its Tentative List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
ផលិតដោយ៖ ក្រសួងវប្បធម៌ និងវិចិត្រសិល្បៈ/Original: Phoeurng Sackona - Minister of Culture and Fine Arts
Sambor Prei Kuk Temple | ប្រាសាទសំបូរព្រៃគុក | Kampong Thom | Cambodia
Sambor Prei Kuk (Khmer: ប្រាសាទសំបូរព្រៃគុក ឬ ប្រាសាទសំបូរគុហ៍) is an archaeological site in Cambodia located in Kampong Thom Province, 30km (19 miles) north of Kampong Thom, the provincial capital, 176km (109 miles) east of Angkor and 206km (128 miles) north of Phnom Penh. The now ruined complex dates back to the Pre-Angkorian Chenla Kingdom (late 6th to 9th century), established by king Isanavarman I as central royal sanctuary and capital, known then as Isanapura (Khmer: ឦសានបុរៈ). In 2017, Sambor Prei Kuk was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located on the Eastern bank of the Tonle Sap lake, close to the Steung Saen River, the central part of Sambor Prei Kuk is divided into three main groups. Each group has a square layout surrounded by a brick wall. The structures of the overall archaeological area were constructed at variable times: the southern and north groups (7th century) by Isanavarman I, who is considered a possible founder of the city and the central group (later date). The buildings of Sambor Prei Kuk are characteristic of the Pre-Angkorean period with a simple external plan. The principal material is brick, but sandstone is also used for certain structures. Architectural features include numerous prasats, octagonal towers, shiva lingams and yonis, ponds and reservoirs, and lion sculptures. Sambor Prei Kuk is located amidst mature sub-tropical forests with limited undergrowth. The area has been mined and could still contain unexploded ordnance. The whole compound is made of three clusters classified as group C for Central, N for North and S for South. They are enclosed in a double-walled encircling 1,000 acre in which there were 150 Hindu temples today mostly in ruins.
Group N: Sambor Temple (Khmer: ប្រាសាទសំបូរ) is considered the main temple and it dates from the 7th century. It was dedicated to one of the reincarnations of Shiva known as Gambhireshvara (from Sanskrit meant profound, deep, solemn - and shvara, Shiva, Śiva, The Auspicious One).
Group S: Yeah Puon Temple (Khmer: ប្រាសាទយាយព័ន្ធ) includes 22 sanctuaries dated from the 7th century (600 - 635 AD) during the reign of Isanavarman I in dedication to Shiva.
Group C: It is occupied by the Central Sanctuary or Boram Temple (Khmer: ប្រាសាទបុរាម) with lion sculptures that had inspired the popular name of Prasat Tao or Tao Temple (The Lions' Temple). It is, however, the newest group dating the 9th century. The other main feature is the Tower of Ashram Issey, but there were also other constructions (18 temples) now in ruined.
Isanavarman I reigned over the Chenla Kingdom between 616 and 637 AD, taking Isanabura as his capital and it is argued that he built the main temple, Sambor Temple (Group N), as there is an inscription on the site attributed to his reign and dated 13 September 627 AD. The king is also known for sending his first embassy to the court of the Sui Dynasty in China (616-617). Chenla conquered different principalities in the Northwest of Cambodia after the end of the Chinese reign period yǒnghuī, which previously (in 638/39) paid tribute to China. An inscription dating from the reign of Isanarvarman I claimed that he was, “the King of Kings, who rules over Suvarnabhumi”. Dr Vong Sotheara, of the Royal University of Phnom Penh, claimed that the inscription would “prove that Suvarnabhumi was the Khmer Empire. The last important king in Isanapura was Jayavarman I, whose death caused turmoil to the kingdom at the start of the 8th century, breaking it in many principalities and opening the way to a new time: Angkor. This site is also claimed as an early capital of Jayavarman II.
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See more on my YouTube videos:
1. Preah Vihear Temple | ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ
2. Wat Ek Phnom | វត្តឯកភ្នំ
3. Phnom Banan Temple | ប្រាសាទភ្នំបាណន់
4. Phnom Bok Temple | ប្រាសាទភ្នំបូក
5. Phnom Krom Temple | ប្រាសាទភ្នំក្រោម
6. Phnom Bakheng Temple | ប្រាសាទភ្នំបាខែង
7. Terrace of the Elephants and Terrace of the Leper King | ព្រះលានជល់ដំរី និង ព្រះលានស្ដេចគំលង់
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UNESCO World Heritage, Sambor Prei Kuk is an archaeological site in Cambodia located in Kampong Thom Province, 30 km (19 mi) north of Kampong Thom, the provincial capital, 206 km (128 mi) north of Phnom Penh. The now ruined complex dates back to the Pre-Angkorian Chenla Kingdom (late 6th to 9th century), established by king Isanavarman I as central royal sanctuary and capital, known then as Isanapura.
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CAMBODIA, Sambor Prei Kuk Temple 2018 added to World Heritage List
Study trip of graduate program to Sambor Preikuk temple, Kampong Thom province. first, I thankful to Mr. Tem Bunteng guide leader at Sombo Prei kuk community for provide my group with detail information about community. It's useful for my assignment. Finally thank you to tourists they are really kind and welcome us to interview them. I hope you enjoy with this video and please help support my youtube Channel for more travelling video in Cambodia.
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Welcome Message
Dear valued visitors,
On behalf of the governor of Kampong Thom province of the Kingdom of Cambodia, I wish to extend my heart felt welcome to all national-international visitors and investors; visiting and investing within the province. Sambor Prei Kuk in Kampong Thom province was the eldest ancient capital and namely Isanapura founded by king Isanvarman I during the 7th century.
The Kampong Thom province has more tourism potentiality for attraction tourists to relax in tourism destinations including; Sambor Prei Kuk temple, Prasat Kuk Norkor, Phnom Santuk, Boeng Samrith, Stung Chinit, Cultural tourism religion centre of Sampovtreyloktreyleak, Kuk Rorkar temple, Stung Prei Pros, Prasat Andet, tourism pagoda, tourism communities and hotels guest house restaurants good service and hygience.
Enhancing the quality tourism service within the province and reduce poverty in the area and encouraging to people to take part tourism activity and giving warmly to visitors who come to visit within the sites, I wish all investors looking for opportunities to join our tourism industry grows and gaining wider popularity from tourists in the world.
I wish all of you have a pleasant stay during your visiting tourism sites in Kampong Thom province.
Sincerely Yours,
H.E. Outh Sam An
Governor of Kampong Thom Province.
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Sambor Prei Kuk Temple ប្រាសាទសំបូរព្រៃគុក | ខេត្តកំពង់ធំ
Sambor Prei Kuk Temple ប្រាសាទសំបូរព្រៃគុក
Sambor Prei Kuk (Khmer: ប្រាសាទសំបូរព្រៃគុក, Prasat Sambor Prei Kuk) is an archaeological site in Cambodia located in Kampong Thom Province, 30 km (19 mi) north of Kampong Thom, the provincial capital, 176 km (109 mi) east of Angkor and 206 km (128 mi) north of Phnom Penh. The now ruined complex dates back to the Pre-Angkorian Chenla Kingdom (late 6th to 9th century), established by king Isanavarman I as central royal sanctuary and capital, known then as Isanapura.[1][2] The Cambodian government has included Sambor Prei Kuk on its Tentative List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.[3]
Located on the Eastern bank of the Tonle Sap lake, close to the Sen River, the central part of Sambor Prei Kuk is divided into three main groups. Each group has a square layout surrounded by a brick wall. The structures of the overall archaeological area were constructed at variable times: the southern and north groups (7th century) by Isanavarman I, who is considered a possible founder of the city[4] and the central group (later date).
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