San Giovanni Fuoricivitas Church, Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy, Europe
San Giovanni Fuoricivitas is a Romanesque religious complex in Pistoia, Tuscany, central Italy. The adjective fuoricivitas (a mix of Italian and Latin meaning outside the city) refers to the fact that, when it was founded during the Lombard rule in Italy, was located outside the city walls. No traces remain of the original Lombard edifice. The first document mentioning the church dates to 1119, when the church was described by Bishop Ildebrand as nearly in ruins. The current building was most likely built soon afterwards. The works lasted until 1344. The church was severely damaged by the Allied bombings during World War II, and was later restored. The appearance of the edifice is mostly defined by its northern side, originally parallel to now disappeared walls. The southern side faces the cloister, while the apse side and the façade are barely visible due to the nearby edifices. The northern side has received in fact most of the external decorations, including a rich portal with a sculpted architrave, signed and dated (1166) by the master Gruamonte and depicting the Last Supper. The pattern of the wall is typical of other buildings in Pistoia, and inspired to the contemporary Pisan Romanesque: it features rows of small arcades on small or blind columns with small windows and lozenges inscribed within the arches. The stones used, white and green in color, are respectively marble and serpentine from Prato.
During the last medieval enlargement, the church received its current plan with a single hall and a rectangular apse, inglobating the former northern wing of the cloister. What remains of the latter, dating to the 12th century, is today the only example in Pistoia of a Romanesque structure in mixed stone and brickwork construction. The small columns are in stone, decorated with capitals featuring heads of lions and oxen, while the arches and the walls are in brickwork. In the 14th century it received a second floor with a loggia. Left of the entrance, on the northern wall, is a white ceramic glaze depicting the Visitation, by Luca della Robbia. It is the oldest surviving example of the use of this technique in his workshop, aside from friezes or bas-reliefs. The work, originally featuring gilted decorations on the hair and the clothes, was commissioned in 1445 by the Fioravanti family of Pistoia. It was probably located then on the side opposite the present one. From the 12th-13th century is the holy water font in the mid of the nave, attributed (in the upper part) to Giovanni Pisano. It depicts the Cardinal Virtues, supported by caryatids of the three Theological Virtues, attributed to a pupil of Nicola Pisano. On the southern walls is the ambon of fra Guglielmo da Pisa, for which it has been supposed a collaboration by Arnolfo di Cambio. Executed in 1270, it was initially located in the Romanesque presbytery, and moved to its present position in 1778. The high-relief sculptures, in Apuan marble Realizzato nel 1270, had originally a polychrome glass background, now mostly lost. At the steps of the columns are sculptures of lion. In the presbytery is the polyptych by Taddeo Gaddi (1350–1353), depicting the Virgin with Child with the Saints James, John the Evangelist, Peter and John the Baptist. Over the main figures, inscribed within Gothic-style small arches and twisting columns, are other figures of saints; in the upper frame is an Annuncation within a mullioned window, surmounted by the Eternal Father. From 1307 are the frescoes in the chois, with stories of the History of the Passion, attributed to the Master of 1310. The church houses also a 13th-century crucifix.
Orgogli Pistoiesi: San Giovanni Fuorcivitas
Sono Nicolò Bindi, candidato di Pistoia alle elezioni regionali del 31 Maggio per Fratelli d'Italia-Alleanza Nazionale. Alla base del mio progetto c'è una lotta senza quartiere contro il degrado delle nostre città, in qualsiasi forma si presenti. Questa battagli dovrà prevedere una forte riqualificazione del territorio toscano, prima che per i turisti, per noi che lo abitiamo.
Quest'oggi mi trovo nei pressi della chiesa di San Giovanni Fuorcivitas, importante complesso romanico nel centro di Pistoia, il quale deve il suo appellativo al fatto di trovarsi al di fuori della prima cerchia di mura cittadine al momento della sua fondazione longobarda. Edificio dalla grande storia e valore, intaccati però da qualche vandalo che ha ben pensato di sfregiare la sua fiancata marmorea e da un amministrazione comunale che non ha invece mai pensato di porre rimedio a ciò.
Maggiori informazioni su:
O Magnum Mysterium, la Mabellini nel battistero di San Giovanni
22 dicembre 2017, battistero di San Giovanni, Pistoia.
L'antico Ospedale del Ceppo di Pistoia - Fregio Robbiano
Questo antico ospedale fu fondato secondo la tradizione nel 1277 dalla compagnia di Santa Maria o del Ceppo dei poveri, come risulta da documenti datati a partire dal 1286
L'attuale complesso deriva da una serie di aggiunte e rifacimenti all'originario edificio duecentesco.
Nel XV secolo vi si aggiunse l'ala con l'attuale facciata, con il loggiato rinascimentale ad arcate costruito nel 1502 sul modello dell'ospedale degli Innocenti di Firenze. La loggia è ornata dal fregio in terracotta policroma invetriata eseguito dai Della Robbia agli inizi del XVI secolo,con le due Arpie raffigurate sugli angoli in segno ammonitore.
Il fregio venne realizzato da Santi Buglioni suddiviso in pannelli ed illustra le sette opere di misericordia (Vestire gli ignudi, Alloggiare i pellegrini, Visitare gli infermi, Visitare i carcerati, Seppellire i morti, Dar da mangiare agli affamati, Dar da bere agli assetati).
Le scene raffiguranti le opere sono intervallate dalle figure di Virtù (Prudenza, Fede, Carità, Speranza e Giustizia), inquadrate da lesene decorate.
I tondi furono eseguiti a partire dal 1525 da Giovanni della Robbia e raffigurano l'Annunciazione, la Gloria della Vergine, la Visitazione e lo stemma mediceo.
pistoiachiesa san giovanni fuor civitas
di questa chiesa da notare ,per me, c'è solo l'esterno....
Pistoia è la mia casa: il pulpito di San Giovanni Fuorcivitas
La chiesa di San Giovanni Fuorcivitas, già così particolare al suo esterno, riserva grandi sorprese anche al suo interno, dove si trova un pulpito con splendide scene scolpite. L'appuntamento è per il prossimo 14 dicembre alle ore 17
Pistoia in tre ore: itinerario nella Capitale della Cultura Italiana del 2017
Pistoia in tre ore, si può fare! a patto di selezionare cosa si vuole vedere della Capitale della Cultura Italiana del 2017.
Noi abbiamo scelto di mostrarvi piazza del Duomo, considerata una delle più belle piazze d'Italia con la Cattedrale, il Battistero, la Torre Campanaria, il Palazzo di Giustizia e il Palazzo Comunale. A poche decine di metri di distanza si trova La Sala, il cuore medioevale di Pistoia, di giorno pittoresco mercato di frutta e verdura si trasforma la sera in elegante luogo di movida.
Raggiungibile a piedi in una decina di minuti la piazzetta di Sant'Andrea con l'omonima Chiesa di Sant'Andrea, vale la pena entrare solo per ammirare il bellissimo pulpito, opera di Giovanni Pisano.
A non molta distanza l'ultima tappa del nostro itinerario a Pistoia, abbiamo raggiunto, sempre a piedi, il loggiato dell'antico Ospedale del Ceppo, inconfondibile per i colori del suo ornamento, un fregio in terracotta policroma realizzato dal Della Robbia all'inizio del sedicesimo secolo.
Visita l'Italia con noi!!!
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Pulpit of Sant' Andrea, Pistoia (Giovanni Pisano)
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Pulpit of Sant' Andrea, Pistoia (Giovanni Pisano)
The pulpit in the church of Sant' Andrea, Pistoia is a masterpiece of 1301 by the Italian sculptor Giovanni Pisano, in the pieve of Sant'Andrea, Pistoia, Italy.
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Church of the Holy Spirit, Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy, Europe
The church of St. Ignatius of Loyola is a Pistoia Church of the seventeenth century. It is often known among Pistoia as a church of the Holy Spirit because, though always been dedicated to the holy founder of the Jesuits, lived there the priests of the Holy Spirit parish thus generating confusion. It was built starting in 1647 on the initiative of the Rospigliosi family, to accommodate the Jesuits, the architect Jesuit Thomas Ramignani. For interior decoration a central role was played by Cardinal Giulio Rospigliosi, later Pope Clement IX. In 1668 Gian Lorenzo Bernini designed the high altar. 1670 is the large painting of the high altar with the Apparition of Christ to Saint Ignatius of Pietro da Cortona. After the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773 he took over the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, in turn suppressed in 1783. After a long time of consolidation and recovery of the church was reopened for worship in 1988. Inside there are also the valuable paintings, including the Assumption of Mary by Giuseppe Nasini, Gio.Battista of the Saint Lucia Annunziata Gigli and Virgin, commissioned by the noble family of Manni accounts for the nearby church of San Biagio also known as Santa Maria in Borgo Road and from there removed years ago. In the chapel of Bankers, first entering on the left, there is the valuable painting by Ottaviano Dandini (Florence 1680 ca. - there 1740), Christ deposed by Jesuits Saints (after 1726), oil on canvas, cm. 297x175. In the middle of the left wall of the nave, after the chapel of Bankers near the pulpit, it is located above a small marble choir, by a finely carved and gilded wooden case, an antique pipe organ built in 1664 by the organ-Willem Hermans . The instrument, mechanical transmission, has a single keyboard of 45 notes with first octave and a scavezza pedal 9 to it constantly united. Clement IX Rospigliosi commissioned in the second half of the seventeenth century, the construction of a second body in front of it, but this was never realized (they were created only the choir and the facade). The project, with various additions and changes, has been taken into account only to the present day and has been entrusted to Glauco Ghilardi, Lucca organ builder, who completed it in 2008. The instrument, inspired by the German baroque organ has two keyboards of 48 notes each and a pedal 26.
Bishops Palace, Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy, Europe
The ancient palace of the Bishops of Pistoia, situated in Piazza del Duomo, was built in the eleventh century in the ancient market space that Emperor Otto III had donated to the bishop of Pistoia, when the contrasts between the chapter and the bishop led quest ' last to build an independent dwelling. It is attested from 1091 and was initially a fortified residence and provided with battlements, then in the twelfth century acquired the look of a mansion with mullioned windows, triple lancet windows and frescoes in the main hall of which traces remain difficult to interpret. Some substantial changes to the architecture of the building were carried out between the mid-twelfth century and the beginning of XIII. The first attested is the one that changed the bishop's court, with the construction of the sacristy of St. James, built between 1163 and 1170 and annexed to the Chapel of San Jacopo, where the relic of the saint was kept. This was the sacristy where the theft occurred Vanni Fucci narrated by Dante in canto XXIV and perpetrated in 1293 or 1294. Its construction was made necessary by the lack of a local service for the chapel because of disagreements with municipality of Pistoia who had wanted the Chapel of San Jacopo made in the first two bays of the left nave of the cathedral, but separated from the rest of the building so as not to create confusion between the cult of San Iacopo, proclaimed patron of the city towards 1145, and the worship previous San Zeno, was patron of Pistoia Church and the Cathedral. In the last decades of the twelfth century above the vestry it was built a bishop's chapel in brick, probably by Comacine workers, as suggests the roof apse on the east side feature of castles, abbeys and French bishops. Dedicated to Saint Nicholas, it was decorated by big stars with eight rays on a blue background in the vault, similar to that of the sacristy. In 1220 has documented the discovery leaning stairway to the north wall, set on a sturdy low arch and decorated with two-toned marble, one of the oldest Italian civil architecture, even earlier than the town hall of Todi and Orvieto palace of the people . During the XIV century the walls of the Chapel of St. Nicholas were painted with stories of St. Nicholas and the Martyrs, at the end of the century a large fresco of the Crucifixion was commissioned by the bishop Andrea Franchi. In the fourteenth century the building was expanded in two phases. In the first staircase it was covered with a factory body resting on four pointed arches brick finished in the top three mullioned windows. Later the porch was extended to the west, taking its current size. Resulted unusual is the use of brickwork that the great gallery of the first floor. In the fifteenth century, the rooms on the ground floor were rented for small shops and some rooms of the bishop were decorated with frescoes. In the sixteenth century the building reached a remarkable elegance but began to be lacking in utility rooms. Bishop Scipione de 'Ricci found it chaotic and obtained by the Grand Duke Peter Leopold permission to build a new bishop's palace. In 1786 the old Palace of Bishops contiguous to the cathedral was sold to private owners. In the following decades the building was radically changed by increasing the number of internal plans, dividing it into apartments and shops and modifying heavily facades. In 1936 he was made a first restoration of the main facade, which brought to light some parts of the Gothic-Renaissance style. Since 1976, the Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia, after having gradually acquired the entire ownership of the property by the various private, began a complex and radical renovation of the building that ended in 1980, with the recovery of most of the structures and of 'original appearance.
San Quirico Medieval Village, Pescia, Pistoia
First mention of San Quirico village dates back to the 10th century when its church was documented. During the medieval period its inhabitants had a long and bloodied fight with nearby castles, especially Castelvecchio, which at the time belonged to Florence. For more history:
Pistoia, Periferia Ovest.
All'interno di tenuta ottocentesca immersa nel verde caratteristico appartamento al piano terra con ingresso indipendente composto da soggiorno con angolo cottura, camera, bagno e ripostiglio oltre a panoramica piscina, parco e posti auto. Spese condominiali € 150,00 mensili compreso tutti i consumi. € 450,00
Ape G (519,20 kWh/m²a)
Firenze Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista Architetto Giovanni Michelucci
Santina Pasqui
30 aprile
Primo maggio, giornata storicamente dedicata ai lavoratori. Dedico il mio pensiero al mastro scalpellino Pietro Pasqui che lavorò per la realizzazione della chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, al cui fianco scorre l'Autostrada del Sole alle porte di Firenze. Molte pietre, sia delle pareti esterne, che degli interni, furono forgiati dalle sue mani, a suon di scalpello, come mostra l'immagine che lo ritrae sul grande masso inserito nel complesso architettonico. Tu così riservato non avresti voluto, ma lo trovo doveroso, ciao babbo..
Trasferta pistoiese per il Filmvideo di Montecatini Terme, rassegna internazionale dedicata al cortometraggio. Nella sala Nardi della Provincia si è tenuto un incontro su l'influenza dei media nella vita quotidiana e, in particolare, nelle scuole. Ospite dell'iniziativa Laura Biggi, responsabile nazionale di Fedic, la federazione italiana dei cineclub.
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10th Century hilltop town with original architecture, good restaurants and in the Collegiate Church of San Gimignamo, some incredible frescos
Visita al Campanile di PISTOIA
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PISTOIA (Toscana) chiesa di S. Francesco d'Assisi - altare di S. Francesco - SPLENDIDE VETRATE
Si tratta di una delle chiese più grandi della città, situata nell’omonima piazza, appena fuori il centro cittadino. La costruzione fu iniziata intorno al 1289, ma i lavori di edificazione del corpo della chiesa e del limitrofo chiostro si protrassero fino alla fine del trecento. La facciata è molto semplice, in tipico stile gotico francescano, caratterizzata dalla bicromia dei marmi bianco e verde, un grande portone centrale ed il rosone soprastante. La pianta è a croce latina, ad aula unica (di circa 70 metri di lunghezza) con cinque cappelle absidali. Le molte pitture trecentesche che ornavano le parti della chiesa sono andate irrimediabilmente perdute, ne restano alcuni esempi solo nella sala del Capitolo. Bellissimi i giochi di luce dell’interno, creati dalle SPLENDIDE VETRATE COLORATE. Dal 1808 al 1926 a causa delle soppressioni napoleoniche la chiesa fu destinata ad altri usi che ne danneggiarono inevitabilmente alcune parti.
Sipud pinanawannak / ilocano song / Pistoia Italy
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Pablo Bisquera.
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