Church of St. Peter, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe
The Church of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic church in Lazzaro Spallanzani, Portovenere, Italy, in the Gulf of Poets in the province of La Spezia. It was officially consecrated in 1198. The part in white and black bands dating from the thirteenth century (probably made between 1256 and 1277), and was restored between 1931 and 1935. This part was derived from an older body, which consists of the early church, but left the bell tower is based on the chapel left of the presbytery. The original church is a work of fifth-century realized in Syriac type, with rectangular plan and semicircular apse. It lost the title of parish in the late fourteenth century, in favor of the Church of San Lorenzo, and officiated by the secular clergy until 1798.
Siamo Noi - Portovenere, Chiesa di San Pietro
Intervista a Don Maurizio Comparoni, parroco della Chiesa di San Pietro. Ci racconterà la storia della struttura camminando nell’area pedonale. E’ una chiesa che, dando sul mare, sorge su una roccia.
Church of St. Peter, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe
The Church of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic church in Lazzaro Spallanzani, Portovenere, Italy, in the Gulf of Poets in the province of La Spezia. It was officially consecrated in 1198. The part in white and black bands dating from the thirteenth century (probably made between 1256 and 1277), and was restored between 1931 and 1935. This part was derived from an older body, which consists of the early church, but left the bell tower is based on the chapel left of the presbytery. The original church is a work of fifth-century realized in Syriac type, with rectangular plan and semicircular apse. It lost the title of parish in the late fourteenth century, in favor of the Church of San Lorenzo, and officiated by the secular clergy until 1798.
Portovenere Italy: Byron meets Venus and Saint Peter
Portovenere, Liguria, Italy. The old gothic architecture church of San Pietro sits high on the hill of Portovenere, right on the edge of the sea. Byron was said to have swum across the bay from this grotto to meet his friend and fellow poet Shelley at Lerici
Porto Venere, Italia
9/9 - 9/11/2017
Spent two nights and a full day in Porto Venere, but it was a strange day. I started out early to hike towards Campiglia and eventually Riomaggiore according to my great plan, but 40 min into my hike the rain started coming down hard. I retreated to hostel to get dry socks and the rain stopped. I then took a walk to Chiesa di San Pietro nearby and it's raining hard again. There was a wedding ceremony in the church and the newlyweds got soaking wet. I ended up wandering around Porto Venere the whole day in a strange and wasted way. Later my roommate from hostel returned from Cinque Terre, and said the weather just a few miles away was fine and dry and he got a great hike. Oh well.
La Spezia Portovenere chiesa San Pietro
Un paesaggio degno di Zeus!!!illustri poeti qui vi giunsero e..trovarono la pace nel golfo delle Cinque Terre !L'isola Palmaria e del Tino e Tinetto spesso non sono riportate su mappe cartacee..ciao.
Porto venere(chiesa san pietro)
Porto venere 는 비너스의 이름에서 유래한 또 하나의 낭만적인 장소...
동영상에 보이는 돌로 이루어진 곶 위에는 13세기 작은교회 산 피에트로가 있다
아름다운 저녁 노을을 볼수 있는 포인트다
#portovenere #liguria #sanpietro #laspezia #lerici #italy #italia #daekikwack #곽대기 #포르토베네레
#리구리아 #산피에트로교회 #레리치 #라스페치아 #유네스코
Italy 2016 - Portovenere (Liguria)
porto, capoluogo, chiesa San Pietro, San Lorenzo, Castello Doria, punta, calla, grotta di Byron, underwater, panoramic wiev...
Arpaia Cave, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe
Among the natural places of the territory of Portovenere famous are the beautiful sea caves. Palmaria Island there are 36. Of the caves is said during the tour Tour of the Islands, indeed the ferry enters into some caves to show tourists all their beauty. The Arpaia Cave is located on the mainland, near the church of San Pietro. From the church square there is a descent to the square of observation at the cave.
Portovenere: Walking from Portovenere to Campiglia Tramonti
Le immagini vengono da una escursione sui sentieri da Portovenere a Campiglia ed al mare di Tramonti a Persico. Bei panorami su Portovenere, con il castello e la chiesa di San Pietro, sulle isole Palmaria, Tino e Tinetto, su Campiglia con la chiesa di Santa Caterina ed il territorio di Tramonti. Mattino con nuvole e pomeriggio soleggiato. Ritorno a Portovenere sullo stesso sentiero.
Quest'area fa parte del parco regionale di Portovenere e del parco nazionale delle Cinque Terre
The images have been taken during a hike on the trails from Portovenere (Liguria, Italy) to Campiglia and then down to the sea at Persico. Fantastic views on Portovenere, with its castle and the church of San Pietro, the islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto, Campiglia with the church of Santa Caterina and the territory of Tramonti. Cloudy morning and sunshine in the afternoon. Way back to Portovenere on the same trails.
This area is included in the Regional Park of Portovenere and the National Park of Cinque Terre.
3 Minuti di ... Portovenere
Per i nostri 3 Minuti di ... siamo arrivati in provincia di La Spezia a Portovenere, patrimonio dell'Unesco, a ridosso delle Cinque Terre nell'estremo levante ligure. Il panorama del Golfo dei Poeti, tanto amato da Byron, rimane spettacolare, Portovenere sul promontorio ventoso e la sua chiesa di San Pietro è inconfondibile così come la sagoma dell'isola Palmaria che si staglia a poche decine di metri di mare spesso tempestoso. Indimenticabile è il panorama che si gode dal piccolo terrazzino accessibile dietro l'altare della Chiesa di San Pietro, proprio sull'Isola Palmaria che da lì sembra ancora più vicina. Altri luoghi da visitare sono la Grotta di Byron, la Chiesa di San Lorenzo e il famoso castello che sovrasta il borgo.
Proprio nel borgo, percorrendo il vicolo principale dalla porta d'ingresso, si trovano diversi ristorantini tipici dove assaggiare prodotti del territorio.
Castello Doria, Porto Venere, Italy
Castello Doria and Chiesa di San Pietro in Porto Venere, Italy. The Castello, an example of Genoeses military architecture, offers magnificent views of the harbour and along the coast to the Cinque Terre. Background music is Satin Sugar by Huma Huma.
???????? Portovenere - Italy (HD)
Portovenere sorge all'estremità meridionale di una penisola, la quale, staccandosi dalla frastagliata linea di costa della riviera ligure di levante. Alla fine di questa penisola si trovano tre piccole isole: la Palmaria, il Tino e il Tinetto. Il clima è tipico mediterraneo, pressoché privo di eccessi termici in estate e di episodi di gelo in inverno. Venne consacrata ufficialmente nel 1198. La Chiesa di San Pietro a fasce bianche e nere risale al XIII secolo, e venne restaurata tra il 1931 e il 1935. Questa parte è stata derivata da un corpo più antico, che consiste nella chiesa primitiva, mentre a sinistra il campanile è basato sulla cappella sinistra del presbiterio.
Portovenere lies at the southern end of a peninsula, which, breaking away from the jagged coastline of the Riviera di Levante. At the end of the peninsula there are three small islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. The climate is typically Mediterranean, with almost no excess heat in summer and freezing in winter episodes. It was officially consecrated in 1198. The Church of St. Peter's in black and white striped back to the thirteenth century and was restored between 1931 and 1935. This part was derived from an older body, which consists of the early church, and left the chapel bell is based on the left of the presbytery.
Portovenere se encuentra en el extremo sur de la península, que, rompiendo con la costa recortada de la Riviera di Levante. Al final de la península hay tres pequeñas islas de Palmaria, Tino y Tinetto. El clima es típicamente mediterráneo, con casi no hay exceso de calor en verano y heladas en los episodios de invierno. Fue consagrada oficialmente en 1198. La Iglesia de San Pedro en la parte trasera de rayas blanco y negro hasta el siglo XIII y que fue restaurado entre 1931 y 1935. Esta parte se deriva de un organismo mayor, que consiste en la iglesia primitiva, y salió de la capilla de la campana se basa en la izquierda del presbiterio.
Portovenere(sp) chiesa San Pietro
mmm non sono io in foto.....ho notato poi una pietra con un'incisione?molto strana...da qui come vedete si fotografa benessimo la chiesa di Portovenere!opera siriaca del v secolo,trasformata in chiesa consacrata in stile gotico nel 1198...i videi sono del 17/08/2014 in seguito alla festa della MADONNA BIANCA..ciao da flashwarrior300.« Là fuoresce il tritone
dai flutti che lambiscono
le soglie d’un cristiano
tempio, ed ogni ora prossima
è antica. Ogni dubbiezza
si conduce per mano
come una fanciulletta amica.
Là non è chi si guardi
o stia di sé in ascolto.
Quivi sei alle origini
e decidere è stolto:
ripartirai più tardi per assumere un volto. »
(Portovenere, Eugenio Montale)
Porto Venere, La Spezia, Liguria, Italy, Europe
Porto Venere is a town and comune (municipality) located on the Ligurian coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It comprises the three villages of Fezzano, Le Grazie and Porto Venere, and the three islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 Porto Venere and the villages of Cinque Terre were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. In the municipality of PortoVenere, in Panigaglia, into the Gulf of Spezia, there is a regasification plant, thanks to which it can import by sea, in the liquid state, natural hydrocarbon gas such as liquified natural gas. Portovenere is a town that lives mainly tourist trade, catering and activities related to tourist accommodation. In recent years have become very important activities such as hotels, Bed and Breakfast, guest houses and residences. Very popular shopping promenade in the Doria quay and picturesque Alley and panoramic views to the church of St. Peter and the Doria Castle. The harbor of Portovenere, although the smallest of Liguria, in the summer season is always sold out and also host many celebrities. The ancient Portus Veneris is believed to date back to at least the middle of the 1st century BC. It has been said that the name refers to a temple to the goddess Venus which was sited on the promontory where the church of Peter the Apostle now stands. The name has also been linked to that of the hermit Saint Venerius. In Roman times the city was essentially a fishing community. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Porto Venere became the base of the Byzantine fleet in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea, but was destroyed by the Lombards in 643 AD. Later, it was a frequent target of Saracen raids. First indications of the existence of a castle date from 1113, and in 1161 the walls were erected. Porto Venere became a fiefdom of a family from Vezzano before passing to Genoa in the early 12th century. In 1494, it suffered a devastating bombardment from the Aragonese fleet during their war with Genoa: subsequently the old part of the town declined in importance, giving way to the development of the Borgo Nuovo (New District), which had existed from 1139 and is centred on the church of St. Peter. In 1797, with the French domination of Napoleon Bonaparte on 2 December the town became part of the Department of the Gulf of Venus, with a capital of La Spezia, in the Ligurian Republic annexed to the First French Empire. From 28 April 1798 with the new French law, the territory of Portovenere fell in the seventh canton, as the capital, the Jurisdiction of the Gulf of Venus since 1803 and the main center of the third State of the Gulf of Venus in the jurisdiction of the Gulf of Venus. From 13 June 1805 to 1814 it was included in the Department of the Apennines. It was at this point which, in 1812, it became part of the coastal route called Route Napoleon in honor of the French general and now known as localized road 530, which still connects the marine center with La Spezia via the Fezzano countries, Le Grazie and Terizzo. In 1815 it was incorporated in the Kingdom of Sardinia, according to the decisions of the Congress of Wien of 1814, and subsequently in the Kingdom of Italy from 1861. From 1859 to 1927 the territory was included in the First district of La Spezia, part of the Eastern District of the Province of Genoa before and, with the establishment in 1923, the Province of La Spezia then. In 1998 it obtained for its architectural heritage and natural entry in the list of protected World Heritage Site, with the Rolli in Genoa's historic center and the only two goods entered for Liguria, and in 2001 established eponymous Regional Natural Park. The village lies at the southern end of a peninsula, which, breaking away from the jagged coastline of the Riviera di Levante, forms the western shore of the Gulf of La Spezia Gulf, or also known as the Poets. At the end of this peninsula are three small islands: Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto; only Palmaria Island, which lies directly opposite the village of Porto Venere beyond a narrow strait, is a small part inhabited. Bordered to the north by the municipality of La Spezia and south, west and east is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. Is about 14 kilometres (9 mi) north of La Spezia and 117 kilometres (73 mi) east of Genoa. In addition to the town, there are the two fractions of Fezzano and Le Grazie, and the archipelago of islands Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto for a total of 7.7 square kilometres (3.0 sq mi). There is a conveyor system with the sewer grates and pumps that push the waste into a subsea pipeline that comes out to about 200 metres (660 ft) beyond the toe of St. Peter. The strong current and high depth of discharge, about 35 metres (115 ft), contribute to the rapid dispersion of the fluid.
Porto Venere, La Spezia, Liguria, Italy, Europe
Porto Venere is a town and comune (municipality) located on the Ligurian coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It comprises the three villages of Fezzano, Le Grazie and Porto Venere, and the three islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 Porto Venere and the villages of Cinque Terre were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. In the municipality of PortoVenere, in Panigaglia, into the Gulf of Spezia, there is a regasification plant, thanks to which it can import by sea, in the liquid state, natural hydrocarbon gas such as liquified natural gas. Portovenere is a town that lives mainly tourist trade, catering and activities related to tourist accommodation. In recent years have become very important activities such as hotels, Bed and Breakfast, guest houses and residences. Very popular shopping promenade in the Doria quay and picturesque Alley and panoramic views to the church of St. Peter and the Doria Castle. The harbor of Portovenere, although the smallest of Liguria, in the summer season is always sold out and also host many celebrities. The ancient Portus Veneris is believed to date back to at least the middle of the 1st century BC. It has been said that the name refers to a temple to the goddess Venus which was sited on the promontory where the church of Peter the Apostle now stands. The name has also been linked to that of the hermit Saint Venerius. In Roman times the city was essentially a fishing community. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Porto Venere became the base of the Byzantine fleet in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea, but was destroyed by the Lombards in 643 AD. Later, it was a frequent target of Saracen raids. First indications of the existence of a castle date from 1113, and in 1161 the walls were erected. Porto Venere became a fiefdom of a family from Vezzano before passing to Genoa in the early 12th century. In 1494, it suffered a devastating bombardment from the Aragonese fleet during their war with Genoa: subsequently the old part of the town declined in importance, giving way to the development of the Borgo Nuovo (New District), which had existed from 1139 and is centred on the church of St. Peter. In 1797, with the French domination of Napoleon Bonaparte on 2 December the town became part of the Department of the Gulf of Venus, with a capital of La Spezia, in the Ligurian Republic annexed to the First French Empire. From 28 April 1798 with the new French law, the territory of Portovenere fell in the seventh canton, as the capital, the Jurisdiction of the Gulf of Venus since 1803 and the main center of the third State of the Gulf of Venus in the jurisdiction of the Gulf of Venus. From 13 June 1805 to 1814 it was included in the Department of the Apennines. It was at this point which, in 1812, it became part of the coastal route called Route Napoleon in honor of the French general and now known as localized road 530, which still connects the marine center with La Spezia via the Fezzano countries, Le Grazie and Terizzo. In 1815 it was incorporated in the Kingdom of Sardinia, according to the decisions of the Congress of Wien of 1814, and subsequently in the Kingdom of Italy from 1861. From 1859 to 1927 the territory was included in the First district of La Spezia, part of the Eastern District of the Province of Genoa before and, with the establishment in 1923, the Province of La Spezia then. In 1998 it obtained for its architectural heritage and natural entry in the list of protected World Heritage Site, with the Rolli in Genoa's historic center and the only two goods entered for Liguria, and in 2001 established eponymous Regional Natural Park. The village lies at the southern end of a peninsula, which, breaking away from the jagged coastline of the Riviera di Levante, forms the western shore of the Gulf of La Spezia Gulf, or also known as the Poets. At the end of this peninsula are three small islands: Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto; only Palmaria Island, which lies directly opposite the village of Porto Venere beyond a narrow strait, is a small part inhabited. Bordered to the north by the municipality of La Spezia and south, west and east is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. Is about 14 kilometres (9 mi) north of La Spezia and 117 kilometres (73 mi) east of Genoa. In addition to the town, there are the two fractions of Fezzano and Le Grazie, and the archipelago of islands Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto for a total of 7.7 square kilometres (3.0 sq mi). There is a conveyor system with the sewer grates and pumps that push the waste into a subsea pipeline that comes out to about 200 metres (660 ft) beyond the toe of St. Peter. The strong current and high depth of discharge, about 35 metres (115 ft), contribute to the rapid dispersion of the fluid.
Porto Venere stormy weather at le Bocche
A nice performance of nature today at le Bocche between the church of San Pietro and Palmaria island
Sardinië 6 : Ísola di San Pietro
Taking the ferry from Porto Vesme to Ísola di San Pietro to visit the lovely town of Carloforte.
Porto Venere on the Italian Riviera
One of the most beautiful towns on the Ligurian coast, Porto Venere (or Portovenere as it used to be known) has spectacular views of the Doria Castle, churches of San Pietro and San Lorenzo, Byron's Grotto, the Palazzata (or the waterfront line of old coloured houses) and the aptly named Gulf of Poets.
Music is E mi basta il mare by Mango
SOLENNE PONTIFICALE RAI1 | Santuario della Madonna Bianca, Porto Venere | 21/07/2019
RAI1 ha transmesso Il Solenne Pontificale della 16ª Domenica del Tempo Ordinario, in diretta dal Santuario della Madonna Bianca, chiesa parrocchiale di San Lorenzo, a Porto Venere.
Presieduto da Su Ezza. Mons. Luigi Ernesto Palletti, vescovo di Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato.