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Italy Outakes- Spoleto, Italy,
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About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Italy Outakes- Spoleto, Italy,
Places to see in ( Spoleto - Italy )
Places to see in ( Spoleto - Italy )
Spoleto is a city in Umbria, Italy. It’s surrounded by hills, olive groves and vineyards. Dating from the 12th century, Spoleto Cathedral has a porticoed facade embellished by a mosaic. Inside is a cycle of frescoes by the medieval artist Filippo Lippi. The National Archaeological Museum complex displays items from the Bronze Age and Roman times. It also includes the restored Roman Theater.
Presided over by a formidable medieval fortress and backed by the broad-shouldered Apennines, their summits iced with snow in winter, Spoleto is visually stunning. The hill town is also something of a historical picnic: the Romans left their mark in the form of grand arches and an amphitheatre; and the Lombards made it the capital of their duchy in 570, building it high and mighty and leaving it with a parting gift of a Romanesque cathedral in the early 13th century. Today, the town has winged its way into the limelight with its mammoth Spoleto Festival (Festival dei Due Mondi) a 17-day summer feast of opera, dance, music and art.
Spoleto (Latin Spoletium) is an ancient city in the Italian province of Perugia in east-central Umbria on a foothill of the Apennines. It is 20 km (12 mi) S. of Trevi, 29 km (18 mi) N. of Terni, 63 km (39 mi) SE of Perugia; 212 km (132 mi) SE of Florence; and 126 km (78 mi) N of Rome. Spoleto was situated on the eastern branch of the Via Flaminia, which forked into two roads at Narni and rejoined at Forum Flaminii, near Foligno. An ancient road also ran hence to Nursia. The Ponte Sanguinario of the 1st century BC still exists. The Forum lies under today's marketplace. Located at the head of a large, broad valley, surrounded by mountains, Spoleto has long occupied a strategic geographical position. It appears to have been an important town to the original Umbri tribes, who built walls around their settlement in the 5th century BC, some of which are visible today.
Under the empire it seems to have flourished once again, but is not often mentioned in history. Martial speaks of its wine. Aemilianus, who had been proclaimed emperor by his soldiers in Moesia, was slain by them here on his way from Rome (AD 253), after a reign of three or four months. Rescripts of Constantine (326) and Julian (362) are dated from Spoleto. The foundation of the episcopal see dates from the 4th century: early martyrs of Spoleto are legends, but a letter to the bishop Caecilianus, from Pope Liberius in 354 constitutes its first historical mention. Owing to its elevated position Spoleto was an important stronghold during the Vandal and Gothic wars; its walls were dismantled by Totila.
The Festival dei Due Mondi (Festival of the Two Worlds) was founded in 1958. Because Spoleto was a small town, where real estate and other goods and services were at the time relatively inexpensive, and also because there are two indoor theatres, a Roman theatre and many other spaces, it was chosen by Gian Carlo Menotti as the venue for an arts festival. It is also fairly close to Rome, with good rail connections. It is an important cultural event, held annually in late June-early July.
The Roman theater, largely rebuilt. The stage is occupied by the former church of St. Agatha, currently housing the National Archaeological Museum. Ponte Sanguinario (bloody bridge), a Roman bridge 1st century BCE. restored Roman house with mosaic floors, indicating it was built in the 1st century, and overlooked the Forum Square.
Ponte delle Torri, a striking 13th-century aqueduct, The majestic Rocca Albornoziana fortress, built in 1359–1370 by the architect Matteo Gattapone of Gubbio for Cardinal Albornoz. The Palazzo Racani-Arroni (16th century) has a worn graffito decoration attributed to Giulio Romano. Palazzo della Signoria (14th century), housing the city's museum. The majestic Palazzo Vigili (15th-16th centuries) includes the Torre dell'Olio (13th century), the sole mediaeval city tower remaining in Spoleto. Temple of Clitumnus lies between Spoleto and Trevi
( Spoleto - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Spoleto . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Spoleto - Italy
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Пейзажи Тосканы и Bagni di San Filippo
По дороге от Montalcino к Bagni di San Filippo мы с Вами увидим шикарные пейзажи Тосканы, многие из которых Вы, наверняка, уже где-то видели, т.к. фотографы всего Мира здесь сделали миллионы фотографий! :-)
Баньи-Сан-Филиппо (Bagni di San Filippo) — отличное место для любителей природы. В Фоссо-Бьянко определённо есть на что посмотреть. Потоки весело журчат меж деревьев, а цепочка из нескольких горячих ключей образует серию бассейнов, где можно купаться круглый год. Эти природные бассейны потрясающе живописны и необычны из-за молочно-бирюзового цвета воды и загадочных известняковых отложений, которые по своим причудливым формам получают фантазийные названия: вроде «белый кит» или «ледник».
Вода имеет целебные свойства. С температурой до 50 градусов, лечит кожные, респираторные и костные заболевания, а также содержит очень большое количество бикарбоната кальция.
Термальные воды Баньи-Сан-Филиппо известны уже много веков, а само местечко давно служит курортным направлением для небольшого спа-отдыха в выходные дни. Для него тут есть всё что нужно: курорт «Терме Сан-Филиппо» располагает плавательным бассейном и рестораном при отеле, а также спа- и велнес-центром, где используют только натуральные воды и грязи.
До Фоссо-Бьянко можно дойти от спа-комплекса пешком. Для этого необходимо подняться по дороге над деревней: совсем скоро вы увидите первые известняковые формации. Чтобы добраться до знаменитого водопада и искупаться в сернистом бассейне, нужно пройти подальше, но это не сильно утомляет: пешеходная тропа среди зелени под аккомпанемент журчащих ручьев очень приятна.
Ниже деревни находится небольшой источник Аква-Пассанте. Его вода известна богатым минеральным и химическим составом, и некоторые местные жители, как и туристы, предпочитают пить её за едой. Добраться до источника можно быстро, идя по дороге у парка Ситерни.
* * *
Во время нашего очередного авто-путешествия по Италии (30 мая – 8 июня 2017г., около 2000 км), по древней земле этрусков и римлян, мы посетили такие красивые города и достопримечательности центра Италии (побережье Лигурийского моря, Тоскана и Умбрия), как: La Spezia, PortoVenere, Cinque Terre (Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola и Riomaggiore), Portofino, Lucca, Volterra, San Gimignano, Montalcino, Abbazia di Sant'Antimo, Bagni di San Filippo, Pienza, Chianciano, Montepulciano, Perugia, Assisi, Bolsena, Civita, Orvieto, Pitigliano, Terme di Saturnia и Pisa…
С сожалением, мы исключили из маршрута такие чудеса этого региона, как Флоренцию и Сиену, так как уже бывали в этих городах ранее. Не все из запланированного удалось осуществить, так не смогли погулять по городу Spoleto (физически не хватило времени) и увидеть знаменитый мраморный каскад Marmore Waterfalls – когда мы добрались туда в 17:00, то оказалось, что его уже закрыли – было очень обидно!
В этом регионе огромное количество красивых и древних городов, терм и других достопримечательностей, достойных внимания, о которых, возможно, я посещу в своем следующем путешествии по Италии.
О вышеперечисленных же городах, я расскажу Вам в своих фильмах и фотографиях, которые подготовлю в течении лета!
P.S. Пока все свежо в памяти моей – готов ответить на Ваши вопросы по маршруту!
Filippo Lippi nel Duomo di Spoleto
Le Storie della Vergine sono un ciclo di affreschi di Filippo Lippi, datati dal 1466 al 1469 e conservati nella calotta absidale della cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta a Spoleto.
Spoleto, Italy #4 Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption
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5858 SW 81 ST
Miami, FL 33143
#Italy #Davidsbeenhere
About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Spoleto, Italy #4 Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption
Places to see in ( Spoleto - Italy ) Duomo di Spoleto
Places to see in ( Spoleto - Italy ) Duomo di Spoleto
Spoleto Cathedral (Italian: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta; Duomo di Spoleto) is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia created in 1821, previously that of the diocese of Spoleto, and the principal church of the Umbrian city of Spoleto, in Italy. It is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The church is essentially an example of Romanesque architecture, with a nave and two side-aisles crossed by a transept, although subsequently modified. It was built from the second half of the twelfth century after the city had been devastated by Frederick Barbarossa's troops, over an area where there had previously stood an earlier cathedral, dedicated to Saint Primianus (San Primiano) and destroyed by the emperor. A notable external porch and the belfry were added in the fifteenth and sixteenth century respectively.
The façade is divided into three bands. The lower one has a fine architraved door with sculpted door-posts. Two pulpits are provided on each side of the porch. The upper bands are separated by rose windows and ogival arches. The most striking feature of the upper façade is the Byzantine-hieratic mosaic portraying Christ giving a Benediction, signed by one Solsternus (1207). He signed his work with the inscription Doctor Solsternus, hac summus in arte modernus (doctor Solsternus, supremely modern in his art ), calling himself an outstanding modern artist. Nothing else is known about him. He was certainly ahead of his contemporaries, because it would take half a century before the mosaics in Roman churches would surpass his style. The part of the belfry contemporary with the church reuses Roman and early medieval elements.
The interior was significantly modified in the 17th–18th centuries. It has kept the original Cosmatesque floor of the central nave and the frescoed apse. The paintings of the latter were finished in 1467–1469 by Filippo Lippi and his pupils Fra' Diamante and Piermatteo Lauro de' Manfredi da Amelia: they depict scenes from the Life of the Virgin. Lippi is buried in the south arm of the transept.
Also noteworthy are the altar cross by Alberto Sozio, dated 1187, a Byzantine icon donated to the city by Barbarossa as a sign of peace and the frescoes by Pinturicchio in the Chapel of the Bishop of Eroli. Other frescoes from the 16th century are in the next chapel. The church also contains a polychrome wood statue of the Madonna (14th century) and a choir (16th century) with painted altar and tabernacle, in the Chapel of the Relics, under which lies the crypt of the former cathedral of San Primiano.
( Spoleto - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Spoleto . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Spoleto - Italy
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Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta il Duomo di Spoleto
Il Duomo di Spoleto, dedicato a Santa Maria Assunta, sorge sul fondo della scenografica piazza sulla quale si affacciano anche il cinquecentesco palazzo Rancani (poi Arroni), il palazzo della Signoria, la chiesetta ottagona di Santa Maria della Manna e il piccolo teatro Caio Melisso.
Edificato in forme romaniche nel XII secolo sull'antica chiesa di Santa Maria in Vescovado, ha una maestosa facciata a capanna, costituita da blocchi in pietra e affiancata dalla possente torre campanaria a pianta quadrata.
La parte alta della facciata è divisa in due fasce sovrapposte da un cornicione poggiante su archetti ciechi.
Nell'ordine superiore si aprono tre rosoni e tre grandi nicchie ogivali; in quella centrale, si ammira il mosaico bizantineggiante con il Cristo in trono fra la Madonna e San Giovanni Evangelista (1207).
Nell'ordine inferiore si alternano altri cinque rosoni, dei quali il centrale, più grande, è ricco di intagli e ornati musivi ed è fiancheggiato dai simboli dei quattro Evangelisti.
Ancora sotto, il portico in stile rinascimentale, realizzato su progetto di Antonio Barocci, si apre sull'esterno con cinque arcate a tutto sesto intervallate da colonne corinzie.
All'ingresso della cattedrale, un magnifico portale (anteriore al 1198) è decorato in stile romanico.
L'interno della chiesa, radicalmente trasformato nella prima metà del Seicento, è in stile barocco ed è a croce latina, con tre navate di sei campate ciascuna, transetto, grande abside semicircolare e cupola senza tamburo.
Della cattedrale romanica rimane il pavimento musivo della navata centrale, in gran parte del XII secolo.
Nella nicchia in contraffacciata, un busto in bronzo di Urbano VIII è opera di Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1640).
Un affresco con Madonna e Santi del Pinturicchio decora l'abside della prima cappella della navata destra.
Prima del transetto destro si può ammirare la Croce dipinta di Alberto Sotio (1187) nell'iconografia del Cristo vivo (triumphans) sviluppatasi nell'Italia centrale.
Nel transetto destro, all'altare, tela di Annibale Carracci e, alla parete sinistra, sepolcro del pittore Filippo Lippi (morto a Spoleto nel 1469), disegnato dal figlio Filippino e realizzato da ignoto scultore fiorentino del Cinquecento.
A destra del presbiterio, la seicentesca cappella della Santissima Icona è così chiamata per la presenza di una tavoletta bizantina del XII secolo, donata alla città da Federico Barbarossa in segno di pace.
L'abside è coperta dagli splendidi affreschi di Filippo Lippi e aiuti, raffiguranti Storie della Vergine (1467-1469).
Al centro del presbiterio vi è l'altare maggiore in marmi policromi, opera di Giuseppe Valadier (1792), affiancato da quattro alte colonne portacero.
Si apre, infine, sulla navata sinistra, la cappella delle Reliquie, che conserva sculture lignee e tarsie del XVI secolo, nonché una delle sole due lettere autografe di San Francesco ancora esistenti, indirizzata a Frate Leone.
✞ La Chiesa di San Filippo Neri ✞
San Filippo Neri in Macerata, Italy.
Ball State Intercultural Immersion for Digital Storytelling Master's Program (Telecommunications)
Chiesa di San Domenico di Spoleto -The church of San Domenico di Spoleto
Macchina fotografica Nikon Coolpix P5000.
GIOVANNIPAOLOTV il san Filippo Neri
lettura sintetica della vita del santo della settimana san Filippo Neri
26 maggio
Filippo Lippi's Annunciation returns to San Lorenzo
Filippo Lippi's Annunciation in the Martelli Chapel in San Lorenzo was recently restored, thanks to the generosity of nonprofit organization Friends of Florence.
LDM NEWS ( is a video publishing project of Istituto Lorenzo De’ Medici.
We spotlight people, places and events in Florence, with a focus on student life and tips to make this magical city feel like a second home.
Filippo Lippi & Jacopo Bellini: A collections of 137 Paintings (HD) [Early Renaissance]
Filippo Lippi & Jacopo Bellini: A collections of 137 Paintings (HD) [Early Renaissance]
Filippo Lippi
Fra' Filippo Lippi
Born: c.1406; Florence, Italy
Died: 08 October 1469; Spoleto, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Art Movement: Early Renaissance
Painting School: Florentine School
Field: painting, fresco
Influenced on: Leonardo da Vinci
Pupils: Sandro Botticelli
Lippi was born in Florence in 1406 to Tommaso, a butcher, and his wife. When he was still a small child, both his parents died. He was sent to live with his aunt Mona Lapaccia; however, because she was too poor to rear him, she placed him in the neighboring Carmelite convent. He was eight years old when he left for the convent and started his education there. In 1420 he was admitted to the community of Carmelite friars of the Priory of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Florence, taking religious vows in the Order the following year, at the age of sixteen. He was ordained as a priest in approximately 1425, and remained in residence of that priory until 1432. Giorgio Vasari, the first art historian of the Renaissance, writes that Lippi was inspired to become a painter by watching Masaccio at work in the Carmine church. Lippi's early work, notably the Tarquinia Madonna (Galleria Nazionale, Rome) shows that influence from Masaccio. In his Lives of the Artists, Vasari says about Lippi: Instead of studying, he spent all his time scrawling pictures on his own books and those of others. Due to Lippi's interest, the prior decided to give him the opportunity to learn painting.
Filippo Lippi died in 1469 while working on the frescoes of Scenes of the Life of the Virgin Mary, 1467–1469 in the apse of the Spoleto Cathedral. The Frescos show the Annunciation, the Funeral, the Adoration of the Child and the Coronation of the Virgin.[8] A group of bystanders depicted at the funeral includes a self-portrait of Lippi, together with his son Filippino and his helpers, Fra Diamante and Pier Matteo d'Amelia. Lippi was buried on the right side of the transept, with a monument commissioned by Lorenzo de' Medici.[3] Francesco di Pesello (called Pesellino) and Sandro Botticelli were among his most distinguished pupils.
Jacopo Bellini
Born: c.1400; Venice, Italy
Died: c.1470; Venice, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Art Movement: Early Renaissance
Painting School: Venetian School
Genre: religious painting
Field: painting, fresco
Family and Relatives: Giovanni Bellini
Born in Venice, Jacopo had probably been a pupil of Gentile da Fabriano, who was then in Venice. In 1411–1412 he was in Foligno, where with Gentile he worked at the Palazzo Trinci frescoes. In 1423 Bellini was in Florence, where he knew the new works by Brunelleschi, Donatello, Masolino da Panicale and Masaccio. In 1424 he opened a workshop in Venice, which he ran right up until his death, and which trained his sons and other artists.
Many of his greatest works, including the enormous Crucifixion in the cathedral of Verona (1436), have disappeared. From c. 1430 is the panel with Madonna and Child, in the Accademia Carrara, once attributed to Gentile da Fabriano. In 1441, at Ferrara, where he was at the service of Leonello d'Este together with Leon Battista Alberti, he executed a portrait of that Marquess, now lost. Of this period the Madonna dell'Umiltà, probably commissioned by one of the brothers of Leonello.
The influence from Masolino da Panicale towards more modern, early Renaissance themes is visible in the Madonna with Child (dated 1448) in the Pinacoteca di Brera: for the first time, perspective is present and the figure are more monumental. Later he contributed with works now lost to the Venetian churches of San Giovanni Evangelista (1452) and St. Mark (1466). From 1459 is a Madonna with Blessing Child in the Gallerie dell'Accademia.
Later he sojourned in Padua, where he trained a young Andrea Mantegna in perspective and classicist themes and where, in 1460, he finished a portrait of Erasmo Gattamelata, now lost. Of his late phase, a ruined Crucifix in the Museum of Verona and an Annunciation in the church of Sant'Alessandro of Brescia remain. Giovanni Fontana showed Bellini a treatise on perspective
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Concerto inaugurazione Oratorio di San FIlippo Neri
25 Settembre 2015 -Concerto inaugurazione Cappella Oratorio di San Filippo Neri dopo il restauro
Filippo Lippi | An Italian Painter | Early Renaissance Part 1
Filippo Lippi, An Italian Painter, Early Renaissance Part 1
- Video Testimonials (1000s) on Authentic Hand Painted Canvas Art Paintings.......
Fra' Filippo Lippi, O.Carm. (c. 1406 -- 8 October 1469), also called Lippo Lippi, was an Italian painter of the Italian Quattrocento (15th century).
Lippi was born in Florence to Tommaso, a butcher, and his wife. If his birth name was different, it is no longer recorded. Both his parents died when he was still a child. Mona Lapaccia, his aunt, then took charge of the boy. In 1420 he was admitted to the community of Carmelite friars of the Priory of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Florence, taking religious vows in the Order the following year, at the age of sixteen. He would have been ordained a priest sometime around 1425, and was to remain in residence in that priory until 1432. In his Lives of the Artists, Vasari says: Instead of studying, he spent all his time scrawling pictures on his own books and those of others. The prior decided to give him the opportunity to learn painting.
Filippo Lippi Paintings
Madonna and Child Enthroned (Madonna of Tarquinia) (1437) -Tempera on panel, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome
Madonna and Child with Saints (1438) - Panel, The Louvre, Paris
St. Jerome in Penance (c. 1439) - Tempera on panel, Staatliches Lindenau Museum, Altenburg
The Annunciation with two Kneeling Donors (c. 1440) - Oil on panel, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome
Martelli Annunciation (c. 1440) - Tempera on panel, San Lorenzo, Florence
Coronation of the Virgin (1441--1447) - Tempera on panel, Uffizi, Florence
Annunciation (c. 1443-1450) - Wood, 203 x 185.3 cm, Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Marsuppini Coronation (after 1444) - Tempera on panel, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Rome
Annunciation (1445--50) - Oil on panel, Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Rome
Annunciation (c. 1449--1459) - Tempera on panel, National Gallery, London
Seven Saints (c. 1449--1459) - Tempera on panel, National Gallery, London
Madonna and Child (c. 1452) - Panel, Pitti Gallery, Florence
Funeral of St. Jerome (c. 1452--1460) - Tempera on panel, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Prato Cathedral
Stories of St. Stephen and St. John the Baptist (1452--1465) - Fresco cycle, Cathedral of Prato
Madonna del Ceppo (c. 1452-1453) - Panel, Civic Museum, Prato
Madonna and Child (c. 1455) - Panel, Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Adoration in the Forest (late 1450s) - Panel, Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Madonna of Palazzo Medici-Riccardi (1466--1469) - Tempera on panel, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Florence
Scenes of the Life of the Virgin Mary (1467--1469) - Fresco, apse of the Spoleto Cathedral
Duomo Spoleto
Spoleto Umbria. A walk in the duomo of Spoleto on its original marble floor of the 15th century.
Antonelli winery, San Marco, Italy
Antonelli wines, world famous, is located in the hills of San Marco, about a half hour south-west of Assisi, Italy. We watch the vineyard people cutting and bringing grapes to the auger and wine press. Then we visit the huge fermentation tanks, cask storage rooms and the wine bottling area. Finally, working up a thirst, we partake of a wine tasting with our gracious host Filippo Antonelli (Agronomist).
Luci ed ombre nel Duomo di Spoleto.
Spoleto - Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta
Video produced within the European project A.L.L. Across the Lombards' Lands - Itineraries and tour packages for all to discover the Lombard heritage
Италия: Civita di Bagnoregio
Чивита ди Баньореджо (Civita di Bagnoregio) – один из самых загадочных итальянских городов, возраст которого превышает 2,5 тысячи лет. Разрушенный землетрясением в 17 веке, он остался практически безлюдным. Сегодня сюда с удовольствием приезжают туристы, чтобы совершить прогулку по средневековым улочкам и насладиться головокружительной панорамой горной гряды.
Город Чивита ди Баньореджо расположен в провинции Витербо в центральной Италии. Фактически это два отдельных поселения: Чивита находится на холме, куда ведет пешеходный мост, построенный уже в 20 веке, а Баньореджо – неподалеку, у подножия холма. Чивита был процветающим центром, где бурлила жизнь, но после землетрясения 1695 года горожане начали покидать свои дома. Сейчас здесь живет шесть человек, которые продолжают заботиться о забытом Богом городишке.
Город был основан этрусками, он находился на пересечении торговых путей, здесь процветала торговля. Сейсмическую активность регион стал проявлять с 17 века, местные жители регулярно страдали от землетрясений и оползней. Когда из Чивиты в Баньореджо переехали епископ и муниципальные власти, стало понятно, что этот населенный пункт умирает. Вторую жизнь средневековый город обрел несколько десятилетий назад, когда сюда стали съезжаться путешественники со всего мира.
Подобная историческая «изоляция» привела к тому, что город не был разрушен во время мировых воин, здесь сохранилась подлинная архитектура, и все выглядит так, будто бы время замерло. Кстати, туристы в нем чувствуют себя вполне комфортно: в городке открыты несколько отелей и пиццерий, так что с ночлегом и едой нет никаких проблем.
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Civita di Bagnoregio is a town in the Province of Viterbo in central Italy, a suburb of the comune of Bagnoregio, 1 kilometre (0.6 mi) east from it. It is about 120 kilometres (75 mi) north of Rome.
Civita was founded by Etruscans more than 2,500 years ago. Civita was the birthplace of Saint Bonaventure, who died in 1274. The location of his boyhood house has long since fallen off the edge of the cliff. By the 16th century, Civita was beginning to decline, becoming eclipsed by its former suburb Bagnoregio.
At the end of the 17th century, the bishop and the municipal government were forced to move to Bagnoregio because of a major earthquake that accelerated the old town's decline. At that time, the area was part of the Papal States. In the 19th century, Civita's location was turning into an island and the pace of the erosion quickened as the layer of clay below the stone was reached in the area where today's bridge is situated. Bagnoregio continues as a small but prosperous town, while Civita became known in Italian as La città che muore (The Dying Town). Civita has only recently been experiencing a tourist revival.
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Во время нашего очередного авто-путешествия по Италии (30 мая – 8 июня 2017г., около 2000 км), по древней земле этрусков и римлян, мы посетили такие красивые города и достопримечательности центра Италии (побережье Лигурийского моря, Тоскана, Лацио и Умбрия), как: La Spezia, PortoVenere, Cinque Terre (Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola и Riomaggiore), Portofino, Lucca, Volterra, San Gimignano, Montalcino, Abbazia di Sant'Antimo, Bagni di San Filippo, Pienza, Chianciano, Montepulciano, Perugia, Assisi, Bolsena, Civita, Orvieto, Pitigliano, Terme di Saturnia и Pisa…
С сожалением, мы исключили из маршрута такие чудеса этого региона, как Флоренцию и Сиену, так как уже бывали в этих городах ранее. Не все из запланированного удалось осуществить, так не смогли погулять по городу Spoleto (физически не хватило времени) и увидеть знаменитый мраморный каскад Marmore Waterfalls – когда мы добрались туда в 17:00, то оказалось, что его уже закрыли – было очень обидно!
В этом регионе огромное количество красивых и древних городов, терм и других достопримечательностей, достойных внимания, о которых, возможно, я посещу в своем следующем путешествии по Италии.
О вышеперечисленных же городах, я расскажу Вам в своих фильмах и фотографиях, которые подготовлю в течении лета!
P.S. Пока все свежо в памяти моей – готов ответить на Ваши вопросы по маршруту!