Saint John the Baptist Cemetery, Rio de Janeiro
Saint John the Baptist Cemetery, Rio de Janeiro
Cemitério São João Batista, Brazil — The ancient sages said that the best way to learn the history of the city and its features - it's like a cemetery. Currently, many cemeteries different countries assigned to the rank of historical sights. These sites are part of the culture of grief of a city and can tell a lot about the past, certain settlements. It is such a unique place Sao Joao Batista cemetery in Rio de Janeiro. Sao Joao Batista cemetery is one of the most popular places of sorrow in the world. So this place has become popular because of the unique ancient architectural monuments that you can see here. Silence, humility and awareness that life is finite - all this can be felt in any cemetery.
The Cemetery of St. John the Batista is the only cemetery in the South Zone of the city. The first burial in the cemetery of Sao Joao Batista held on December 4, 1852. It was a little girl Rozaura, who was only four years old. Today the cemetery has expanded greatly, and it found its last rest many celebrities. Famous graves are so many that the cemetery’s even got a nickname – the “graveyard of the stars.”
There are also the crypts of the Brazilian Academy of Letters , the Brazilian soldiers killed during the First World War , Airmen from Brazil, the sailors of the Battleship São Paulo killed during the Revolution of 1924 and veterans of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force .
The cemetery occupies a vast area, and facing the Rua General Polidoro, 333.5 meters, extending from that front until the strands of Morro de São João, and on the flat surface of 183,123 square meters. Inside the ground passes channeled Rio Berquó. Thus, Sao Joao Batista - a unique historical site, which keeps a history of the various personalities and impresses with its decoration.
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Cemiterio Sao Joao Batista
Here's a quick little video of 249 photos I took in the John the Baptist Cemetery in Rio De Janeiro... before I was asked to leave :-)
Music by Demon Hunter because I was in that kind of mood today.
João Batista Cemetary /Cemitério São João Batista - Fortaleza, Brazil
A visit to one of the oldest cemetaries in Fortaleza, Cemitério São João Batista. For those who like cemetaries, above ground mausoleums, and historical structures, this is definitely a great place to check out.
UFO Found on Google Earth in (Cemetery) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Near Christ Statue - FindingUFO
Strange UFO Found on Google Earth in (Cemetery) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Near Christ Statue.
➥ You can search this discovery for yourself with the following coordinates on Google Earth: 22°57'32.83”S 43°11'18.95W
Date: January 11, 2016.
Location: Cemitério de São João Batista (Rio de Janeiro) Brazil.
➨ Pictures (1):
➨ Pictures (2):
➨ Read more (UFO Sightings Daily):
➨ Cemitério de São João Batista (Rio de Janeiro):
➨ Christ the Redeemer (statue):
• Excellent Discovery by: Scott C. Waring (YT-channel).
➨ Link:
♫ Intro Soundtrack by Tom D Lewis | © All rights reserved.
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Scott C. Waring - I was looking at Google Earth when I found a UFO in the cemetery in Rio de Janeiro. On the hill in the distance, in the lower left, you see the national monument Christ the Redeemer statue.
The UFO may have been investigation the peoples religious beliefs, emotions and such in the area. Also UFO over the cemetery could very possibly be studying the human grieving process.
► Secret Entrance Underground Base Found with Google Earth in Nepal (Himalaya Mountains)
► UFOs with Disk and Saucers Found on Google Earth
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Brazil: Interactive memorials all the rage on Day of the Dead
Video ID: 20141102-029
M/S Man takes picture of gravestone
C/U Man takes picture of QR code on gravestone
M/S Woman at cemetery memorial
W/S Day of Dead blessings
M/S People dressed in white
M/S Day of the Dead blessings
C/U Man gives blessings
W/S People write messages of what they want to do before dying on paper cutout wall
M/S Woman writes message of what she wants to do before she dies on paper cutout wall
M/S Woman lays flowers at cemetery
W/S Gravestones at cemetery with mountain in background, Sao Joao Batista, Rio de Janeiro
The public holiday of Finados, the Day of the Dead, was celebrated at the Sao Joao Batista cemetery in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday, with attendees using QR codes located on gravestones with their phones to find out information about the people buried there.
While priests dressed in traditional white clothing carried out blessings to both the dead and those alive, visitors got the chance to write messages on a paper cutout wall at the entrance of the cemetery, which detailed their wishes of what they would like to do in their lives before they die.
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Brasil - 1999 - Cemitério de Anjinhos (eng. subtitle)
Filme A invenção da infância
Rio funeral of ex-FIFA/IOC executive Havelange
(17 Aug 2016) Dozens of well-wishers paid their last respects to former FIFA chief Joao Havelange on Tuesday as his coffin was interred at the Sao Joao Batista cemetery in Rio de Janeiro.
Havelange, who acted as President of FIFA for two decades, died early on Tuesday morning after suffering from a respiratory illness, according to the Samaritano Hospital.
Havelange, who was 100-years-old, lived long enough to see Rio de Janeiro host the Olympics, dying on the 11th day of the 2016 games.
Among those who attended the burial were Carlos Nuzman, the President of the Rio 2016 Olympic organising committee.
In 2009, Havelange led Rio's Olympic bid presentation to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Copenhagen, inviting the members to vote to join me in celebrating my 100th birthday at the 2016 Games.
He is credited with transforming football'sworld governing body, FIFA, into a multibillion-dollar business - and subsequently as a hotbed for corruption that has damaged its reputation.
Havelange oversaw six World Cups as FIFA president between 1974 and 1998, when the currently embattled Sepp Blatter replaced him, and expanded the tournament from 16 to 32 teams.
He secured lucrative broadcast deals, brought additional nations into FIFA and created the Women's World Cup.
Blatter has said Havelange would always be synonymous with the expansion of footbal and with turning it into the universal language.
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Families visit graves of loved ones, revellers dress up and celebrate
Latin Americans honoured their departed loved ones with Day of the Dead celebrations across the region.
As part of the Day of the Dead festivities, to commemorate their relatives, some families decorated their tombs with marigold petals and other fresh flowers.
Some serenaded their relatives with traditional Mariachi music and set up tables laden with fruit, drinks, candles, and the traditional 'Guaguas de pan', or bread babies, as offerings.
In Rio de Janeiro, local actors dressed up as famous Brazilian stars and performed at Cemetery Sao Joao Batista where the celebrities are buried.
Residents in El Salvador's Tonacatepeque, a rural region north of the capital San Salvador, celebrated on Saturday with the festivity that brings to life some of the characters of the Cuzcatlec Mythology.
Participants say the celebration honors the histories and customs of the indigenous people of El Salvador.
The Day of the Dead celebrations begins on the eve of October 31st and end on November 2nd.
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Uma visita ao Túmulo do Marquez de Sapucahy no Cemitério do Catumbi RJ.
Restos mortais de Jango são levados para perícia em Brasília
Restos mortais de Jango são levados para perícia em Brasília
cemitério são joão batista
No Cemitério São João Batista
Mármores e Bronzes no Cemitério São João Batista
Brazil: Interactive memorials all the rage on Day of the Dead
M/S Man takes picture of gravestone
C/U Man takes picture of QR code on gravestone
M/S Woman at cemetery memorial
W/S Day of Dead blessings
M/S People dressed in white
M/S Day of the Dead blessings
C/U Man gives blessings
W/S People write messages of what they want to do before dying on paper
cutout wall
M/S Woman writes message of what she wants to do before she dies on paper
cutout wall
M/S Woman lays flowers at cemetery
W/S Gravestones at cemetery with mountain in background, Sao Joao Batista,
Rio de Janeiro
The public holiday of Finados, the Day of the Dead, was celebrated at the
Sao Joao Batista cemetery in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday, with attendees using
QR codes located on gravestones with their phones to find out information
about the people buried there.
While priests dressed in traditional white clothing carried out blessings
to both the dead and those alive, visitors got the chance to write messages
on a paper cutout wall at the entrance of the cemetery, which detailed
their wishes of what they would like to do in their lives before they die.
Repórter Rio - Tour pelos Cemitérios do Rio de Janeiro
Reportagem sobre a história e geografia dos cemitérios cariocas. Parte do quadro Minha Cidade Minha História.
Repórter Rio: 02/11/2010,Canal TV Brasil.
Kim Jong Un visitou o Cemitério dos Mártires do Corpo de Voluntários do Povo Chinês
Kim Jong Un prestou homenagem aos mártires chineses.
Com motivo do 65º aniversário da grande vitória na Guerra de Libertação da Pátria, o Máximo Dirigente Kim Jong Un depositou uma oferenda floral no Cemitério dos Mártires do Corpo de Voluntários do Povo Chinês, no distrito de Hoechang da província de Phyongan Sul.
A cerimônia de colocação da oferenda floral teve a presença de Ri Su Yong, Kim Yong Chol, Ri Yong Ho e No Kwang Chol.
A oferenda floral em nome do Máximo Dirigente e outra em nome comum do Comité Central e da Comissão Militar Central, do Partido do Trabalho da Coreia, e da Comissão de Assuntos Estatais da República Popular Democrática da Coreia foram colocadas ante ao Monumento aos Mártires do Corpo de Voluntários do Povo Chinês e ante à tumba de Mao Anying.
O Máximo Dirigente prestou um momento de silencio em memória dos mártires do Corpo de Voluntários do Povo Chinês.
Em seguida, observou as tumbas dos mártires chineses.
Recordou que durante o período da passada Guerra de Libertação da Pátria o partido, o governo e povo da China enviaram sem vacilação para a frente coreana seus filhos confiáveis apesar de todas as dificuldades do período inicial da construção do Estado e ajudaram com sangue a justa causa do povo coreano fazendo assim a imortal contribuição para a vitória na guerra.
Nos montes e rios, nas árvores e ervas, está impregnado o sangue vermelho dos camaradas chineses e na vasta terra chinesa está marcado o espírito dos revolucionários coreanos, disse o Máximo Dirigente e ressaltou que as relações Coreia-China se desenvolvem como os vínculos de amizade especiais e sólidos, nunca vistos na historia, não só por serem vizinhos geograficamente, mas também por terem lançado firmemente a fraternidade combativa e a confiança sincera.
Se guardarão eternamente no coração do povo coreano as proezas dos camaradas chineses que defenderam com a vida a justa causa e alcançaram com sangue vermelho a paz quando a Coreia se encontrava no dilema de vida ou morte, destacou e acrescentou que tanto ontem como hoje, o povo coreano se sente orgulhoso de ter a República Popular da China como fidedigno país irmão e grande amigo.
É nossa responsabilidade, obrigação moral e nobre missão transmitir geração após geração as proezas dos oficiais e soldados do Corpo de Voluntários do Povo Chinês mostraram valentia e espírito de sacrifício incomparáveis na guerra coreana, disse e enfatizou que devem remodelar, conservar e cuidar melhor com o cálido amor consanguíneo das tumbas dos mártires do Corpo de Voluntários do Povo Chinês, localizadas em distintos lugares do país.
Barra de São João - Oficial PRO
Barra de São João (distrito do município de Casimiro de Abreu) é a região litorânea de Município e encontra-se ao lado do município de Rio das Ostras. A cidade tem sua área limitada, mais ao sul, pelo Rio São João, divisa com o município de Cabo Frio, e com o Município de Rio das Ostras. A cidade é banhada pelo mar (conhecido como Praião) em toda sua extensão.
Em alta temporada durante todo o ano, (Carnaval e feriados prolongados) a cidade é muito visitada por muitos turistas vindos da grande metrópole da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, regiões próximas e de outros lugares do País.
A economia mantida basicamente pela pesca e pelo turismo também auxilia na manutenção de tais características. Outro ponto muito visitado é a Prainha, uma pequena faixa de areia entre a foz do rio São João e o mar, que abriga, no alto de uma pedra, a secular Capela de São João Batista, uma das construções mais antigas da região, que possui anexa um cemitério onde se localiza o túmulo do poeta Casimiro de Abreu.
Local muito frequentado por famílias, que procuram a tranquilidade das águas do rio em contraste com o mar agitado, no entanto, a aparência calma das águas esconde o sério perigo do banhista ser arrastado pela força do rio. O local também é procurado por muitos romeiros e apreciadores da cultura histórica. É considerado um belíssimo mirante para se assistir o pôr-do-sol, que emoldura as ruínas da antiga ponte sobre o rio.
Um passeio pelo rio São João é também uma bela pedida, podendo ser navegado por mais de 30 km até à represa de Juturnaíba.
Para os que curtem uma praia mais tranquila, o praião (como é conhecida a praia de Barra de São João) é uma opção. Voltado para as famílias do município, o Carnavalde de Casimiro de Abreu, é embalado por marchinhas carnavalescas, desfile dos tradicionais blocos e matinê infantil. Durante todo feriado, existe programações em quase todas as praças do distritos.
Ficha Técnica:
Imagens Aéreas - Fernando Pereira
Local das Filmagens - Casimiro de Abreu e Barra de São João
Trilha sonora - O Sol ( Vitor Kley )
Edição e design - Fernando Pereira
Produção e realização - Ilha Imagens Aéreas
Barra de São João (district of the municipality of Casimiro de Abreu) and is located next to the municipality of Rio das Ostras. The city has its limited area, further south, by the Rio São João, border with the municipality of Cabo Frio, and with the Municipality of Rio das Ostras. The city is bathed by the sea (known as Praião) in all its extension.
In high season throughout the year (Carnival and long holidays) the city is visited by many tourists from the great metropolis of the city of Rio de Janeiro, nearby regions and other places in the country.
The economy basically maintained by fishing and tourism also assists in the maintenance of such characteristics. Another well-visited spot is Prainha, a small stretch of sand between the mouth of the São João river and the sea, which houses, on top of a rock, the centuries-old Chapel of St. John the Baptist, one of the oldest buildings in the region. has attached a cemetery where the tomb of the poet Casimiro de Abreu is located.
The place is very frequented by families, who seek the tranquility of the river waters in contrast to the rough sea, but the calm appearance of the water hides the serious danger of the bather being dragged by the force of the river. The place is also sought after by many pilgrims and lovers of historical culture. It is considered a beautiful belvedere to watch the sunset, which frames the ruins of the old bridge over the river.
A trip along the São João river is also a beautiful request, and it can be navigated for more than 30 km until the dam of Juturnaíba.
For those who enjoy a more quiet beach, the beach (as is known the beach of Barra de Sao João) is an option. Aimed at the families of the municipality, the Carnival of Casimiro de Abreu, is packed by carnival marchinhas, parade of the traditional blocks and children's matinee. During every holiday, there are schedules in almost all the squares of the districts.
Aerial Images - Fernando Pereira
Place of filming - Casimiro de Abreu and Barra de São João City
Soundtrack - The Sun (Vitor Kley)
Editing and design - Fernando Pereira
Production and realization - Ilha Imagens Aéreas - Aerial Images
Descaso Cemitério Sambaetiba!
25 Things to do in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Travel Guide
Hello from Rio de Janeiro! This was our first stop in Brazil and we were very excited to check out the top attractions, sample Brazilian cuisine, and squeeze in a little bit of beach time. We had an action packed week exploring the different neighbouhoods and trying everything from churrasco to brigadeiro, so we decided to film a city guide along the way. This video will showcase 25 things to do in Rio de Janeiro. Now let's get to it!
Olympus OM-D E-M5 II:
Canon G7X:
Olympus 14-150mm II Lens:
Rode Video Mic GO:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:
1) Christ Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) & Trem do Corcovado
2) Ipanema Hippy Fair (Feira Hippie de Ipanema)
3) Selarón Steps (Escadaria Selarón)
4) Museum of Tomorrow (Museu do Amanhã)
5) Bike Tour of Rio with
6) Favela Tour with
7) Nature Hike up to Chapéu Mangueira Hill
8) Churrascaria: Buffet meat churrasco style
9) Ipanema Beach
10) Metropolitan Cathedral (Catedral Metropolitana de São Sebastião)
11) National Fine Arts Museum (Museu Nacional de Belas Artes MNBA)
12) Municipal Theatre of Rio (Theatro Municipal)
13) Cafe Colombo (Confeitaria Colombo) and Brigadeiro
14) Sugarloaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar) by Cable Car
15) Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (Jardim Botânico)
16) Sao Joao Batista Cemetery (Cemitério de São João Batista)
17) Copacabana Beach
18) Drink coconut juice from a fresh coconut
19) Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon)
20) Pão de queijo - Brazilian cheese bread
21) Praça Mauá area for museums on the weekend
22) Ride a bike all over Rio
23) Ride the subway (Rio de Janeiro Metro - Metrô Rio)
24) Feijoada (Brazilian stew with rice and beans)
25) Nightlife in Rio drinking a Caipirinhas
Our visit Rio De Janeiro travel guide documentary, before the Olympics of 2016, covers some of the top attractions including a food guide (best restaurants and street food), top museums and Rio at night. We also cover off-the-beaten-path activities you won't find in a typical Rio De Janeiro tourism brochure or Rio De Janeiro, Brasil city tour.
25 Things to do in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Travel Guide and Top Attractions Transcript:
First up, we started with the city’s most iconic sight: Christ Redeemer. We boarded the train as soon as the station opened and made our way to the top of Corcovado Mountain. Sometimes the statue can be shielded by fog, but we lucked out with beautiful blue skies and panoramic views of the city as far as the eye could see.
For a bit of colour, we headed over to the Selaron Steps, which is a tiled staircase created by Chilean artist, Jorge Selarón. Initially Selaron would scavenge construction sites looking for tiles, but in later years as his work gained notoriety, travellers began donating tiles.
Since we chose to stay in the neighbourhood of Ipanema, we ended up spending quite a bit of time at Ipanema Beach. We noticed that this beach was really popular for beach football, volleyball, and surfing. And of course, what makes this beach so iconic are its two mountains, known as Dois Irmãos. If you come here on a clear day, you can catch a killer sunset.
No visit to Rio de Janeiro would be complete without heading up Sugarloaf Mountain, so when the skies finally cleared that’s exactly what we did. We paid for our tickets and boarded the cable car for a somewhat unnerving ride up. If you’re scared of heights, this probably isn’t the attraction for you, however, if you manage to make it to the top you get some really cool panoramic views of Rio.
Copacabana Beach is the most famed beach in all of Rio de Janeiro and if you were to visit on a weekend during the summer months you’d find that the place is packed beyond belief. We happened to be here in winter so things were a lot more relaxed, but that didn’t stop visitors from braving the waters.
We did a favela tour to Babilônia and Chapéu Mangueira. On our tour we saw lots of street art, learned about life inside a favela.
And that is a wrap! We hope this video will give you guys some ideas of things to do in Rio de Janeiro on your visit, and for those travellers who have already been there, feel free to add your suggestion of cool activities and attractions in the comments below.
This is part of our Travel in Brazil video series showcasing Brazilian food, Brazilian culture and Brazilian cuisine.
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
Cemitério São João Batista - Fortaleza -Ce
Fundado em 1862, o mais antigo cemitério de Fortaleza localizado na Rua Padre Mororó, S/N, no bairro Jacarecanga, próximo à Catedral Metropolitana de Fortaleza, é cenário de uma infinidade de obras de arte.
Musica: Enya - Boadicea
Fotos: Samuel B. de Mello
TV Brasil - Cemitério do Rio adota tecnologia
São João Batista vai ter sistema para reconhecimento de famosos que estão sepultados no local