Santuario di Nostra Signora di Montallegro (Rapallo)
Archivio Audiovisivi © Città Metropolitana di Genova.
Situato nell'entroterra di Rapallo tra boschi di castagni, roveri e faggi, il santuario domina tutto il golfo del Tigullio. A 612 metri s.l.m., si trova quasi sulla linea spartiacque tra il versante rivierasco e la val Fontanabuona.
II santuario attira numerosi fedeli e visitatori, ed è meta di escursionisti. Lungo il viale fiancheggiato da lecci colpisce la monumentale facciata neogotica a strisce bianche e nere. L'interno è a unica navata con cappelle laterali, in cui sono conservate opere d'arte, come la Visitazione di Giovanni Battista Carlone, il Crocifisso di marmo di Francesco Schiaffino e la Pieta' di Luca Cambiaso.
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Places to see in ( Rapallo - Italy ) Santuario di Montallegro
Places to see in ( Rapallo - Italy ) Santuario di Montallegro
The Sanctuary of Montallegro is the Shrine of Rapallesi and one of the most important Marian places in Liguria. It was built to celebrate the apparition of the Virgin Mary to the peasant Giovanni Chichizola on July 2, 1557 on the ridge of what until then had been called Mons Leti, the Monte della Morte, and whose name, following that event , has been changed to Mons Laetus (adjective with opposite meaning happy) and then Montallegro. Built in 1559 by express will of the Virgin, who, according to tradition, told Chichizola Go and tell Rapallesi that I want to be honored here, has since become a point of reference for the whole community of Rwanda. Every year, the anniversary of the apparition is celebrated with the famous patronal festivals which take place for three days, 1, 2 and 3 July, with religious celebrations in the Basilica and the Sanctuary and with grandiose nocturnal and daytime fireworks on the sea.
The beautiful marble facade of the church was designed by the architect Revelli, at the end of the nineteenth century. Inside, the vaults are frescoed by the great Genoese painter Nicolò Barbino and the altars are a real triumph of decorations and polychrome marbles. On the walls, hundreds of votive offerings , mostly paintings, embroideries and bas-reliefs in precious metals, testify to the devotion of the faithful towards the Madonna of Montallegro and the innumerable graces received by those who have addressed them in times of need.
On the high altar, the miraculous image left by the Madonna on the place of the apparition as a token of love to the community of Rapallo is kept, together with the prodigious gush of a source, whose waters have been channeled into a fountain which is still in the side chapel of the Sanctuary.
The picture, a Byzantine icon of rare workmanship, is the protagonist of another miraculous anecdote: after having been placed in the Sanctuary, it was noticed by some Dubrovnikers who had visited it and it was claimed by them, claiming that it came from the city of Dubrovnic, in Dalmatia. It was decided to send the icon to what looked like its place of origin but, during the voyage to Dalmatia, the icon mysteriously disappeared and was found in the Sanctuary. The Ragusans understood the divine sign and left the miraculous picture in Rapallo.
he Sanctuary rises in a splendid panoramic position, at about 600 meters above sea level, on the ridge of the mountain in the middle of a thick ilex grove. From the square in front you can enjoy an extraordinary view of the west coast of the Tigullio Gulf, with the towns of Rapallo and Santa Margherita interspersed with the inlets of San Michele and Paraggi, to the unmistakable silhouette of the promontory of Portofino. Connected to the center of Rapallo by a carriage road and by a public transport bus service , the Sanctuary can also be reached by the cableway that starts from the center of Rapallo and reaches Montallegro in just six and a half minutes, while offering a spectacular view of the entire gulf from a privileged position.
The white façade of the church is preceded by a pedestrian avenue and a high stairway which increases its sense of peace, but which made it difficult to access the disabled. Since 2010 there is an elevator for those who have difficulty walking, which leads directly to the square in front of the Sanctuary.
Once you reach the Sanctuary there are ancient mule tracks that connect the Sanctuary with Uscio, Cicagna, Chiavari, with the Ligurian hinterland, and also roads for trekking and mountain-bike enthusiasts. For those traveling by train, simply get off at the Rapallo station, and immediately behind the same station, there is the cableway to reach the Sanctuary. For those traveling by car or coach, on the A12 motorway, the exit is in Rapallo.
( Rapallo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Rapallo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Rapallo - Italy
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Salita la Santuario di Montallegro Running - Rapallo (Ge) - Italy
Trail running
Salita al santuario di Montallegro Running - Rapallo (Ge) - Italy
Santuario di Montallegro - Rapallo - Liguria
L'Up Alta Valtaro e Ceno in Gita in Liguria...
Funivia Rapallo-Santuario Nostra Signora di Montallegro Ligura IT
Die Luftseilbahn Santuario Nostra Signora di Montallegro startet aus dem ligurischen Küstenort Rapallo und führt zum Kloster Santuario Nostra Signora di Montallegro. Eröffnet wurde die Bahn 1º September 1935. Damals besass die Bahn noch Betonstützen. Die Anlage wurde mehrfach umgebaut und erneuert. Unter anderem auch die Betonstützen durch 4 neue Stahlstützen ersetzt. 1975 musste die Bahn Insolvenz anmelden und wurde eingestellt.
1983 kamen bestrebungen auf die Bahn wieder zu reaktivieren und wurde 1984 grundlegend modernisiert.
Heute ist die Anlage nach mehreren Stilllegungen und Besitzerwechseln wieder in Betrieb. Die Talstation befindet sich unweit des Bahnhofes von Rapallo mitten in den Wohnquartieren. Die Trasse führt zunächst durch die Häuser von Rapallo und danach über ein Villenviertel zu Stütze 2. Ab diesem Punkt fährt die Bahn durch bewaldetes Gebiet bis zur Bergstation etwas unterhalb des Klosters.
Direkt an der Bergstation befindet sich ein kleines Bistro. Etwas oberhalb stehen 2 Restaurants zur Verfügung. Zum Kloster führt eine direkte Treppe oder ein sehr steiler Schrägaufzug.
Vom Kloster hat man eine schöne Aussicht auf das Meer vor der ligurischen Küste.
In jedemfall ein schöner Oldtimer mit einer wechselvollen Geschichte.
Cable Car Rapallo - Montallegro. Italy HD.
Funivia Rapallo-Montallegro om Rapallo to Montallegro. You can see panoramic view of the Golfo del Tigullio - Portofino, Santa Margerita Ligure and Rapallo.
Cableway end is Santuario Nostra Signora di Montallegro (1559).
Фуникулер Рапалло-Монталегро. Отличный вид на Портофино, Санту-Маргариту и Рапалло. На верху находится Святилище Богородицы Монталлегро 1559 год.
Trekking al santuario di Montallegro Rapallo
Trekking al santuario di Montallegro Rapallo
Volti e storie dal Santuario della Madonna di Montallegro a Rapallo (GE) /2
Volti e storie dal Santuario della Madonna di Montallegro a Rapallo (GE)
Places to see in ( Rapallo - Italy ) La Funivia Rapallo Montallegro
Places to see in ( Rapallo - Italy ) La Funivia Rapallo Montallegro
Inaugurated on 29 August 1934, the cableway is the only facility of this kind in the whole of Liguria and allows you to arrive at the Sanctuary of Montallegro in just 7 minutes, after passing a difference in altitude of about 600 meters. With a capacity of 144 people / hour, it is an additional tourist attraction for the groups of pilgrims who come to visit the Shrine which recalls the apparition of the Madonna.
The ascent by cable car allows you to admire from above the intense blue of the Tigullio Gulf and a panorama of incomparable beauty, enchanting prelude to the oasis of peace in which we find ourselves on arrival at the mountain station of the cableway. Near the sanctuary there are many paths and a Via Crucis that winds along the ridge among the holm oaks, an ideal walk to enjoy peace, silence and fresh and clean air even in summer.
The Santuario Nostra Signora di Montallegro cableway is a cableway that goes from Rapallo to the shrine of Our Lady of Montallegro , in the province of Genoa . It is the only cableway of this type active in Liguria . The Società Anonima Funivia Rapallo-Montallegro was officially established on March 31, 1928 in order to connect Rapallo with the sanctuary of Montallegro , parallel to the projected carriage road. Two years later the works for the construction of the plant were commissioned to the Agudio di Leinì company ( Turin ) specialized in the construction of cableways. The inauguration took place on 29 August 1934 , but for the definitive opening to the public, completed the works, it was only on 1 September 1935
The valley station is located in Piazzale Solari - near the Betti district in Rapallo - and the mountain station just below the sanctuary, at an altitude of about 600 m asl. The pulling rope is 5000 m long; the horizontal length of the plant is 2275 m (inclined length 2345 m) for a difference in height of 600. The capacity of the cabins is 24 + 1 people. With a capacity of 144 people / hour, travel time is 8 minutes. The plant operates all year round except for the maintenance months, typically November and January.
( Rapallo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Rapallo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Rapallo - Italy
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Processione solenne in onore di N.S. di Montallegro - Rapallo (GE) - Feste di Luglio
Una delle principali attrattive delle feste di luglio è costituita dalla Processione della sera del 3 luglio, durante la quale l'Arca Argentea della Madonna viene trasportata nelle principali vie cittadine . Nella processione però fra tutte le componenti che la animano si segnalano soprattutto i portatori di cristi. I Crocifissi sono in genere da cinq ue a dieci ; i più pesanti arrivano sui 170 KG. I portatöei avanzano lentamente in cappa bianca e il tabarrin con i colori della Confraternita cui appartengono. Ogni tanto la processione si ferma, perchè si fanno avanti gli stramöei , cioè le persone che operano il trasferimento del Cristo da un portatore all'altro; è il momento più difficile e pochi lo sanno. Gli stramöei sono i più forti. Essi con una mano sul calcio e l'altra sul chiodo, con uno strappo molto deciso sollevano il corpo del cristo e lo posano nel crocco del nuovo portatore, cioè in quella tasca di cuoio sorretta dal cinturone e dalle bretelle, in cui si colloca il calcio del Cristo. La tradizione delle Confraternite e dei Cristi è ancora molto forte in tutta la Liguria e continua a resistere al tempo e al mutare delle usanze e dei costumi.
Santuario di Montallegro Rapallo GE 29 SET 2018
Video realizzato con CANON SX620HS
Volti e storie dal Santuario della Madonna di Montallegro a Rapallo (GE)
Volti e storie dal Santuario della Madonna di Montallegro a Rapallo (GE)
Il Santuario di Montallegro
In questo nuovo video abbiamo voluto raccontare, attraverso le immagini e le parole, la storia del Santuario di Montallegro a Rapallo.
Questo luogo racchiude una particolare ed interessante storia riguardo l'apparizione della Madonna ad un cittadino rapallese nel 1500. Nel corso degli anni, è diventato meta turistica ed importante luogo di pellegrinaggio per i fedeli provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo.
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1977 escursione Rapallo - Santuario di Montallegro
1977 escursione da Rapallo al santuario di montallegro
Discesa Santuario Montallegro - Rapallo - GoPro
Video ritraente la discesa sul selciato dal Santuario di Montallegro verso Rapallo
Подъемник Rapallo - Santuario di Montallegro
29 agosto 1934, la funivia è l'unico impianto di questo genere in tutta la Liguria e consente di arrivare al Santuario di Montallegro in soli 7 minuti, dopo aver superato un dislivello di circa 600 metri.
Liguria: Funivia Rapallo-Montallegro (Italiano)
Il Golfo del Tigullio visto dall'alto: Rapallo, Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Basilica di N.S. di Montallegro e un pranzo...della Casa !
Grazie a LadyPinkLondon per la sua collaborazione ;)
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