INDIA/Rajgir - Vulture’s Peak - Saptaparni cave - 1/5 -
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Rajgir - Vulture’s Peak - Saptaparni cave
December 31, 2014, January 1, 2015
Saptparni Cave or Saptaparni Cave rajgir bihar सप्तपर्णी गुफा राजगीर बिहार
Saptparni Cave, also referred to as Sapta parni guha(Skr.) or Sattapanni guha(Pali), literally Seven(cognate with sapta, sept)-leaves-cave , is a Buddhist cave site about 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) southwest from Rajgir, Bihar, India. It is embedded in a hill. The Saptaparni Cave is important in the Buddhist tradition, because many believe it to be the site in which Buddha spent some time before his death,[3] and where the first Buddhist council was held after Buddha died (paranirvana). It is here that a council of few hundred monks decided to appoint Ananda (Buddha's cousin) and Upali, believed to have a good memory and who had accompanied the Buddha when he gave sermons in north India, to compose Buddha's teachings for the future generations. The Buddha never wrote down his teachings. After the Saptaparni Caves meeting, Ananda created an oral tradition of Buddha's teaching from his memory, prefacing it with Thus have I heard on one occasion. Upali is credited with reciting the Vinaya (discipline), or rules for the Bhikshus. This tradition is found in Vinaya Pitaka
A 40-minute uphill hike from the back of the Lakshmi Narayan Temple takes you past Jain and Hindu temples to this atmospheric cave and natural rock platform, where Buddha is said to have meditated. Literally meaning 'seven leaves', Saptaparni cave is the likely location for the First Buddhist Council, held six months after Buddha's death to define the direction of the new faith.
The caves are believed to be once meditation place for the Buddha. The first Buddhist Council lead by Mahakashyapa, one of Buddha’s main disciples, was held here and the texts on Buddha’s teachings were put to writing. This event took place after about six months of Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana.
There are important Jain Temples on the way to the Saptaparni caves. A partially ruined ancient Shiva temple is also found here. There are signs of unexcavated mounds nearby. The pillars of the temple are plain and octagonal. The front roof had been destroyed and the Shiva lingam is enshrined in the inner chamber.
Saptaparni Cave or Sattapani Cave is a historical site in Bihar. Located 2 km from the main town of Rajgir, it is a hill cave that was acclaimed to be the place where Buddha spent a year or two here before ascending to the heavenly abode. Saptaparni Cave is an important site for the followers of Buddhism.
Why Is It Famous?
1) Saptaparni Cave is the place where the first Buddhist Council was held when Buddha was alive
2) The council of monks appointed Ananda (Buddha's cousin) and Uppali to deliver the sermons after Buddha attained mahaparinirvana
3) Uppali was claimed to have a great memory. Since Buddha never wrote what he taught, Uppali had a complete account of his sermons
4) Some of the greatest sermons of Buddha were inscribed inside the cave by Uppali & Ananda together. Each sermon begins with 'Thus Have I Heard on One Occasion'.
Best Time To Visit:-
October-March is the suitable time for visiting Saptaparni Cave. The weather during this period is suitable for exploring the sacred site. No entry fee is charged and no one is allowed to carry any eatables inside.
Nearest Railway Station - Rajgir Railway Station
Nearest Airport - Patna Airport
सप्तपर्णी गुफा (या सत्तपर्णगुहा) राजगीर की एक पहाडी में स्थित गुफा है। कुछ सूत्रों के अनुसार प्रथम बौद्ध संगीति का आयोजन इसी स्थान पर हुआ था। यहाँ गरम जल का एक स्रोत है जिसमें स्नान करने से स्वास्थ्य लाभ होता है। यह हिन्दुओं के लिये पवित्र कुण्ड है।
नालंदा। राजगीर के पंच पहाड़ियों में शुमार वैभारगिरी पर्वत पर स्थित सप्तकर्णी गुफा का महत्व बुद्धिज्म के धार्मिक इतिहास के एक प्रमुख केन्द्र के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित है। यहां कई प्राकृतिक गुफाएं और बड़े क्षेत्र मे फैली हुई विशाल शिलाखंडों का चबूतरा भी है। जहां भगवान बुद्ध तपमुद्रा मे लीन रहा करते थे।
लगभग तीन हजार वर्ष पूर्व छठी शताब्दी में वैभारगिरी पर्वत पर स्थित सप्तपर्णी गुफा को बौद्धकालीन का मक्का भी कहा जाता है। इस पहाड़ी के घाटी मे बिखरी हरियाली पूरे क्षेत्र को मनोरम ²श्य प्रदान करते हैं। शायद यही वो वजह थी कि भगवान बुद्ध ने गृद्ध कूट के बाद इस स्थान को भी अपना तपस्थली के रुप मे चयन किया।
सप्तपर्णी गुफा के सानिध्य मे तपमुद्रा मे बैठ कई सूक्तियों का सूत्रपात भगवान बुद्ध किया करते थे। जहां भगवान बुद्ध ने ज्ञान प्राप्ति के पूर्व व ज्ञान प्राप्ति के पश्चात भी राजगीर से अपना मोह बनाये रख यहां के विभिन्न स्थानों को रमणीय बताया था। जिसमें उन्होने वैभारगिरी पर्वत के आंचल मे बसा सप्तपर्णी गुफा को भी अतिरमणीय बताया था।
राजा ¨बबिसार के बाद उनका पुत्र अजातशत्रु भी बाद मे भगवान बुद्ध का अनुयायी बने थे। जब भगवान बुद्ध का महापरिनिर्वाण हुआ था, तो महापरिनिर्वाण के छह माह बाद उनके उपदेशों को लेकर मत मतांतर विकसित हो गया था। तब 483 ई0 पू0 में राजा अजातशत्रु ने वैभारगिरी पर्वत के उपर स्थित सप्तपर्णी गुफा के सामने एक सभा का आयोजन कर उस मत मतांतर को दूर करने का प्रयास किया था। इस सभा मे भगवान बुद्ध के सबसे निकटतम रह चुके शिष्य बौद्ध विद्वानों एवं धर्मशास्त्रियों को भी आमंत्रित किया गया था।
The Tipitaka Sattapanni Cave
The First Buddhist Council took place at the Sattapanni Rock Cave in Rajagaha now Rajgir, India. 3 months after the Buddha's final Nibbana, 500 Arahants met here to recite the Dhamma and the Vinaya so that it could be passed on to future generations exactly as spoken by the historical Buddha Gotama and his disciples. This council was headed by Mahakassapa Thera and it lasted 7 months. It established the original authentic Tipitaka: The 3 Baskets of Sacred Text = The Pali Canon:
This crucial 1st council is described in detail in the Mahāvamsa: The Great Chronicle of Ceylon pp: 14-19
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Saptaparni Cave- Rajgir.
Saptaparni cave in Rajgir is a holly place among Buddhist as in this cave Lord Buddha get his Bodhi by second time and made his first disciple. It is in Rajgir City, Just opposite Suryakund(Hot Spring).
It is just 1km uphill climb.
A Walk to Sattapanni Cave
Must Watch Historical SONBHANDAR CAVES Rajgir - BodhGaya - Bihar (INDIA)
Sonbhandar Caves, a set of two caves is situated in Rajgir city, Bihar state in India. It is located on the north-west of the Maniyar Mutt. It is believed that there is a treasure house of gold in this place and if one can read the inscriptions engraved here, the door to it will open.
The western cave contains a doorway and a window in its southern wall. The second or the eastern cave stands on the lower base than the west. But both of the caves were excavated at the same time.
Inside the cave on the southern wall, there are six small figures of Jain Theerthankaras including Padmaprabha, Parswanatha and Mahavira. Lots of tourists often visit this historic place and those who come here never forget to feed monkeys which is a very exciting and thrilling experience.
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인도 왕사성 Rajgir의 칠엽굴 Saptaparni cave: 부처님의 열반직후 500 아라한이 모여서 제1결집을 행하고 경율론 삼장을 형성한 곳입니다.
인도 왕사성 Rajgir의 칠엽굴 Saptaparni cave: 부처님의 열반직후 500 아라한이 모여서 제1결집을 행하고 경율론 삼장을 형성한 곳입니다. 왕사성 북문 언덕 위의 칠엽굴을 드론과 함께 입체적으로 조망해 봅니다.
Vinaya Outside Sattapanni Cave
Bhikkhu Sangha Pindapat at Venuvan Rajgir India Big Baba (Phra Ajahn Withoon Putamee Arjarasupoh
Big Baba (Phra Ajahn Withoon Putamee Arjarasupoh) - Indian People Offer Bhikkhu Sangha Pindapat at Venuvan Rajgir India.
For Big Baba's Biography, Click on:
Rajgir Saptparni Cave in Mount Lord BUDHA
अगर आप गर्म कुंड में स्नान कर रहे है पहाड़ पे चढ़ने में समर्थ है तोह आप इस गुण में ज़रूर जाये।
यह गर्म कुंड के पीछे वाले पहाड़ के उपर में है, तकरीबन 1.5 KM की ऊंचाई पर है/
A trip to #Saptaparni Cave _ #Rajgir (Bihar )
A place where first Buddhist council held after Buddha Mahaparinivana = Saptaparni #Guha
Sattapanni Cave
The First Buddhist Council took place at the Sattapanni Rock Cave in Rajagaha now Rajgir, India. 3 months after the Buddha's final Nibbana, 500 Arahants met here to recite the Dhamma and the Vinaya so that it could be passed on to future generations exactly as spoken by the historical Buddha Gotama and his disciples. This council was headed by Mahakassapa Thera and it lasted 7 months. It established the original authentic Tipitaka: The 3 Baskets of Sacred Text = The Pali Canon
Gandhakuti in Griddhakuta Hill - Lord Buddha spent many rainy seasons here
Griddhakuta Hill, also known as Vulture's peak, is the most important place in Rajgir.
About Gandhakuti
About Griddhakuta Hill
About Rajgir
Atanatiya Sutta
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Sinhala -
About Devadatta
About King Bimbisara
Hidden Treasure in SONBHANDAR CAVES | Rajgir | Unsolved Mysteries of the World | YOYO TV Channel
Hidden Treasure in SONBHANDAR CAVES | Rajgir | Unsolved Mysteries of the World | YOYO TV Channel
The ancient capital city of Rajgir is small, scenic town nowadays. This town has seen many events important to the history of India – also Buddha has been living here and giving sermons to the great king of Magadha – Bimbisara. Among the numerous exciting monuments of the past one of the most interesting and mysterious ones is Son Bhandar Caves – two rock-cut caves located close together at the southern foot of Vaibhar Hill.
Nowadays these caves are a popular tourist destination with a nicely tended front part.
Both caves seem to be hollow in the cliff in the 3rd – 4th century AD – at least inscription inside the western cave, between the door and window tells that it was done by the Great Saint of Jains – Muni Vairadevi for Jain ascetics in this time. Both caves were made approximately at the same time.
Just like the Barabar Caves, Son Bhandar Cave chambers are polished – these are some of the few cave temples in India with this unusual feature. Also, the planning of the caves resembles earlier Mauryan rock-cut sanctuaries and this lets to put in doubt that age of caves – there is a possibility that they are significantly older.
There are many more brief inscriptions inside and outside the caves from the late 5th – early 6th century, most likely left by different pilgrims.
There was either installed or planned to be installed a figure of Garudasana Visnu – it was found at the front of the cave and is in a museum in Nalanda today. This image seems to be not finished and never installed – possibly hinting at events from the 7th century when caves were taken over for Vaisnava worship.
It is the western cave which gave the name to monument: Son Bhandar means store of gold and legend about this treasure is linked to western cave.
The cave – believed to be a guarded cave – contains single rectangular chamber, 10.4 x 5.2 m large. The vaulted ceiling stands stand on vertical walls, vault rises up to 1.5 m high. This resembles the style of older Mauryan rock-cut sanctuaries. In ancient times most likely there was a roofed verandah in the front of caves.
Walls, doorjambs, and front wall contain numerous epigraphs. A small image of standing Vishnu is etched on the left side of the doorway – this possibly testifies that caves were taken over for Hindu worship.
Local legend tells that this cave still hides a passage to the treasury of gold – entrance in this passage is well hidden in the cave chamber behind an ancient stone wedge. Some also believe that the passage goes through Vaibhargiri mountain and reaches Saptaparni Caves on the other side of the range.
Some believe that this treasure belongs to Jarasandha, others – that to Bimbisara. In a case of Bimbisara legend goes that when Ajatashatru confined his father Bimbisara (remnants of this prison are nearby), his mother secretly hid some wealth and later donated it to Tirthankar.
In the wall of the cave, there is seen a trace of carving, resembling a doorway and next to it – an undeciphered inscription in Sankhlipi writing or shell script. It is believed that this inscription is a password – who will read it, will open the door and enter the passage. This ornate script has been found in India as well as in Java and Borneo and never been deciphered.
There is also a black mark above or in the upper part of the mysterious doorway – is of left by a cannonball when Brits tried (without success) to break the wall and enter the passage.
Eastern cave is partly ruined – the front part of cave chamber has fallen. The upper floor above the cliff made in brick is added later, during Gupta period and possibly caused the collapse of the front wall of the cave. Most likely also this cave had the verandah in front. The southern wall of this cave contains important early Jain artwork – exquisitely sculpted small reliefs of six Jain Tirthankaras – Padmaprabh, Parsvanath, Mahavira, and others. This relief seems to be added later, some time after the completion of caves, it shows little congruity with the plan of rock-chamber.
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Watch History and Importance of Saptdhara Kund and Temple of Rajgir, Bihar
Watch History and Importance of Saptdhara Kund and Temple of Rajgir, Bihar
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Rajgir (originally known as Girivraj) is a city and a notified area in Nalanda district in the Indian state of Bihar. The city of Rajgir (ancient Rājagṛha; Pali: Rājagaha was the first capital of the kingdom of Magadha, a state that would eventually evolve into the Mauryan Empire. Its date of origin is unknown, although ceramics dating to about 1000 BC have been found in the city. This area is also notable in Jainism and Buddhism[3] as one of the favorite places for Lord Mahavira and Gautama Buddha and the well known Atanatiya conference was held at Vulture's Peak mountain.
Rajgir is also famous for its association with Haryanka dynasty Kings Bimbisara and Ajatashatru as their capital city. Ajatashatru kept his father Bimbsara in captivity here.
King Bimbisara welcomes Buddha in Rajagriha
Buddha's cave, Griddhakuta Hill, Rajgir.
It is on the basis of Xuanzang in particular that the site is divided into Old and New Rajgir. The former lies within a valley and is surrounded by low-lying hills, Rajgir hills. It is defined by an earthen embankment (the Inner Fortification), with which is associated the Outer Fortification, a complex of cyclopean walls that runs (with large breaks) along the crest of the hills. New Rajgir is defined by another, larger, embankment outside the northern entrance of the valley and next to the modern town.
Ancient Cyclopean Walls of Rajgir
It was here that Gautama Buddha spent several months meditating, and preaching at Gridhra-kuta, ('Hill of the Vultures'). He also delivered some of his famous sermons and initiated king Bimbisara of Magadha and countless others to Buddhism.
Hill of the Vultures
Mulagandhakuti on Gridhra-Kuta or the Vulture's Peak
On one of the hills is the Saptaparni Cave where the First Buddhist Council was held under the leadership of Maha Kassapa.
Saptaparni Cave-The site of the First Buddhist Council
Relics of Buddha from Rajgir
It is sacred to the memory of the founders of both the religions: Jainism and Buddhism and associated with both the historical Mahavira and Buddha.
The renowned Son Bhandar Caves is situated at Rajgir, Nalanda district in Bihar state. Son Bhandar group of caves has two caves known as eastern and western cave. Son bhandar caves are concerned with Jainism and considered to belong to 3-4 century AD.
Son Bhandar second cave sculptures
These caves were first inspected by Cunninghum and he concluded to have analogy with Saptaparni Cave of Buddhism creed. After Cunninghum several scholars visited this place and some had opinion to concern with Buddhism. After some time all Buddhism connections were refused because of an inscription found on the southern wall of a cave.
These caves should be related to Digambar sect of Jainism as Xuanzang wrote in his book about Vaibhar Hill of Rajgir that the place was occupied by Digambar Jain monks for meditation purpose. After some centuries these caves were converted by Hindus as Lord Vishnu sculpture was also found from mound of a cave.[8]
Historically, Rajgir has been a very important place in Jainism, as capital to many empires. The main tourist attractions include the ancient city walls from Ajatshatru's period, the Bimbisar's Jail, Jarasandh's Akhara, Gridhra-kuta, ('Hill of the Vultures'), Son Bhandar Caves [9] and the Jain temples on the five peaks.[8]
Rajgir is famous for its hot water springs, locally known as Brahmakund, a sacred place for Hindus where water from seven different springs (Saptarshi) merge and is notable for its healing effects.[10][11]
Hot Springs Bath-Brahmakunda and Laxminarayan Temple Complex
Another major attraction is the peace pagoda, Vishwa Shanti Stupa, built in 1969, one of the 80 peace pagodas in the world, to spread the message of peace and non-violence. It is the oldest peace pagoda in India. The rope-way that leads to it is another attraction, which was gifted by Japanese spiritual leader Fuji Guruji in the 1960s.
World Peace Pagoda, Rajgir
World Peace Pagoda on the top of Ratnagiri
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Buddha's Return to Rajgir
Rajgir is a prominent Buddhist site in India. History, myths and legends still linger in the tourist attractions in Rajgir. The place where Lord Buddha had resided for long and preached many sermons.
Griddhakuta or Vulture's Peak
Another major tourist attractions in Rajgir, this is the site where Lord Buddha preached many inspiring sermons here and also set in motion his second wheel of Law and for three months every year during the rainy season. Today Buddha Sangha of Japan have constructed a massive modern stupa, the Shanti Stupa (Peace Pagoda), at the top of the hill.