Cremona - the Cathedral and its surroundings in 4K, Italy
Romańsko-gotycka katedra w Cremonie (Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta) zlokalizowana jest w centrum miasta, przy placu Piazza del Comune. Do katedry przynależy baptysterium oraz wieża Torrazzo, która ma 112,27 m i jest najstarszą na świecie budowlą ceglaną powyżej 100 m wysokości oraz najwyższą we Włoszech kampanilą. Na wysokości czwartego piętra Torrazzo znajduje się największy na świecie zegar astronomiczny. Katedrę rozpoczęto budować w1107 r. w stylu romańskim a zakończono w 1332 r. już w stylu gotyckim. . Romańskie baptysterium znajdujące się obok katedry ma chrzcielnicę z I połowy XVI wieku autorstwa Lorenza Trotiego. Wnętrze katedry zdobią liczne dzieła sztuki, wśród nich malowidła wielu wybitnych malarzy. Ratusz pochodzi z XIII w.
Muzyka: You Tube Audio Library (Doug Maxwell, Media Right Productions, Kevin MacLeod)
Cremona Cathedral
The Duomo di Cremona (English: Cremona Cathedral) is the seat of the Bishop of Cremona in Lombardy, Italy, and is the main Catholic church of that town. It is dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, (Our Lady of the Assumption). Its bell tower is the famous Torrazzo, symbol of the city and tallest pre-modern tower in Italy.
The church was begun in 1107, but the works were damaged and halted after an earthquake in 1117. Construction were resumed in 1129, and the edifice was probably finished in 1160-1170. The main altar, dedicated to the city's patron saints St. Archelaus and St. Irnerius, was consecrated in 1196.
The current façade was probably built in the 13th and the early 14th century. In the same period the arms of the transept were also added: the northern in 1288 and the southern in 1348.
Sede vescovile della Diocesi di Cremona, il Duomo o cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta, è un vasto tempio romanico continuamente riadattato con elementi gotici, rinascimentali e barocchi. All'interno conserva notevoli capolavori di scultura e di pittura, tra cui l'avello dei SS. Mario e Marta e dei loro figli Audiface e Abaco, martiri in Persia, detta Arca dei martiri persiani.
La cattedrale di Cremona fu eretta nel XII secolo, periodo di grande prestigio della città, collegato a una serie di successi in campo militare e a condizioni di benessere economico. Il luogo scelto per la costruzione era il punto più alto della città medioevale, non lontano dal centro dell'originario castrum romano, al riparo dalle alluvioni del Po che all'epoca scorreva molto più vicino al centro storico rispetto ad oggi. In questo luogo, in precedenza, sorgevano due chiese, dedicate a Santo Stefano e a Santa Maria, che furono demolite per dare inizio ai lavori di costruzione del tempio principale. La data di posa della prima pietra è nota: 26 agosto 1107[1].
Il 3 gennaio 1117 un devastante terremoto sconvolse il Nord Italia e danneggiò gravemente anche la nuova cattedrale cremonese, che venne pertanto ricostruita, praticamente in toto, nei decenni successivi. Un documento redatto dal vescovo Sicardo attesta la ripresa dei lavori di costruzione nell'anno 1129, quando furono ritrovate, sotto le macerie, le reliquie di Sant'Imerio Vescovo[1]. Nel 1190 avvenne la consacrazione, presieduta dal vescovo Sicardo.
La cattedrale eretta nel XII secolo si presentava molto diversa dall'attuale. Innanzitutto la sua facciata era a capanna, come dimostrano alcune sue raffigurazioni (tra cui un sigillo comunale, ora conservato presso l'Archivio di Stato), e la pianta era basilicale, senza transetto. Il progetto originario prevedeva inoltre che la facciata venisse affiancata da due torri laterali, sul modello delle grandi cattedrali delle città imperiali d'oltralpe (westwerk). Tale idea non fu però messa in pratica, forse anche a causa dell'erezione, a lato della facciata, di una ben più alta torre campanaria (il Torrazzo).
Durante i secoli XIII e XIV furono aggiunti i due bracci del transetto, conferendo alla chiesa una planimetria a croce (non propriamente a croce latina, in quanto la lunghezza del transetto supera quella del corpo principale).
Ulteriori interventi si susseguirono nei secoli successivi, concentrati soprattutto all'interno della chiesa. Tra le modifiche operate all'esterno, vi è in primo luogo il rifacimento della parte superiore della facciata, realizzato nel 1491 dall'architetto Alberto Maffiolo da Carrara, che vi conferì l'aspetto attuale con le nicchie dei santi, il timpano, le volute e la guglia centrale[2]. Nel medesimo periodo, l'architetto Lorenzo de Trotti realizzò parte del nartece (di forme bramantesche) che collega il Duomo al Torrazzo, completandolo all'inizio del secolo successivo con la costruzione della loggetta rinascimentale denominata Bertazzola.
Cremona - Il Duomo
Cremona - La cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta è il principale luogo di culto cattolico della città .
Tower Of Cremona | Torrazzo | Aerial View | Cremona | Italy
Torrazzo di Cremona is the tallest Bricks tower in Europe with a total height of 112 meters. It is a bell tower of Cathedral of Cremona.
Ticket price : 5 euro
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Cremona, Italy
Cremona Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Cremona. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Cremona for You. Discover Cremona as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Cremona.
This Video has covered top 10 Best Things to do in Cremona.
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List of Best Things to do in Cremona, Italy
Cattedrale di Cremona e Torrazzo
Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral
Museo del Violino
Piazza del Comune
Centro Storico
Monastero di San Giuseppe in San Sigismondo
Negozio Sperlari
Battistero di Cremona
Academia Cremonensis
Fiume Po
Places to see in ( Cremona - Italy ) Piazza del Comune
Places to see in ( Cremona - Italy ) Piazza del Comune
Like every city, Cremona has its main hub located in Piazza del Comune , a place where tradition, history, art and architecture come together to create an area of incomparable beauty. In Piazza del Comune, in fact, you can admire some of the most important monuments of the whole Cremona area.
This place, as you can well understand with the description of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, covered both the function of religious and civil center , exactly as it happens today, demonstrating the fact that culture, religion and political power have always path the same way.
The square surprises tourists at the first glance, thanks to the exact proportions and contrast of the red tones of the terracotta of some buildings with the whiteness of white marble. The Torrazzo is decidedly engaging, which from its 111 meters dominates without any doubt the scene of the Piazza del Comune without detracting from the elegance of the portico of Bertazzola with the marble facade of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta , or the beauty of the Baptistery or the thirteenth-century buildings that bear the name of Loggia dei Militi and Palazzo Comunale.
( Cremona - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Cremona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Cremona - Italy
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Cremona Cathedral, Cremona, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
Cremona Cathedral, dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Cremona, Lombardy, northern Italy. It is the seat of the Bishop of Cremona. Its bell tower is the famous Torrazzo, symbol of the city and tallest pre-modern tower in Italy. Also adjoining is the baptistery, another important medieval monument. Originally built in Romanesque style, the cathedral has been restored and extended several times, with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. Construction began in 1107, but the works were damaged and halted after an earthquake in 1117. Construction resumed in 1129, and the building was probably finished in 1160-1170. The main altar, dedicated to the city's patron saints Archelaus and Himerius, was consecrated in 1196. The current façade was probably built in the 13th and the early 14th century. In the same period the arms of the transept were also added: the northern in 1288 and the southern in 1348. The main façade, together with the adjoining baptistery, is one of the most important monuments of Romanesque art in Europe. It has a portico with a narthex in the middle, to which a Renaissance loggia with three niches was added in 1491. This is surmounted by a large rose window, flanked by two orders of loggette (small loggias). The portal is probably from the early 12th century. On its side are the figures of the Four Major Prophets, each bearing a roll with the text of their prophecies. The narthex was made by masters from Campione in the following century: it incorporates an older frieze portraying the Labours of the Months (late 12th century, inspired by that in the Baptistery of Parma). The four statues on the upper loggia, portraying the Madonna with Child and two bishops, are of the Tuscan school (1310). The columns of the narthex stand on two lions in Verona marble. The left one is holding a dragon, symbol of Evil, in his paws, while the right one is holding a bear, which in turn is biting a bird's neck. On the façade are also two tombs: the more recent one (mid-14th century) is by Bonino da Campione. The façade of the northern arm of the transept (late 13th century) also has a narthex; and its columns also have two lions at the base. It is characterized by a sequence of mullioned windows and rose windows. The façade of the southern arm of the transept dates from 1342, and is in brickwork, as is typical in Lombard Gothic architecture. Its structure is similar to the northern arm, but has slightly more detailed decoration. The three apses are all surmounted by loggias with small columns, each having a human face stretching out from the capital. The central apse is much higher than the flanking ones. The interior houses important works of art. The oldest are the frescoes of the Stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph in the southern and northern transept vaults (late 14th-early 15th century). Also from the Renaissance are the arch of the Stories of the Martyrs Marius and Marta, Audifax and Habakkuk, martyrs in Persia (best known as Arch of the Persian Martyrs, 1482), and the relief of Saint Himerius (1481-1484), both works by Giovanni Antonio Amadeo. Also notable is the urn of Saints Marcellinus and Peter, sculpted mostly by Benedetto Briosco (1506-1513), in the crypt. The wooden choir, with inlay work by Platina (1482-1490), and the contemporary large altar cross in silver and gold, by Ambrogio Pozzi and Agostino Sacchi (1478), in the right aisle of the northern transept, are also notable. The most important figurative complex of the cathedral is the fresco decoration on the side walls of the nave (early 16th century), portraying the Life of Mary and Christ. Different painters collaborated to its execution: the first was Boccaccio Boccaccino (with Annunciation to Joachim and Jesus with the Doctors), who, in 1506, had already painted a Redemeer with Cremona's Patron Saints in the apse vault. He was succeeded by Giovan Francesco Bembo (Epiphany and Presentation at the Temple) and Altobello Melone (Flight to Egypt, Massacre of the Innocents and the first four panels of the Passion of Christ), who both adopted a less classicist style. Next came Girolamo Romanino, author of the scenes from Jesus before Pilatus to Ecce Homo, who painted some of his masterworks here. The last scenes of the Passion were executed by Il Pordenone, who was also responsible of the large Crucifixion (1521), the Deposition (1521, counterfaçade) and the Schizzi Altarpiece (before 1523, on the first altar in the right aisles), the latter inspired by Giorgione's style. The complex was completed by Bernardino Gatti with the Resurrection (1529). Other frescoes were added in the mid-16th century by Mannerist painters, including Gatti himself, Bernardino Campi and others. In the 17th century Il Genovesino added the Life of St. Roch in the northern transept.
Cremona Hotels Impero **** Hotel Review 2017 HD, Cremona, Italy
Save money booking hotel Cremona Hotels Impero in Cremona, Italy
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Property Location
Located in Cremona, Hotel Impero is minutes from Consorcio Liutai Antonio Stradivari and Loggia dei Militi. This 4-star hotel is within close proximity of Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral and Cattedrale di Cremona e Torrazzo.
Make yourself at home in one of the 53 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and LCD televisions. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms with batht...
Basilica Cattedrale di S Maria Assunta in cielo Gaeta
La Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta in cielo, si trova nel quartiere medioevale di Gaeta ducale nei pressi del porto. Fu edificata intorno al XI sec. probabilmente dove sorgeva la chiesa dedicata a Santa Maria del Parco. Dopo il terremoto del 1231 la Cattedrale fu ricostruita in sette navate e successivamente restaurata. La storia degli antichi martirologi raccontano che il vescovo di Formia nascose in un pilastro della chiesa le reliquie di S. Erasmo, vescovo di Antiochia, morto a Formia il 2 giugno 303.
Cremona - La città della musica e delle tre T
Cremona è una città della Lombardia. La collezione Stradivari presso il Museo Violino testimonia il patrimonio culturale della città. In Piazza del Comune si trovano la Cattedrale di Cremona, con la sua arcata rinascimentale, il Battistero a 8 facciate e il campanile del Torrazzo, caratterizzato da un orologio astronomico. Il portico del palazzo Loggia dei Militi del XIII secolo ha una statua di due figure di Ercole. La visita comprende anche le chiese di Sant'Agostino, Sant'Agata e santa Rita.
Campane di Cremona-Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta (Torrazzo)
Campane del Torrazzo del Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta (Diocesi di Cremona-Unità Pastorale Cattedrale-San Pietro al Pò-Sant'Imerio), Piazza del Comune, Cremona (Cremuna in cremonese).
Angelus Prefestivo delle 12:00.
Concerto di 6 campane in Lab2 più un ottavino in Lab3 e la vecchia campana delle ore in Reb3 all'Ambrosiana.
I-La2, fusa da Bartolomeo Bozzi di Milano nel 1744.
II-Sib2, fusa da Bartolomeo Bozzi di Milano nel 1744.
III-Do3, fusa da Bartolomeo Bozzi di Milano nel 1744.
IV-Reb3, fusa da Bartolomeo Bozzi di Milano nel 1744.
V-Mib3, fusa da Bartolomeo Bozzi di Milano nel 1744.
VI-Fa3, fusa da Bartolomeo Bozzi di Milano nel 1744.
Ottavino-Lab3, fusa da Bartolomeo Bozzi di Milano nel 1744.
Vecchia campana delle ore-Reb3, fusa da ? nel 1581.
Il campanile, con i suoi 112 metri, risulta essere il più alto della Lombardia e il secondo più alto d'Italia.
A Cremona, per la mostra su Janello Torriani
Fabbro ferraio, ingegnere idraulico, orologiaio e indagatore dei moti celesti: Janello Torriani è uno di quei talenti eclettici che hanno fatto grande il Rinascimento in Europa. A differenza però di altri geni come Leonardo, di lui restano pochissime opere. Per questo la mostra che gli dedica la sua città natale, Cremona, fino al 29 gennaio è un’ottima opportunità per conoscere questo Archimede cinquecentesco e il mondo in cui visse. Ma è anche l’occasione per visitare la città dei liutai.
Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, Como, Italy, June 2, 2016
Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, Como, Italy, June 2, 2016
Old Cathedral, Brescia, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
The old Cathedral, officially the Co-Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta winter, is the co-cathedral of Brescia, title he shares with the adjacent cathedral again. Built in the eleventh century on a previous basilica, has undergone more than an expansion over the centuries but has preserved the original Romanesque structure, which makes it one of the most important examples of Romanesque rotundas in Italy. The cathedral also contains many important works, among which stand out a sepulcher of Bonino da Campione, the organ of Giangiacomo Antegnati, the marble sarcophagus of Berardo Maggi and the cycle of paintings by Moretto and Romanino made for the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament the Basilica of San Pietro de Dom and moved here after its demolition. Of great importance is the crypt, which dates back to the sixth century but restored in the eighth century. The history of the old Cathedral began with the demolition of the now old and inadequate Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore de Dom, an early Christian building built in the seventh century and perhaps roughly contemporary with the Basilica of San Pietro de Dom, now replaced by the new Cathedral. The basilica, of longitudinal plan, without transept, covered by a simple roof exposed trusses and enriched in the eighth century by the Crypt of San Filastrio, was also to be output probably destroyed or badly damaged by the fire that devastated the city in 1095. Studies completed in the last years of the twentieth century have concluded that the construction of the new cathedral had already started, more or less wide, before the great fire and that it, therefore, merely confirm definitively the fate of early Christian basilica. In the first half of the twelfth century, the new cathedral was to be accomplished, keeping Santa Maria Maggiore only the crypt below. Towards the end of the thirteenth century, Berardo Maggi, Bishop and first lord of Brescia, operates an extension of the presbytery and makes decorating the interior, but are not sure if the project concerned the only times coverage of the ambulatory or even the walls and central dome. Most impressive works are put into practice in the same area in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century at the hands of Bernardino Martinengo, which significantly increases the chancel east (1490), covering it with vaults of character still gothic. At the construction site also participates Filippo Grassi, future director of the construction site of the palace of the Lodge. In the same condition is also added to the transept, supplementing it with the chapel of the Holy Crosses on the left side (1495). The new sanctuary is attended by Gasparo Cairano in the realization of the keys, while Vincenzo Civerchio he frescoed the walls with Stories of the Virgin, later lost. In the aftermath of the tragic lot of Brescia to the forces of Gaston de Foix-Nemours, in 1512, the Municipality of Brescia decided to devote more effort to the embellishment of the cathedral: the organ is installed in 1518 by Giovanni da Pinerolo, decorated with doors painted by Floriano Ferramola Moretto and now preserved in the church of Santa Maria in Valvendra Lovere. In 1536 the instrument is already replaced by the still present, monumental work of Giangiacomo Antegnati, which is enriched with doors made from Romanino, today in the new Cathedral. Since 1571 began the reorganization of the interior according to the directives of the Counter, by architect Giovanni Maria Piantavigna. It was also just won, on October 7, the Battle of Lepanto by the forces of the Republic of Venice, overlooking the city: it was the day dedicated to Santa Giustina of Padua and the construction of chapels dedicated to her spreads fast in all the territories of the Republic. The Piantavigna, for reasons of symmetry with the existing chapel of the Holy Crosses, positions the new chapel of Santa Giustina on the right side of the transept, then naming that will change as the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. Moreover, restructures the chapel of the Holy Crosses and does repaint the transept by Tommaso Sandrini and Francesco June, whose work has come down to us at times. The Chapel of the Holy Crosses, among other things, will undergo a further and final restoration in the early seventeenth centuries. Finally, move the original entrance of the cathedral and places where it is still. The interior of the cathedral pass undisturbed both the eighteenth century, both the nineteenth century, until the end of the latter when, after worrying static problems claimed them, the Duomo is subjected to a radical and widespread restoration and consolidation of facilities, direct by Louis Arcioni.
Solenne Pontificale di Pasqua dalla Cattedrale di Cremona
Duomo e Torrazzo al via ... Il restyling
Inizia a prendere forma un vero e proprio polo turistico-culturale che ha come centro la nostra Cattedrale . Grandi novità riguarderanno il Duomo e il Torrazzo, monumenti che ogni anno richiamano a Cremona centinaia di migliaia di visitatori...
Pordenone visto dai matronei - Cattedrale di Cremona
Una scoperta emozionante! Da aprile a giugno 2018 aperture uniche e straordinarie dei matronei di Cremona.
CrArT in collaborazione con Diocesi di Cremona e Associazione Cremona Sotterranea.
Torrazzo di Cremona
Sur mon chemin à pied du Delta du Po (Veneto, Italia) à St-Jean-de-Chevelu (Savoie, France), je fais étape le 28 août 2017 à Cremona (Lombardia). Le Torrazzo di Cremona (112,3 m et plus de 500 marches) est le plus haut campanile d'Italie et aussi une des plus hautes tours en brique d'Europe. Du haut du Torrazzo, on prend le temps d'admirer Cremona.
Mon chemin ici :
Cremona cattedrale
Prove organo