Terracina: the sanctuary of Jupiter Anxur
2012 CHNT Video Award - Vote if you like it!
(IBAM -- CNR (National Council of Research), Italy)
The reconstructive study of Jupiter Anxur sanctuary in Terracina (Lazio, Italy) is part of a wider valorization project to develop a musealization intervention that provides in-site visit, aimed at understanding the existents archaeological structures and to the creation of digital contents and multimedia solutions useful to stimulate the curiosity and interest of the visitors. The entire project was done in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendence of Lazio, the Officina Rambaldi and the Syremont spa, in order to make a digital movie that describes the historical and archaeological features of one the most important republican sanctuaries in central Italy. In the absence of reliable and complete data on the original appearance of the buildings located on Mount St. Angelo, it was decided to adopt constructive largely used materials in the republican age and reconstructive solutions based on an approach that could be called 'analogical', i.e. the comparison with contemporary buildings, but also on information about canonical proportions of the classical orders, described by Vitruvius in the first place. This attitude has allowed to formulate plausible reconstruction hypothesis, in which the archaeological data is safeguarded as the indispensable foundation of each proposed solution, which, despite in terms of typological approach, provides the visitor a clear idea of the three-dimensional site impact, here as in much part of the Italian archaeological sites, is often highly reduced or completely absent. The planimetric reconstruction returns the spatial sense and architectural complexity of the various levels on which articulates the original path of cult. The communicative aspect is behind the project. For this reason the product cutting into a narrative suitable way for an audience of non-experts. In order to achieve maximum emotional impact and in line with earlier representations, 3D scenes were done with a 'painting' look, focusing on depth of field shots with strong and extensive use of the post-effects film.
CHNT - Vienna | Conference on Cultural Heritage an New Technologies
November 5 - 7, 2012 | Vienna, Austria -
CHNT Video Award - supported by 7reasons -
Tempio di Giove Anxur - Terracina
Il tempio di Giove Anxur è un tempio romano costruito su un'imponente sostruzione del I secolo a.C. sul monte Sant'Angelo, nella città di Terracina (LT).
Il monte Sant'Angelo, noto anche come monte Giove (per i Romani mons Neptunius, 227 m s.l.m.) costituisce l'ultima propaggine dei monti Ausoni, che giunge fino al mar Tirreno, chiudendo a sud la pianura pontina.
Sulle sue pendici meridionali era sorto il centro ausonio di Tarracina, poi volsco con il nome di Anxur e conquistato definitivamente dai Romani alla fine del V secolo a.C.. Nel 329 a.C. la città divenne colonia romana e nel 312 a.C. il monte fu aggirato alle spalle dal tracciato della nuova via Appia, tra Roma e Capua. A quest'epoca risalgono i primi terrazzamenti in opera poligonale, per l'erezione di un primo santuario, probabilmente legato al culto oracolare e forse non comprendente un tempio.La facciata della grande costruzione a terrazza.Dopo l'epoca romana il santuario fu distrutto e incendiato e i resti furono noti in epoca medioevale con il nome di palazzo di Teodorico. Nell'alto Medioevo nella zona del cosiddetto piccolo tempio si insediò un monastero dedicato a San Michele Arcangelo, dal quale l'intero colle prese il nome attuale. In particolare un corridoio interno di sostruzione fu trasformato in chiesa, con affreschi del IX secolo. Altre strutture medioevali (resti di una torre quadrata e di mura di recinzione e tracce di frequentazione del XIII secolo) testimoniano la continuazione dell'uso militare della sommità del colle.
L'area venne definitivamente abbandonata alla fine del XVI secolo, con lo spopolamento della città di Terracina. Al 1894 risalgono i primi scavi, condotti dallo studioso locale Pio Capponi, seguiti da altri scavi di Luigi Borsari nel 1896.
Il culto
La tradizionale identificazione della divinità del tempio con Iuppiter Anxur (Giove fanciullo), divinità protettrice della città e probabilmente oggetto di culto urbano, è messa in dubbio dal ritrovamento di iscrizioni con dedica alla dea Venere, probabilmente riferibili alla divinità a cui era dedicato il grande tempio di età sillana.
Il santuario più antico, doveva essere invece dedicato al culto della dea Feronia, forse introdotto nella regione già all'epoca dell'occupazione volsca nel V secolo a.C. Tale culto è infatti ricordato dalle fonti antiche, ma frequentemente identificato con un altro santuario dedicato alla stessa divinità presso punta Leano. Alla dea Feronia poteva essere stato dedicato il più antico edificio templare, costruito sulla terrazza detta del piccolo tempio (del terzo quarto del II secolo a.C.), che dominava direttamente la città e la sua pianura agricola, mentre la terrazza adiacente, trasformata in seguito per l'erezione del tempio successivo, doveva essere in un primo momento riservata all'oracolo.
La cinta muraria costruita a nord del santuario come sbarramento della via Appia, fu forse dovuta al pericolo determinato dal risalire di Silla verso Roma (83 a.C.) durante la sua lotta con Mario. La successiva vittoria di Silla determinò forse il progetto edilizio che doveva rivoluzionare la struttura dell'antico santuario, aggiungendovi il grandioso tempio dedicato a Venere, protettrice della fortuna del dittatore e un nuovo culto destinato a mettere in ombra la più antica divinità, rivolto verso il porto e le attività commerciali e non più verso la città e le attività agricole del territorio.Il santuario, giunto fino a noi nel rifacimento di epoca sillana, comprende una terrazza superiore (campo trincerato) con uso prevalentemente militare, e una terrazza inferiore, che ospita il grande tempio e il santuario oracolare. Verso ovest una terza terrazza (piccolo tempio) presentava una serie di camere a volta, ornate da affreschi e fu in parte rimaneggiata per l'inserimento del convento di San Michele Arcangelo.La parte alta del santuario corrispondeva alla zona militare, dotata di una cinta di mura con nove torri circolari che proteggeva il santuario e lo collegava all'acropoli della città. Il campo era costituito da un portico su tre lati di un piazzale aperto verso sud: alle spalle del braccio di fondo era un camminamento di ronda e una serie di cisterne collegate tra loro.
All'angolo sud-ovest del piazzale si trova un piccolo tempio in antis (con cella preceduta da due colonne tra i prolungamenti del muro della cella stessa).Sulla grande costruzione inferiore sorgeva il grande tempio (18,70 x 32,58 m), con orientamento divergente da quello della terrazza e con la facciata volta quasi esattamente verso sud.
L'edificio sorgeva su un alto podio, a cui si accedeva con una scalinata frontale di dodici scalini, che forse ospitava al centro l'altare. Il pronao, profondo quasi quanto la cella, aveva sei colonne corinzie in calcare sulla fronte e quattro sui lati.
Places to see in ( Terracina - Italy )
Places to see in ( Terracina - Italy )
Terracina is a pleasant seaside resort in the south of the Lazio region, between Rome and Naples. It was an important port on the Roman Appian Way, and the site of a major temple to Jupiter. Nowadays the modern town spreads out on the plain below the hills, along a wide sandy beach which attracts many summer visitors.
The modern part of Terracina is unexciting but pleasant, with wide tree-lined boulevards leading to the beach west of the port. The sea and the sand are the town's main attraction for many of its Italian summer visitors. Ferries depart from the port for the Pontine Islands. A boat-lined canal leads to the harbour from the bus station area, passing the fish-hall where crates are loaded with fresh fish, and wizened old salts sit and chat on a terrace.
For more charm and historical interest, however, head for the Centro Storico, the old part of town. This lies uphill from the bus station (cross the road and find a steep hidden staircase, or take a narrow sloping road uphill). The heart of historical Terracina is Piazza del Municipio, a pretty piazza containing paving stones from the Roman Forum, a crumbling archway, the town cathedral, the headquarters of the town council and the archaeological museum. Close by you can also see an ancient paved stretch of the Appian Way.
The Cathedral (shut at lunchtimes) was built over a Roman temple to Augustus, and is an attractive building composed of a mixture of styles. Note the picture of the town on the right-hand altar (one of three decorated altars). The stone pulpit resting on four carved animals is also worth a glance. Outside there is a large stone Roman basin on display in the portico, which was supposedly used for boiling Christians, and a pretty frieze of animals tops the colonnades.
The small Museo Civico (entrance €1.55) contains ancient sculptures found in the area, and also offers a selection of guide and leaflets for sale, including a useful fold-out guide to the Temple of Jupiter.
The old town and the archaeological remains continue through the archway alongside the cathedral, where carved columns and patterned walls are exposed to view. Further on, the winding medieval streets offer a pleasant opportunity for strolling and discovering atmospheric shops and restaurants. More ruins are dotted around the upper and lower parts of town; a guide can be picked up from the museum which will help you find them.
Terracina's most unusual and striking site is the Temple of Jupiter Anxur. Anxur was the ancient Volscian name for the town; Jupiter has generally been assumed to be the deity to whom the sanctuary was dedicated. The main part of the temple is gone, but the impressive vaulted base can be seen for miles, and no visitor to Terracina should miss a trip to the fascinating hilltop site with its superb views.
At the eastern end of town, below the temple on its hill, is a monument to Roman engineering and determination. To improve the route of the Appian Way (which previously had to head inland over the hills), Trajan had the cliff cut to make way for the road. Traffic still runs past this 36m-deep cut in the rock, the Pisco Montano; axe-marks and Roman numerals indicate the workers' progress.
Cheap bars and takeaways can be found along Via Roma, including the pirate-themed Morgan Bay, where you can eat your pizza slice at indoors tables. If you want to buy a picnic, there are a couple of supermarkets along the sea-canal, and another on the way up to the temple (closed lunchtimes). Bars, pasticcerie, gelaterie and clothes shops line Via della Vittoria, which runs down to the lungomare, the seafront.
( Terracina - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Terracina . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Terracina - Italy
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Vlog 2# Monte Giove-one of the oldest mountain | Terracina|| Italy||
In der Altstadt von Terracina / in the historic center of Terracina
Wann genau Terracina gegründet wurde kann leider nicht belegt werden. Einer Legende nach, soll Terracina von griechischen Kolonisten aus Sparta gegründet worden sein. Belegt ist, dass 329 v. Chr. die Römer die Seestadt Anxur eroberten und dort eine Bürgerkolonie gründeten. Die Römer nannten sie fortan Tarracina.
In der sehenswerten Altstadt sind auch noch einige Ruinenreste der Römerzeit zu entdecken. Ein absolutes Highlight (v.a. der Aussicht wegen) ist die Besichtigung der Ruinen des Tempelheiligtums Giove Anxur, allerdings kostet der Eintritt 7 Euro pro Person.
Terracina besitzt einen Bahnhof an der Bahnstrecke Rom-Priverno-Fossano-Terracina, allerdings wird diese Bahnlinie nur 5x täglich bedient.
Jedoch gibt es häufige Verbindungen mit Bussen des Verkehrsunternehmens Compagnia Trasporti Laziali Spa (meist alle 30 min) zum Bahnhof Monte San Biagio (an der Hauptstrecke Rom-Neapel). Das Unternehmen bietet auch Busverbindungen nach San Felice Circeo, Sabaudia, Fondi, Sperlonga, Gaeta und Formia an, cotralspa.it.
Im Stadtgebiet von Terracina gibt es das lokale Busunternehmen Consorzio Trasporti Italiani, lacircolare.it.
In Italien müssen die Fahrkarten in den Tabacchi-Geschäften an den zentralen Bushaltestellen gekauft werden !!!
When exactly Terracina was founded can not be proven, unfortunately. According to a legend, Terracina to have been founded by Greek colonists from Sparta. There is evidence that 329 BC, the Romans conquered the Seaside City Anxur and there formed a colony citizens. The Romans called it from now Tarracina.
In its picturesque Old Town to discover some remains of the Roman ruins. A real highlight (mainly for the view) is the visit to the remains of the temple sanctuary the Giove Anxur, but is the entrance fee EUR 7 per person.
Terracina has a station on the railway line Rome-Priverno Fossano-Terracina, but this line is operated 5 times a day.
But there is frequent connections with buses of the transport company Compagnia Trasporti Spa Laziali (usually every 30 minutes) to the station Monte San Biagio (on the main railway line Rome-Naples). The company also offers bus connections to San Felice Circeo, Sabaudia, Fondi, Sperlonga, Gaeta and Formia, cotralspa.it.
In the city of Terracina there is a local bus company Consorzio Trasporti Italiani lacircolare.it.
However in Italy, the tickets must be bought in the Tabacchi shops at the central bus stations.
Weitere Informationen / further Informations:
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Cultural Heritage of Herculaneum in the beautiful scenery of the Virtual Archaeological Museum
#EuropeForCulture #mavercolano #eTwinning #eTwschools18 #education #EdChatEU #MuseumLearning #CulturalHeritage #UNESCO #patrimonioculturale
Ringrazio il Museo Archeologico Virtuale di Ercolano per l'accoglienza data ai nostri giovani studenti eTwinner che attraverso le ricostruzioni scenografiche, le interfacce visuali e gli ologrammi, hanno potuto esplorare in modo ludico e sperimentale nella coinvolgente dimensione virtuale il nostro patrimonio archeologico. Grazie MAV!!!! Cira Serio Ambasciatrice Nazionale eTwinning
I thank the Ercolano Virtual Archaeological Museum for the welcome given to our young eTwinner students who, through the scenographic reconstructions, the visual interfaces and the holograms, were able to explore our archaeological heritage in a playful and experimental way in the immersive virtual dimension. Thanks MAV!!!! Cira Serio National Ambassador eTwinning Italy
The videos were recorded with iphone 4s smartphone.
We thank all the students and the whole team
#EuropeForCulture #eTwschools18 #eTwinning #education #EdChatEU #MuseumLearning #CulturalHeritage #UNESCO #patrimonioculturale
The journey never ends. Only travelers end. And they too can be prolonged in memory, in narration. When the traveler sat on the sand of the beach and said, There's nothing else to see, he knew it was not true. We must see what we have not seen, see again what we have already seen, see in spring what we saw in the summer, see what we saw at night by day, with the sun where the first time it rained, see the green crops, the ripe fruit, the stone that has changed places, the shadow that was not there. We must return to the steps already given, to repeat them, and to trace new paths alongside them. You have to start the journey again. Always. The traveler returns immediately.
The journey of Josè Saramago