Amazing Aerial Views Sanctuary of Sameiro Braga-Portugal-Vista aérea Santuario do Sameiro
Amazing Aerial Views Sanctuary of Sameiro Braga-Portugal
Vista aérea Santuário do Sameiro Braga-Portugal
Sanctuary of Sameiro - Vlog | Braga | Portugal
I didn't know the wind was that bad.
The accompanying blog entry can be found here:
Date taken: July, 2017
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sanctuary of our Lady of Sameiro
This view is from the top it is a big space with other Chapels and great walking space.
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro
One of the most seen European and Portuguese Sanctuary, important from many point of views.We present just some of them.
Sameiro Sanctuary, Braga, Portugal (4K, Ultra HD)
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro sits on a hilltop overlooking the city of Braga.
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Sanctuary of our lady of Sameiro ???????? part 1
If you can do ALL the stairs it’s differently very beautiful to see.
Sanctuaire de Notre-Dame du Sameiro - Braga - Portugal
Coordonnées GPS: 41.541187, -8.372579 (stationnement au bas de l'escalier)
Le sanctuaire de Notre-Dame du Sameiro est situé à proximité d'un autre sanctuaire que nous avons visité dans la même journée, le Sanctuaire de Bon Jésus. Il se trouve également tout au haut d'une colline.
Nous avons stationné notre voiture au bas du long escalier (265 marches) qui mène jusqu'à la basilique.
Bien sûr, il aurait été possible de se stationner tout au haut de la colline. Cependant, c'est par choix que nous avons décidé de prendre le temps de gravir les marches de cet escalier.
Ce sanctuaire, dont le début de la construction date de 1863, est dédié à la Vierge Marie.
En fait, l'histoire raconte que seul un piédestal supportant la statue de Notre-Dame-de-l'Immaculée-Conception avait d'abord été érigé.
Cependant, vu le nombre croissant de pèlerins, une chapelle a été construite sur le site en 1873 qui, elle aussi, s'est avérée rapidement trop petite. C'est pourquoi la basilique actuelle a été érigée en 1890.
Plus tard, il a même fallu construire une crypte afin d'obtenir plus d'espace.
L'escalier, au bas duquel est érigée la statue du pape Jean-Paul II, nous conduit d'abord jusqu'à une esplanade sur laquelle ont été érigés deux grands piédestaux supportant la statue de la Vierge Marie et du Sacré-Coeur de Jésus.
On y retrouve également des oeuvres qui décrivent certains mystères du Saint-Rosaire.
En nous retournant pour regarder tout le chemin parcouru, nous obtenons une superbe vue panoramique de la ville de Braga.
Encore quelques marches à gravir et nous arrivons enfin devant la basilique.
A l'intérieur de celle-ci, on y découvre un maître-autel en granit flanqué de deux colonnes en marbre rose. On y voit la Vierge Marie entourée d'anges. En-dessous de celle-ci, on remarque un magnifique tabernacle en argent.
Une porte était entrouverte dans la basilique. Je suis passée par cette porte et je me suis rendue ainsi jusqu'à la crypte qui contient de magnifiques oeuvres représentant différentes scènes des Mystères Joyeux.
Nous nous sommes baladés autour de la basilique. On y retrouve de beaux jardins, une chapelle et quelques bâtiments dont la Maison des Estampes, la Maison du Recteur, un restaurant.
On y voit également plusieurs statues, dont celles des docteurs de l'Église (Saint Antoine de Lisbonne, Saint Alphonse-Marie de Liguori, Saint Jean de Clairvaux et Saint Cyrille d'Alexandrie) ainsi que celles de quatre anges (Saint Gabriel, Saint Michel, Saint Raphael et l'Ange Gardien du Portugal), tous des personnages qui ont eu une grande importance dans la vie de Marie.
Il est possible de monter tout en haut de la coupole de la basilique pour obtenir une superbe vue sur Braga et les environs. Il suffit de se rendre à l'arrière de la basilique ou se trouve l'escalier. L'entrée est payante (2 euros). Je m'y suis rendue et j'ai réellement apprécié les différents panoramas.
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Artiste :
???? Braga - Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Sameiro
Cuja história cultual iniciou-se em 14 de Junho de 1863. O fundador deste santuário foi o vigário de Braga, Padre Martinho António Pereira da Silva, natural de Semelhe, que em 1869 fez colocar, no cume da montanha, uma imagem de Nossa Senhora da Conceição. Este santuário constitui um dos centros de maior devoção mariana em Portugal, logo depois do Santuário de Fátima e do Santuário da Mãe Soberana. Neste Templo, concluído no século XX, destaca-se no seu interior o altar-mor em granito branco polido, bem como o sacrário de prata. Em frente do Templo ergue-se um imponente e vasto escadório, no topo do qual se levantam dois altos pilares, encimados com a imagem da Virgem Maria e do Sagrado Coração de Jesus.
#Maisportugal #Portugal #Braga
Sanctuary of our lady of Sameiro
Rediscover Sameiro Sanctuary - More beautiful, just in heaven (Braga in 4K, PT) - TES #40
True Erasmus Stories (TES) - Episode 40 - Rediscover Sameiro Sanctuary - More beautiful, only in heaven
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro (or Sanctuary of Sameiro) is a sanctuary and Marian shrine located in Braga, in the surroundings of the city of Braga, Portugal.
The Shrine of Our Lady of Sameiro is one of the places most visited Marian cult in Portugal, attracting many devotees every year during pilgrimages from 1st Sunday of June and the last Sunday of August.
We went up there to see the sunset with a few exchange students and I walked around the sanctury and tried to catch the beauty of it.
Canon in D Major von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
Sorry for the typo in the beginning. only saw it now after it was published :/
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Bom Jesus do Monte - Braga - Portugal HD
The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte (also known as Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Braga) is located in the city of Braga, Portugal. It is located in the vicinity of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro.
This Catholic sanctuary dedicated to Senhor Bom Jesus is an architectural-landscape complex composed of a church, a staircase where the Via Sacra do Bom Jesus, a forest area (Bom Jesus Park), some hotels and a funicular ( Bom Jesus Lift).
It was elevated to basilica-minor on July 5, 2015.
His peculiar disposition was the inspiration for other constructions, such as the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies in Lamego and the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos in the city of Congonhas in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Sameiro Braga 2010 from
The Sameiro Sanctuary is a Marian shrine located in Braga , Portugal , whose construction began July 14 of 1863 . The founder of this shrine was the vicar of Braga, Father António Martinho Pereira da Silva , a native of Semelhe , which in 1871 had put on top of the mountain, a statue of Our Lady. This sanctuary is the largest center of Marian devotion in Portugal, after Fatima [ citation needed ] . The Temple, completed in the twentieth century, stands inside the main altar in polished black granite, as well as the shrine of silver. In front of the temple stands a vast and imposing stairway, on top of which rise two tall pillars, topped the Virgin Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Source: Wikipedia translated by Google
Braga Sameiro Portugal HD
The Shrine of Our Lady of Sameiro is a Marian shrine located in Braga, Portugal, whose history began on June 14, 1863.
This shrine is one of the centers of greatest Marian devotion in Portugal, just after the Shrine of Fatima and the Shrine of the Sovereign Mother. In this Temple, completed in the twentieth century, stands out in its interior the high altar in polished white granite, as well as the silver tabernacle. In front of the Temple rises an imposing and vast staircase, on top of which stand two high pillars, surmounted with the image of the Virgin Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Catholic Wedding at Sameiro, Braga, Portugal
Catholic Wedding In Portugal
Braga Bom Jesus Gardens - Portugal HD
The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte (also known as Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Braga) is located in the city of Braga, Portugal. It is located in the vicinity of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro.
This Catholic sanctuary dedicated to Senhor Bom Jesus is an architectural-landscape complex composed of a church, a staircase where the Via Sacra do Bom Jesus, a forest area (Bom Jesus Park), some hotels and a funicular ( Bom Jesus Lift).
It was elevated to basilica-minor on July 5, 2015.
His peculiar disposition was the inspiration for other constructions, such as the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies in Lamego and the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos in the city of Congonhas in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Music: Eagle Rock
Sanctuary Bom jesus and lady of samerio
Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte and our lady of Sameiro in Braga,Portugal
Bom Jesus Braga - Portugal HD
The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte (also known as Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Braga) is located in the city of Braga, Portugal. It is located in the vicinity of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro.
This Catholic sanctuary dedicated to Senhor Bom Jesus is an architectural-landscape complex composed of a church, a staircase where the Via Sacra do Bom Jesus, a forest area (Bom Jesus Park), some hotels and a funicular ( Bom Jesus Lift).
It was elevated to basilica-minor on July 5, 2015.
His peculiar disposition was the inspiration for other constructions, such as the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies in Lamego and the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos in the city of Congonhas in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Music: Heartland
Bom Jesus do Monte - Braga - Portugal HD
The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte (also known as Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Braga) is located in the city of Braga, Portugal. It is located in the vicinity of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro.
This Catholic sanctuary dedicated to Senhor Bom Jesus is an architectural-landscape complex composed of a church, a staircase where the Via Sacra do Bom Jesus, a forest area (Bom Jesus Park), some hotels and a funicular ( Bom Jesus Lift).
It was elevated to basilica-minor on July 5, 2015.
His peculiar disposition was the inspiration for other constructions, such as the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies in Lamego and the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos in the city of Congonhas in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Santuário do Sameiro
O zimbório - descida
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima - Fatima, Portugal 2007 03 24
After earning billions on small content creators like me, You Tube now demands 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of viewing to monetize this channel. Please help me by clicking on the subscribe button and letting the video play completely. Thank you very much!
These photos of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Fatima, Portugal were taken on March 3, 2007.
If you or someone you know ever plan on going to Lisbon and REALLY want to get to know the city or surrounding areas and have a GREAT TIME doing it, please contact my very good and longtime friend Artur at his Facebook page, ArTour, to arrange him as your guide. Art is a very funny and creative person who will give you a very memorable stay in his hometown area! He is DEFINITELY worth it!
The song accompanying this presentation is There'll Be Better Days Ahead by Maxmilian. You can listen to it at his You Tube channel or at iTunes, Spotify or your favorite digital streaming site.