Demre Myra (General Information)
Kale (Demre, Myra)
Well known for being the hometown of Santa Claus, Kale is an important faith tourism spot in Antalya.
The foundation date of Myra is not known exactly. However, the archaeological data, obtained from the researches in the grave reliefs with regard to style, indicates that the city has existed in the 5th century before Hellenistic Period. The city experienced its golden period during the 2nd century AD. Myra, completely destroyed by the earthquake in 141 AD., was rebuilt by the charities of the rich Opromaos from Radiopolis and Lucius Magnun, Roman Proconsul. Artemis Eleutera Sacred Place in the city was also rebuilt. Having been renovated in this period, the theatre with its ornaments was characterised as a wonder of the world in the Late Antique Period. Some of the numerous masks ornamenting this stage building are exhibited in the Demre Museum and some in the Antalya Museum.
During the reign of Theodosius II (408-450 AD.), the city became the Metropolitan of the Lycians. In this period, the reputation of the city as the centre of pilgrimage where diseases having been cured spread not only in Lycia but also throughout the Christian World. The reason for this is that Santa Claus (St. Nicholas) has lived here in Myra in this period.
Summers are hot and dry, winters mild and rainy.
St. Nicholas Church Myra, Demre Turkey
The fourth-century church of St. Nicholas in Demre was built to commemorate the bishop of Myra. Demre which is 60 km far from Antalya is called today as Kale (Castle), and at the same time hosts the famous church attributed to Saint Nicholas Demre. It is most notable for being the burial place of St. Nicholas of Myra, who was the Eastern Orthodox bishop of the ancient city of Myra in the 4th century, and is an important religious figure for Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Christians everywhere for being Santa Claus.
Picture This: Santa Claus in Turkey?
A 1600-year-old tomb of Santa Claus has been discovered beneath the Church of St Nicholas in Turkey, which is a popular destination for pilgrims.
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Turkey - Demre, Myra, Kekova
St. Nicholas Kilisesi Tarihe Yolculuk Demre/Antalya
ISBN 978-605-88104-0-2
St. Nicholas Kilisesi Tarihe Yolculuk Demre/Antalya
Noel Baba olarak bilinen St.Nicholas (Aziz Nikola, Santa Claus, Heilige Nikolaus, Noel Baba)
M.S. 245 yılında Fethiye yakınlarında Patara kentinde doğmuş, M.S. 363 yılına değin Anadolu'
da yaşamış bir azizdir. Varlıklı bir ailenin çocuğu olarak iyi bir eğitim görmüş ve kendini
insanlara adamıştır. Yaptığı yardımlarla çevresinde sevgi bağı oluşturan St.Nicholas,
denizcilerin ve çocukların koruyucusu olarak Noel Baba adı ile bu güne değin yaşatılarak
efsaneleştirilmiştir. Demre Piskoposu olarak çevresinde yaptığı dini ve sosyal çalışmalarla
halkın sorunlarına insancıl çözümler getirmiştir. Öldükten sonra Demre'de gömülmüş ve adına
bir kilise yaptırılmıştır. St. Nicholas'ın kemiklerinin bir kısmı 1080 yılında İtalyan
tacirler tarafından Bari'ye kaçırılmıştır. Ancak acele ile götürülemediği anlaşılan bir kısım
parçaları ise bugün Antalya Müzesi'nde sergilenmektedir. Hollanda'da Sinterkoas, Fransa'da
Pere Noel, İngiltere'de Father Christmas, Amerika'da Santa Claus ve Almanya'da Heilige
Nikolaus hikayelerinin aslı St. Nicholas'dır. Bugün pek çok ülkenin baş azizi olan St.
Nicholas'ın ölüm tarihi olan 6 Aralık'ta törenler düzenlenir, çocuklara hediyeler verilir ve
bu kutlamalar Noel Yortusuna değin uzayarak yeni bir yıl özelliği kazanır. İlki 5-7 Aralık
1983 yılında yapılan Noel Baba sempozyumu o günden beri değişik din ve eğitimlerden gelen
insanların katılımlarıyla her yıl tekrarlamaktadır. Sempozyumlarda, Anadolu'lu St. Nicholas'ın
insan sevgisinden yararlanarak, dini ve inancı değişik tüm insanlara barış, dostluk ve
kardeşlik çağrısı yapılır.
Bu görüntülerin işlenmemiş halini satınalmak isteyenler tarafıma
başvurarak temin edebilirler. Buradan elde edilecek gelirle ulaşım
gideri ve çekim malzemeleri temininde kullanılacaktır.
Çekim Tarihi: 30.06.2013
Prodüksiyon Yapım Tarihi: 30.06.2013
Video Prodüksiyon Yapım Ve Yönetmeni: Mehmet Sökmen
Çekim, Yapım ve Yayın Mehmet SÖKMEN - 0532 5258493
TURKEY -Antalya -Kemer-Myra Demre -Kekova-Kiris
Here are great places
09 23 2013 Noel Baba kilisesi Demre
Demre-Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi
Antalya Demre'de bulunan Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi
The Most Beautiful Places and Landscapes on the Road to Demre, Turkey. Myre Demre Antalya
Most beautiful places to visit on the Road to Demre in Turkey 2018. Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Turkey 2018. In this issue you will see the most exciting places on the way to the city of Demre. What's so famous about this city? First of all, the fact that it is considered the birthplace of Saint Nicholas. Yes, our winter Saint Nicholas, who brings us presents on December 19, is also called Santa Claus in different parts of the world. And secondly, because here are the ruins of the ancient Lycian city of Myra, which is interesting for its rock tombs and amphitheater.
The modern city of Demre is located 150 km from Antalya. It is located not on the beach, but 5 km from the coast. The ruins of the Myra city are located around 2.5 km from the center of the town of Demre.
Excursion to Demre - Mira - Kekova is the most popular excursion for holidaymakers on the Antalya coast of Turkey.
Excursion Demre - Mira - Kekova takes all day. On the way to Demre, they will tell you about Turkey, Lycia, and the Mira. You will visit the church of Saint Nicholas, the ancient Mira city, you will be served lunch, brought to several shops, and then you will go on a boat and see the sunken city of Kekova.
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Cradle of Civilizations 2: Halikarnasos,Marmaris,Antalya,Kekova,Sımena,Santa Claus
The known history of Halicarnassus, which spans from Western Anatolia coasts to Aegean islands like a call and which is the largest settlement place of the Bodrum Peninsula and the peninsula, dates back to 7th century B.C. This history consists of the story of blending and commingling of Lelegs, Carians, who are the indigenous people of Anatolia, and Dors, who immigrated to this area following the War of Troy which echoes in the immortal verses of Iliad.
kekova:Nestling in the waters of the Mediterranean, just off the coast of Demre is the heavenly place called Kekova. It is actually an island or rather a group of small populated fishing islands dotting the Mediterranean. Kekova is famous for its under water ruins. It is a fascinating place where history and nature combine to give you the most out of this world experience.
simena:Simena is a popular Lycian site, situated upon one of the most attractive spots of the Turkish coast. The name Kekova is Turkish for plain of thyme and describes the region encompassing the island of Kekova, the villages of Kaleköy and Üçağiz
Demre'de Likya Müzesi Çalışmaları Başladı
Demre'de Likya Müzesi Çalışmaları Başladı
Turkey, Demre. Factory stone processing.(Турция, Демре. Фабрика по обработке камня.)
Demre is a town and its surrounding district in the Antalya Province on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, named after the river Demre.
Demre is the Lycian town of Myra, the home of Saint Nicholas of Myra, the historical man later developed into the figure of Santa Claus. The district was known as Kale until it was renamed in 2005. A substantial Christian community of Greeks lived in Demre (Myra) until the 1920s when they were forced to migrate to Greece after the Population exchange between Greece and Turkey. The abandoned Greek villages in the region are a striking reminder of this exodus. Abandoned Greek houses can still be seen at Demre and the regions of Kalkan, Kaş and Kaya which is a Greek ghost town. A small population of Turkish farmers moved into the region when the Greek Christians were forced to migrate to Greece.The region is popular with tourists today particularly Christian pilgrims who visit the tomb of Saint Nicholas.
Didyma- Ksanthos-Myra Antik Kenti(αρχαία πόλη) / Patara Παραλία /St. Nicholas Kilisesi (εκκλησία)
Το Δίδυμα είναι αρχαίο ελληνικό ναό στις ακτές του Ιονίου. Ο τόπος αυτός περιέχει ναό και το μαντείο του Απόλλωνα. Yunancada Didyma ikiz anlamına gelmektedir 09270 Didim/Aydın, Türkiye-Ksantos, Fethiye yakınlarındaki antik kent. Fethiye. Kaş karayoluna 70 km uzaklığında bulunmaktadır. Antik Çağda Likya'ya başkentlik yapmıştır. Kentte ele geçen en eski kalıntılar MÖ 8. yüzyıla kadar gitmektedir.Dünya mirası sit alanı olarak belirtilmiş: 1988-Patara, Antalya'nın Kaş ilçesinin Kalkan beldesi yakınlarındaki bir antik kenttir. Bir Likya kentidir ve Likya Birliğinin başkentliğini yapmıştır. Likya birliğinin üç oy hakkına sahip altı kentinden biri ve belki de en önemlisidir-Antalya İli'nin Kale ilçesinin yer aldığı bölgede bulunan antik bir Likya kentidir. Noel Baba Kilisesi Noel Baba Kilisesi Demre'de bulunan, Noel Baba olduğuna inanılan Aziz Nicholaos'ın ölümü ile yapılan kilise. Noel Baba'nın ölümünden sonra bir süre burada yattığı daha sonra kemiklerinin İtalyan denizcilerce Bari'ye götürüldüğüne inanılır 07570 Demre/Antalya, Türkiye...
Türkei - Demre 1995
115 km von Antalya entfernt liegt Demre (Kale), das antike Myra, wo der heilige Nikolaus als Bischof gewirkt hat und im Jahre 342 gestorben ist. Im 5.Jh. wurde über seinem Grab eine Basilika errichtet, die im Laufe der Jahre einige Male restauriert wurde. Heute ist das Gebäude ein Museum. Jedes Jahr im Dezember finden in Demre St. Nikolaus-Gedenkfeiern statt.
Die Kirche, die Jahrhunderte lang im Schlamm des Demre-Flusses versunken war, wurde 1863 vom russischen Zaren Alexander II. erworben und teilweise wiederhergestellt. 1963 wurde die östliche und westliche Seite der Kirche ausgegraben. Seit den 1990er Jahren finden weitere türkische Grabungen an der Kirche statt.
St Demetrius Church Gulsehir Cappadocia
This is a quick perusal of the St. Demetrius Church in Gulsehir, Cappadocia, Turkey. This is a free standing (as opposed to cave) Greek Orthodox church built in the late 1800's and abandoned after the people swap in the early 1920's. It was restored (at least partially) in 2011.