San Pedro Church, Carmona Spain
San Pedro Church was constructed in the 15th century in Carmona, Spain.
Church of St. Mary, Carmona, Andalusia, Spain, Europe
The Church of Santa Maria Assunta de Carmona (Sevilla), was built between 1424 and 1518 mainly, but is the result of numerous transformations of the original temple. It is late Gothic style Andalusian. The temple is open plan with three naves and side chapels. They are Baroque works Puerta del Sol and the Sacramental chapel. The bell tower was begun in the sixteenth century but was not completed until the nineteenth century. The church has three portals. On the left side you access the called Patio de los Naranjos, or courtyard of ablutions, which is the oldest temple area; part of the Almohad mosque that existed on the site and was demolished in 1424 to build the present church. In the courtyard you can see elements drawn from different locations, and between them stands a column with a Visigoth calendar carved. On the right side is a built in 1775 and is called Lonja del Sol, designed by Antonio Chamorro and traces of Antonio Matias de Figueroa door opens. On the feet there is a third cover of Gothic. The interior includes a large open plan consists of three naves and side chapels. Highlights rib vault ships, star character in the header and sexpartito foot of the temple. The structure of the ribs of the dome in the nave, is more complex and is decorated with medallions depicting angels in the arches keys. Its columns are the result of the union of the set of ribs. In the decoration of the temple stands the altarpiece bank consisting of four bodies of five streets and attic. Its construction began in the first half of the sixteenth century, and its authors were Nufro Ortega and Juan Bautista Vázquez the Elder. In the chapel of head of the ship left is a neoclassical shrine that is worshiped Our Lady of Grace, Carmona matron. It also highlights the chapel of Christ of the Martyrs, dating from 1537, in which there is an altarpiece dated 1550, attributed to Roque Balduque.
Carmona, Morningstar of Andalusia!
Country Living in Carmona, Sevilla, Country property, Estate for sale in Andalusia, with large pool area and vegetable garden, stables, second house, grazing land.
carmona 2010 iglesia
viaje a carmona enero 2010
Concierto de Navidad - Coro Parroquial de San Pedro Carmona 2010
Concierto de Navidad, que organiza la Parroquia de San Pedro y la Hermandad Sacramental, tuvo lugar el 20 de Diciembre de 2.010
Este año han participado el Coro Getsemaní de Arahal, Niños de la Parroquia con la representación del Nacimiento y Adoración de los Magos de Oriente y el Coro Parroquial.
La Navidad se dice que es la celebración del nacimiento del Niño Dios, que es tiempo de amor y de paz, donde hay que olvidar rencores y perdurar, pero Navidad es Navidad, cada uno lo celebra a su manera, y hoy de una manera especial lo queremos celebrar en nuestra Comunidad Parroquial de San Pedro, pero no lo celebramos solo hoy, sino que para nosotros todos los día nace el Señor, no tenemos que esperar que llegue Diciembre para darle un abrazo a nuestros padres, nuestros hermanos, y para nuestros amigos desearle que la paz y el amor de Dios habite en sus corazones, es Navidad y por eso queremos comenzar cantando villancico....
Coro Getsemaní: campanilleros, cajita divina, popurrí, y alegría, alegría.
Representación del Nacimiento y Adoración de los Magos de Oriente.
Coro Parroquial: Anunciando al Rey del Cielo, popurrí, en el taller de Nazaret, corre, corre al portalito, camina la Virgen Pura, dime niño de quien eres, el Niño Dios ha nacido.
Christmas Concert, organized by the Parish of St. Peter and the Sacramental Brotherhood, took place on December 20,2010
This year the Gethsemane Choir of Arahal, Children of the Parish with the representation of the Birth and Adoration of the Magi of the Orient and the Parish Choir participated.
Christmas is said to be the celebration of the birth of the Child God, which is a time of love and peace, where you have to forget grudges and last, but Christmas is Christmas, everyone celebrates it in their own way, and today in a special way we want to celebrate it in our Parish Community of St. Peter, but we do not celebrate it only today, but for us every day the Lord is born, we do not have to wait for December to arrive to give a hug to our children.
Gethsemane choir: bellboys, divine box, potpourri, and joy, joy.
Representation of the Birth and Adoration of the Magi of the East.
Concierto de Navidad Coro Parroquial de San Pedro Carmona 2010
Concierto de Navidad, que organiza la Parroquia de San Pedro y la Hermandad Sacramental, tuvo lugar el 20 de Diciembre de 2.010
Este año han participado el Coro Getsemaní de Arahal, Niños de la Parroquia con la representación del Nacimiento y Adoración de los Magos de Oriente y el Coro Parroquial.
La Navidad se dice que es la celebración del nacimiento del Niño Dios, que es tiempo de amor y de paz, donde hay que olvidar rencores y perdurar, pero Navidad es Navidad, cada uno lo celebra a su manera, y hoy de una manera especial lo queremos celebrar en nuestra Comunidad Parroquial de San Pedro, pero no lo celebramos solo hoy, sino que para nosotros todos los día nace el Señor, no tenemos que esperar que llegue Diciembre para darle un abrazo a nuestros padres, nuestros hermanos, y para nuestros amigos desearle que la paz y el amor de Dios habite en sus corazones, es Navidad y por eso queremos comenzar cantando villancico....
Coro Getsemaní: campanilleros, cajita divina, popurrí, y alegría, alegría.
Representación del Nacimiento y Adoración de los Magos de Oriente.
Coro Parroquial: Anunciando al Rey del Cielo, popurrí, en el taller de Nazaret, corre, corre al portalito, camina la Virgen Pura, dime niño de quien eres, el Niño Dios ha nacido.
Christmas Concert, organized by the Parish of St. Peter and the Sacramental Brotherhood, took place on December 20,2010
This year the Gethsemane Choir of Arahal, Children of the Parish with the representation of the Birth and Adoration of the Magi of the Orient and the Parish Choir participated.
Christmas is said to be the celebration of the birth of the Child God, which is a time of love and peace, where you have to forget grudges and last, but Christmas is Christmas, everyone celebrates it in their own way, and today in a special way we want to celebrate it in our Parish Community of St. Peter, but we do not celebrate it only today, but for us every day the Lord is born, we do not have to wait for December to arrive to give a hug to our children.
Gethsemane choir: bellboys, divine box, potpourri, and joy, joy.
Representation of the Birth and Adoration of the Magi of the East.
Seville, Spain. Musical background from Musicshake, Jazz Night, Audio Swap Library.
Rotas da Andaluzia
Viagem pelas cidades monumentais Andaluzas de: Antequera, Osuna, Marchena, Écija e Carmona
A Andaluzia é a maior das regiões autónomas de Espanha, é também a que maior prazer reserva ao viajante amador que gosta de andar por estradas secundárias, seguindo os caminhos dos almorávides e almóadas, os povos árabes, sírios, bérberes e egípcios que dominaram o Sul da Espanha durante o império Al-Andalus.
Antequera, cuja história remonta à idade do Bronze, tem uma grande diversidade de interesse histórico evidente na sua arquitetura medieval, é uma cidade tipicamente andaluza com casas de paredes caiadas de branco com telhados de terracota.
A cidade de Osuna está classificada como conjunto Histórico-Artístico, a Calle de San Pedro foi reconhecida como a segunda rua mais bonita da Europa pela UNESC0
A historia da cidade de Osuna começou com os Tartaros, seguido de época romana, quando foi conquistada por Júlio César durante a guerra entre Pompeu e César, depois vieram os mouros e os turdetanos.
A cidade de Marchena, situa-se no centro de uma área arqueológica rica com vestígios que datam da Idade do Bronze. O domínio muçulmano deixou sua marca na cidade, que conheceu o seu apogeu nos seculos XV e XVI.
A cidade de Écija, a antiga Astigi romana, é um verdadeiro museu aberto onde se destaca a nobreza dos seus edifícios, conventos, igrejas e casas apalaçadas que compõem o poder aristocrático do passado, que alcançou a sua plenitude na fase barroca do século XVIII.
Carmona é uma cidade conhecida pelas diferentes culturas que a povoaram desde a pré-história até os dias atuais. Mas é no período romano, que a cidade atinge o seu apogeu, vestígios desse passado são bem evidentes e estão espalhados por toda a cidade.
Travel by monumental cities Andaluzas of Antequera, Osuna, Marchena, Ecija and Carmona
Andalusia is the largest of the autonomous regions of Spain, is also to be happy reserves the amateur traveler who likes to walk back roads, following the paths of the Almoravids and Almohads, the Arab peoples, Syrians, Berbers and Egyptians who dominated the South Spain during the Al-Andalus empire.
Antequera, whose history dates back to the Bronze Age, has a great diversity of apparent historical interest in its medieval architecture, is a typical Andalusian town with houses of whitewashed walls with terracotta roofs.
The town of Osuna is classified as Historical-Artistic set, Calle San Pedro was recognized as the second most beautiful street in Europe by UNESC0
The history of the city of Osuna began with Tartaros, followed by Roman times, when it was conquered by Julius Caesar during the war between Pompey and Caesar, then came the Moors and turdetanos.
The city of Marchena is located in the center of a rich archaeological area with remains dating from the Bronze Age. The Muslim rule left its mark on the city, which experienced its heyday in the centuries XV and XVI.
The city of Ecija, the ancient Roman Astigi, is a true open museum which highlights the nobility of its buildings, convents, churches and manor houses that make up the aristocratic power of the past, which reached its culmination in the baroque phase of the eighteenth century.
Carmona is a city known for different cultures that populated from prehistory to the present day. But it is in the Roman period, the city reaches its apogee, traces of that past are evident and are scattered throughout the city.
Happy Fiesta San Pedro Calungsod (Sitio Ul-Ong,Ternate,Cavite)
March 24 2019, Kauna unahang Kapistahan sa aming Sitio. Viva San Pedro Calungsod
Convento de Santa Clara. Carmona. Sevilla. Spain
Data del S. XV, por lo que es uno de los conventos más antiguos de la ciudad. En él vive una comunidad de religiosas clarisas.
Mediante un convenio con el Ayuntamiento de Carmona, se abrió al público, el pasado 18 de junio de 2009, el Compás, la Torre Mirador, la Iglesia, el Coro Bajo y el Claustro.
Horario de visitas: de Viernes a Lunes, de 11 a 13h y de 16 a 17:30h. En estos momentos se pueden ver sendos cuadros, recién restaurados, de Valdés Leal que pertenecieron en su día al Convento: La Profesión de Santa Clara y la Retirada de los Sarracenos.
Merece la pena hacer una visita, como se puede comprobar en el vídeo.
Carmona: Iglesia de San Blas - Church of Saint Blas
Parroquia de San Blas. (*)
Mientras unos afirman que la parroquia de San Blas ocupa el mismo sitio en que estuvo una mezquita árabe, aseguran otros que está edificada sobre la antigua sinagoga de los judíos. La opinión de los primeros nos parece más acertada y razonable, porque ni está demostrado que en Carmona haya habido jamás sinagoga, ni la época de la fundación de la parroquia es la más á propósito para que se hubiese levantado sobre las ruinas del templo judaico. En efecto; la parroquia de San Blas se construyó en los principios del reinado de Pedro I, y sabido es que por aquel entonces los judíos eran mirados benévolamente por el rey, ya que no gozaran de su protección directa. En San Blas fundaron Pedro I y su madre D. María una cofradía con el título del Santísimo, cuyos hermanos mayores fueron y á la que dispensaron el alto honor de sentarse á presidir el primer cabildo.
(*) Historia de la Ciudad de Carmona de Manuel Fernández López
Es uno de los templos más primitivos de Carmona. S XIV-XVIII. Situada en la antigua judería, tiene planta basilical con tres naves. En el S. XVI se construye la parte mudéjar y en el S. XVIII se remodeló el templo y se erigió la torre. La nave central cubierta de bóveda de medio cañón y las laterales de bóvedas de aristas. Sobresale el retablo mayor de traza barroca y la silleria del coro. La capilla gótica, realizada por Fernando Caro, tiene una bóveda de crucería sexpartita y en ella recibe culto el Cristo de la Expiración de Eslava Rubio
Parroquia de San Blas. (*)
While some claim that the parish of San Blas occupies the same place in which he was an Arab mosque, others say it is built on the ancient synagogue of the Jews. The first opinion seems more accurate and reasonable, because neither is shown that in Carmona synagogue has ever been, nor the time of the founding of the parish is more to the purpose for which it had risen on the ruins of the Jewish temple. Indeed, the parish of San Blas was built in the beginning of the reign of Peter I, and we know that at that time the Jews were viewed benignly by the king, and who did not enjoy his direct protection. Founded in San Blas Pedro I and his mother D. Mary a brotherhood with the title of Blessed, whose older siblings were dispensed and to which the high honor of being the first council to preside.
(*) History of the City of Manuel Fernández López Carmona
It is one of the earliest temples of Carmona. S XIV-XVIII. Located in the old Jewish quarter, has a basilica with three naves. The S. XVI is built the Moorish and the S. XVIII remodeled the temple and erected the tower. The central nave covered with a barrel vault and side vaults. Excels the altarpiece is Baroque and choir ashlar. Gothic chapel, conducted by Fernando Caro, has a sexpartite vault and she receives worship the Christ of the Expiration of Eslava Rubio
Concierto de Navidad - Coro Getsemani de Arahal - Parroquia de San Pedro Carmona 2010
Concierto de Navidad, que organiza la Parroquia de San Pedro y la Hermandad Sacramental, tuvo lugar el 20 de Diciembre de 2.010
Este año han participado el Coro Getsemaní de Arahal, Niños de la Parroquia con la representación del Nacimiento y Adoración de los Magos de Oriente y el Coro Parroquial.
La Navidad se dice que es la celebración del nacimiento del Niño Dios, que es tiempo de amor y de paz, donde hay que olvidar rencores y perdurar, pero Navidad es Navidad, cada uno lo celebra a su manera, y hoy de una manera especial lo queremos celebrar en nuestra Comunidad Parroquial de San Pedro, pero no lo celebramos solo hoy, sino que para nosotros todos los día nace el Señor, no tenemos que esperar que llegue Diciembre para darle un abrazo a nuestros padres, nuestros hermanos, y para nuestros amigos desearle que la paz y el amor de Dios habite en sus corazones, es Navidad y por eso queremos comenzar cantando villancico....
Coro Getsemaní: campanilleros, cajita divina, popurrí, y alegría, alegría.
Representación del Nacimiento y Adoración de los Magos de Oriente.
Coro Parroquial: Anunciando al Rey del Cielo, popurrí, en el taller de Nazaret, corre, corre al portalito, camina la Virgen Pura, dime niño de quien eres, el Niño Dios ha nacido.
Christmas Concert, organized by the Parish of St. Peter and the Sacramental Brotherhood, took place on December 20,2010
This year the Gethsemane Choir of Arahal, Children of the Parish with the representation of the Birth and Adoration of the Magi of the Orient and the Parish Choir participated.
Christmas is said to be the celebration of the birth of the Child God, which is a time of love and peace, where you have to forget grudges and last, but Christmas is Christmas, everyone celebrates it in their own way, and today in a special way we want to celebrate it in our Parish Community of St. Peter, but we do not celebrate it only today, but for us every day the Lord is born, we do not have to wait for December to arrive to give a hug to our children.
Gethsemane choir: bellboys, divine box, potpourri, and joy, joy.
Representation of the Birth and Adoration of the Magi of the East.
Gozo - Nadur, Basilica of St. Peter and Paul
Un viajero francés del siglo XIX se adentra en el Monasterio de San Isidoro del Campo (Santiponce) tras la desamortización. A medida que recorre las distintas dependencias es sorprendido por la aparición de personajes históricos vinculados con el Monasterio, entre ellos Guzmán el Bueno, Casiodoro de Reina o Martínez Montañés.
Visitas guiadas.
La virgen de los Dolores Saliendo de San Pedro (años 60)
Archicofradia de la Expiración de Málaga
Plaza del Obispo, Málaga, Andalusia, Spain, Europe
The Plaza del Obispo, Málaga's Baroque location par excellence and one of the city's most important squares. In the square we find the Bishop's Palace, which was begun in 1762. In front we will find the main entrance of the Cathedral of Málaga, The Manquita, in which we can observe its impressive façade and marble stairs leading down to the level of the square, separated from the monument by a beautiful gate. The square is centred on a stone fountain, an anonymous 18th century work, built at the same time as the Palace, and which was used to supply water to nearby residents. This water was brought along another interesting feature: the Aqueduct of San Telmo.
Seville Cathedral, Seville, Province of Seville, Andalusia, Spain, Europe
The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See, better known as Seville Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Seville (Andalusia, Spain). It is the largest Gothic cathedral and the third-largest church in the world. It is also the largest cathedral in the world, as the two larger churches, the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida and St Peter's Basilica, are not the seats of bishops. It was registered in 1987 by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, along with the Alcázar palace complex and the General Archive of the Indies. After its completion in the early 16th century, the Seville Cathedral supplanted Hagia Sophia as the largest cathedral in the world, a title the Byzantine church had held for nearly a thousand years. The cathedral is also the burial site of Christopher Columbus. The Archbishop's Palace is located on the northeastern side of the cathedral. Seville Cathedral was built to demonstrate the city's wealth, as it had become a major trading center in the years after the Reconquista in 1248. In July 1401 it was decided to build a new cathedral. According to local oral tradition, the members of the cathedral chapter said: Hagamos una Iglesia tan hermosa y tan grandiosa que los que la vieren labrada nos tengan por locos (Let us build a church so beautiful and so grand that those who see it finished will think we are mad). Construction began in 1402 and continued until 1506. The clergy of the parish gave half their stipends to pay for architects, artists, stained glass artisans, masons, carvers, craftsman and labourers and other expenses. Five years after construction ended, in 1511, the dome collapsed and work on the cathedral recommenced. The dome again collapsed in 1888, and work was still being performed on the dome until at least 1903. The 1888 collapse occurred due to an earthquake and resulted in the destruction of every precious object below the dome at that time. The interior has the longest nave of any cathedral in Spain. The central nave rises to a height of 42 meters and is lavishly decorated with a large quantity of gilding. In the main body of the cathedral, the most noticeable features are the great boxlike choir loft, which fills the central portion of the nave, and the vast Gothic retablo of carved scenes from the life of Christ. This altarpiece was the lifetime work of a single craftsman, Pierre Dancart. The builders used some columns and other elements from the ancient mosque, including its minaret, which was converted into a bell tower known as La Giralda, now the city's most well-known symbol. The Giralda is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Seville. Its height is 343 feet (105 m), and its square base is 23 feet (7.0 m) above sea level and 44 feet (13 m) long per side. The Giralda is the former minaret of the mosque that stood on the site under Muslim rule, and was built to resemble the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech, Morocco. It was converted into a bell tower for the cathedral after the Reconquista, although the topmost section dates from the Renaissance. It was registered in 1987 as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The tower is 104.1 m in height and was one of the most important symbols in the medieval city. Construction began in 1184 under the direction of architect Ben Ahmad Baso. According to the chronicler Ibn Sahib al-Salah, the works were completed on March 10 of 1198, with the placement of four gilt bronze balls in the top section of the tower. After a strong earthquake in 1365, the spheres were missing. In the 16th century the belfry was added by the architect Hernán Ruiz the Younger; the statue on its top, called El Giraldillo, was installed in 1568 to represent the triumph of the Christian faith. The cathedral has 80 chapels, in which 500 masses were said daily as reported in 1896. The baptistery Chapel of Saint Anthony contains the painting of The Vision of St. Anthony (1656) by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. In November 1874, it was discovered that thieves had cut out the portion depicting Saint Anthony. Then in January 1875, a Spanish immigrant attempted to sell the same fragment to a New York City art gallery. The man stated it was a complete original by Murillo, Saint Anthony being one of the artist's favorite subjects. The owner of the gallery, Hermann Schaus, negotiated a price of $250 and contacted the Spanish consulate. Upon securing the sale, Schaus sent it to the Spanish Consulate, which shipped it to Seville via Havana and Cadiz.
St. Michael's Basilica (Madrid)
The Pontifical Basilica of St. Michael (Spanish: Basílica Pontificia de San Miguel) is a baroque Roman Catholic church and minor basilica in central Madrid, Spain. It is located in San Justo Street, adjacent to the Archbishop's Palace. It is the church of the Apostolic Nunciature to the Kingdom of Spain of the Holy See is now administrated by the priests of Opus Dei.
Construction began in 1739, on the site of the parish church of Sts. Justus and Pastor. The work was commissioned by Cardinal Infante Luis of Chinchón, Archbishop of Toledo, who subsidized construction with 1,421,000 reales.[citation needed] Construction was completed in 1745.
After the Napoleonic invasion, the church added the advocacy of Saint Michael (San Miguel), when the nearby parish church of San Miguel de los Octoes was torn down.
The original plans have been attributed to Santiago Bonavía, with perhaps an earlier contribution of Teodoro Ardemans. It was completed by Virgilio Rabaglio. On the facade, the allegorical statues of charity, faith, hope, and fortitud were sculpted by Roberto Michel and Nicolás Carisana, adornan los dos cuerpos superiores. A panel by Carisana, on the facade depicts the martyrdom of Santos Justo y Pastor. The cupola is decorated with frescos (1745), by Bartolomé Rusca, depicting the apotheosis of Santos Justo y Pastor.
Among the wood sculptures housed in the interior is the Cristo de la Fe y del Perdón, by Luis Salvador Carmona.