San Telmo Basque Museum San Sebastian Donostia Spain
A visit to the San Telmo Basque Museum in San Sebastian (Donostia) Spain with the old original building inside an old Dominican convent from the Mid-16C, a church, and a
new modern extension Wedged into the hill Urgull. The new building has holes pierced onto molten aluminium Panels mimicking erosion holes on the rock that allow For natural lighting for the interior, and a vegetation layer that is in step with the seasons.
The Church Is decorated with paintings by the Catalan Jose Maria Sert. The Main Painting Is A Stone Block Rising Up Like a Watchtower In the Midst of a Stormy Sea with Violent Waves About to destroy a boat and San Telmo, The Patron Saint of Seamen, clinging to a Tree, Staff in Hand, Saving a Boat.
The museum features old European paintings by El Greco, Jose Ribero, Peter Paul Rubens, Luca Giordano, Tintoretto, Jehannet Clouet, Hubert Robert, and Alonso Cano.
It also features local Basque painters including Ignacio Ugarte, Ignacio Zuloaga, Ramon de Zubiaurre, Aurelio Arteta, Jose Luiz Zumeta, and Antonio Ortiz Echague.
Local Basque artefacts include carved stones from 18C, funerary Stele, argizaiola, a Stele Epitaph from Roman times,
the shield of the Gamboa family from Middle Age times, a large Jar from 16C, an 18C dictionary In Spanish, Basque And Latin.
and displays of Basque Headdresses Jai Alai, and early 20C Promotional Poster.
Ezagutu San Telmo Museoa (Donostia) hiru minututan
San Telmo Museoa Donostian (Gipuzkoa) dago, eta Euskal gizartearen iragana ikertzea eta ezagutaraztea du helburu, oraina hobeto ulertzeko.
Erakusketa iraunkorrak euskal kultura eta historiaren bilakaera errepasatzen ditu Historiaurretik XX. mendera arte. Museoa XVI. mendeko komentu batean dago eta 2011an handitze lanak egin ziren. Aipagarriak dira XVI. mendeko klaustroa eta eliza, eta Josep Maria Sertek egindako mihise erraldoiak.
Museoak aldi baterako erakusketa ugari antolatzen ditu urtean zehar eta jarduera programazio zabala dauka gai anitzen inguruan: ekonomia, Europa, feminismoa, etnografía, antropologia, arkeologia, Arte Ederrak...
Gainera, hirian gertatzen diren jaialdi entzutetsuenek ere museoan antolatzen dute euren programazioaren zati bat, besteak beste, Donostiako Zinemaldia, Musika Hamabostaldia edo Heineken Jazzaldia.
San Telmo Museoa, or STM is a Basque society museum located in Donostia-San Sebastián, addressing old and contemporary Basque culture, arts and history in a European, global context.
The San Telmo Museum has culminated a process of renewal and extension required to reach out to the public in this new 21st century. The keystone to this project is the small architectonic gem incrusted in Mount Urgull and designed by the architects Nieto & Sobejano, featuring a characteristic facade covered in plants.
Address: Plaza Zuloaga, 1, 20003 San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, Spain
Phone: +34 943 48 15 80
Copyright © San Telmo Museoa
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Places to see in ( San Sebastian - Spain ) San Telmo Museoa
Places to see in ( San Sebastian - Spain ) San Telmo Museoa
San Telmo Museoa, or STM is a Basque society museum located in Donostia-San Sebastián, addressing old and contemporary Basque culture, arts and history in a European, global context. Since 1932, it is located at the Zuloaga plaza in the old town, at the foot of the hill Urgull.
San Telmo is presented as a museum and, at the same time, a place to disseminate knowledge and create thought; it is an instrument to understand the present and build the future from encounters with the past and with our roots.
In 2011, a major makeover of its facilities took place by adding an extension to the convent and reshaping its facilities along the lines of its new conceptual approach as a museum of the Basque society and citizenship. The San Telmo Museoa received a Special Mention in the 2013 best European museum contest organized annually by the Museum Forum.
( San Sebastian - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting San Sebastian . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in San Sebastian - Spain
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EuroTrip: San Telmo Museum in San Sebastian Spain
Amazing museum! We learned a lot about Spanish and Basque culture and history. Definitely recommend that you check it out!
San Telmo Museum in Donostia
The San Telmo Museum in Donostia, or San Sebastian, is the oldest museum in the Basque Country. Costume expert Ane Albisu of the organization Iker Folk gives us a tour of an exhibit she curated on Basque clothing and how it has mirrored the changes in Basque society. Video is in Spanish. Video está en castellano.
El Museo San Telmo de Donostia-San Sebastián reabre sus puertas
El museo más antiguo de Euskadi ha ganado un pabellón y el edificio histórico ha sido rehabilitado. El público podrá visitar el nuevo espacio a partir del primer fin de semana de abril.
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Places to see in ( San Sebastian Donostia - Spain )
Places to see in ( San Sebastian Donostia - Spain )
San Sebastián is a resort town on the Bay of Biscay in Spain’s mountainous Basque Country. It’s known for Playa de la Concha and Playa de Ondarreta, beaches framed by a picturesque bayfront promenade, and world-renowned restaurants helmed by innovative chefs. In its cobblestoned old town (Parte Vieja), upscale shops neighbor vibrant pintxo bars pairing local wines with bite-size regional specialties. San Sebastian Donostia is a coastal city and municipality located in the Basque Autonomous Community, Spain. It lies on the coast of the Bay of Biscay, 20 km (12 miles) from the French border. The capital city of Gipuzkoa.
The main economic activities of San Sebastian Donostia are commerce and tourism, and San Sebastian Donostia is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Spain. Despite the city’s small size, events such as the San Sebastián International Film Festival have given it an international dimension.
The Parte Vieja (Old Town) is the traditional core area of the city, and was surrounded by walls up to 1863, when they were demolished so as to occupy the stretch of sand and land that connected the town to the mainland. Antiguo stands at the west side of the city beyond the Miramar Palace. It is arguably the first population nucleus, even before the land at the foot of Urgull (Old Part) was settled. A monastery of San Sebastián el Antiguo. Amara Zaharra has eventually merged with the city centre to a large extent, since former Amara lay on the marshes at the left of the River Urumea.
Amara Berri is the city expansion to the south came about as of the 1940s, after the works to canalize the river were achieved. Gros is built on the sandy terrain across the river. The Gros or Zurriola surf beach by the river's mouth bears witness to that type of soil. One of the newest parts in the city, Aiete kept a rural air until not long ago. Egia, stemming from (H)Egia (Basque for either bank/shore or hill), is a popular district of Donostia on the right side of the Urumea beyond the train station. Intxaurrondo is a large district to the east of the city. The original nucleus lies between the railway and the Ategorrieta Avenue, where still today the farmhouse Intxaurrondo Zar, declared National Monument.
Altza (Basque for alder tree) is the easternmost district of San Sebastián along with Bidebieta and Trintxerpe. Ibaeta stands on the former location for various factories (e.g., Cervezas El León) of San Sebastián, with the buildings of the old industrial estate being demolished in the late 20th century. Loiola lies by the Urumea at the south-east end of the city. It comprises a small patch of detached houses (Ciudad Jardín) and a core area of 6-odd floor buildings.
Riberas de Loiola is a new modern district erected in the 2000s next to the city's inner bypass and south road entrance to Donostia. A pedestrian bridge spans the Urumea river onto the Cristina Enea Park. The Martutene district bordering to the south on the town of Astigarraga comes next to Loiola in the south direction. The exclave Zubieta (meaning 'place of bridges') was a picturesque old village up to recent years, with a bunch of houses.
Alot to see in ( San Sebastian Donostia - Spain ) such as :
Beach of La Concha
San Telmo Museoa
Basilica of Saint Mary of the Chorus
María Cristina Bridge
Kursaal Congress Centre and Auditorium
San Sebastián Cathedral
Mount Ulia
Parque Kutxa Ekogunea
Miramar Palace
Eureka! Zientzia Museoa
Cristina Enea
Museo Naval
San Vicente
Aiete Park
Casino Kursaal
Zurriola beach
Plaza de La Trinidad
Izurun escape room
Urgulleko Historiaren Etxea
Kutxa Kultur Plaza
Carrusel de san sebastian
Alderdi Eder-eko Lorategiak
( San Sebastian Donostia - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of San Sebastian Donostia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in San Sebastian Donostia - Spain
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Visitas Guiadas +55 en Museo San Telmo de Donostia
Varias personas voluntarias de San Telmo Museoa (STM) de Donostia ofrecen visitas guiadas gratuitas para mayores de 55 años. Las visitas se pueden realizar los martes por la mañana y por la tarde (11.00 y 18.00), previa reserva. Existen 5 formatos diferentes dependiendo del interés.
Información y reservas:
944 481 561 (martes a viernes de 10.00 a 13.00)
san sebastian donostia english badubada exhibition santelmo museum european map languages
Basque is a minority language.
san Sebastian donostia english badubada exhibition san telmo museum basque covers
Actividad en Familia en Eureka!Zientzia Museoa
Todo lo que puedes hacer con tus hijos
Nahi al duzu komisarioak berak erakustea Modernitate bakan bat? | San Telmo Museoa
Nahi al duzu komisarioak berak erakustea Modernitate bakan bat. 'Arte berria' Donostiaren inguruan. 1925-1936 erakusketa? Zuekin Peio Aguirre.
XX. mendeko lehen hamarkadetan Donostian eta Gipuzkoan eman zen kultur eta arte giroan zentratzen da; hain zuzen ere, denboran bat egin zuten izen hauen inguruan: Aizpurua, Labayen, Lagarde, Lekuona, Olasagasti, Oteiza, Gabriel Celaya... 160 lan biltzen ditu erakusketak, besteak beste, dokumentuak, argazkiak, pinturak, argazki muntaketak, marrazkiak, kartelak eta ikus-entzunezkoak.
Komisarioa: Peio Aguirre.
Donostiako San Telmo Museoan egon zen 2016ko azaroaren 5etik 2017ko otsailaren 5era.
#Donostia #Erakusketak #SanTelmoMuseoa #Gipuzkoa #Arte
Museo San Telmo. Donosti.
Recorrido por el museo histórico de San Sebastián. Donostia.
So in this room we can see a street, a kiosk, a euskaltegi (Basque school for adults) at the time when it was forbidden to speak Basque ...
Qué ver en San Sebastián - Conoce lo mejor de Donostia
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Gracias por ver este vídeo en el que te muestro cuáles son algunas de las atracciones turísticas que tienes que ver en San Sebastián-Donostia.
La Capital Europea de la Cultura 2016 ofrece un abanico de posibilidades al turista y, en este vídeo, he intentado resumir en dos minutos cuáles son los sitios que tienes que ver y conocer en Donostia-San Sebastián.
Estos son los lugares que aparecen en el vídeo:
-La Catedral del Buen Pastor
-Los jardines de Alderdi Eder
-El Ayuntamiento de Donostia-San Sebastián
-La bahía de La Concha
-El Palacio de Miramar
-El Peine del Viento
-El Funicular del Monte Igueldo
-El Monte Igueldo
-El Puerto y Monte Urgull
-El Boulevard
-El Casco Viejo con la plaza de la Constitución y la calle 31 de Agosto.
-El Museo de San Telmo
-El Paseo Nuevo
-El auditorio Kursaal y río Urumea
-El Hotel María Cristina y Teatro Victoria Eugenia
-La Plaza de Gipuzkoa
Para conocer más la capital guipuzcoana y saber que sitios tienes que ver en San Sebastián, te recomiendo que leas los posts que escribí al respecto:
►Equipo utilizado para grabar este vídeo:
►►GoPro Hero4+ Silver
►►Sony Alpha a7 (Cámara)
►►Sony 16-70mm f4 (Objetivo)
►Crédito Música: Youtube Audio Library
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Places to see in ( San Sebastian - Spain ) Eureka! Zientzia Museoa
Places to see in ( San Sebastian - Spain ) Eureka! Zientzia Museoa
The Eureka Science Museum, the Kutxa Foundation's social action, is a cultural and educational resource for our society. Donostia 's Miramon Technology Park is located at, in a natural environment, Eureka! The Science Museum is an interactive or interactive museum; Information is presented in a playful and instructive manner, with a new communication style, manipulating objects and experimenting.
The Eureka! Zientzia Museoa wants to offer a vibrant environment for participating in science and technology activities. It can be said that science is a science-making center, suitable for all ages, complementary educational programs to understand the principles of science, as well as a resource for families and individuals for their recreation, personal development.
The center has a permanent exhibition: Hipatia, where several areas of science can be seen, through more than 170 interactive modules distributed across 8 thematic halls. Its Planetarium, with 142 positions, is a very useful tool for teaching astronomy , as well as offering more enjoyable screening films.
Eureka! Zientzia Museoa also has an astronomical observatory, Foucault 's pendulum, as well as a variety of animations and shows, and a more playful area with simulators. In the outer gardens, a set of models ( related to heritage buildings in Gipuzkoa ), as well as a mini-botanical garden and free parking.
TIMELAPSE - MUSEO SAN TELMO - 63 Edición Festival de San Sebastián
Arte - Museoa San Telmo, San Sebastián
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¿Conoces el Museo San Telmo en San Sebastián?
¿Conoces el Museo San Telmo en San Sebastián?