Finally,26 years later, I decided to check it out,and go and have a look. A winery indeed,but so much more - a large baseball field,a playground for the kids,tennis courts, ~ better wait until summer! The Okayama Sapporo Winery, (western Japan’s largest winery), you can find situated and surrounded in the home of Japan’s best grapes ~ only grown in Okayama! In the making of Sapporo wine, high-quality grapes are used, - this includes Muscat of Alexandria and Pione. The winery’s vineyard boasts some 350 grape vines. A free factory tour,at your leisure,is available ~ before or after you enjoy free wine tasting! (sorry,information available in Japanese only). For those wine fans, premium wine tasting is also available for a small fee. 1556 Higashikarube, Akaiwa, Okayama Prefecture 701-2214 身を捨ててこそ浮かぶ瀬もあれ』これは私が好きな日本語の1つです。 人生は自分でつくるものであり、私にとって人生は冒険です。私の冒険の世界へようこそ。想像力が旅の始まりです。今回は前回からの続きです。どうぞお楽しみください。気に入っていただけると、嬉しいです。thecrowdedzoo
a crowdedzoocafe presentation/popculturejunky productions & amyklab studio